
Death - Part 3

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest announces.

I hug Lily's waist and pull her closer, then her hand cups my left cheek, and I eagerly press my lips against hers.

We both comically squeeze our eyes shut, then we end our kiss with a loud *smack*.

We laugh and turn to face the benches as everyone rises to their feet and applauds.

With a smile so wide that it hurts my face, Lily and I carefully come down the steps and walk the aisle while everyone throws flower petals at us.

We shield our faces with our hands and skip forward while the photographer walks backward like a pro, taking all the pictures of us that he can without tripping.

We leave the church, then we go down the steps and enter the car.

The driver closes the door for us and hurries to his seat, then he turns on the car, and we leave the church grounds, heading towards the restaurant.

We wave as the guests start pouring out, then we sigh and lean back.

I scratch my cheek, then I immediately lay my head on Lily's lap and breathe in the fresh and herbal perfume of hers that I love. It reminds me of woodlands, and it's rather calming for me.

I stare at her beautiful, heart-stoppingly cute face. Her slightly wavy black hair is puffed up and oiled like a model's, covering her bare, small shoulders like drapes. Her gently tanned skin is glossy from her perfectly applied makeup, making me miss her little flaws. Her eyes are striking with black eyeliner, calling for me to drown in them. Her red lips look delicious, and I lick my own, tasting some of her lipstick that got on them from before. Her pointy nose and chin are absolutely pinchable, so much so that I give in and lightly pinch her nose.

She snorts, then her small, delicate fingers pinch my nose in return, though with enough strength to hurt slightly. I giggle, and she releases me, then I notice that she's giving me a slightly amused and pouty glare.

"Amor, from below, you look so imposing…" I whisper lovingly to her, and her face softens. "I can see your boogers, though." I smirk, and she pinches my nose again, but I bat her hand away because she was about to make me sneeze.

"Stop resisting!" She demands, and we start to wrestle, but I fight for my life because those delicate hands are supported by some very athletic and strong arms.

We play around for a few more seconds, then she spreads our arms apart, leaving both of our faces exposed, and kisses my lips.

My heart tightens, and the sudden attack leaves me stunned for a moment, which she takes advantage of to free her hands from my grip and give my nose another squeeze.

"Ah…" -I immediately turn around- "ACHOO! Ugh…" I sneeze strongly and groan.

She giggles evilly, then pats my head. She finds my sneezes to be funny, for some reason. "Oh, no, your hair!" She exclaims then hurriedly brushes my head to tame my hair down again.

I turn around and see her worried and apologetic face, making me feel quite smug. I grab her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze, "Oh… don't worry, Amor. Mom has a hairbrush and some hairspray we can use."

"Alright…" She mutters, a little shy.

I sit up and tightly hug her thin waist, then I continue to admire her face. This little piece of hazelnut chocolate is mine. Only for me to eat as much as I want. She's all mine.

Considering the amount of fucked up porn and hentai I've watched, I never expected that I'd get married one day, or that it'd be a fellow degenerate, or, most importantly, that she'd be this cute.

I know that she wants to rest her head against my chest, but her hair is way too expensive to ruin, just yet, so we'll limit our cuddling for now.


We reach the restaurant and ask the organizer to get the brush and hair spray from my Mom, then we do one last look-over before we let the guests in.

We stand at the far end of the reception hall like a king and queen receiving their guests. Everyone gives us their blessings, wishing us happiness together, then they're taken to their seats.

After an exhaustingly long time, everyone is gone, and only our immediate families are left.

Dad comes in, his large belly barely contained by his tuxedo and his usual stubble entirely shaved away, making his fat neck rolls very visible. His beady eyes look at us amusedly, and I know that he's ready to drop a fat one.

"[Don't you exhaust yourself partying because tonight, you gotta pound her in bed]," Dad teases in Portuguese, then wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. He isn't even drunk yet and he's already like this…

Mom slaps him on the arm while Sis rolls her eyes and Bro chuckles. I grit my teeth and smile awkwardly, then I sigh and shake my head. I'm thankful that Lily's parents can't speak Portuguese.

"What did he say?" Lily curiously asks, wanting to get in on the joke.

"A stupid joke…" I mutter. I really don't want to repeat it.

We share a strong handshake, and his large, thick, and rough fingers almost crush my hand, then he pulls me into a hug.

