
Pit Stop - Part 2

I swim towards Yunia with a suggestive smile on my face. She raises an eyebrow questioningly and struggles to hold back her smile.

"You become quite gentle when you're with your brothers," I comment, then I sit on her right and raise my seat so that my head can stay above the water.

"Of course. They're family, and they deserve it," she calmly replies, then she pulls her bikini off underwater and throws it away from the Jacuzzi.

I pout jokingly. "I wish you'd treat us like you do them. We're family, too."

She stands up and steps on her seat, then throws her bottoms to the side, too. Droplets of water trickle down her straight golden hair, caress her juicy bosom, highlight the contour of her taut abs, run along her golden landing strip, and then drip from her pink slit.

She turns to me and raises her left leg, then rests her delicious foot on the edge of the tub and leans forward on her knee. Her breasts bunch up, her slip opens to me, and her stern face stares at me with cold eyes.

I lick my lips, getting hungry to suck on some toes.

"I don't let my family fuck me, though, so of course you get a different treatment," she says, matter-of-factly.

I tap my lip like Aoi does and pucker my lips as I ask, "What did you call me earlier today? A 'Sex God who makes you orgasm multiple times every night'? Is this how you treat your God?"

"Oh, not the God-roleplay again…" Ciel grumbles and rolls her eyes.

"This is how I treat my King," Yunia answers confidently. Then, she hurriedly whispers, "I loved that King-Queen roleplay you did with Roxanne."

I get up from my seat, grab her face, and touch our foreheads together. "Does my Queen wish to be defiled by my Unholy Cock?" I gently ask.

She pouts, and her face reddens as she whispers back, "You know what? Let's not do this."

"It seems that my Queen is hiding her desires. Worry not, I'll wring them out of you, forcefully."

She suddenly straightens her back, and her delicate, delicious foot pushes my shoulder down.

"How uncouth, profane, and vulgar of you, you… peasant! Know your place!" She exclaims in a haughty tone and wrinkles her nose in disgust.

She must have realized that I love being called "peasant" like that.

I grab her foot and create a very long fake tongue that I use to wrap around each of her toes, then I make it vibrate. Her face cramps, and I feel like she almost tried to use [Mask], but decided to surrender her pride to me instead. I don't need [Bind] to understand her feelings since I know how much of a degenerate she really is behind that noble mask.

I savor every little cute toe she has with a smirk, then I create suckers along the tongue and latch them onto each one. They squirm under my loving touch, which is evidence of Yunia's delight, even though she's playing hard to please.

I let go of her foot and stand up. Suddenly, I'm towering over her, and my body swells with muscles. My thunder cock slaps at her entrance, and it makes a lewd sound against her love juices.

I grab her shoulders and make her turn around, then I hold the back of her neck and waist and force her to bend forward.

"You should be grateful to your King, for he's about to fuck you," I whisper in her ear with a husky tone.

"Thank you, my Kinnn~gh…!" She moans as my throbbing royal rod spreads her flower wide as it enters her.

Her legs quiver, and her insides tighten.

"Yes, yes, yes! Fuck this royal pussy!" She yells.

The flowery smell of her pussy gets replaced by the thick scent of her lewdness.

"Harder! Bigger! Stretch me more!" She begs.

The formerly regal and majestic woman is now replaced by a cock slave begging for fucking.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Cum inside of me! Cum on my body! Cum on my hair!"

"Hair? That'd be annoying to clean," Roxanne whispers.

Her composed and stern expression melts away, allowing her slutty and sex-crazed persona to take hold.

She starts yelling obscenities in Andraste, Ingua, and Reo that make Ciel blush.

I slow down and turn her around, then I make her sit on the edge of the tub and lift her legs, spreading her flower open to me. Her golden hair is wet and disheveled, and her straight posture is twisted as her muscles tremble, giving her the air of a wretch left in the rain.

She parts the hair covering her face, and looks down at the royal cock buried inside her.

