
Looping Winds - Part 1

"You are now level 28."

"You are now level 29."

"You are now level 30."

"You are now level 31."

"You are now level 32."

"You are now level 33."

"You are now level 34."

"You are now level 35."

Except for Yunia and Aoi, we all loudly moan in unison from the huge influx of Experience entering our souls. My knees tremble, and I almost fall down as I jizz in my pants. Then our vision returns, and we look around as we recover from the orgasm.

There's no mist, ash, nor any indication that the monsters or the fetus ever existed, and even my Corpse Stealers are gone. We now see only glowing dots of light gently falling down like snowflakes. A rather holy sight. Then, after a few seconds, they fade away.

I chuckle once and let the tension escape my body. Suddenly, my vision goes blurry, and I'm looking at the floor. Alissa's hands support me, then help my body to stand up straight.

I guess I relaxed too much.

I open my "Status" and see that I received twenty points of HP damage, Ciel received thirty, and the other girls a bit less than ten.

"Go help Ciel," I say to Hana through [Bind].

She summons her wings and flies to Ciel, then lands beside her just in time to catch her when she staggers.

The girls cast [Clean] just once on themselves to dry their panties, but I have to cast it repeatedly to remove all the cum, then Yunia looks at us oddly. Since she's wearing a Ring of the Servant, she didn't receive any Experience.

Does this count as having sex with the Goddess of Growth?

"I just… gained eight… levels," Lina says with a haggard breath. Her legs rub together, and she fidgets awkwardly.

"Oh…" Yunia mutters in understanding.

"Same," I say and sigh. "I also gained five points in [Light Magic]. I guess that was 'enlightening.'" I give the girls a shit-eating grin.

Roxanne, Lina, and Aoi chuckle, Yunia smiles wryly, and Alissa forces herself to pout to hide her smile, but she fails.

I [Heal] myself and regain the strength in my muscles, then I [Heal] the other girls. Ciel [Heal]s herself and then stares at the floor, where the fetus was.

"Is it over?" She asks.

Gify pops into existence. "Gih!"

"Yeah, it feels like it. I'll spread a few Hollys around, but the entire Control Room seems empty," I say.

"There's no other Life around here beside ours," Yunia says.

"So it seems that we are safe," Alissa says.

"This was quite something," Roxanne says.

"I'm unhappy, I couldn't eat anything!" Aoi complains.

I smile warmly at her and pat her armored head.

We store our weapons and take off our helmets, then Ciel and Hana jump back to our platform. Now that the mist is gone, we can see that there's a huge drop from our platform to the floor, ending at a dangerous mess of pipes.

Then we turn our attention to Ciel's golden glaive. She stops in front of us and proudly displays it.

The entire weapon is made from a single piece of golden metal. Its blade is longer and wider than her previous glaive, but it's significantly thinner. The back of the blade is sharp up until it reaches a large hook, so it should work just as well with [Imperial Hasterrum Style] as the other one. The shaft is hollow and perfectly straight, but both it and the blade are adorned with silver flowery patterns all over, so it kind of looks like a ceremonial weapon. There are two gems embedded near where Ciel normally grips the shaft, and at its butt, there's a white tassel hanging loose.

We all gawk at it for a few seconds.

"Wow, what's that made of?" Roxanne asks.

I put points in [Weapon Appraisal] and ask Ciel to hand me the glaive so that I can inspect it. It's rather light, even though it's solely composed of metal.

"It's made of an alloy of Light-attuned steel and a small amount of Okross," I answer.

We stay silent for a few seconds, stunned at the revelation.

"What's Okross?" Aoi asks.

Lina's Trivia: Rupegia's version of adamantium.

"It's among the rarest and strongest metals that we know about. Aside from darksteel, it's the only other metal known to resist dragon fire," Lina answers.

"So, it's valuable?" Aoi asks again.

"My father's sword used an alloy of Kanal and Okross. It's our most valuable possession, but it also has a dozen enchantments, too, so that increases its value by quite a lot," Yunia says.

"It says that it has five percent Okross," I say.

She nods. "Seems low, but it should make the weapon much more resistant and sharp. See how thin the blade is? Its cutting power must be very high, but if it was made of pure Okross you could even cut through steel."

"One day, we could melt the glaive and reforge it," Lina says.