"[Proud of you, boy]," he whispers in my ear, then releases me.

Mom comes next. Her blue dress is a little too tight, revealing that she's slowly gaining her "grandma proportions," but she's definitely quite far from Dad's roundedness. Her short stature forces me to bend down a little to hug her properly.

"[Congratulations. I wish you both lots of happiness, wealth, and good health]," she whispers and gives me a tight hug as she does.

"[Thanks, Mom]," I whisper back and release her, then she gives one to Lily, too. They're really sweet to each other.

Because of her dark skin and hair color, Lily and her parents found something in common to help bridge the gap between their two cultures. Even though they came from almost entirely opposite locations in the world and they could hardly understand each other, they still managed to become fast friends. Lily comes from India, and Mom from Brazil, yet they found a lot of common ground to build a relationship on.

After Mom finishes giving her blessings to Lily in broken English, Bro comes next, sporting a military buzz cut. Taller than everyone else, not that either of our families are tall to begin with, he towers over us, and he proudly displays the muscles he gained in the army with the tightest fitting tuxedo I've ever seen. Sis even sent me a pic of how much his pants ride up his perfectly round ass, and I wonder how he can even stand it. Maybe he likes it, not that I'm judging, but the stories he tells about the army drip with gayness, or at least, butt stuff.

"[Hey, there, Totó. Caught a big one]," he teases in Portuguese with a shit-eating grin.

"[Now it's only you left, Army Boy. When are we going to meet your boyfriend]?" I shoot back with a mirrored grin.

We share a handshake, and he tries to crush my hand, but I quickly wrench myself free and scratch my cheek.

"[Fuck yourself]," he mutters, then moves on.

"'Totó' sounds much cuter than 'Toto,'" Lily whispers teasingly.

"'Toto' is right at my limit, but 'Totó' is a dog's name, so I definitely won't let you call me that," I hurriedly whisper back.

"Hm…" She smiles smugly with a glint of evilness in her eyes.

Sis comes last, followed by her husband. Her round belly from her pregnancy prevented her from using her best dress, but she still looks as classy as always. I also notice that her round face has become a bit rounder along with her kind smile that has become even kinder than it was before.

I give her a short and gentle hug, then she gives one to Lily, too.

"Olá, olá, parabéns, congratulations to both of you. I wish you happiness and good health," Sis happily says to us while holding Lily's hands like girl friends.

"I wish you good health, too, and a safe delivery. I want us to play together soon," Lily responds in the same tone, and the two of them nod excitedly at each other.

Sis' husband is a rather shy man, so our handshake is short and a bit awkward.

Lily's father comes next, and he immediately gives me a tight hug while crying profusely. He's shorter than I am, so I'm forced to lean down, making the situation even more awkward.

"Take care of my daughter," he manages to mumble between sobs with a thick Indian accent.

"Dad…" Lily mutters and chuckles while facepalming.

Lily's mother comes next, and she cups my cheeks, forcing me to look straight at her elegant face. "Congratulations, and take care of my daughter, please," she composedly gives me her blessings, then moves on to console her husband.

With the greetings now done, we enter the restaurant and get the party going.


A wedding isn't really a party for the newlyweds to enjoy, but rather, it's a party for your guests. It's a show where we're the main attraction, so we'd better play up the part of a loving and happy couple, not that we aren't one already.

I don't eat much, saving space in my stomach for the chocolate and cake, but before the time for that comes, the waiter gives each of us at the grooms' table two gold-powdered Ferrero Rocher each.

As if we were having a toast, we all, at the same time, eat the most delicious chocolate I've ever tasted.

Lily's Mom used to dance, so we take our first dance seriously, trying to impress her.

I grab her waist and lift her up high, then I spin in place and gently guide her down. That'd be an impressive feat of strength if Lily weren't so fucking light. Everything involving gymnastics seems to be easier when your partner is so light that you can fold them into a trunk and carry them by hand.

Once the song ends, we receive an enthusiastic round of applause and a thumbs up from Lily's Mom, so the greatest challenge of the night was cleared with an excellent grade.

I awkwardly scratch my cheek, then we return to our table to calm down our hearts. Lily can dance, but not in front of everyone like this.

