Chapter 90: Something's Up

It's my fault... It's my fault... It's my fault. It's my FUCKING FAULT that this happened. I let this happened... I.. I'm responsible for this...

I felt a suffocating feeling of dread, creep up inside my throat, choking me. Tugging into my heartstrings mercilessly destroying my sanity. I start to drip of cold sweat as my throat dries up.

"I.. I.." I started to mumble to myself, putting my hand to my teeth to chew on my fingernails.

"Brother?" My sibling tapped me in the shoulder, breaking me from the trance. Making go back to reality.

"Are you okay? You look really upset? You're even sweating a lot." My brother pointed out.

"Oh. I'm fine." Gulping at the lie I just told him.