"Seems a shame to destroy such a beautiful weapon," Ciel says with a frown.

"True. For now, a Light-attuned glaive will serve Ciel perfectly, but a Kanal and Okross alloy is still the best choice for a hybrid warrior," Yunia says.

"How much more Okross did your father have?" I ask.

"The sword and a set of armor made of an Okross alloy, but his wooden armor was superior."

"What do the enchantments do?" Lina asks, guiding the conversation to something she's dying to know about.

Ciel feeds mana to the first gem and the entire glaive glows, then it reduces in size and morphs into a shortsword.

"That's neat," I say.

"And handy," Hana says.

Ciel hums in agreement and returns the glaive to its original shape, then activates the second enchantment.

The tip of the blade glows, and we tense up. Our gut feeling is telling us that this spell is different. Ciel points the glaive away from us, and a thick beam of light erupts from the blade towards the floor.

Ciel only feeds it enough mana for the beam to last for two seconds, but that's enough to make the floor faintly glow red with heat.

"That's a new one," Roxanne says, mouth hanging open.

"Was that a ranged [Searing Blade]?" Yunia asks.

Lina shakes her head and answers, "It's different. [Searing Blade] uses [Fire Magic] to create heat; this one uses [Light Magic] to create… light?" She tilts her head in deep thought, and her cute bangs sway to the side.

"Energy. They are using photons as a form of 'energy' because it's closer to mana than heat is," I say.

"Photons?" She asks.

"Light is made of invisible, inconceivably small particles called photons," I answer.

Ciel smiles and continues, "It doesn't have mass, so you don't feel it when it touches you, but it's not immaterial like the spirit. It's a gentle type of matter, and it also carries the heat of the sun to us."

"I see. These Light crystals are feeding the Wind one; they are a source of power," Lina says and nods in understanding.

"Use it again, but aim at something far away. From what I know, using photons this way tends to lose power pretty quickly with distance."

She aims it at the railing of the platform above us and activates [Beam]. She turns it off after four seconds, and we see it glow red with heat.

"I guess this means that it does lose power with distance, but I have no idea if it's like the lasers back on Earth," I say.

Ciel shrugs, then hands me her green dragon fang glaive so that I can store it for her. "So, what do we do now?" she asks.

"How about we rest?" I suggest and look around, the girls nod softly in agreement.

"We can do that while leisurely searching for clues to our next objective," Yunia says.

"True," I agree, and no one complains, though I feel that Roxanne wanted to, but held back. "First of all, you, sit over there," I say to Lina and point to a chair.

"Uh?" She tilts her head adorably.

I grin mischievously. "I wanna look at your feet."

"Oh… okay."

The girls start to spread out and explore while I guide Lina to a chair nearby. Once she sits down, I start to undo the clasps of the boot that was burned.

The wood is only slightly charred, the scales look fine, and it seems that the padding underneath is what received the most damage. It was burned more than the wood and also looks like something tried to rip through it.

I expose her cute foot and push up the padded scale pants. I can't see anything odd, except that her pink nail polish is flaking off.

"How does it feel?" I ask.

"A little sensitive, and I still feel some pangs of pain," she answers.

I cast [Clean], then I cast a continuous [Regeneration] while I massage it.

"That feels good…" She mutters and smiles warmly.

I smile back and kiss the top of her foot, then we stare deep into each other's eyes as I work my magic.

Her breath gradually speeds up, and her eyes open wide. A new feeling starts to well up inside her, and her mouth subtly curls into a sadistic smile.

My hands stretch and press into her foot right in its most delicate spots. Just like how everything good in life needs contrast, I give her a small amount of pain to spice things up, then I draw out a long stream of pleasure so that the contrast of the sensations heightens the experience.

I kiss each toe twice, then I lick the top of her foot again. She licks her lips sensually and narrows her eyes, starting to feel a bit more bold.

She raises her foot towards my mouth, and I kiss it again, then I run my tongue along its bones.

She exhales loudly and presses her big toe towards my mouth. I open up and swallow it, letting my tongue run wild. She leans closer to me and lets her sadistic smile fully bloom.

She pushes the foot further into my mouth and nearly makes me fall on my ass.

"Lay down, slave, so that I can step on you," she says in a condescending tone.