"NOOOOooo~…" She yells out in disgust, but her insides tighten as she orgasms again.

She sees a warped, blotched, crooked, bulbous, ugly, pulsating… cock. An utter obscenity is thrusting into her regal and royal pussy.

Every time the royal cock penetrates her, a vulgar sound echoes out. Her lewd juices are the source of it, but the deformed shape of the cock amplifies the volume and messiness, making it truly perverse.

I don't get why she and Roxanne like this, but they do…

"CUM! CUM! CUM! CUM FOR ME!" The cock slave begs. The Queen has fully regressed inside her mind, shocked by the corruption she has fallen to.

"THEN TAKE… THIS!" I scream in triumph.

The royal rod bulges for a second, then it hoses her insides with the pure seed of the One True King. The only exit is plugged by a knot so that it may taint the inside of the royal pussy as deeply as it can.

The fire in our loins dies down, and we pant heavily as we catch our breaths. I wiggle it a bit inside her, and she lets out a sigh of satisfaction. I know that wiggling is a favorite of Roxanne's, so it fills me with happiness, knowing that she's envious of Yunia's current situation.

I hold her face and pull it up to mine so that I can take a good look at her. She's panting, and her posture is sloppy from tiredness, but her striking blue eyes are still full of life and perhaps a certain emotion that I wouldn't dare assume about just yet.

I caress her cheek, then I push away the strands of hair covering her face, tucking them behind her long elven ear.

I'm completely charmed by her beauty, but there's another feeling that's welling up inside my chest.

I smile warmly at her, and she returns it, her face softening completely. I suddenly kiss her nose, and she chuckles girlishly, then she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me closer.

"Kaatohe was wrong. You like to play the king, but this is your true nature, isn't it? The real 'you' is kind, warm, and affectionate," she questions with a faint smirk.


"I just want to make you happy, so I've been making lots of room for you inside my heart with the hope that it's to your liking," I whisper a gentle response.

She narrows her eyes suspiciously. "Is this a confession of love?"

I look away and smile in embarrassment, then Alissa's will jolts me awake, and I look back at her again with a seductive stare. "No, this is a confession: I've fallen in love with you, Yulania."

She sucks in air loudly and freezes for a split second, then she tries to look haughty but fails, and her face reddens as a smile blooms on her luscious red lips.

"Awn…" Roxanne moans and falsely dries a tear.

"Quiet, wench," Yunia barks and glares at her, then her face softens again, and she chuckles. "What a perfectly 'romantic' situation to confess, isn't it?" She asks, then she pats her bulging belly. I wiggle it inside her as I stimulate both her clit and g-spot, causing a sudden lewd moan to escape her defiled lips.

I smirk and reply, "Isn't sex the most powerful way to show love? I know that you've never experienced anything as intense as this." Then I turn up the intensity by vibrating everything while using my spirit-touch.

Her heavenly elven voice caresses my ears, and she clings tightly to my neck. The vibration still isn't as good as the Delicious Horrors', but it's enough to quickly give her another orgasm.

She glares at me with narrowed eyes as she pants. "You haven't broken my pride yet, peasant," she growls, and I feel a shiver run down my spine.

I hug her tight and press her breasts against my chest. "I don't need to 'break' you since I've completely charmed you already," I reply with a cheeky smile.

She licks her lips seductively and struggles to find a comeback.

"Your banter is just an attempt to hide how thoroughly I've tamed you. Admit it, you love me," I continue.

She hesitates for a second, then she shyly answers, "I do."

I immediately kiss her and penetrate her mouth with my tongue, then I undo the knot and move my hips again.


I finally slide out of her and end the kiss. She gives me a few loving pecks, then pushes me away and covers her pussy with her hand. She waddles towards Roxanne, then stops before her and gives her a cold glare.

"Open wide, cum slut, I need you to clean me," Yunia orders, and Roxanne obeys with a smirk.

