
Concubine - Part 3

Today is the 13th.

Hana wakes me up and shows me her reward. She plays around with it in her mouth, nearly letting my white ambrosia leak out, then she quickly swallows it all when Aoi tries to steal it from her.

I'm feeling a little sticky. Unlike the girls, I don't really want to use semen as a skincare treatment.

"My back…" Osaria moans. I grab a handful of her ass and cast [Heal], making her moan in contentment. "Are you two angels from the myths? You can make all the pain go away with just a touch."

I start the morning kisses with the girls, so Alissa replies in my stead, "Ciel was nicknamed 'Angel' by the caravan guards after our fight with Dawn of Fire."

"All they need are wings," Lina says and gives Ciel a cute smile.

I give my loli a deep morning kiss and a loving look. "To me, you're my little angel," I whisper, and she smiles adorably.


My "Endurance," [Redirect Mana], [Soul Manipulation], [Spirit Magic], and [Piloting] each increased by 1 (now 16, 6, 5, 0+3, and 0+2). Huh, I got "Endurance," but no "Strength" again. I guess this is from all the sex? It's certainly an aerobic type of exercise, so it's not great for building muscle mass unless we do it in certain positions…

Roxanne increased her [Reduced Mana Cost], [Fire Magic], and [Water Magic] by 1 (now 3+4, 4+26, and 2+28).

Ciel increased her [Reduced Mana Cost] and [Wind Magic] by 1 (now 2+2 and 11+19).

Lina increased by [Earth Magic] by 1 (now 2+8).


The thoughtful Rande postponed their departure for a few hours to allow us to spend a long night together, so we don't have to hurry to get ready. We spend a few calm minutes reforming Yunia's drill hair.

"I'm a bit envious of your hair, my niece," Osaria says.

"Who isn't?" Ciel says, trying and failing to hide her bitter envy.

"Even I'm envious," I say.

"Maybe the Chimeras have an Alteration Mage that we could hire to give us hair equal to hers," Lina says.

"An excellent idea," Roxanne says.

"Hohoho, it makes me happy to know how much everyone wants to be an elf," Yunia smugly taunts.

"We might as well ask the Alteration Mage to remove her tongue, too," Roxanne adds, and the two smug goddesses glare evilly at each other.

"Your friendship is beautiful," Osaria with a cheeky smile.

"'Friendship,'" the two of them repeat with a sneer warping their perfect faces, but I know Roxanne's true feelings.

After Yunia's hair is made majestic again, we rent a room in the bathhouse to quickly wash ourselves, then we return to the dining hall for breakfast.

Rande and the others are already there, nearly finished with their meals. I grin towards Rande, and he returns it in kind. Klein and Osaria are glowing with happiness, so it's quite obvious that I've successfully done my job.

"We'll be leaving in an hour," Rande gently says as we sit down.

Klein nods weakly, and Osaria sighs.

My two sluts sit at my sides, then I wrap my arms around their waists. Hana and Alissa have a brief staring contest about who's sitting beside Klein, but a quick reminder about yesterday's pussy destruction resolves the dispute. Klein's tail wraps around Alissa's, and the two girlfriends smile at each other.

"Don't wait too long to meet up with us again," Osaria says and plants her hand on my thigh.

"We'll try to come back whenever we can. There's no reason not to," I say, and give her hand a squeeze.


After we finish our meal, we stay in the hall and chat for a while. Klein's tail untangles from Alissa's and lands on my lap, clearly begging for one of my special massages.

Since I have limited time left today with my concubines, I give the two of them my full and undivided attention. My wives understand, but I can still feel their jealousy increasing. I might have to actually find a way to split my body if I want to increase my harem any further. It would be impossible to keep all of them happy with just two hands and one mouth.

I already have the multiple dicks part covered, so now I need to recreate the rest of the body. The most difficult aspect would be creating multiple consciences, but perhaps I can use [Summoning Magic] for that.

If only shadow clone Jutsu existed in this world…

"Let's make a picture to mark our reunion," I suggest and pull out a smoky quartz magic tool.

"Oh, is this an [Instant Painting]?" Osaria asks, looking excited.