"Watch it, ojou-sama. Push me much further, and I'll stretch both of your little holes," I say and match her tone, then I chuckle evilly.

She freezes and tenses up.

I gently suck on her little toe and show her a maniacal smile.

"Don't be like that, ojou-sama, I know exactly how much you want this filthy slave's cock inside of your pure, virgin pussy," I continue.

Yunia coughs loudly.

We turn to her and smile wryly. She sends us a disbelieving look and continues inspecting the controls on the platform. She might look serious, but I know that she was staring intently at us, wishing that it was her in Lina's place.

Lina sighs and kisses the top of my head. "What's 'ojou-sama'?" She asks.

"'Young lady' in one of Earth's languages," I answer.

"I like that. Can we roleplay that again some other time?" She asks.

I nod and smile warmly at her. "As long as you're not trying to dominate me, then yes. Perhaps we can use Alissa or Hana in place of the slave, instead."

"Sounds good… but it did feel really good to say that to you." She smiles like an imp.

I snort and continue sucking on her feet.

Through [Bind], I can feel that she gets quite wet but holds herself back; she's learned a thing or two about teasing and denial. Her pain eventually goes away, and we regretfully put her armor and boots back on.


We spread out and inspect all of the controls, but they're much more complicated than the ones in engineering, so we have little hope of learning how to use them today.

The Control Room is rather impressive, though, so I spend a lot of time just mesmerized by the four three-story-high crystals floating in the middle. The three Light crystals are just "batteries" for the green one, which is attuned to Wind.

My Hollys reach the shopping center, and I notice that the mannequins are all gone. The damage to the Mayor's Office remains, but there isn't a single trace of any of the monsters that we fought.

The dirt, grime, cracks, bloodstains, and scribbles that were on the buildings are all gone now. Everything is back to a pre-alarm state, where at most, there's only moss and dust on a few of the buildings.

The Looping Winds requires some rather complex mechanics to be perfectly adjusted in order to work properly. It first starts a "loop," a circular path that begins and ends at the station. After that, we need to attach "anchors," coordinates where this "loop" is forced to pass through. This is where the problems start.

We can't just put anchors anywhere; we have to find places with relatively low turbulence. Otherwise, either the loop won't "attach" to these anchors, taking on a completely unknown path, or the anchor will simply drift over time, and the whole loop will change unpredictably.

But wait, there's more. If the anchors are too poorly positioned, the loop will twist into lots of sharp turns between them, which could possibly break the ship apart if we tried to cross through it. Not only that, but there are plenty of environmental dangers in the way that we have to avoid, and to do that, we need to know where we're going so that we know what to avoid.

So far, we haven't seen a hint of a map or anything similar to one. Since the loops use all three dimensions, a traditional two-dimensional map would be unsuitable, so I believe that the map won't be among the papers.

"This must be a recreation of the Broken Skies, then," Lina comments.

"Hm?" I hum in an inquiry.

"The Chimeras on the Sky Lands don't use the Looping Winds. But I don't know if there are any other Sky Land above the other continents," Alissa answers in her stead.

Lina nods in agreement and continues, "Only the Broken Lands still use the Looping Winds, but it's all been abandoned by now, so it would probably be extremely dangerous to ride one."

We spend a few hours reading about the controls, then we decide to go back to our home in Goloria.


I lower myself into the bath with a tired sigh. Roxanne quickly comes over to straddle me before Hana or Lina can do so. She gives them a smug smile and pierces herself with my dick.

I open my arms and grow dicks from the palms of my hands. "There you go, girls, have fun," I say and close my eyes.

Roxanne's dagger tail pushes my chin up, and her tongue parts my lips then invades my mouth.

The Lady made Roxanne remember things that she didn't want to, so now she needs my embrace to help her forget again. I take a glimpse into her heart, and I feel her desperate desire for stability. She also wants a hero to save her from the shadow of loneliness that still haunts her once in a while.

With her two favorite women beside her, she doesn't content herself with only me and pushes us into a sweaty foursome full of messy kisses. A four-way kiss doesn't have the same level of stimulation as a normal one, but it sure is fun.

After I'm done with the three of them, I pull Aoi by the tail. I mount her and force her to grow just enough so that my thick cock fits in her warm and moist pussy, just enough.

I use most of my MP on Aoi, filling her up repeatedly, but I save a little for one last person.

