
Innocent Nymph - Part 3

Today is the 28th.

"You're such a heavy sleeper," Alissa says with a chuckle.

I shrug. "Well, I mean, we have like, eight people sleeping in a single room. If I wasn't, then I wouldn't get any sleep."

"Fair enough."


I walk up the balcony and hear the weird seagulls making noise. The air is humid from a midnight light rain and I can still feel the scent of wet earth. The temperature is a little chilly due to the rain, but it'll soon go back to being as hot as Satan's balls soon enough.

It might actually be cooler in our [Breeze] enchanted armor than in these casual clothes.


We go down to the restaurant and the breakfast is a cute buffet with a large selection of simple slices of bread and teas. The cold teas are a delicacy in this weather.

"So, what's the schedule for today?" Klein asks, excitedly.

"We can just leave all the boring stuff for tomorrow when you won't be with us," I say.


"The beach it is, then," Hana says.

"I know the beaches here get a lot of traffic, so we need a secluded spot," Roxanne says.

"I think that along the north-eastern beach, there's a spot where people go to relax. It's further away from the town, so it's usually not too busy," Klein says.

"What about the monsters?" Ciel asks.

"The merfolk have houses all over the bay. We have to go near the coastal cliffs to be beyond the protection of the Sea Soldiers."

"Well, this sounds like a really good town."

Klein smiles and nods. "This is why this is a tourist spot."

"Is there something that protects us from sunburn?" I ask.

"We can always use [Heal]," Ciel says with a shrug.

Klein nods and says, "Yep. There are some ways to handle it, but the most common is still [Heal]. The clinics make a lot of money because of this."

"So… I guess we don't need any protection?" I ask.

"Nope. We can just ask for a quick [Heal] in case we start getting uncomfortable."

"Ah, let's buy a ball to play Zeiktov," Hana suggests.

"Zeik-what? What's that?" I ask.

"Zeiktoveidei. It's a game where you draw 'boxes' on the ground, the size of which depends on your height. Then you hit a ball around and try to hit the box of your opponent. It's pretty fun."

It sounds like volleyball.

We go back to our room to change into our more revealing beachwear.


There are quite a few toys and balls to be found. Most toys revolve around using some sort of sword-like object to hit others or a ball that hits others. The balls themselves have a little more variety: either you dodge the ball or you try to catch the ball in some way.

Curiously, a lot of the toys come with small, rough pieces of paper with the rules written on them. Not all games are as popular as Zeiktov, so the average person needs an explanation about how to play them. The result is that these games are quite simple to ensure that all of the rules fit on a single sheet of paper.

The skill system being shown in writing seems to contribute quite a lot to improving the literacy rate of the world.

Along the way, we buy some straw hats, some shawls, and a set of beach chairs.

"It's odd to see a lack of the cute elven tree-houses here," I say.

"They burn too easily in comparison to stone houses, and the Oni and Devil-types used to raid the coast too often," Lina says.

"Also, Gatuns are useless here and elves aren't good sailors," Hana says.

"How do you know that?" I ask.

"Everybody knows that," Klein says.

"They're just like dwarves: going out of their environment makes them weak," Hana says.

"Well, not weak, but definitely uncomfortable," Lina says.

"Yeah, and when the stress piles up, it makes you weak."

Lina frowns but doesn't argue any further.


The morning sun is beautiful. Huge white clouds as far as the eye can see provide occasional shade, but they don't protect against the heat, so we all use our [Breeze] gnomic magic tools to keep ourselves cool.

Osaria seems to be spending her morning alone and naked in her room while holding the bird in her lap and caressing it. She gives it some small, delicious fruits to eat and takes out a book to read. A simple comedic romance story that would be considered cheesy on Earth, not that I believe she doesn't think it's cheesy.

We make our way towards the north and join a procession of people going the same way. Most of them carry light parasols made of something that looks like bamboo and cloth, or heavier versions made from leather and thicker wood.

The people on this route are following the typical elven fashion by being in various stages of undress. Not a bad sight, but I'd rather see fewer men with defined pecs and more women with defined abs, bouncy breasts, and asses, just like my women.