"I actually have no idea what it's called," I respond.

"Does it burn an image into a canvas?"


"Then that's what it is."

The more you know.

We get up and walk to the corner of the hall, then we organize ourselves and get ready for the family picture. We get Ted and Suzy to hold the canvas and the gnomic magic tool in the air with [Telekinesis], then I feed the gem mana and run back into place to get ready for the picture.

Lina's in the first row beside Aoi. In the second row from left to right: Klein, Alissa, Me, Ciel, and Osaria. In the third row with their heads above us: Hana, Roxanne, and Yunia. We all hug each other tight and smile.

The tool flashes, and an image is burned into the canvas. The elven patrons send us glares, annoyed at our commotion and the sudden bright light, but none of us pay them any attention.

We crowd around the canvas and admire our picture.

"This tool is quite good; it created such a high quality picture," Yunia comments.

"We should make one every year," Alissa suggests.

Yunia nods. "That's quite common among Lords. There's a storeroom where thousands upon thousands of portraits are stored. It's a physical record of the lineage of the Lords that have ruled over the Western High Forest."

"I bet that the portraits all look the same," Roxanne says and snickers.

"It's our 'curse of beauty,'" Osaria says with an amused smile.

"Cursed" with being beautiful; they don't really have as much variety in their facial features as the other races.

Yunia rolls her eyes and says, "Come, now, both of you. Elves occasionally take other races as lovers, especially if they're polygamous."

"But you know that the elven rules for a Chosen Descendant are very strict," Lina says.

"That… is true," Yunia admits and pouts.

"You didn't even deny your 'curse of beauty,'" I say with a smirk, and she rolls her eyes again.


The time to leave eventually comes when Rande reappears in the hall again.

Everyone suddenly starts to feel rather reluctant to leave, so we walk slowly to the west gate while I feel my heart tighten with each step. I don't want them to go away. I don't want to return to the dungeon. I just want to live a comfy life with my harem.

We reach the caravan, then stop at the gate, and my concubines look at us lovingly.

"I'll miss you," Klein says to me as she gives me a hug.

I give her a peck on the lips and say, "I'll miss you, too. Always."

She nods and smiles gently, then moves on to give her goodbyes to the others. Her tail playfully pokes me in the head as she passes me, and I bat it away while smiling wryly.

"Come back soon," Osaria says and hugs me tight.

"We'll try," I whisper in her ear, then I give her a deep kiss.

Rande comes up to me, and we share a firm handshake. "After this trip is over, we'll probably rest for a month in Rabanara. We'll be waiting for you there," he says.

"Understood. We'll definitely come back, then," I respond.

He shows me a wide smile and says, "Stay safe, my hero." Then moves on. A chill runs through my spine as the gayness in his voice reaches uncomfortable levels.

All of the others, even including Julien and the rest of the guards, come to say goodbye. The guards, specifically, hope to go drinking with us the next time we meet. Hana and Roxanne definitely won't let us pass up that opportunity if we get the chance.

With nobody else ahead of the caravan in line, they quickly pass through customs, so we give them one last kiss before they finally leave town.

Osaria gently pets her singing bird while smiling contentedly inside the carriage. I wonder if I should've given her a different summon that allowed her to pet it more "intensively."

We stay inside the town and wait as the caravan calmly makes its way forward. When they're finally nothing more than ants to our sight, we turn around and leave.

We end our stay at the inn and recover the beds. The sheets are going to need a lot of washing…


We return to our mansion in Goloria and begin our preparations to re-enter the dungeon.

As I move my points around, I start to dread what's to come. I don't want to fight anymore, but I will. I need to fight if I ever want to achieve my dream of a comfy life with my harem.

I want to create a women's sanctuary. A place where only women, and me, of course, are allowed to enter. It'll be a place where we can all live happily in harmony and with a distinct scarcity of clothing.

With the way that Escanso's castle and the Shell are set up, there's no better place for my Sanctuary than there. Concubines, maids, female knights, guests, and my wives. A carnival of women to satisfy my desires, and, of course, Alissa to help me out.