I turn to Yunia, who's getting her arms massaged by Alissa as if she were a queen. Her long ears twitch, and she opens her eyes, then looks at me.

I grin and swim towards her. She raises an eyebrow, then her stern gaze mellows when she realizes my intention.

I straddle her and gently trace her abs with my hand while I hold her chin with the other. She breathes in and looks away, starting to feel shy.

Alissa feels my intentions and switches from a clinical massage to a loving one, filling Yunia's arms with kisses.

I run my right hand up her chest and squeeze her juicy breasts, making sure that I pinch her nipples a little. Her breath immediately quickens, and her fingers twitch in anxiety and desire.

I lean in close to whisper in her ear, "Do you want my thick, strong cock inside your tight, slutty, elven cock-sleeve? Do you want me to put the proud elven woman where she belongs: on her knees, choking on my cum?"

She shudders and bites her lip.

Alissa gently grabs her head and starts kissing her. Yunia responds by plunging her tongue into Alissa's mouth.

I violently thrust my finger inside Yunia's pussy and fuck her angrily until she can no longer kiss Alissa. Then I get up, grab her head, and make her face forward.

"Open up, I need to use your mouth," I order and give her a condescending stare.

She obeys me, and I shove my cock all the way down her throat, then I grab her head with both hands and skull-fuck her.

I don't force myself to last long before shooting it down her throat, then I pull her up and make her bend over the edge of the tub.

I grab her juicy ass and lick my lips. I saved this final shot to coat her insides with my seed, so I'll make sure that she feels it.


"Thank you, master…" She mumbles as I deposit her back into the water.

I grin in ecstasy after hearing her words.

"I like that. Every time I fuck you, you should thank me for rewarding you with my holy cock," I whisper in her ear.

She nods shyly, and her cute, long ears bob.


We ask the servants to make dinner since we're too tired to do it ourselves.

After our banquet, we retire to our room.

I brush Alissa's fluffy orange tail while she brushes Yunia's glorious golden hair. The room is filled with the smells of skin-care creams as the girls put on their favorite products to prevent their skin from becoming rough from all of the physically demanding efforts that we went through.

Then Roxanne repaints Lina's ruined nail polish, Hana lights up some incense that has a calming effect on us, Ciel smothers Ted and Suzy, Aoi plays tag with Gify, and Jarn stands in front of the door like a guard.

"This is nice," Yunia says in a low tone.

"Hm?" Alissa questions and kisses her bare back, making her shiver for a moment.

"This… this life. Staying together like this. This is nice," she replies.

"It is," Roxanne agrees.

"Once you get a taste of this harem, you never want to go back to being alone," Hana says, and we all nod.

I enter a trance as I brush Alissa, drowning in her fluffiness. I fall asleep not long after that, completely exhausted.


Today is the 11th.

Lina wakes me up lovingly, and I let Aoi have her morning meal while I look over everyone's gains.


I leveled up to 35; my [Light Magic] increased by 5 (now 13+2); [Mana Control] and [Summoning Magic] increased by 2 (now 0+17 and 13+26); [Sword Use], [Dodge], [Acrobatics], [Ekrano Style], and [Redirect Mana] increased by 1 (now 12+11, 4+7, 5+2, 2, and 4); and I learned [Oral Technique] with 1 point. For stats, my "Willpower" and "Piety" increased by 1 (now 18 and 16). My MP increased by 40, and my "Magic Power" increased by 20 (now 1,710 and 710).

Alissa leveled up to 38. She increased her [Mana Control] by 3 (now 7); her [Bow Use], [Sense Presence], [Enhanced Reflexes], and [Illusion Magic] by 2 (now 30, 8, 4+4, 4+8); and her [Dodge] by 1 (now 3). For stats, her "Dexterity" increased by 1 (now 23). Her MP increased by 45, and her "Magic Power" increased by 20 (now 1,025 and 500). I've given her points in Earth, Water, and Wind magic so that she has a more well-rounded set of spells.

Roxanne leveled up to 38. Her [Mana Control] increased by 3, and her [Water Magic] increased by 2 (now 30 and 5+25). For stats, her "Endurance" and "Willpower" increased by 1 (now 11 and 15). Her MP increased by 80, and her "Magic Power" increased by 40 (now 2,710 and 1,130). Her extra points are put this way so that she can use [Ice Lance], and [Lava Jet] without chanting, improve her mana efficiency with [Explosion], and improve her knowledge of [Space Magic] so that one day she can use [Warp Space].

