Twenty-sixth Day/ A Whirl Of A Time pt. 1

Its been an entire day since they left for the jungle, and so far, it was uneventful besides Eric battling a few wild pokemon. The majority of the Pokemon were bug, grass, and ground type with the occasional water type. However, even with that variety, none of them caught Eric's eye to add on his team.

*Ding! ??? gained exp from defeating wild Pokemon*

* Pikachu's exp raised slightly*

* Eevee's exp raised moderately. Ding! Eevee reached level 22*

*Charmeleon's exp raised exponentially! Ding! Charmeleon reached level 18*

Eric ended up using every single Pokemon except for Pidgeotto because he wanted them to catch up. However, the odd thing is that Charmeleon received more exp even though they all fought equally.

'How odd..'

The two continued their journey through the jungle for several hours before taking a break in a small clearing.

"Wow... when I heard about this place, I thought they were joking," Eric said, sitting down on a nearby log. The Fuatave Jungle was beautiful with a mixture of colorful plants and trees the size of a five-story building. Pokemon were all around going about their daily lives with a few checking the two ever now and then.

It was a completely different world out here,

"Yeah... but are you sure you have to keep injuring all these wild Pokemon?" Melanie asked as her years of healing injured Pokemon came into mind.

"It's not as bad as it looks. I'm not maliciously out to hurt them as a lot of them simply accept the challenge so that they can become stronger. It is essentially their way of life. Of course, there are those Pokemon that are territorial and will attack anything in their area. " Eric said.

"Right... It's just something I need to get used to... I suppose its not any different from them fighting each other." Melanie sighed.

[Pika!~ Pikachuuu~ Pika!~ Pikachu-u-u~] Pikachu sang a song from its trainer's shoulder. It was quite carefree at the moment as it hasn't met an opponent strong enough to push its limits.

"Pikachu, if you keep singing like this, I'm going to have to retire you from battling and just make you sing. Think I'll make a lot of money?" Eric asked with a slight laugh.

[Pika!] Pikachu pulled its trainer's cheek showing its disapproval.

"O-ow! I'm kidding! Hahaha!"

Melanie smiled at the display of affection and wanted to be apart of it. "Hey-"

Suddenly a large moving plant made it through the clearing and immediately spotted the two.


[Screeeech!!] Victreebel screamed loudly as it charged towards Eric and Melanie. It was quite the scary sight seeing something like that charge at them without warning.

However, it didn't bother Eric at all. "Pikachu! You're up! Start out with Quick Attack!"

[Pika!!] Pikachu nodded its head, leaping off its trainer's shoulder as it turned into a blur, leaving a white trail behind it.


It was a direct hit!

The attack forced Victreebel back quite a distance, but it was pretty strong for a wild Pokemon managing to stay upright after the attack.

[Screeeech!] Victreebel quickly used Vine Whip to attack its assailant. It's vines lashing out as if it was the embodiment of Victreebel's anger.

"Dodge it, Pikachu! Keep on moving, don't let yourself be caught!" Eric shouted.

Pikachu swiftly dodged the barrage of Victreebel's vines before jumping backward to get out of range.

"Perfect! Now use Thunderbolt!"


[Pikachuuuuu!] Pikachu quickly gathered its electricity from its body and sent a powerful Thunder Bolt towards Victreebel, giving no time for Victreebel to dodge.

[Screeeech!] Victreebel screamed in pain as it was electrified, falling over onto its back.

Melanie slightly winced at the scene, but she managed to keep her eyes open. She realized she couldn't just close her eyes to this side of Pokemon. However, still, deep down, she wished there was another way.

"Alright, finish this up Pikachu with another Thunder Bolt!"

[Pikaachu-] Pikachu charged up for another attack. However, it stopped when another Pokemon arrived.

[Poliwhirl] A strange light blue Poliwhirl came into the clearing and looked at the battle with a blank stare.

It was a shiny!

"Wow! I think... I think I just met my next Pokemon!" Eric knew he had to add the Poliwhirl to his team. It was perfect as it was a water type, and it could gain a fighting type when it evolves into a Poliwrath!

"You're going to catch it?" Melanie asked.

"Yeah, I've already decided!"

"But what about the Victreebel?"

Victreebel could be seen trying to get back up after the attack as it wasn't finished quite yet. However, the strangest thing happened.

"Oh yeah! Pikachu! Use!-"

[Screeech] Victreebel suddenly dashed away quickly, disappearing in the jungle, leaving them stunned.

"It left?... Well, whatever that makes it better!"

Eric was excited to catch a Poliwhirl, but he quickly found out that Poliwhirl was dashing away too!

"It's going in the same direction as Victreebel! Quick Pikachu, let's go!" Eric shouted, following after Poliwhirl. 'You're not going to get away!"

[Pika!] Pikachu nodded its head and began to chase after Poliwhirl.

"W-wait for me!" Melanie said, sprinting after Eric.

The two ran for quite some time, dodging and ducking tree branches along with a few small Pokemon. It was a classic chase scene, but Poliwhirl showed no signs of stopping.

"C-can we stop now..." Melanie said amidst running. She was athletic, but she didn't have the stamina to continue running at this pace.