I laugh evilly inside my head while the girls cross through the [Gate].

We return to our ship and once again take in the gaudy environment that is the Golden Docks. We see a sleek, yacht-like ship with four huge wings parked on one of the platforms. It's as opulent as everything else here with its vibrant, light blue colors and, of course, details in gold.

I take the golems out, and our guides immediately appear with wide smiles. They walk across the retractable bridge and casually board our ship.

"Good morning, Ryders," Hukarere immediately greets me and offers me a handshake.

As I get closer to take her hand, I smell a sweet and thick fragrance coming from her. She definitely put on perfume today.

"Morning, Hukarere, Ririmu," I reply and shake her hand. Her pale breasts with ghost-like nipples jiggle slightly.

"Do you have any need for our services today?" Ririmu asks.

"Certainly," I eagerly respond.

"The Honored One, Oritiki, wanted to know if you'd like to spar with her," Hukarere says.

I look back, and Hana's eyes tell me that I can't say no. Even Hukarere seems interested, so, of course, Alissa also piles on for me to say yes.

"We're delighted to accept," I respond.


We strip down to our underwear again and don our thin robes. Roxanne's perversion starts to seep through [Bind], encouraging me to unsheathe my greatsword.

"Do it," she whispers in a sultry tone.

Yunia and Ciel raise their eyebrows, unaware of the succubus trying to influence my mind.

"I'm not ready to let any of you walk naked, so I don't want to encourage anyone by doing so myself," I say and give a knowing glance towards Hana, who immediately sends back a grin.

"I enjoy seeing you showing off. It brings me some pride to say that you're my man," Yunia says, then looks away, slightly embarrassed.

"I think exactly the same," Alissa says.

"Fuck yes! Show them your spiky dragon cock," Hana says, and Aoi nods repeatedly.

Ciel shrugs and says, "I'm not going naked."

Lina puckers her lips in thought. "Make us proud, I guess?" She says without much conviction and tilts her head, making her cute bangs sway slightly.

I snort, then I pull off my trunks and create a long, spiky, white dragon penis.

"Holy shit!" Hukarere exclaims.

"It was true…" Ririmu mutters.

"So, the rumors have already spread?" I ask with a cheeky smirk.

He smiles wryly, then regains his composure and says, "Well… I apologize, but yes. The way that you bragged about your… 'skill' was very peculiar, which made a lot of people quite curious."

"Doesn't this hurt?" Hukarere asks, her eyes glued to my cock.

"You mean when I fuck someone? It depends," I respond.

"It definitely hurts, but that's the best part," Hana says with a grin.

Hukarere starts chuckling nervously, then sighs and shakes her head. "You'll definitely attract more attention now, but let me tell you that they're going to be mostly male."

"Fuck," I let my inner thoughts out.

"Ye~~ah… hahahahaha," Ririmu laughs a little awkwardly.

"Too late to go back on it now," Hana says and gives me an encouraging slap on my back.

I pump myself up with a flare of my dragon wildness, then we head out into the town.

As they said, I didn't get the kind of attention that I was aiming for.

"Nice cock, human!" A cat-headed muscle brain yells as we quickly pass by.

"Are you sure you know how to use that spiky club?!" A salt-and-pepper black-haired dragonkin yells as he stares intensely at my dangling member.

Not only am I getting cat-called by men, but my skin is starting to itch because of my huge magnum dong repeatedly slapping my thighs, prickling me with its spikes.

"Daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks, especially since they're such a good size and all," I mutter. Roxanne and Hana are very interested in the mental image that I have in my head now.

I miss my memes…

On the bright side, if I ever turned gay, I'm pretty sure that I could easily drown in dicks.

Not going to happen, though…


The town may be rather dark due to the clouds, but it's certainly not a cold place. The perpetually starry sky; the comfy dim lights; the cute, boxy houses; the clouds that slowly change color; the slightly warm air; and the naked, weird-looking people everywhere makes for a very "alien" atmosphere. Even in the High Forest or Rabanara, I've never felt such a strong "alien" feeling, and those places are pretty fantastical and weird.

