WELL... I did kind of expect this answer... I mean I don't think Alex is the type of person who lets people walk over him. I mean I remember him telling his backstory about how people looked down on him and he became better to look back at them but I suppose I'll have to change the question...
"What would you do if you're in her situation? Like if you were in her shoes right now, what would you do?" I proceeded to ask him a question. He rolled his eyes, thinking for a bit to answer.
"Hm... you already know the answer to this. If I don't like how I'm being treated. I'm not going to stand for it although if I do want that life of being a masochist then I would stay with it." He explained to me, I put my finger on his lips. Hinting for him to be quiet. His eyes squinted looking directly at me with an annoyed expression.
"What if you couldn't stand up for yourself? Like what if you weren't able to say no? What would you do?" I rephrased my question.