"It's getting quite busy here," Ciel says.

"Don't worry, the beach is big enough… I hope," Klein says and smiles wryly.

"The view is great, though," Roxanne says.

"Agreed," Hana and I say in unison and chuckle.

"Look at that," Hana says and points to a tall androgynous Thalanthro. "Don't you think they look hot?"

"Definitely, though the lack of breasts is a minus," I answer.

"But their skin is slick. You know, slick," she says, suggestively.

I look at Aoi being carried by Roxanne and hum in thought.

She tilts her head and drums her claws on her arm. "Hm… You once said that my tongue is slick, so that means you want to use their, skin to orgasm?"

The people around us give us weird looks and I smile wryly. Thankfully, no Thalanthro is nearby us right now. "Yeah, that's the idea," I say.

She looks at her own arm and lifts her scales. "My scales can't be used like that, then."

I chuckle. "Definitely not."

"Thalanthro would also be difficult to wrestle with. I can't hold down someone that slips, out of my hug unless I use my claws." She clacks her sharp claws together and they shine in the sunlight.

"Not if you make holes to hold on to," Hana says and smiles evilly. "But finding a Thalanthro even more masochistic than me will be difficult, so you'll have to bear with only having me for now," Hana says and pats Aoi's head.

"What races are you interested in, Wolfy?" Alissa asks.

"Lamia," I answer immediately, then I give it some more thought. "Sirens seem pretty, but kind of boring. Scyllas are okay, though I'm not sure I'd enjoy all those tentacles-…"

"I know we would," Roxanne says with a grin and slings an arm over Ciel's shoulders.

"Anyways, I think that even though Thalanthros can look almost alien, I'm still very interested in 'getting to know' one. In the end, at the top of my preferences are wereanimals and the demon race. What about all of you?"

Klein scratches her ear. "Not really interested in that," she says and smiles wryly.

"I have all I need right here," Ciel says with a small smile.

"Same. I'm more interested in having Wolf change shape, though," Lina says.

"Oh?" Alissa turns to her.

"They say dragons and beastfolk have barbed penises. I thought that would be… interesting," she says and blushes a little.

Alissa smiles wryly and reddens, too. "Oh, they do. They do…"

I frown towards Alissa and ask, "How do you know that?"

"I saw one from a huge dragon before. Not sure how it would even fit, but it was huge… and spiky." She grabs my arm and squeezes it. "You have to finish that soul transformation, Wolfy. Seriously." Her tone doesn't allow me to say "no."

"I'd likely have to examine a male dragon's body, including his penis, if I want to fully transform into one," I say.

Roxanne adjusts her glasses and smiles wildly, then she says, "Please do. Examine all you want, be it with your hands, mouth, ass, or rubbing your penis on his, or even using your whole body if he's big enough."

"We wouldn't mind examining it for you, too," Hana says with a smirk.

"I'll make you bleed," I say to them with narrowed eyes.

"Please do," Hana says, casually.

I stare into her yellow lizard eyes and turn my tone serious. "But not you. You, I'll tie up and neglect."

Her smirk is washed off. "That doesn't sound fun."

"For you," Alissa says.

Through [Bind], I make Alissa hug me tighter as a reward. Her heart tightens in happiness in response.

"So, what about you, Hana? Interested in another race?" Klein asks.

"Just beastfolk women or a cute shortie like Lina," she answers.

"Why beastfolk?" Roxanne asks.

Hana grabs her own breasts and bounces them. "Most of them are quite big in this area and even I like them, for some reason." She chuckles and shrugs.

"You should meet a Sowrokh Demon race, then. But even their cow-tits aren't as big as mama cow over here." She kisses Ciel's cheek.

"Bullying," Ciel says with narrowed eyes.

"That's just what Wolfy does to us in bed."

"Yeah? But that doesn't mean that I enjoy it."

"Well, I kind of do bully your ass," I say with a smirk. "But alright, let's stop picking on her."