Yunia spreads her abused pink lips apart, and Roxanne clamps her mouth on them, then she penetrates her Queen with her tongue.

Yunia's legs quiver, but she holds on to Roxanne's horns like handles while she's vigorously eaten out.

Hana's lightly tanned balloons fill my sight as she buries my face in them, then she grabs my cock and sits onto it.

While the other girls play, she milks me while I milk her tits in return.


We finally climb out of the tub feeling a bit tired, but also completely refreshed. The healing waters also increased by MP regen, so I plowed the fields a little more than usual since I had some extra seed to plant.

This bath time started earlier than usual, so we have some free time to lounge around while we wait for dinner.

The twins want to show Yunia the results of their level-ups, so she and Hana go to the backyard to spar with them. They're learning to be imperial Ronti riders, so they've been learning the sword, the spear, and riding. Ronti riders are more versatile than Gatun riders or any other elven soldier, so they've probably chosen this path because they're not really sure where exactly they'll fight when they're older.

Their melee skills have already become higher than Yunia's, but her [Precognition] gives her a massive advantage, so it doesn't matter, and they still lose soundly to her. They have quite a bit of MP for someone of their age and level, so they could use enchanted equipment, but they weren't given any yet since it's expensive.

Antares has enough magical talent that he could become a hybrid mage like Ciel, but not enough that he should dedicate himself solely to magic like Roxanne. He hasn't yet found out which magic school he has the most affinity with, so he's focusing on learning melee skills for now. Arturus will definitely become a spellsword since that's just the standard for nobility without any significant talent in magic.

They spar with Hana, and she completely destroys them. Their skill with weapons is comparable to hers, but that's just one part of the equation. They lack the stats and the combat experience she has from fighting real battles. Even a handicap, such as using a weapon she's not experienced with, isn't enough for them to win since she has boosting skills like [Enhanced Reflexes], [Enhanced Stamina], [Enhanced Strength], and [Enhanced Endurance]. These skills give temporary boosts, so they could try to get her to mentally tire herself out by forcing her to use them repeatedly, but she has the "Endurance" and "Willpower" of a dragonkin, so good luck with that.

Even Lina could win in a pure melee fight against them since she had a massive positive soul potential to boost her skill gain. Her strong defense also makes it hard for them to outlast her, so they have no clear advantage over her.

Yunia had been deftly steering the conversation away from my accomplishments, but if they challenge me to a duel, it'll just make them feel inadequate, so we return to our imperial mansion to keep our distance from them. Even I don't think that they should be comparing themselves to me. I'm just a filthy cheater, after all.

Alissa gets the doll golems to dance as she hums a song and plays with her [Mesmerizing Butterflies]. Ciel and Roxanne have a dat-… go shopping in Goloria for ingredients; Lina takes the chance to cuddle with me and continues reading her book; Aoi and I practice our mana organ shaping with the help of Gify, who keeps replaying in our minds the memories of Alissa changing her form.

Lina's only wearing black panties and one of Hana's shirts, making her look as cute as a button. I gently brush her hair while I train with Aoi, and I apply some hair cream to make it become more lustrous. It looks so good that I'm sure we'll have to apply it to all the other girls tonight, lest they get jealous.

My lewd dwarf deliberately teases me by sensually moving her little ass. It's just second nature for her to play with my shaft. I decide not to ravage her body today and just enjoy it while keeping a hard-on.

After a while, Aoi and I tire of training, so she pulls out her golden ball punching game. The ball floats above a platform, and its temperature gradually increases, but the rate depends on how close it is to the platform, so the point of the game is to push it away for as long as possible until it gets too hot.

We disable the heat gain, so we can now play a different kind of game. I use a small earth elemental to make a table about half the size of one that could be used for ping-pong, and raise two goals at each end. Lina quickly molds two small metal rackets for us with [Manipulate Metal], and we wield them with [Telekinesis].

Magic air hockey has been created.