We walk through the town towards the north side, and we reach a set of nearly identical white and black two-story mansions built in the modern minimalist style: box-like rooms, a horizontal and straight roof, and floor-to-ceiling windows covering the front-facing walls. It's so boxy and straight that it actually satisfies Lina's dwarven aesthetics.

"What an interesting style. It would fit in well among the surface houses, though I'm not sure that many people would like having an entire wall of glass," she says.

"Yeah, it feels way too 'open' to me. I prefer small windows that can easily be covered," Yunia says.

"Looks perfect to me," Hana comments with a shrug.

"Aren't your people the ones who like to expose their bodies all the time?" Roxanne asks Yunia.

"We're also the people who created the Shells; we're reclusive by nature. We're proud of our perfect bodies, but we only show them off when we want to," she responds.

"You get tired of being naked?" Ririmu asks.

"You don't?" Yunia returns the question right back at him.

He shrugs. "For me, this is normal."

"Being naked all the time would be too stimulating, but at some point, it would become 'normal' again, taking the fun out of being naked," Roxanne says.

Ciel asks with a raised eyebrow, "Talking from experience?"

"Seeing your bare cow tits was very 'stimulating' the first few times. It still is, but I certainly don't get wet instantly anymore just from seeing them," she answers with a grin, and Ciel rolls her eyes.

"So, you're all excited by seeing us?" Hukarere asks.

"You bet. So many dicks, but I can't suck or fuck any of them…" Hana answers with a sigh.

I hold her hand and earnestly tell her, "You can have me anytime you want."

Her face melts into a warm smile, and she kisses my hand. "I know I can, I just hold myself back for a while to make things more interesting."

I chuckle. "Oh, I see…"

"So, this excites you?" Hukarere asks, then squeezes one of her honkers with her hand, plants one foot on a garden bench, and spreads her pink lips with her other hand. I see that her delicious cock-sleeve is wet with a sticky, clear substance

"Wha-… aren't you excited?" Ririmu asks, staring intently at her lips.

"His dick has been 'growing' in me," Hukarere says, and we almost groan at her pun.

"I'm pretty sure that any man would get excited by just looking at a wet pussy," Hana says, also staring intently at her, imagining her taste. We can definitely both say that there's a degree of novelty in fucking a supposed "ghost" like her.

Ririmu's pink monster starts to peek out from within his sheath, and my dragon cock unconsciously stands erect.

"Seeing someone as beautiful as you going around naked all the time has made me perpetually excited," I say.

Ririmu breathes deeply, and his small pink thing returns to its sheath.

The sexy, white wolf uses one finger to scoop some lewdness from her wet cunt, then sensually licks it with her long tongue while grinning.

"Just fuck her already," Roxanne complains inside my soul space.

"Patience. A true hunter waits for the perfect moment to strike," Alissa responds.

"She's almost ripe," Hana says.

"You're all predators," Lina says

"And you're the prey," Hana continues that line, and her predatory yellow eyes open up inside my mind.

I stop them there before my "Sanity" lowers again, then I undo the spikes of my magnum dong and grab it with both of my hands.

"If you don't stop teasing me, we'll have to make a short stop so that I can masturbate," I say.

Hukarere laughs out loud and replies "I'm sorry, Wolf Ryder. I'll try not to 'stimulate' you so much."

"I'm not saying that 'stimulating' me is a bad thing, though."

She nods while smiling. "I'll keep that in mind."


We approach the largest mansion in the neighborhood. It's four stories high and still follows the same modern minimalist style as the other buildings here.

There's a simple gate with two common guards standing in front of it, who let us pass after a quick word from our guides. We walk along a rock path through a grass garden that takes us around the house, then we come out into the backyard. There's a wide patio with a pool, some obvious barbecue equipment, and a large veranda with a few dining tables.

About twenty horned and winged Chimeras and a dozen more with assorted parts are having a small party in the backyard. As if Hukarere wasn't enough, there are now a few Chimeras having some fun that I'd like to partake in.

Oritiki herself is entertaining two men on a lavish lounging couch, but she immediately stops when she sees us and comes over for a greeting while the men quickly follow her.