I pull her closer with my free arm and hug her waist. I give a few kisses to her exposed chocolate shoulder and she shifts from "annoyed," to "pouty."


We get close to the north gate and slow down since the way up ahead is blocked by a wall of people wanting to leave.

We stop and I try to think of a solution.

"How about we leave Hana and Klein in a secluded corner, then we go out and open up a [Ga-…"

A man suddenly stops behind us.

"Argh!" Ciel suddenly jumps and turns around in a huff.

The man then continues walking as if nothing happened. Ciel's eyes follow him with a death glare, but she doesn't act.

"Hana, get that one," I say and point, adding a little nudge with [Bind].

She obeys and grabs the man by his throat.

"W-what?! Re-release me!" The male Siren pleads in a beautiful voice even though Hana's choking him.

She pushes him and he falls down in front of my feet.

"You grabbed my wife's ass," I say, emotionless.

"What?! No! I didn't!" His black hair floats upwards as he gets angrier and it gains a dark green sheen.

I summon a bird without chanting and have it land on top of his head. "I'm a summoner; I have eyes on the back of my head."

He stops and stares at me as his eyes slowly widen in realization. The people around us make room and begin to stare. Then he looks up and growls. "You fucking liar! You don't have a bird in the sky!"

"I do, you just don't have eyesight good enough to see it," I finish and kick his teeth in. The feedback from that kick makes me feel disgusted.

His head snaps back and he groans in pain, then he coughs and a bloodied tooth falls out of his mouth.

Ciel leans down and grabs the tooth. She casts a chantless [Clean] on it and stores it in her [Item Box]. With a cold tone, she says, "I'll be taking this as compensation. Think about the consequences of your actions the next time you feel like molesting someone."

"You h-horrible…! I didn't do it!" He says, his voice muffled by his hand and warped by his cut lips.

"Call the guards, then," Alissa says and stares at him like he's trash.

His hair lowers and returns to just normally floating about. Then he gets up quickly and runs away.

"Ugh…" Ciel groans in disgust and the other girls mirror her distaste.

"Let's go somewhere less rowdy," I say and pull out the armored dinghy.


In only ten minutes, we reach the north-eastern gate and touch down. There are far fewer people here, so the queue moves quickly and best of all, no other molesters harass us.

After waiting in the line, our hearts calm down and we enjoy the view as we cross through the gate. Osaria's petting of the bird helps me out a lot, though. The edge of the Drakotoicho dwarfs us. It's a long, long way up and forward until we can see the snowy peaks.

We are in a valley, in between the hill that Goldport is built on and the first jagged hills of Drakotoicho. To the south-east, there's a road going around the golden walls of the town. To the north-west, the ground becomes flat and small farms use this small piece of fertile land to grow elven food.

We get in the dinghy again and marvel as the view opens up and we can finally gaze upon the open sea. The endless blue is even more beautiful from our new vantage point.

We see the line of beach-goers leaving through the north gate and we take a turn north-east, flying close to the hills.


On a nearly deserted beach, we touch down again and get out of the dinghy.

"Ooh…" Aoi is the first to go towards the golden sand and feel it slip through her grasp.

The sand really is golden, not white; this is what gave the town its name.

"Yes, this is just like the paintings," Alissa comments while smiling with her eyes.

Roxanne takes off her shawl and her pure white skin nearly glows in the Sun. "The merfolk are still below the sea, right?"

"Yeah, they have houses down there," Klein answers and points to the sea.

"So, no naked swimming?"

"No naked swimming," I say.

"Can they taste cum if we do it in the water?" Alissa asks.

"If they get close enough, then yes… but you don't want to do it in the sea," Hana says.

"Oral might work, but I wouldn't recommend anything else," I say with a smirk.

Hana raises an eyebrow. "Experience?"


With a *poof*, I pull out our tent and several comfy beach chairs.

Roxanne picks a chair and brings it over to the shaded area in front of the tent.

"I do not need a tan. My skin is as perfect as it can be," she says.

Lina puts her chair beside Roxanne's. Ciel thinks for a moment and then sets her chair beside Lina's.