We flip one of Aoi's bitten and scratched coins, and it lands on the bitten side. I start.

I slam the racket against the ball, sending it flying directly towards her goal. She defends and deflects it upwards, then the ball flies out of range of the platform and falls heavily onto the floor.

"Well… I guess there are some improvements we could make…" I say wryly.

"Few people would know how to use [Telekinesis] to play this the way you intend," Alissa comments.

Lina closes her book and takes a look at our game. "Well… the enchantment is way too small for what you're planning," she adds.

I look at the small platform and pucker my lips. "Maybe I should learn how to enchant," I say.

"There's an enchantment in that small wooden platform, too, so it might be easier to just start from scratch."


"Wood is just too rough to use as a medium for enchanting. The dryads might be able to enchant using wood, but not even the elves can do that, so you'd have better results enchanting a lump of iron, instead."

I sigh as my motivation slips away. To learn how to enchant this from scratch would take way too much effort.

"Let's just scale this down," I relent.

Lina pats my head lovingly, and I smile as my energies are recharged.

I shrink the play area down to about the size of an A4 sheet, cut down each racket to just a palm-sized coin, and add a thick glass dome to prevent the ball from flying away.

Mini magic air hockey has been created.

We flip the coin again, and this time it lands on the scratched side. Aoi starts.

She hits the golden ball with her racket, sending it straight to my goal. I deflect, and it starts to bounce between the stone walls at the sides.

Aoi defends, and we engage in a back and forth frenzy as the ball violently bounces around. We flick the coins and slap the ball away, causing a loud metallic clang to echo through the room.

The glass cracks as the force of our strikes is too great, but the elemental quickly repairs it before it shatters.

The game starts to get out of control as the ball's speed quickly increases, then Aoi's defense slips, and the ball hits the cushioned padding of her goal.

As we let the ball return to the center on its own, we notice how it's been deformed, and it now floats with a limp.

"Yeah, so… this game won't work," I admit with a laugh. A few more rounds like this, and the ball would get damaged enough that the enchantment would stop working.

"Awn…" Aoi grumbles in sadness. "It was pretty fun."

"How sad…" Alissa comments with a flat tone.

We look to the side and see both Alissa and Lina silently staring at us.

I smile wryly and apologize, "Sorry. Next version, we'll make it silent."

Alissa snorts, and Lina continues reading.

I pat Aoi's head, and she regains her motivation.


After that, we just play cards until it's time for dinner. Hana and Yunia have a quick bath, then the twins join us in our imperial house for the meal.

Hana has beaten them into submission, so we actually have a pleasant meal since they don't have the energy or the courage to be bratty again. In truth, they aren't as snobbish as Yunia, so they're actually more amiable than her.

For dessert, the servants bake us a fruit cake with meringue, so we end up overeating again.

"We're going to get fa~t," Roxanne teases. Ciel and Yunia get concerned, but everyone else's reactions are so calm that they don't stop eating.

"Oof, you're losing your touch," I comment and flash a grin at her.

She just sticks out her tongue at me, and I blow her a kiss.

The twins squirm when they see us flirt, so Roxanne finds a new target to torment, and she starts to heavily flirt with Yunia since that's two goblins with one arrow. Even better, Yunia can't put Roxanne down with verbal abuse since that would just make things worse.

"Anyway, how was your 'date' with Ciel?" Yunia asks, trying to deflect the teasing away from herself.

"It wasn't a 'date,'" Ciel points out before Roxanne can say anything.

"What's a 'date'?" Arturus asks.

"Two people getting together for an activity when there's a romantic undertone to it," I answer and smile diplomatically.

"So…" Arturus' eyes switch between me, Ciel, and Roxanne. "Are they-…?"

"Lovers? Yes. They're deeply in love with each other," Yunia fills in immediately.

The twins raise their eyebrows in surprise.

Roxanne smiles gently, then grabs Yunia's hand and gives it a kiss. "She did say that there are six ravenous women wanting her body every night," she says, teasingly.

