Edicted to her lips

next day in country H Henry was going to his house Tang's Villa where her father, mother and her little brother and sister lives after he arrives at his house he saw her secretary waiting outside in the garden talking with his father. "secretary Zack what are you doing here?"he asked with confused expression. "sir I was waiting for you to discuss some matters" secretary Zack replied."ok I will discuss it after breakfast" he said with a smile on his face and walked upstairs to his room.

everyone was on shock because a person who never smiles during any business matters was brightly smiling to his secretary.

after he entered his room he firstly go to the bathroom to take shower he opened the shower when water droplets touched his masculine body he felt refreshed and he was thinking of Susan or I can say suzu . his first kiss was given to his future wife. whenever he thinks of their kiss he became happy and his lips curls up . he was thinking of her soft and sweet lips and now he want it more and more and now edicted to her lips. it was not like he had never meet any women he had meet many womens before and many had also tried to climb his bed but his secretary and bodyguards never let them do anything to their master and protected him. he doesn't go much close to any women because their strong perfume smell makes him dizzy bot Susan was different her smell makes him want more . one thing was making him laugh was that the person whom whole world calls arrogant,cruel,devil and whom he always thinked as her opponent was now going to be her wife he had never expected that the person whom he always thinked like a cruel person was really a beautiful and sweet girl.

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Susan was now going to bai company when she reached there he saw a big car standing outside the company she became excited because she knows whose car was that but when she entered the company with her cold aura everyone scared and started greeting her good morning but as always she didn't replied and walked to his private elevator with her expressionless face . when she entered her office her expressionless face changed into a warm smiled face and he ran to the person who was standing in front of her desk with a smile on his face. "big brother how are you, I missed you so much" she said with the smile. "I also missed my little sister very much ". and kiss her on her forehead . the man was her big brother shawn Bai . he was the only one person whom Susan tells everything and whom he gives a bright smile. he was very special to her. " brother are you going to America I have listened on news that your concert is going to be held in America tonight "she said. " yes my little sister I have to go now but I will come later"he said and kiss her on forehead and leaves. after her brother went she came back to her cold behavior with her expressionless face.