"You two are acting like her mothers," Hana says.

"So?" Roxanne shoots back and hugs Lina's head, making her motorboat Roxanne's modest breasts. "She's our little girl and we just want to spoil her rotten!"

"She deserves all the pampering because she's such a good girl," Ciel says and hugs Lina from behind.

The two turn their heads to us and try to look proud while Lina smiles, a little embarrassed.

"Alright, now kiss!" Klein exclaims.

Before Ciel can react, Roxanne grabs Ciel's face and steals a kiss. She hugs the curvy goddess and sinks her hand in her ass. She doesn't let Ciel escape and shoves her tongue inside her mouth.

Ciel freezes at first but soon responds to her invasion and giggles while kissing her back. She forgets about Lina, who's still between them, and smothers her by hugging Roxanne back. She suddenly stops and pulls Roxanne away, revealing Lina sucking on a nipple.

"You could have just slipped away," Ciel says with a frown and Lina smiles like an imp.

"Ciel… we are in public," I say.

She immediately pulls Lina away and covers herself. "You're a bad influence, Wolfy."

I put my hands on my waist and say, full of sass, "I'm a bad influence? Did I suck on your nipple in public?"

"You're all bad influences." Then she turns to Lina and narrows her eyes. "And you're not such a good girl, after all. Maybe you need a little spanking."

"Ooh, ooh! Lemme!" Hana pleads and marches towards them.

Lina's smile falters and she hides behind Roxanne.

"You know I can't say 'no' to Hana, don't you?" She asks with a raised eyebrow and Lina pales. Her eyes cross with mine and I give her an apologetic shrug. Alissa and Klein look at her like predators.

Her last hope, Aoi, merely tilts her head and asks, "But isn't pain fun? Playing is fun."

Hana stops in front of Lina and stares at her intently.

"By definition, pain is not fun. It's… 'uncommon' to enjoy pain," I say.

"Why is it 'uncommon'?"

"It's not a pleasurable thing, normally, so only certain people can find pleasure from pain."

"Why is it not pleasurable?"

"Pain is a negative thing, it's meant to tell us that we did something 'wrong.'"

"But pain is a part of sex and conception."

Hana snatches a shivering Lina and takes her inside the tent.

"These are outliers. The ferocity necessary to make a dragon submit for sex requires pain, and the pain caused by conception is offset by an instinctual drive to reproduce. Otherwise, hardly any women would have enough courage to get pregnant."

Roxanne and Ciel enter the tent while Alissa and Klein start playing Zeiktov.

I pull out the golems and sit in one of the beach chairs while Aoi curls up in my lap. Gify is in his usual spot on my shoulder and activates a light "massage" for Aoi and me.

"Submitting to Hana is also fun," Aoi continues and stares at me, waiting for an answer.

"If it wasn't, you wouldn't follow her around. The pain of making you 'submit' is also offset by the instinctual drive to 'submit.'"

That's just assuming there isn't any "intelligent design" going on with each of our minds since we are literally created by the Gods.

"So I don't control myself?"

I run my hand along her scaly spine a few times while I think. Gify's work is compounding with Osaria's touch and it's already making me feel a little sleepy.

"You still need food to eat, but you can choose when you do so. Your brain makes it difficult to starve to death by making you crave food, but you can still overpower it. In the end, pain and pleasure are there to help you learn what you should and shouldn't do so you don't accidentally kill yourself."

Ciel pokes her head out of the tent and says, "That's how the Gods influence us, too. When you feel bad for being mean, guilt for hurting others, disgust for killing. When you feel good for helping or compassion for the less fortunate. These things are the Gods influencing us."

"Isn't that just having a conscience?" I ask.

Low, high-pitched moans start to escape the tent.

"Well, the Gods make sure that these things exist in all of us. Sometimes they also influence us more directly so that we don't 'accidentally' commit a Sin." She smiles and goes back in.

"So, we can't confirm that we are free, but neither can we confirm, the opposite," Aoi says.

"I guess. But in the end, does it matter?"

"No. I just wanted to know."

