Chapter 60: You Wanna Talk About It?

Walking out of the mall... I can already feel the warm summer air... Ahh... it's getting hotter... I wipe my neck as I started to sweat...

"I didn't expect you to be here." A familiar voice greets me.

I stood up straight, glaring at the pink van in front of me and the man inside it. Sitting down with a serious look in his face as he peered through the window. IT'S ALEX! Oh right... there was a concert with Sugar Time in the mall from what I remember...

"Oh... hello Alex.." I said in an apathetic demeanor, hiding the fact that I was surprised by the sudden pop by.

"I suppose you are heading back to the dorm rooms right? Since we are dorm mates. I'll offer you a lift. What do you say?" He gave me a cheeky smile, saving a seat for me inside the van.

"No thanks. I have a cab coming here... and It'd be like awkward to join you in a van anyways." I politely declined.