'Damn it...' Eric sighed as he eventually stopped. "Pikachu! Let's give it a rest. It's not going to stop."

[Pika? Pikachu] Pikachu turned back around and climbed up its trainer's body to get to his shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry..." Melanie said, gasping for air as she sat down near a tree to rest.

Eric shook his head, "No, it's ok. I just wish I knew what that Poliwhirl was up to as it was acting strange." He then reached into his bag to hand a bottle of water to Melanie, who gulped it down almost immediately.

"Yeah... I may be wrong, but I feel like that Poliwhirl is owned by a trainer. At least that's what it seemed like to me." Melanie said.

"Really? How can you tell?"

"Um... intuition, I think?"

"Well...owned or not. I don't think I'm seeing it again." Eric sighed as he sat down near Melanie.

"So really, what's the plan? We are staying out here for six more days?"

"Yeah, we just need to get as close to Dragon Mountain before the day ends," Eric said, looking up at that mountain in the distance.

Dragon Mountain, a mountain that the name accurately describes as there was a giant head of what looked to be a dragon carved near the top. It was a wonder how it was created, and most think it was the work of a Pokemon. However, what kind of Pokemon had the strength and skill to create such an image?

"I'm ok now." Melanie slowly got off the ground and stretched a little bit.

Eric hopped onto his feet, "Alright, let's get moving!"

Eric and Melanie walked through the jungle for another 2 hours until Eric heard a strange noise. "Is that... Running water?"

"Think there is a river nearby?"

"Let's check it out."

After walking for several minutes, they came across a sizeable river that cut straight through the jungle. They didn't know where it stopped, but it seemed to be coming from the direction of Dragon Mountain.

"I think this is the spot to set up camp," Eric said, pointing to a nice dry area near the river

"Ok, that sounds good. I'll gather some dry wood around here for the fire." Melanie took off her orange backpack and placed it on the ground.

"Wait, you don't have to do that. I c-"

Melanie smiled, "No, its fine I used to do it all the time when I lived in the forest. It won't take long." She then disappeared back in the jungle to look for dry wood, leaving Eric alone with Pikachu.

"Well..." Eric sighed, grabbing all of his Pokeballs from his belt, "Come on out, everyone!" He shouted, throwing them in the air.

[Chaa!] [Charrr!] [Eevee!] Eric's entire team was released, and they were all happy to be outside of their Pokeballs.

"Hey, guys! For the next couple of days, you are going to be outside of your Pokeballs."

[Chaarr!] [Eevee!] Charmeleon and Eevee were the most excited about what their trainer said. However, Pidgeotto was silent as it didn't quite care. It wanted to battle opponents, and that was it.

"Several days ago, I realized how weak I am... So this time, we are going to train to become stronger."

[CHAAA!] Pidgeotto immediately perked up as it energetically flapped its wings.

Yes! To become strong! I must!

There were several hours before night time, so Eric took the time to know his Pokemon even more. He even held a mini-tournament with his team, and fortunately, they gained experience. However, he didn't earn any at all.

'I guess I only get exp for defeating or catching other Pokemon... But where is Melanie she's been gone for a while.' Eric thought.

*Pidgeotto exp raised slightly...Ding! Pidgeotto reached level 28

*Pikachu exp raised moderately...Ding! Pikachu has reached level 21*

*Eevee exp raised moderately...*

*Charmeleon exp raised exponentially...Ding! Charmeleon reached level 20*

"Pidgeotto, go take a look in the sky and see if you can spot Melanie."

[Chaa!] Pidgeotto took off into the air and began to search for the girl.

"Ok, the rest of you come with me to look," Eric said as he walked in the direction Melanie went not to long ago.


"Melanie! Where are you?! Melanie!!" Eric shouted with a slightly hoarse voice as he has been calling for Melanie for a full hour now.

He had let Pikachu and the others search separately earlier, and there wasn't any sign of them yet either.


"Pidgeotto?" Eric looked up to see Pidgeotto flying towards him and landed on the ground near him. "Did you find anything, Pidgeotto?"

[Chaa! Chaa!] Pidgeotto nodded its head and took off into the air once again to lead its trainer toward what it found.

Eric chased after his Pidgeotto for several minutes before what sounded like a battle going on entered his ears.

It was indeed a battle between his Pokemon and Pokemon from...

"Team Rocket!"

Team Rocket was on Maxima Island, but fortunately or unfortunately, it wasn't the goofy trio.

"Another one getting in my way? Why can't anything go right for me." A woman with short green hair said with a sigh. She was wearing the standard black uniform with a few variations. A white scarf was wrapped around her neck, and instead of a skirt, she wore short black pants. The woman was an absolute beauty who could have made a living doing modeling with her long legs, flawless skin, and an elegant face that demanded attention.

But despite how beautiful she was on the outside, her purple beady eyes showed what was on the inside.

"I really didn't want to...But I'll just kill you all and take what I want." The woman smiled coldly as she licked her lips.

'What does she..' Eric looked to the other side of the battle and spotted his Pokemon guarding an injured Melanie who held a recognizable Pokemon in her arms.

It was small, blue, and had a face that would immediately make anyone say, "Cute!"

"Is that a Dratini?"