She lays her head on my leg and we watch Klein and Alissa play Zeiktov. It's kind of like a mix between volleyball and tennis.

First, the play area is a box defined by the length of your body. They are playing a game of "four lengths," so they lay down on the sand and create a box where every side is four times their height. They leave around two lengths between the boxes as a no-man's-land. Then they flip a coin and the game begins.

The one with the ball has three seconds to throw the ball and hit the boxed area of your opponent. The ball is quite elastic, so the normal attack is to throw the ball in the air and hit it like in volleyball. This way the ball flies at blinding speeds.

The opponent has to defend at any cost. Due to the elasticity of the ball, it's quite slippery, so when the ball leaves both play areas it's a free-for-all.

I summon four earth elementals that will stay a bit away from the play area so that they can catch the ball when it goes too far.

With a *poof*, Aoi pulls out some gold and rose coins and chews on them absentmindedly. The poor coins get scratched all over by her sharp teeth.

Alissa starts with the ball and strikes at the front-left corner. Klein defends and throws the ball backward.

The elemental hits the ball and Klein catches it. She's far from the center of her box, so her hit is easily caught by Alissa, who moves forward and counters immediately.

Klein dives to get the ball and it flies past Alissa in an arc. She has to dive to get the ball but she still manages to catch it.

She immediately gets up and aims towards the front-middle.

Klein's at the center again, so she catches the ball and hits it towards the middle-right.

Alissa defends and the ball falls towards the middle, in the no-man's-land. They abandon their zones and fight for the ball. Klein goes hands first; Alissa goes feet first. Klein protects herself but receives a perfect, manicured, nail polished foot to the side of the head.

With the slide, Alissa grabs the ball and merely tosses it over Klein, then it falls on her zone.

"Gaaah! You don't play around, Alissa," Klein complains in good nature.

She gives her a phony smile and reddens a little in embarrassment.

Round two starts with Klein. She lobs the ball towards Alissa's back-right and advances. Alissa catches the ball, but has little time to counter and ends up taking four seconds to hit the ball, a foul.

"Four!" I yell and Alissa nearly fumbles her strike.

Klein lets the ball hit the ground but immediately takes it into her hands. She throws it up lightly and immediately hits it towards Alissa's front-middle.

Alissa's too far away to react in time and Klein scores.

Alissa gets the ball and gives it a quick hit towards Klein's front-right, forcing her to dive to parry the ball.

Alissa dives into the no-man's-land and catches the ball. She twists her body and lobs it towards Klein's middle-left and scores.

"You're quite cheeky with those plays," Klein says with a fierce grin.

Alissa responds in kind with a fierce grin. "I've never played this version of this game before. I'm just an amateur trying my best."

Klein narrows her eyes. "I'll show you how 'amateurish' you really are."

The Playful Orange Fox and the Cheeky Dark Monkey get ready for another bout. The two competitors don't even wait for a full audience; they just want to fight as soon as possible.

With a loud smack, the ball flies at incredible speed. It hits the Fox's arm and gets sent off to the sidelines.

The competitors dash forward while eyeing the ball. The elemental kicks the ball softly towards the middle and they both dive foot-first.

They slide and their legs tangle with the ball in the middle. The Fox tries to push the Monkey away, but her "wrestling" with the Red Devil day in and day out gives her the upper hand in this exchange.

With the help of her tail, she disentangles herself from the mess of limbs with the ball in hand and scores.

A fire of determination lights up in the Fox's eyes as she prepares herself for another bout.

"AH!" The ball soars and the Monkey exclaims in surprise at her defense being undermined as the ball takes flight, high up into the air, far away from her control.

The Fox dashes forward, intent on contesting the ball.

The two hunters' eyes follow their prey in the sky. The two pairs of powerful legs flex and jump. Sand is lifted up into the air with them, following their majestic jumps… no, their majestic flight.

The Monkey flies upwards while the Fox flies at an angle, making her reach the ball a moment too late to grab it, but just in time to tangle with the monkey.