I spend most of my time at the party talking with Sis, Lily, and her friends. I don't really have any strong connections with anyone besides these two, so it's kind of like I don't have any real friends, but Lily's group seems to like me, for some reason.

I feel like they've adopted me as one of them…

Lily and I dance again a few more times, but with all the stress from today, we don't have the energy to do it that seriously.

The party goes on until late at night, but it finally ends at 3 AM, and we're "allowed" to leave.


I lay my head on Lily's lap while the driver takes us home. We're both completely exhausted, and if my clothes are starting to itch, I can only imagine how badly hers are by now.

The driver drops us off at our house, and we awkwardly walk in. I have to follow in behind her, holding her dress' "tail," or whatever this shit is called, so that it doesn't get dirty.

Right when we open the door, two missiles launch towards Lily, but she deftly shoots them down before they can do any damage. "Tito! Lala! Stop!" She assertively commands them, and they immediately obey.

I drop Lily's tail and corral Team Rocket away so that she can get to her room and shed her dress. Tito, the not-corgi, shows me his wide and fluffy belly, making me squeal internally, while Lala, the not-beagle, jumps at my leg, giving me puppy eyes and asking for pats.

"I'm sorry, but daddy needs to do something before I can play," I whisper apologetically at them, then I quickly enter our room so that I can watch Lily strip.

I sit down on the bed and give her a knowing smile that she quickly mirrors, then she slows down and adds sensuality to her movements.

Her dress drops to the floor, revealing her dainty, lacy, white lingerie. She's wearing a delicate bra, a garter belt, long white stockings, and the smallest panties she's ever worn.

My heart pumps blood down to my dick, and my exhaustion is washed away almost instantly.

"Don't bite them off," she warns me, slightly deflating my excitement. "Seriously, they were expensive."

"Okay…" I mumble, then I tap the screen of my phone and take a picture. She strikes some poses for me and slowly makes her way across the bed as if it were a porn shoot. She's going to get fucked in a few minutes, so that's not actually that far from the truth.

Once she gets close enough, I drop my phone and pull her close to me, then I invade her mouth with my tongue.

I push her down, and we lay on the bed, then she starts to rub her pussy against my leg, so I break the kiss and smile apologetically as I say, "We have to get these clothes off…"

"Right…" She snorts and pushes me away, then I quickly get undressed and sweep her off her feet. She yelps and hugs me around my neck, then starts chuckling as I princess carry her to the bathroom.

We both would rather fuck and suck each other after a quick shower, but she's a bit of a cum slut, so she has something else in mind for us.

"Wait, wait, wait, there's something we need to do…" She stops me and smiles suggestively.


She gives my dick a quick wash, then she deepthroats me.

"Hngh…!" I moan as she starts pumping me, begging for my cum.

I happily oblige, and she gives herself a facial. Or, more precisely, she makes me cum all over her beautiful, perfect hair.

I chuckle and scratch my cheek awkwardly as she runs out of the bathroom to get my phone for a selfie.

After that, we have a quick shower, and now that we're both clean and smelling good, we hungrily go down on each other.

"Did you even go soft?" She questions as she licks the head.

"Uh… I don't think so," I confusedly answer. "I guess I'm just really horny."


I envelop her pussy with my mouth, then I tongue fuck her. She knows how to suck cock, and I know how to eat pussy.

"Hngh…! Ahn…! Oh…! Ah…! I'm… I'm comiiing~…!" She shouts, then I feel her vagina quivering through my tongue. "W-wow…! D-don't… STOOOOP!"

She stops sucking me, and I keep a steady technique going, eating her out like I've never done before.

Using my tongue like a third hand, I play her pussy to bring out a beautiful song from her lips, with even her tight asshole gets played with. My hand and tongue move on their own, creating a symphony with her moans.

I've become a Grand artist, and her pussy is my instrument. I'm a prodigy, a genius, the master of pleasure.

No, I'm more, much more. I'm… I'm…

I am a Sex God.

"W-w-w-w-wait…! Toto, wait!" She pleads.

I snap out of it and make a dumb noise, "Huh…?"

"That's a bit too much… you'll… ruin me before we even start…" She struggles to continue talking as she catches her breath.

"Oh… okay."

She rolls to the side and reaches for the bedside table while I clean my finger on a used underwear. I don't really like playing with her asshole, so I don't know why I did that, but she likes it, so it's fine.

