Chapter 30: A Date?

Could it be.... no. It can't be I don't think that person will do it.

"I mean it's really bad to assume Amanda but you really need to confront these rumors. They are not gonna stop even if you ignore them. Trust me when I was in high school some jealous girls spread rumors about me because that's how they want to break my spirit. I confronted them and told the principal about it and they got expelled and their reputation ruined." Nina explains.

Matthew looked at Nina, surprised at her little story but looked at me also with concern. "This is such a bad time to move away from the university." Matthew bites his nails.

I sigh, took a deep breath, and then I smiled. "I know I can handle this no problem. I just need you guys to believe in me alright?" I pat both of their shoulders for reassurance. They both smile knowing that I was capable of. I walked out of the room to go pack my things but inside. I was really scared... I've experienced this before.

They laugh, they shout, they whisper behind your back. Every time you try to escape. You're in this constant cycle of fear and...

"Are you alright Ms. Lisa?" I look up to see Charles peeking at me with concern.

"Oh.. I'm fine." I let out a little smile.

I didn't even notice... that I was overthinking... I guess this really just put me in a lot of stress.

"Would you care to eat with me?" Charles reaches his hand to me.

"Oh! Of course. I would love to." I smile and accept the offer.

Is this like a date...Is he asking me out?

"Excellent let's go." He holds my hand and escorts me to his limousine. I was shy at first but he insisted.

"Hey? Do we really need to go to your limousine just to go to the campus cafeteria?" I ask him confused.

"Oh." He chuckled. "I never really eat in the campus cafeteria. In fact, I think you deserve a little more."

"Where are you taking me though? I don't think I would be able to afford any of the food in the restaurant you are gonna take me in." I look at my almost wallet.

Ugh... He might take me to a fancy pants restaurant how am I gonna pay for this...

"Oh, Ms. Lisa. Of course, I'll treat you. I'm the one who invited you right? It's proper etiquette to at least treat the one that invited you." He chuckled at me worrying. "In fact, this is at least payment for taking me to the K-Pop Convention. I really did have fun. Send my thanks to your good friend Rose as well."

Oh wow... Charles is being a little too royal today...

"No. No. You don't need to thank me for the event. In fact, I did plan to invite you since you are one of my friends." I wave my hands in embarrassment.

"I guess you have a wonderful cast of friends. We were a lot during the event. I wish I had people I could call my friends." Charles says timidly

"Wait? You don't hang out with any of your friends?" I look at him confused.

This hunk doesn't have any friends to hang out with? Is he kidding?

"My parents have always been protective of me that's why the act of hanging out is not permitted by my parents." He says frowning.

I couldn't help myself from chuckling, he looked at me. "Why are you laughing? Is there something funny about the thing I said? Please excuse me I am not knowledgable in the act of socializing.

"It's just that. It's honestly weird to hear that you don't have friends even though you are the sweetest boy I've seen. Honestly, I'm the same during high school." I chuckled.

"Oh? You didn't have friends or not many friends in high school? Why is that exactly Ms. Lisa?" He asks me curiously.

"Sir, We arrived at the restaurant." The driver informs us.

"Alright then." He gets out of the limousine and opens the door on my side. "After you, my lady."

"Geez. You don't need to treat me so formally Charles. We're friends." I laugh and pat his head.

"Oh. Alright then. Let's go to our table, Ms. Lisa." We both walk to our tables with a few people wearing luxurious clothing staring at us. Compared to them I literally look like I'm a garbage collector with my hat, sweatpants, and t-shirt. Ugh... I should have worn something better.

"Ms. Lisa. Please remove your hat." Charles turns to me signaling for me to remove my cap.

I nodded and kept my hat in my little bag. I look around to see the fancy restaurant. This is definitely

not cheap.

"If you may." He pulls up a seat. "Hey... You don't need to do that. You're being really sweet."

Huh... why am I blushing for some reason...

I blushed and sat down the table which was decorated with lovely silverware and a beautiful and colorful bouquet of flowers.

"I guess this is really like a date right?" I laugh.

"Oh. From what I remember a date is where two people eat dinner together right?" Charles looks around unsure.

"You're really killing me, Charles! Yes, it is." I chuckled.

"Anyways mind continuing your little story? I am indeed curious Ms. Lisa. How was your high school?" He looked at me with gleaming eyes.

Is he like a puppy dog or something... Why is he so cute...

"Well, it's not a happy tale that's for sure. It was a mess and I wish I would not remember it. Honestly, I just started to socialize when I transferred to Golden Crown University." I laughed and grabbed a glass of water.

"Oh really? Honestly, I didn't expect that. I thought you had a really active social life. You're so articulate and I feel like you're the type of person to abhor being alone." He chuckled.

"Really?" I look at him surprised. Honestly, I'm just a little couch potato who enjoys watching movies all day at home.

"I mean remember when we first met? You were outside then right? Clearly you went out." He chuckled.

"Wait you still remembered the first time we met?"

"I mean how could I not? You were almost raped before remember? I was just able to save you. It was a good thing I came though I wouldn't want you to be violated, Ms. Lisa." He looks at me with caring eyes.

"Thank you. That really means a lot that you care for me but no I'm not really a very social person. In fact, I was a shut-in during high school. I never really had many friends because everyone thought I was weird and different." I frown.

"Oh? Why would you be looked at as different and weird, Ms. Lisa? I don't think there's anything wrong with you. You're a pleasant person to be around with."

"You see... In today's society. Apparently I dress too much like a "boy" that's why the people in my school always mocked me and teased me because I was different and I liked "boy clothes" I was treated like I was a sexual predator." I say timidly.

I guess remembering the past just hurts... I was treated badly for the things that I like because it's what society wants to see.

"Hm... I guess you remind me of that person, you know that young man who was in woman's clothes?"

"You mean Damien?" I answer him.

Damien... I don't think he likes me very much. I really did toss him around during the K-Pop Event that's why I'm afraid to face him.

"It seems like that Damien person also dresses as what society doesn't want him to dress and yet he is very confident and very respectable. In fact, during our time in K-Pop, I had a fun time discussing the effects of the portrayal of media on television on how people are viewed. It was an interesting topic." Charles chuckled signaling for the waiter to come.

As he started to say the other to the waiter... I mean Damien really is confident in himself. He really is smart. The waiter walks away with the order Charles said.

"I mean like I met Damien in a library, he has been tutoring a lot of people so I'm pretty sure he is a very intelligent person," I respond.

"It's just such a shame that he had to leave in such a sour note during the K-Pop Convention. I didn't really hear why he left but I feel like it was because of-"

I stop him from speaking. "It was because of me. I was being selfish and never really bothered to talk to any of you. I kept leaving."

"I don't think it's your fault, Ms. Lisa, I feel like it's just a little misunderstanding. Don't beat yourself up about it." He rubs his hand on my arms, comforting me.

"Thank you. I-"

"Got room for another one?" Charles and I look to our right to see Fred giving us a little smirk.

Oh, why is he here...