Hana leveled up to 41. Her [Shield Bash], [Block], and [Dodge] increased by 1 (now 7, 9, and 5); [Parry] increased by 2 (now 8); and [Sword Use] increased by 3 (now 23). For stats, her "Dexterity" has increased by 1 (now 11). Her MP increased by 35, and her "Magic Power" increased by 20 (now 860 and 405). Her extra points are set this way so that she can get the rest of the low-level elemental spells for utility, and [Reduced Mana Cost] is used to allow her to cast more of these spells.

Ciel leveled up to 38. Her [Parry] and [Dodge] increased by 1 (now 9 and 7), [Block] increased by 2 (now 6), [Glaive Use] increased by 3 (now 18), and her [Light Magic] increased by 4 (now 10+30). For stats, she increased her "Wisdom" and "Piety" by 1 (now 20 and 22). Her MP increased by 60, and her "Magic Power" increased by 50 (now 1,240 and 750). She now has enough points to reach level 30 in [Wind Magic], allowing her to instantly cast [Fly].

Lina leveled up to 35. Her [Parry], [Dodge], [Mana Control], [Earth magic], and [Stonebody] increased by 1 (now 1+9, 2+5, 7, 3+7, and 6); and her [Hammer Use], [Axe Use], and [Block] increased by 3 (now 16, 8, and 10). She didn't gain any stats, but [Stonebody] gives a passive point to "Strength" and "Endurance" with each level, so it counts as a stat increase. Her MP increased by 60, and her "Magic Power" increased by 20 (now 1,160 and 515). With her points put this way, she can cast [Dust Storm], [Torrent], [Wind Blade], [Weaken], [Sap Power], [Befuddle], and [Demoralize]. Hopefully, the next monsters aren't all immune to [Cursing Magic], too, otherwise, I'll put her points into something more useful.

Yunia didn't gain any levels or skills, but since Hana is catching up to her, she'll take off the Ring of the Servant to be able to gain Experience again. For stats, she increased her "Willpower" by 1 (now 15). Her MP increased by 20, and her "Magic Power" increased by 10 (now 1,030 and 510). Her 3 extra points are put in [Mana Efficiency] because that's what benefits [Weaverism] the most.

Our skills are like this:


[Wolf Ryder Skill Report]


[Sword Use: 16+11 | Dodge: 8+7 | Parry: 5+5]

[Block: 2+8 | Shield Bash: 0+1 | Battlefield Perception: 5+2]

[Muscle Explosion: 4+1 | Acrobatics: 8+2 | Ekrano Style (creator): 2]


[Sense Mana: 0+6 | Mana Control: 3+17 | Mana Recovery: 10+0]

[Mana Efficiency: 3+7 | Reduced Mana Cost: 3+7 | Mana Overuse Resistance: 0+4]

[Blackout Resistance: 0+1 | Fire Magic: 1+4 | Earth Magic: 2+3]

[Water Magic: 4+1 | Wind Magic: 3+2 | Electric Magic: 6+14]

[Light Magic: 2+13 | Space Magic: 7+23 | Summoning Magic: 14+26]

[Blessing Magic: 8+22 | Nature Magic: 3+18 | Conjuring Magic: 0+1]

[Spirit Magic: 0+2 | Illusion Magic: 0+2 | Golemancy: 0+9]

[Redirect Mana (creator): 4 | Sense Soul (creator): 6 | Soul Manipulation (creator): 4]

[Godly Language: 30+0]


[Cooking: 0+4 | Andraste Language: 4+6 | Dismantling: 0+4]

[Massage: 0+1 | Oral Technique: 0+1 | Mana Genitals (innate): 2]



[Name: Wolf Ryder | Age: 16 | Race: Human]

[HP: 100 | MP: 1710 | Magic Power: 710]

[Level: 35]


[Strength: 13 | Endurance: 15 | Dexterity: 12]

[Speed: 14 | Intelligence: 21 | Wisdom: 16]

[Willpower: 18 | Charisma: 13 | Piety: 16]

[Perception: 16 | Sanity: 12+4]