She leans over the bedside table and takes out a condom, then she expertly readies my Holy Weapon and sits down onto it. The wet noise made by her pussy is extremely arousing.

I breathe heavily, then I grab her hips and slam us together, making her moan loudly.

I want to fuck her.

I grit my teeth as a hunger wells up from deep inside me, and her moaning turns into yelling.

I need to fuck her.

The hunger morphs into desperation, and her yelling gives way to screaming.

I need to fuck her.

I slap her ass cheeks and growl.

I will… fuck… her brains out!

She orgasms as I continue to pump and pump, applying a liberal amount of lube to her pussy every now and then to keep the friction from hurting either of us.

"HNGRHH!" I grunt like an animal as I cum loads inside her.

I pull my cock out and feel a bit disappointed that her pussy isn't dripping with cum.

I take the condom off and shove it in her mouth.

"Drink it," I order, then I ready myself with another.

She raises her eyebrows in surprise, then she meekly obeys. "Feeling a bit wild today?" She tentatively asks.

"You have no idea," I whisper back in a husky tone and continue destroying her pussy.

My body eventually gives in after several more orgasms, but my hunger is insatiable.

My cock vacates her vagina, and we collapse right there on the bed. After just a minute, we both fall fast asleep.


The dogs wake us up with their barking at the bedroom door, begging for their breakfast.

"Toto, You broke my pussy…" Lily moans in pain.

"Your dry vagina gave me a rub burn…" I moan back.

"Fuck you, you animal…"

"No, please don't, I can't handle anymore," I beg, and we both chuckle.


We apply some cream on each other's aching areas and go feed the dogs. Only then are we allowed to prepare our breakfast.

Lily makes waffles while I start the espresso machine, then I stare at it as my mind goes blank. It seems that I've forgotten how to make coffee.

"What is it?" Lily gently asks me.

I scratch my cheek, then my hands suddenly start working by themselves, and I make each of us a quick latte.

"Nothing…" I mutter.

She finishes the waffles, then adds a spoonful of cream on top and pours on some hot blueberry syrup.

We sit down and enjoy the smell of coffee and waffles on a chilly morning as we eat. The dogs happily wag their butts as they gorge themselves on their food, and I smile warmly at them while I gaze upon their cuteness.

"They're saying that it might not snow this year," Lily comments as she checks her phone.

"Mom said that it's becoming a desert over there. Things are getting bad…" I respond dismally. Lily doesn't say anything more about it because we both know that things in India are even worse, so we then go quiet, trying to avoid this depressing topic.

Lily gets a message on her phone, so she checks it, then she smiles and suggests, "Toto, your sister says that she'll be taking our parents for a walk, so we could just rest today, I'm definitely way too tired to go out."

I nod slowly as I absentmindedly reply, "Sounds good to me. Tell her to take them to Tim Hortons, they'll love their donuts."

She chuckles girlishly. "So… now that we have the whole day to ourselves… how about we play some Guild Wars VR?"

I turn to her and see her smirk, which I promptly mirror. "You sure about that?"

She nods confidently, making her wavy hair sway. "My hips hurt, and my pussy is a little sore, but my legs are okay, so I can deal with it."

"Alright, let's go."


We decide to play with the dogs to tire them out so that we can game without any interruptions.

Tito is being lazy, like always, so we focus on Lala. Otherwise, she'll just pester him until he gets angry. We might have to change "fluffy butt's" diet and force him to exercise a bit more because he's definitely getting fat. "Puppy eyes" is always energetic, so she's still quite fit.

Then we open the dog door so that they can play together in the backyard for a while. The weather has been somewhat dry lately, so there's no risk of them getting dirty with mud.

We turn on our PCs and put on our controlling gloves, then we open the game and put on our visors.


I look at my hands and see a pair of large cat paws, then I look down and notice that I'm naked.

"Oh, right…" I whisper then giggle as I flap my fully animated mega cat dong. The spiky, red meat rod makes some lewd and wet sounds as it smacks against my hips, and the absurd sight of that gives me a boner.

I look to my side and see Succubus-Loli-Lily staring at me with amusement. Her attire is the perfect mix of innocence, sexiness, and cuteness, and staring at this alluring devil just hardens my erection even further.

