Chapter 68: Insecurity Attacks

We can see Damien walking in the distance, with a smile on his face! Finally! We can return back to studying... although can we really... since Camille is here and all...

"That was really crazy. Who knew something like that would happen when I'm here." Camille chuckled, smiling from ear to ear.

"Pretty sure, every time you are somewhere, all hell breaks loose," I muttered out, puckering my lips.

"Guess trouble and I am just the best of friends. Anyways wow, I didn't know you can fight. You got this lolita fashion going on but you can throw down. You were in even on par with the quarterback here." Camille complimented Damien who was sitting in front of her.

"Thanks. Although I totally despise the idea of violence sometimes it just takes a good beating for people to learn so I did it anyway." Damien sighed, wiping his face from the sweat of the fight.