"But who's the si-… forget that I asked," Antares starts asking a question, but regrets even thinking about it.

Yunia facepalms while Roxanne happily giggles away, clearly delighted with the pain that the twins are going through.


They leave after the meal since they still have to work tomorrow. Those goblin nests won't wipe themselves out. We won't be able to meet with them tomorrow since they're going pretty far away, so we'll rest for the whole day, then we'll return to the dungeon in the morning after that.

Yunia gives each of them a big hug, then they return to their estate looking like children who'd been denied ice cream.

Curiously, the sun in the dungeon has set too, so it's not the same as the unmoving sun of the earlier floors.

As much as I want to take a break, I feel restless. I don't have any of my hobbies that I enjoyed on Earth to keep my mind busy here, so sometimes, my heart aches for things that I can't have. I don't get tired of sex, but I also occasionally crave for something else, like video games.

I really wish that the magic air hockey game would've worked, but I don't want it enough to go through the bother of learning enchanting just to make the equipment for it, and I don't want to ask Lina to work on something so unimportant.

I decide to go out into our backyard and sit among the flowers to meditate. Alissa feels my restlessness and lets me go without asking me why. Gify tags along because she feels like seeing some nature today, and she may also be affected by my mood more than any of the other girls.

I put a large number of points in [Sense Mana]. Not too many that makes it feel like a strain, but enough that I can clearly feel the "flavor" of the ambient mana. Nature mana "tastes" kind of pleasant, so it helps with calming my heart.

Elven grass is a bit different than usual grass. For some reason, it's less prickly, and the flowers here also have a more noticeable fragrance to them, so this place is ideal for meditation.

I sigh and lay down, then I stare up at the starry sky and the colorful satellite moons rapidly spinning around their psychedelic mother. I kind of missed this sight when we traveled through the fake Broken Skies. The "moon" there is just an overly large star that glows the same color as their clouds.

Yunia appears in the backyard, then she looks around for a few seconds before she finds me. She walks towards me with leisurely steps, letting her shapely legs peek out through the side slits of her long skirt.

She stops in front of me, then she takes off her heels and lays down on the grass at my side. I hold her hand and pull it closer so that I can caress her.

We lay there quietly for a while, just gazing up at the stars.

"What will you do after you become a Lord?" She suddenly asks.

I slowly break out of my trance and consider how to answer.

After a full minute of thought, I decide to be as straightforward as possible. "Kill everyone that threatens us," I answer calmly.

She turns to me and frowns. "That's not the elven way," she warns me worriedly.

"I'm not an elf."

"You'd end up making too many enemies for us."

"Then you can help me decide who lives and who dies, but enemies like Katasko and Dawn of Fire need to be eliminated, no matter what."

She stays silent for a while, just staring at my face, analyzing me.

"And when will you stop?" She finally asks.

"When all the heretics are dead; when there's no one that dares to defy us; when the monsters are gone; when we can peacefully retire to our private little corner, and our children take our place."

She pouts while I smirk. "Answer more seriously."

I shrug. "Truth is: I don't know. We should gather as much power as we can, but we won't know if we have enough until we really need it." I turn to look at her in the eyes. "And so, we need to gain as much power as we can. Do you agree with this plan?"

She thinks about it for a moment, then she grabs my hand and gives it an assuring squeeze. "For the wives," she whispers.

I nod. "For the wives. All for one, and one for all."



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Oracle Maximillian Hübner.

Prince PreownedFIN.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Samuel Lim.

Lord Bill.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord DJ.

Lord Ashadun.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Enrique Peña Gomez.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord D4rk Sheep.

Lord Nathan Vanbrunt.

Lord Markus.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Krawn.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Joshua Tal.

Lord Colorblind.

Lord RottenTangerine.

Lord Belkoth.

Lord Cidant.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.


Noble Aclys.

Noble Jordon Gotthold.

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