These lewd models aren't part of the official game, they're mods that we put together to have some fun.

I lick my lips as I stare at her dripping pussy, then I give her kitten eyes.

She frowns worriedly, wrinkling her cute little face, and questions, "The fuck is wrong with you? I'm still really sore."

I scratch my cheek awkwardly and tentatively ask, "Can I get a handy? I'm really so fucking horny that it's making me feel awkward."



"Get fucked!" Lolily taunts as she slams her huge axe down on the scrub's head.

He doesn't even have purple equips, and he's challenging her. I mean, just the size of her axe alone should give you the idea that she's not to be fucked with, but noo~… the krill willingly enter the whale's mouth on their own.

I sigh and stab the trashier scrub in the back, stacking even more poison on him. I leave a clone behind and go invis, then he swings his stupid greatsword around and kills the clone. That gives him another stack of confusion, making him hurt himself even worse.

I just watch and chuckle as the dude wildly swings his hammer around, slowly killing himself just from the confusion debuff.

Once he realizes that I won't be coming back, he switches to Lily, then I stab him in the back again and create four clones. I immediately spread them out and mimic their behavior, fooling him into not knowing which one is real.

He attacks and kills the wrong one, which earns him another stack of confusion and makes him damage himself again, then he goes for another and another. Not only does he keep hurting himself, but he's also giving me plenty of time for my cooldowns to reset.

Once I'm ready, I detonate the last clone and switch to my shortsword, but then my mind wanders, and I hesitate.

I stare at both of my hands, feeling like there's something odd about them. My fingers feel sluggish, my mind keeps searching for something, my heart feels empty.

"Cat! A little hand please!" Lolily gently requests. She's fighting four newbs, but it's still four on one.

Where the fuck are they all coming from?

"GYEEEH!" The scrub that I'd forgotten about tries to backstab me.

I teleport behind him and shove my sword into his spine. "Nothing personnel, kid," I throw some banter and twist the sword in his back.

The trash will be paralyzed for a few more seconds, but he's using a tank build, so it'll take a while for me to actually finish him.

I create four more clones and send them to detonate on the newbs, allowing Lolily to simply outlast the idiots.

I watch as she plays around with a wolf girl. Bullying female chars is a sadistic pastime for both of us.

The girl is fast, turning into an orange blur as she dodges repeatedly, but Lolily knows the pattern of her movements, and I chain the wolf right at the perfect time.

Lolily's axe cleaves the wolf's head in two, killing her instantly.

I scratch my cheek awkwardly. I actually feel a bit bad about that one, she was really cute.

"Catt-o! There's a zerg coming!" Lolily delicately draws me out of my musings.

I growl angrily like an animal, and Lolily chuckles.

"DarkHarvest can get fucked! We can't hold this spot; we need to get out of here!" I respectfully suggest.

She holds a newb by the neck so that she can stare at me. "You can't deal with them?!" She softly asks, totally not flippant, then decapitates the dude.

I stare at the swarm intensely.

The fuckers are small, but it's still a swarm. I need… I need…

My fingers twitch, and my cheek itches.

"WELL?! CAN YOU DEAL WITH THEM?!" Lolily presses on, pulling me out of my daydreaming.

"NO! FUCK THIS!" I throw my Escape-… uh… I create a smokescreen and use my clones as bait, then I grab the Homebound Stone and start the teleport countdown.

The scrubs zerg our smokescreen, but we easily escape, though using the Homebound Stone isn't cheap.

We're teleported back to town, and I send a message to DarkHarvest that we're out. Someone fed info to the Green Skins about our position, and not even we can face their zerg head-on like that.

I see a hint of red that gets my attention. Lolily follows my gaze and snorts. "She's hot. Want me to get a new costume like that?" She suggests teasingly.

I chuckle awkwardly, caught red-handed. "Nah…" I shyly deny and scratch my cheek.

I'm feeling a bit tired, so we stop in the public garden, then I try to take off my visor. But then, my finger pokes one of my eyes instead, and I whine in pain. "Ow! The fuck?"

Where's my visor?

Lolily gives me a weird look.

"Logout," I command, and the screen goes black, then I see the real world again.


Lolily grabs my shoulder and asks me worriedly, "Are you okay?"

I nod and smile as I whisper, "Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to go to the bathroom."

