Chapter 53: Movie Fight!

We all stood outside of the movie theater... waiting for my uncle to come... since these thirsty bitches beside me named Camille and Rose wanted to see him.. I disguised this movie night as somewhat of an attempt to get closer to my uncle...

Which made my uncle approve of it but little does he know that this was only for those two horny bitches to get close to him...

"Lisa! I'm here... sorry I was late I had a lot of work to do? Are these your friends." He approached us.

I can see Rose's mouth drooling already... ugh keep it in your wacko.

"Uncle! It's really fun seeing you once again!" I give him a big ol' hug.

"I'm glad you have more time to spend with me! I always enjoy spending my life with my niece.. or should I say, my daughter." He chuckled a little.

"Oh god! Stop uncle.. you are embarrassing me." I giggled along with him.

"Oh? Who is this? You look so cute..." My uncle pinched Camille's cheeks making her blush bright red...

"Oh uncle this is Camille... she's uh.." Can't exactly tell him how Camille started rumors about me and bullied me... my uncle would flip his shit...

"Lisa and I are great friends..." Camille answered for me... giving me the "DON'T FUCKING REVEAL OR DIE" look.

"Ya... totally friends." I hear Rose saying in a sarcastic manner.

Now here comes the part where they try to stab and insult one another without uncle knowing...

"The test should be coming up soon. Shouldn't you be studying? You might fail again you know?" Camille snickered (What it actually means: Get lost, stupid bitch.)

"Oh don't worry... I've gotten the hang off studying by myself now. I don't really have butlers or servants that help me all the time." Rose replied. (What it actually means: I'm independent enough not to have butlers kissing my ass every 10 seconds.)

"I for one think that Rose is a very responsible girl... I think she'll do good on the exams." My uncle brought up.

"Aww! Daddy, I'm so happy that you believe in me." She hugged him tightly.

"Why don't we go and get the tickets shall we?" Camille offered slightly nudging Rose to stay away from my uncle.

"I'll get in line to go have the tickets what would you guys want to watch?" My uncle asked.

"Something romantic?" "Something comedic?" Camille and Rose both say at the same time as they both turned to each other giving each other death stares...

Oh boy... this is gonna be one long night.

"Romantic is so boring... honestly I wanna laugh tonight," Rose argued.

"Actually maybe we can find a romantic comedy? So you get the best of both worlds okay?" I suggested.

"That's a great idea dear! I'll go purchase the tickets.. you youngsters stay right here okay?" My uncle gestured us to stay and he started to line up to the ticket counter.

He was noticeable in the line due to him being tall and very muscular... a lot of people kind of stared at him... as I turned around I see Camille and Rose butting heads towards one another.

"What's your problem bitch? Don't try me or I try you." Rose whispered.

"Go home. You dumb skank no one wants you here." Camille replied.

"Honestly can both of you like stop fighting? It's like ruining the night for me... and if my uncle found out you guys are fighting over him.. he'll be majorly upset.." I told them.

"Ugh. I'll give my daddy gifts! Surely he'll like this... a lot of the men in my house like this." Camille showed a box.

"What is that smell..." Rose's nose contorted from the smell...

"Is that tobacco?" I peeked in to see cigars... really expensive cigars...

"I don't think my uncle would like the cigars... he doesn't really smoke... he told me that it's bad for you and he wants to always be healthy that's why he never really smokes..." I said to her.

"Oh." Camille went silent for a second... "That's kind of hot... honestly I don't know why men like to smoke but since he doesn't like it I'll just throw this in the trash." Camille tiptoed to the nearest trash can throwing it.

"ISN'T THAT LIKE A HUNDRED Dollars worth for a piece? That's like throwing away money." Rose cringed.

"Unlike you poor idiots. I have money to spare. Don't think that we are becoming friends just because we are talking. Honestly being with you rats is giving me quite a migraine." Camille gave us a scowl.

"You know the mean girl thing is sooo 2004... and honestly you don't even fit the role so like stop cause it's getting in my nerves." Rose clapped back.

Camille looked at her and giggled. "Honestly Rose. You are nothing but a mere pest in my sight... like a bee that keeps buzzing. You know squishing you would be as simple as taking candy for a baby. Which reminds me... I've prepared a fantastic gift for Mr. Mahona. With this gift... he'll fall head over heels over me." Camille snickered.

"YOU LITTLE! I HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR I'M SO MUCH SMARTER THAN YOU ACT." Rose shouted as I try to stop her from fighting Camille...

"CALM DOWN ROSE!" I held her down...

"Aww...don't worry... you don't really have a gift anyway... so honestly what chance do you have." Camille chuckled, yawning at us.

"I'll go and buy a gift..." Rose said to me.

"Huh? The movie will start soon.. shouldn't we be like not leaving?" I pleaded.

"It's fine... Look at the line there it's pretty long... although not as long as your uncle's anyways... I'll take a while so we might have time." She explained hinting a dirty joke in the sentence.

"Why don't you join her Lisa? I'll stay here since I don't really have anything to do..." Camille said to me.

"Alright then let's go to the department store..." I took Rose with me.

POV: Camille...

I see both of them leaving and going to the department store... what a group of idiots... I already reserved the whole movie theater... and honestly, all the ones in line are paid, actors... I didn't know it was this easy...

I knew with that hot-headed personality of Rose. She'll get jealous and take that idiotic Lisa with her... finally... I'll have George all to myself...

"Oh! Where is everyone?" I see George coming to our spot.

Guess I better play my cards right! Who am I kidding.. I'm too good at this.