"Wolf Ryder! I'm glad you came!" She exclaims. She runs her hands down her body and casts multiple instant [Clean]s to dry herself off. The men also dry their dicks, but they keep them fully erect as they walk towards us.

"One of my wives is a dragonkin, surely you can understand that it'd be hard for me to say no?" I ask with a cheeky smile, which she returns.

Our guides bow to her while the girls and I give her a respectful nod.

"These are my husbands…" -She swings her arms over the shoulders of each man, then pushes them forward. She's a bit taller than both of them- "Korito and Rei. My husbands, these are Wolf Ryder, Alissa…"

Korito is Thor, a muscular, blonde human man with fair skin, a thick beard, and long hair. Rei is a warthog-head man with a slick, blue with black spots, merfolk chest; thick, blue lizard arms and hands; and rainbow-scaled merfolk legs.

"We've heard a lot about you, Ryder," Korito says. His voice is very gruff and manly.

"Our wife seems very 'interested' in you," Rei says, and I notice a hint of displeasure. His voice is even deeper and rougher, easily booming through the air.

Oritiki rolls her eyes and smiles, then she notices the prickly monster between my legs. "I assume this is the rumored skill?" She asks in an amused tone.

I grab the monster and grow it into an even bigger club, then I change its texture to rough lizard skin. "I have a few 'special skills,'" I say with a grin. Her husbands are speechless, too amazed to speak.

"That's not [Mana Genitals], right?" She asks.

"Nope. It's something else. Well, I do have that skill, but it's much more limited than this one," I answer and show them my real dick.

"Do you know how to use it?" Thor suddenly asks, still staring at the monster. The way that the two men are looking at me makes me uncomfortable.

"I have seven wives, so of course I do," I respond with a chuckle.

"Can you use a sword as well as you can use your cock?" Rei asks and gives me a familiar fearsome smile. If I had to guess, he probably has some dragonkin blood in him.

"It's why we're here," I say and glance at Hana while smiling anxiously. The Celestial Horns are some sort of elite unit, and it's not every day that you get the opportunity to fight someone as strong as Oritiki, so even I'm getting interested in sparring.

"So, who goes first?" Oritiki asks.

"Can I?" Hana asks, and I nod.

"How do you fight?" Oritiki asks her.

"Bastard sword and shield. I'm both a magic swordswoman and a spell sword," Hana says. Oritiki and her husbands seem impressed by her words.

"Which spells can you cast?" Oritiki asks.

We don't want them to underestimate us if we're going to work together, so she tells them all of the spells that she can cast.

"I knew you weren't an average explorer," Oritiki says, and a crazed look starts to form on her face. "We'll be fighting first."

The patio is cleared, and everybody stops playing around to observe the duel. They'll be using sharp weapons and protection for the heart, neck, and brain. Two semi-nude beauties with massive badonkers are going to give us a special show.

"Try not to aim at her underwear. If she's exposed, I'm stopping the duel until she's dressed again, no matter what," I state, and Oritiki nods in understanding.

Hana's sexy underwear won't be enough to hold her dobonhonkeros, so she switches to a tight sash. The small, lacy Snow Weave thong remains, though.

Oritiki's expression turns wild, and her cunt drips with excitement. With a *poof*, she pulls out her golden glaive, then squeezes her dohoonkabhankoloos as she says, "Let's give them an entertaining 'performance,' shall we?"



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Oracle Maximillian Hübner.

Prince PreownedFIN.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Hope.

Lord Samuel Lim.

Lord Bill.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord DJ.

Lord Ashadun.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Enrique Peña Gomez.

Lord Braidborn.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Yeeteris Dedmeem.

Lord D4rk Sheep.

Lord Nathan Vanbrunt.

Lord Markus.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Badger.

Lord Krawn.

Lord Remco.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord Asakurà.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Joshua Tal.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Yamibomb112.

Noble Mild Fracas.


Noble Aclys.

Noble Tyler Mills.

Noble Samuel Steinike.

If you'd like to support Rupegia, you can become a patron at: www.patreon.com/manasong