She releases my shoulder. "Alright."

Tito and Lala follow me there, so I give them a few pats, but I don't let them in the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I take a piss and wash my hands, then I look at my face in the mirror and pause.

"Fuck, I'm old…" I mutter as I start counting the white hairs.

I see one, two, three, four, five… ten… twenty… thirty… forty…


The dogs bark and whine as they play around a bit too roughly with each other, so I yell at them to calm down, and they stop.

My left cheek itches again.

"You okay?" Lily's muffled voice comes through the door.

"Yeah I-…" -I notice that my fingers are bloodied- "The fuck…" I mumble.

I wash the blood away, but the itching doesn't let up, so I have to wash them every time I scratch my cheek.

"Got a rash?" Lily asks as she warmly lays her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah," I sigh and scratch it again. It's itching so much now that a thin vertical red line has become clearly visible on my left cheek.

She grabs my hand and washes the blood off of my fingers, then she applies a wound dressing for my cheek, and a red line of blood quickly appears in the cotton.

"Alright, I'm ready," I state and cautiously pat her head, avoiding her pointy horns, then I take off my visor, and we continue.

I grab my sword and shield, and we go to the arena to spar. Lily calls DarkHarvest in voice chat and starts a discussion with him, so she just watches me fight.

I jump forward and slash. I feel slow.

I create some clones and play around with my opponent's mind. I feel sluggish.

I quickly deal with the scrub, but I'm left unsatisfied by the fight. I scratch my cheek.

My next opponent is a busty girl, so I bully her relentlessly until she forfeits.

I look over at my little angelic loli as she brings down hell on DarkHarvest. We're getting reimbursed for that Homebound Stone, no matter what.

My momentary distraction provides an opening for my opponent, allowing his wooden longsword to cut vertically down my left cheek and rip off the dressing in the process.

I growl like an animal and turn on bully mode. They're an androgynous elf, but they're cute enough that my dick gets hard when I hear them moan in pain.

I finish the duel, then I go towards Lolily and molest her. DarkHarvest can't see her, but the others in the arena can definitely make out my suggestive movements.

The smell of blood; the moans of pain; the sounds of battle; the sexy clothing everyone's wearing. It all just makes my dick get harder and harder.

I sit down in the stands and pull out my dick as I ogle Lolily's body. The other guild officers side with us, so DarkHarvest eventually relents, then Lolily ends the call and gives me a bewitching look.

She starts swinging her hips enticingly, and I begin to breathe heavily as I stare at her, just imagining how her tight virgin asshole would feel squeezing around my Dragonator.

I scratch my cheek and start stroking my cock with my bloodied hand. My hand moves on its own, up and down at a rapid pace, but I find neither pleasure nor release.

My heart palpitates and I sweat cold, but I remain seated, too enthralled by Lolily's dancing to stop masturbating to her.

However, orgasm never comes, and my arm starts to get tired, then my hand slows down until it stops moving entirely, and my dick goes completely limp, flopping pathetically.

I try to move, but my body feels like it's made of stone. I try to look away, but my vertebrae have been fused together. I try to blink, but my eyelids have been glued open. I try to scream, but I have no mouth.

My skin isn't my own, it's a cage. I try to rip it off, but my muscles won't obey, for they don't belong to me anymore.

My eyes are the windows out of this cell. They show me the world outside, but they're not the exit.

Everything is wrong; this body doesn't belong to me; this world is not my own.

My mind retreats inwards, and my vision is no longer my own, as if it's now just a camera that I'm watching the world through, then someone else takes control of my life.

I get up and adjust my tuxedo. Lily comes up to me and tightens my tie, then the bridesmaids lift the tail of her wedding dress.

We link our arms together and walk down the aisle as the Bridal Chorus plays at full volume.

We stop before the priest and recite our vows.

"Heitor da Cruz, do you take Lily Singh as your wife?" The priest's voice resounds throughout the church.

The doors to the church open up to reveal the abyss, and a wisp of smoke seeps in from it.

It slowly floats closer and closer to us until it stops right in front of me.

"You can have her, if you join me," I offer and extend my hand to the shade.

The smoke grows and starts to take the shape of a person.

"Things will go back to how they were, as if this had never happened," I insist.

The smoke solidifies into pale, featureless skin.

"There will be no more pain."