The Fox climbs the body of the Monkey, in search of the ball. The Monkey uses her legs to spin in the air and bring the ball away from the Fox.

They land on the ground with grace and roll, but the clock is ticking for the Monkey.

She pounces forward, trying to throw the ball over the Fox, but her arm is caught in a desperate attack from the Fox, who interrupts the throw and forces the ball to fall again into the no-man's-land.

They ignore each other and jump again in one last effort to catch the ball. They get in the way of each other and merely push the ball further forward, which finally crosses into the Fox's territory. Score.

Trying to catch the other unaware, the Fox quickly grabs the ball and goes back to the center. She immediately hits the ball, but the Monkey gets there just in time to make her defense.

The ball flies and another struggle begins. The Fox uses her quick wits again to make cute plays while the Monkey has the weight of experience to guide her attacks.

Their sweaty, exposed bodies get dirtied by the sand and their small bikinis struggle to keep their sacred body parts covered.

Their propensity to wrestle makes this struggle even more beautiful.

The two warriors have one thing in mind: victory at all costs. They don't degrade themselves by throwing deliberate punches and kicks, but they will hurt each other to achieve their goals.

Their attacks turn even more merciless as their animal appendages become valid targets, too.

The contests for the no-man's-land become the focus of the battle. They once again throw the ball towards that zone and rush to the middle for another bout.

The ball slips to the sidelines and they follow after it. The Fox grabs the Monkey's tail and pulls her back.


The Monkey is left behind in the struggle and the Fox gets the ball, but now she has to get past the Monkey, who blocks her way.

She goes for a shoulder check, but the Monkey dodges and then grabs her shoulder.

The Fox tries to escape, but the Monkey closes the distance and grabs the Fox's tail.


The Fox falls on the ground and crawls forward. While she tries to escape, the Monkey mounts her. The Monkey may have the advantage, but she doesn't have enough "Strength" to easily take the ball from the Fox's strong hug.

They groan and growl while trying to steal the ball from each other. They tumble and roll, allowing even more sand to stick to their perfect bodies.

They bring the ball close to their cores so that they have more stability in holding it. It's now a competition of raw "Strength" and "Endurance."

Their sweaty faces get closer and they growl in anger. Their eyes stare daggers at one another and they butt foreheads, making their hot breaths mingle and hit their faces.

A glint of mischief glows in the eyes of the Fox. She slowly inches her face closer and the Monkey becomes worried, her competitive fire abates as she tries to understand the situation.

The Fox grins and uses her lips to seal the Monkey's. She shoves her tongue in and invades the other's mouth, but she's not unwelcome.

The struggle slows as they focus more on their mouths than on the game. Their knees rub against each other's crotches and they feel a quickly rising heat.

A strong desire grows in their hearts. If they could, they'd already be naked right now.

Suddenly, the Fox jumps away, ball in hand and throws it at Klein's box. Score.

The two stay in place, catching their breaths, while they eye each other with a different kind of fire in their eyes.

"I've had enough; want to play inside the tent?" Alissa asks.

"Sure," Klein answers immediately.

Final score: 9 for Alissa, 13 for Klein.

At the same time, a limping and tired Lina comes out of the tent, followed by three grinning girls.

"I want to take a dip in the water," I say and Roxanne nods in agreement.

"Want to play?" Ciel asks Hana as she grabs the ball left by the two previous girls.

Gify and Aoi hop off of me and cutely scurry towards the water while Roxanne and I follow them; the golems stay behind with Lina and practice [Regeneration]; Hana and Ciel gather up their inner competitive fires while preparing their boxes; Klein and Alissa clean themselves off and almost rush into the tent and this time, their moans of pleasure are very noticeable.



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Oracle Maximillian Hübner.

Prince Bradly.

Prince PreownedFIN.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Hope.

Lord Samuel Lim.

Lord Cody Weigel.

Lord Bill.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord DJ.

Lord Ashadun.

Lord D4rk Sheep.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Joxsan Herrera.

Lord Enrique Peña Gomez.

Lord Vampmire.

Lord Braidborn

Noble Salty Panda.