[Status Effects: NONE]

[Titles: Nickname "Good Luck", Blessed by the Goddess of Knowledge, Golemancer, Scholar of Rabanara]

[Affiliations: Helios (Fellowship), Alissa (Blood Slave, Fiancée), Hanafuria (Blood Slave, Fiancée), Roxanne Succubus (Fiancée), Lina (Slave, Fiancée), Ciel (Fiancée), Yulania (Blood Slave)]

[Companions: Alissa, Hanafuria, Roxanne Succubus, Ciel, Lina, Yulania]

[Crimes: NONE]


[Alissa Skill Report]


[Sword Use: 9 | Bow Use: 30 | Parry: 4]

[Dodge: 3 | Sense Presence: 8 | Hide Presence: 4]

[Enhanced Olfact: 5 | Enhanced Hearing: 3 | Hawk Eyes: 5]

[Muscle Explosion: 2 | Quiet Steps: 4 | Quiet Action: 2]

[Enhanced Stamina: 1 | Enhanced Reflexes: 3+4 | Tracking: 2]


[Sense Mana: 1 | Mana Control: 7 | Reduced Mana Cost: 5+0]

[Fire Magic: 1 | Earth Magic: 5+0 | Water Magic: 1+0]

[Wind Magic: 1+0 | Light Magic: 1 | Space Magic: 1]

[Conjuring Magic: 1 | Illusion Magic: 2+8 | Fox Transformation (innate): 5]


[Housework: 3 | Cooking: 4 | Cleaning: 2]

[Washing: 5 | Riding: 2 | Oral Technique: 4]

[Pain Resistance: 2 | Hand Technique: 2]



[Name: Alissa | Age: 17 | Race: Fox-type Wereanimal]

[HP: 100 | MP: 1025 | Magic Power: 500]

[Level: 38]


[Strength: 12 | Endurance: 18 | Dexterity: 23]

[Speed: 20 | Intelligence: 13 | Wisdom: 14]

[Willpower: 17 | Charisma: 14 | Piety: 15]

[Perception: 17 | Sanity: 15]


[Status Effects: NONE]

[Titles: Blessed by the Goddess of Love, Blinding Arrows]

[Affiliations: Wolf Ryder (Master, Fiance), Helios (Fellowship)]

[Companions: Wolf Ryder, Hanafuria, Roxanne Succubus, Ciel, Lina, Yulania]

[Crimes: NONE]


[Roxanne Succubus Skill Report]


[Dagger Use: 2]


[Sense Mana: 3 | Mana Control: 30 | Reduced Mana Cost: 5+3]

[Mana Efficiency: 9 | Mana Overuse Resistance: 1 | Fire Magic: 5+25]

[Water Magic: 5+25 | Light Magic: 1 | Space Magic: 2+8]

[Conjuring Magic: 5 | Alchemy: 4 | Potion Brewing: 11]

[Poison Brewing: 2 | Redirect Mana: 1]


[Housework: 1 | Cooking: 1 | Cleaning: 1]

[Washing: 1 | Riding: 1]



[Name: Roxanne Succubus | Age: 21 | Race: Succubus-Type Demon Race]

[HP: 100 | MP: 2710 | Magic Power: 1130]

[Level: 38]


[Strength: 9 | Endurance: 11 | Dexterity: 12]

[Speed: 9 | Intelligence: 18 | Wisdom: 18]

[Willpower: 15 | Charisma: 15 | Piety: 10]

[Perception: 11 | Sanity: 12]


[Status Effects: NONE]

[Titles: NONE]

[Affiliations: Wolf Ryder (Fiance), Helios (Fellowship)]

[Companions: Wolf Ryder, Alissa, Hanafuria, Ciel, Lina, Yulania]

[Crimes: NONE]


[Hanafuria Skill Report]


[Sword Use: 23 | Spear Use: 14 | Bow Use: 9]

[Two-Handed Sword Use: 9 | Polearm Use: 6 | Dagger Use: 4]

[Shield Bash: 7 | Block: 9 | Parry: 8]

[Dodge: 5 | Tatesomu Style: 6 | Muscle Explosion: 4]

[Battlefield Perception: 2 | Taunt: 3 | Intimidate: 2]

