Chapter 14

(Kelsea's POV)

It has been a week since I transferred. And school was great. My new friends were better than I ever expected. The professors are patient and knowledgeable. My parents got good jobs here. All in all, my life's great. I can't help but think back and compare my previous school to here. I thought back of my life back then, how boring and dull everything was. This school, is like a dream come true. I try to take my mind off things and to focus on my project next week.

This place is really big. Like a castle that were just divided into different departments and blocks that was pulled off in a once complete building. Even if my loved for historical places makes me happy, I sure don't want to live in a place like this. At first, it was more of a high adrenaline which lead me to think how amazing this place was but now... this place is scary. The floors creak, the lights flicker and there were times this place made me feel weird. At times, I feel like someone was calling for me, whispering to me.The glances and the whispers are definitely getting on my nerves. What's even worse are the nuns. They are scary as shit. Like, they walk in the halls, just passing by in an impassive face while holding their cross and looking at me weirdly, but they looked more like gliding around and floating.

I was currently walking for my next class when a girl who looked like my age suddenly appears.

"You're the new girl...a lot of people's been talking 'bout ya." A girl in a blonde high ponytail with a tinge of black on the tips of her hair, black eyeshadows and fancy earwire while sucking a lollipop came in front of me.

"That's me." I said uncertainly. She looks like the one person I shouldn't associate with. But I don't know her, so...

"You, my girl, are very famous." She took out the lollipop out of her mouth with a pop sound and stated.

"I'm new, that's normal. Besides they just want something to gossip about." I told her. She scoffed as if she couldn't believe what I just said.

"What?" I snapped at her in annoyance.

"You got in here for having the brains...which I couldn't believe since you didn't notice, even though you've been with them for a week." She smugly told me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, nearly shouted and just remembered that we were in a corridor. Anyone could have heard me.

"There's no need to rush, for someone smart, you should be able to figure it out." She told me slowly, giving subtle hints. She was about to leave...but I stopped her before she could.

I turned her around by her shoulder and asked "Why don't you just tell me?"

"Get your hands off of me." She looked at my hand that was placed on her shoulder as if it was dirt.

"Tell me first." She looked contemplatively and scrunched her face in disgust. The look on her face suggests that she was thinking of either yielding or spilling the truth. Maybe neither. She glances at her back and looked at me.

"Look, I'm sure you've heard...maybe even the star student have told you about it, much more easier to tug you in with that." She faced me with her arms folded at each other and her lollipop on her right hand. I looked at her with my left eyebrow raised, signalling for her to continue.

"There was an incident last year. About a group of students in some kind of...ritual." She stated while looking at my back, not looking at me in the eye.

"I already know that." I frowned at her.

"I guessed that. But you don't know the other half of the story." She whispered at me. I leaned closer, trying to hear more of what she has to say.

"They were there...when it happened." She looked at me finally. And if I looked closer, there seemed to be a little bit of fear in her eyes. And her voice wasn't as fearless as it used to be.

"You mean...Prima and her friends? But that's impossible, they're...kind" I convinced her.

"That's what she wants you to see." She told me. As if what I have learned from my new friends were all just a lie.

"How would you even know if they were involved. For all I know, you just made it up." I dismissed her.

She backed up as if offended, she was just about to say something what looked like offending but she stopped and closed her mouth. She wiped her annoyed face and smiled.

"Nothing would benefit me for telling you a made up lie."

"Maybe...that is if you have a grudge against my friends." I emphasized the word friends.

"Believe all you want. But remember, I warned you." She pointed her lollipop in front of me.

"That was a warning?" I mocked her. I turned around, ready to leave.

"Wait..." I stopped and looked back. "...there's something else you need to know."

"Well?" I asked impatiently, urging her to continue.



' This is bad. I forgot my assignment...Damn it.' I thought as I walked faster to go to a friend of mine for help.

'If I remember correctly, it was this way...I think.' I thought hard and long as I took a turn, as I last remembered. As I thought about my problem, voices were becoming louder and louder the nearer I go to my destination.

"Get your hands off of me." I heard a girl in a blonde high ponytail and black eyeshadow with a lollipop in the corner of her mouth.

'Whats going on here?' I thought as I stopped on the corner and looked at them.

'Wait a minute...why am I spying?' I shook my head, to get that thought out of my head as I heard them whispering. I couldn't hear what they said...but I heard

"They what?!" I heard the new girl shout. And the blonde girl, who I remember now - whose name is Beverly something...- shushed the new girl and looking frantically everywhere. I hid behind the corner as I heard them whispering at each other and then waited for them to leave before I came out.

' Beverly... She was there too.' I thought as I walked faster when I saw the time on my phone.