Black hair grows out of the person's head, then his body gains the characteristics of a man.

"There will be no more fighting."

The man slams his fists against the glass separating us.

"You'll go back to your simple life as a robotics researcher with your beautiful wife."

My eyes open, allowing me to see again.

"Why do you resist?" Other me questions sadly with a frown.

United, day and night!

I try to scream, but I have no mouth.

"Heitor da Cruz, do you take Lily Singh as your wife?" The priest repeats.

In pain and pleasure!

My body gets covered with thin white underclothes.

Tito offers me his belly, Lala shows me her puppy eyes.

Success or failure!

My armor reappears, its emerald scales shining in their full glory.

My nostrils reform, and they're filled with the heavenly smell of coffee.

Wherever we may be!

My emerald fang sword reappears in my hand.

A Ferrero Rocher appears before other me. He grabs it and eats it, then he moans in delight as the hazelnut chocolate melts in his mouth.

We'll never abandon each other!

"I love you," Lily's whisper caresses my ears.

All for one, one for all!

"Heitor da Cruz, do you take Lily Singh as your wife?" The priest asks me one last time.

My mouth finally reappears.

"My name… is Wolf Ryder!" I shout with a hoarse voice, then I stab my other self in the heart, and everything shatters apart.


I wake up feeling confused and hurting everywhere. I manage to open my eyes just a bit, but my vision is too blurry to make anything out.

I try to move, but my arms and legs barely respond, and the pain only increases the more I try.

I calm myself down and try to assess my situation. I feel like I'm submerged in some sort of viscous and warm liquid, and then I notice that there's something hard inside my mouth.

Suddenly, I feel the liquid draining away, then a cold and a horrible pain flares up as the tube-like thing buried inside my mouth is yanked out.

I sense the mana from a type of [Regeneration] spell leaking everywhere around me, then the pains throughout my body start to fade away.

Over a few more minutes, I start to regain some strength in my muscles, so I try to rub my eyes, but then I hear a loud crystalline clinking sound as my fingers are stopped by something, then my forehead burns with a sharp pain, and I pull my hands away.

I feel the pain slowly fading away as I begin to flex my fingers, only now noticing that they feel really stiff and heavy.

I try to clench my fists, but something sharp digs into my skin, so I stop.

Are those my nails?

I use my right hand to feel my left and discover that my skin is now dark, rough and-… I hear a familiar clinking sound- scaly…?

I feel it some more and realize that there are actual small scales on the back of my hand and forearm, then I notice that my fingers all have razor-sharp claws now instead of nails.

What the fuck?!

I carefully feel my face again, but it's soft like normal, so it seems that only my hands and forearms are different. Though, now I'm starting to feel something weird on my temples, feet, and ass, too.

I gently take off the glass swimming goggles covering my eyes, then I cast [Clean] on my face to clear away all the gunk.

I start blinking rapidly, and my eyes slowly become adjusted to the light.

I look at my hands and wait until the blurriness goes away, and what I can see shocks me. My hands have become larger, their skin has become dark and rough, and they're covered with mirror-like scales.

What. The. Fuck?!

I start inspecting the rest of my body, and I discover that it isn't withered like it was during my time with the elemental-wives, and then I notice that my feet have become draconic, too, and they have even larger claws than my hands do.

The confusion and excitement overwhelms me, sending a chill down my spine, then my body suddenly rolls over to the side.

I feel like I have a tentacle extending from my tailbone, so I look around to my ass and see a large, thick, dragon tail emerging from the base of my spine.

"WHAT?!" I shout, then my tail whips about and hits the soft, wet bedding, making me roll over again.

I stay there on my stomach for a while, frozen in confusion, fear, and also because my tail is flailing uncontrollably, which is preventing me from rolling over onto my side. Its powerful muscles make it the strongest limb that I have, so it isn't easy to keep it under control.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

I try to facepalm, but my claws hit something hard near my temple, so I feel around it and realize that I have two long horns pointing upwards and growing out of the sides of my head.


In the confusion, I cut my forehead again with my claws, drawing some blood, but the [Regeneration] still acting on me quickly heals the wound.

The tail works just like a tentacle, so it doesn't me take too much time to get it back under control, but what does take a long time is for me to process what the fuck has happened.

So, I'm back…?