[Enhanced Reflexes: 2 | Enhanced Stamina: 4 | Enhanced Strength: 2]

[Enhanced Endurance: 4]


[Sense Mana: 1 | Mana Control: 2 | Reduced Mana Cost: 3+0

[Fire Magic: 1 | Earth Magic: 1 | Water Magic: 1+0]

[Wind Magic: 1+0 | Light Magic: 1 | Space Magic: 1]

[Conjuring Magic: 1 | Illusion Magic: 5]


[Housework: 2 | Cooking: 1 | Cleaning: 1]

[Washing: 1 | Riding: 3 | Massage: 1]

[Pain Conversion: 1 | Dismantling: 4 | Oral Technique: 1]

[Fire Breath (innate): 5 | Summon Wings (innate): 3]



[Name: Hanafuria | Age: 24 | Race: Fire-Type Dragonkin]

[HP: 100 | MP: 860 | Magic Power: 405]

[Level: 41]


[Strength: 19 | Endurance: 24 | Dexterity: 11]

[Speed: 13 | Intelligence: 12 | Wisdom: 14]

[Willpower 19 |Charisma: 16 | Piety: 11]

[Perception: 10 | Sanity: 17]


[Status Effects: NONE]

[Titles: One Thousand Strikes]

[Affiliations: Wolf Ryder (Master, Fiance), Helios (Fellowship)]

[Companions: Wolf Ryder, Alissa, Roxanne Succubus, Ciel, Lina, Yulania]

[Crimes: NONE]


[Ciel Skill Report]


[Glaive Use: 20 | Sword Use: 5 | Parry: 8]

[Dodge: 7 | Block: 6 | Imperial Hasterrum Style: 2]

[Muscle Explosion: 2 | Battlefield Perception: 1]


[Sense Mana: 2| Mana Control: 6 | Reduced Mana Cost: 3+1]

[Mana Efficiency: 4 | Wind Magic: 13+17 | Fire Magic: 1]

[Light Magic: 26 | Space Magic: 3 | Conjuring Magic: 1]

[Diagnosis: 7 | Redirect Mana: 1]


[First-Aid: 3 | Housework: 3 | Cooking: 2]

[Cleaning: 2 | Washing: 1 | Riding: 1]



[Name: Ciel | Age: 21 | Race: Human]

[HP: 100 | MP: 1240 | Magic Power: 750]

[Level: 38]


[Strength: 14 | Endurance: 14 | Dexterity: 17]

[Speed: 18 | Intelligence: 15 | Wisdom: 20]

[Willpower: 14 | Charisma: 17 | Piety: 22]

[Perception: 13 | Sanity: 19]


[Status Effects: NONE]

[Titles: NONE]

[Affiliations: Wolf Ryder (Fiance), Helios (Fellowship), Templar Knights (Honorary Member), Temple Priestess (Former Member)]

[Companions: Wolf Ryder, Alissa, Hanafuria, Roxanne Succubus, Lina, Yulania]

[Crimes: NONE]


[Lina Skill Report]


[Hammer Use: 16 | Axe Use: 8 | Throw: 2+2]

[Parry: 1+9 | Dodge: 3+5 | Block: 10]

[Muscle Explosion: 2 | Shield Bash: 1 | Battlefield Perception: 2]

[Dwarven Pride Style: 2 | Enhanced Speed: 5+0]


[Sense Mana: 1 | Mana Control: 7 | Mana Efficiency: 1]

[Fire Magic: 1 | Earth Magic: 3+7 | Water Magic: 1+0]

[Wind Magic: 1+0 | Light Magic: 1 | Cursing Magic: 12+3]

[Space Magic: 1 | Conjuring Magic: 1 | General Enchanting: 9]

[Magic Tool Carving: 1]


[General Blacksmithing: 4 | Sewing: 4 | Housework: 1]

[Cleaning: 2 | Washing: 1 | Math: 4]

[Riding: 1 | Stonebody (innate): 5]



[Name: Lina | Age: 15 | Race: Dwarf]

[HP: 100 | MP: 1160 | Magic Power: 515]

[Level: 35]


[Strength: 8 | Endurance: 8 | Dexterity: 13]

[Speed: 12 | Intelligence: 16 | Wisdom: 13]

[Willpower: 17 | Charisma: 11 | Piety: 12]

[Perception: 14 | Sanity: 14]


[Status Effects: NONE]

[Titles: NONE]

[Affiliations: Wolf Ryder (Master, Fiance), Helios (Fellowship)]

[Companions: Wolf Ryder, Alissa, Hanafuria, Roxanne Succubus, Ciel, Yulania]

[Crimes: NONE]


[Yulania Skill Report]


[Sword Use: 8 | Two-Handed Sword Use: 10 | Parry: 8]

[Dodge: 9 | Silent Shadow Style: 4 | Battlefield Perception: 5]

[Enhanced Reflexes: 5 | Sense Presence: 1 | Hide Presence: 4]

[Muscle Explosion: 2 | Quiet Steps: 2 | Quiet Action: 6]


[Sense Mana: 5 | Mana Control: 4 | Mana Recovery: 2]

[Mana Efficiency: 2+8 | Reduced Mana Cost: 4 | Fire Magic: 1]

[Earth Magic: 1 | Light Magic: 5 | Spirit Magic: 15]

[Illusion Magic: 10 | Space Magic: 6 | Nature Magic: 10]

[Conjuring Magic: 1 | Weaverism: 23 | Redirect Mana: 1+0]


[Riding: 5 | Acting: 3 | Dancing: 2]



[Name: Yulania | Age: 18 | Race: Golden Elf]

[HP: 100 | MP: 1030 | Magic Power: 510]

[Level: 43]


[Strength: 12 | Endurance: 14 | Dexterity: 19]

[Speed: 16 | Intelligence: 16 | Wisdom: 16]

[Willpower: 15 | Charisma: 20 | Piety: 12]

[Perception: 20 | Sanity: 16]


[Status Effects: NONE]

[Titles: NONE]

[Affiliations: Wolf Ryder (Master), Helios (Fellowship)]

[Companions: Wolf Ryder, Alissa, Hanafuria, Roxanne Succubus, Ciel, Lina]

[Crimes: NONE]


Also, I see something interesting with [Sense Soul].


[Soul Info]

[Name: Aoi; HP: 200]

[MP: 1,145; Magic Power: 200]

[Strength: 17; Endurance: 20]


Her MP increased by 40, and her "Magic Power" by 20.

"Oh, Aoi, reduce in size, please," I ask.

"Okay," she answers and obeys.

Her "Strength" goes down to 6 in her small size.

"Interesting…" I mutter.

"What?" Alissa asks, curious.

"I can see Aoi's 'Strength' and 'Endurance' now, and her 'Strength' changes in relation to her size," I respond.

"Oh, that doesn't happen when I change my size while using [Fox Transformation]," Alissa says.

"So, bigger is better?" Aoi asks.

"Always," Hana answers before I can say anything, so I just smile wryly.

"How much longer until her system is complete?" Roxanne asks.

"I think that only her levels and skills are missing now," I say.

"So, less than a month?" Hana asks, getting excited.

"I don't know. They could take longer since they are more 'complex,' I believe," I reply with a shrug.

Aoi's tongue slows down a little from her disappointment, but then I start petting her head, and she regains her hunger.


For breakfast, I have some toast and butter, then Alissa brews a new elven tea, and the dining room gets filled with the spell of peaches.

The elves drink this not-peach tea hot, but I think it's best taken cold on a hot summer morning, so I put my cup in the icebox and wait.

The girls are rather excited to test out their new skills. Ciel, most of all, wants to try out her new glorious golden glaive.

I watch them practice as I drink my cold not-peach iced tea, and everything is absolutely apricot.

After a good warm-up, we return to the dungeon.



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Oracle Maximillian Hübner.

Prince PreownedFIN.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Hope.

Lord Samuel Lim.

Lord Bill.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord DJ.

Lord Ashadun.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Enrique Peña Gomez.

Lord Braidborn.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Yeeteris Dedmeem.

Lord D4rk Sheep.

Lord Nathan Vanbrunt.

Lord Andrew Heffelbower.

Lord Markus.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Badger.

Lord Krawn.

Lord Remco.

Lord Thiago Ferreira.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Yamibomb112.

Noble Mild Fracas.


Noble Aclys.

Noble Tiler Mills.

Nobel CHoobler.

If you'd like to support Rupegia, you can become a patron at: www.patreon.com/manasong