I look around curiously as my eyes recover, allowing me to see further than just a few meters. I'm in a sort of wooden bed/tub hybrid, which is filled with an amber-colored viscous liquid.

Outside the tub, I can see wooden walls and a ceiling covered with the usual growth rings found in the interiors of elven tree-houses.

I can only see one door and a single crystal light that provides a soft illumination, which my sensitive eyes are thankful for, but no windows.

I open my "Status," and I gasp in surprise.

My race has changed to "Weredragon." Not "Dragon-type Wereanimal," just "Weredragon."

I slap my forehead and groan as I cut myself yet again with my claws, then I start chuckling and roll onto my back.

Well, I guess this makes sense since dragons aren't animals.

My tail makes it rather uncomfortable to stay like this, so I roll over to one side.

What the fuck even happened…?

My memories after I met the black glowing tiger are really blurry up until the fantasy with Lily, so I have no idea how this could've happened.

I wait until I've recovered enough strength to use my tail to stand up, making me chuckle. This thing is so strong that I think I could win in arm wrestling with it.

I slip on the wet bedding and fall on my back, but the bed's so soft that I barely even feel it.

"Hm…" I pout in annoyance. My limbs feel weak and unresponsive even though my body is pretty muscular.

Wait, my Gifts!

My [Gate] is still blocked, but then I search for the [Summon Elemental] button in my soul space, and it fills me with joy when I find it there.

Wait, wait!

I look through my "Status" again and see Ciel's name in the "Companions" entry.


I focus on the fellowship bond, quickly sensing that she's nearby, perhaps just a dozen meters away.

I summon an earth-Lina and get her to help me up, then she lifts me out of this tub. I notice a chair with my elven underclothes neatly folded on it, but I only put my underwear on before getting earth-Lina to assist me in getting out of here.

All of the girls are nearby, but my [Bind]s truly seem to be gone, so I have to get to them myself.

Earth-Lina helps me walk, then she opens the door for me, revealing a large circular room with eight other doors, each of which has one of the girls right behind them.

Alissa stumbles through one of the doors and notices me, then she lights up with a wide, bright smile and jumps onto me. "WOLFYYYY~!" She shouts in pure joy, then gives me a tight hug.

Earth-Lina lets go of me, but Alissa can't support my weight, so the elemental-wife holds us up again to keep us steady.

Since I don't want to hurt Alissa, I keep my hands away from her, but my tail is still wildly wagging, which almost makes me lose my balance because of how heavy it is.

Alissa notices my strange state and stares wide-eyed at me. "What happened to you?!" She exclaims, flabbergasted.

"No idea…" I casually respond with a shrug. I've got more important things to worry about right now.

The next door opens, and Roxanne emerges, floating with her sexy bat wings. "YAY!" She shouts happily, then she notices my claws. "WOW!"

A naked Hana bursts out of her door and stumbles, but she continues forward until she reaches us, then she gives Alissa and I an enthusiastic bear hug. "I MISSED YOU!" She bellows.

The next door opens, and I whimper from the ache in my heart as Hana eases off the hug.

"Hello… I guess I… survived…?" Ciel questions hesitantly and awkwardly chuckles.

Lina bursts out of the next door and makes a beeline towards Ciel, moving solely through [Spirit of Gaia]. She stops right in front of the chocolate angel and gives her a tight hug, burying her head in Ciel's huge, delicious tits, then we hear her crying softly in relief.

Another door opens, and Yunia unsteadily walks through it, stopping only when I'm in reach of her so that she can hug me.

Ciel, Lina, and Roxanne join in the group hug, then another door opens.

We see a very tall, naked woman; she must be over two meters tall since she's even taller than Hana. Her lustrous, straight, dark blue hair pools down onto the floor, covering parts of her face and her body like a veil; her incredibly delicate face holds a gentle smile; her long, almost Asian-like eyes are truly entrancing with their black sclera and split red and blue irises; her lithe limbs make her seem as delicate as a doll; her little bee stings of a chest give her an air of innocence; and her small, light blue landing strip makes me salivate.

"Aoi?" I meekly ask.

The woman glows, and her body grows even taller as it gains scales, then thickens with powerful muscles as she goes down onto all fours. Her face elongates into a snout, and a pair of large blue wings grows out of her back.

Then she stops glowing, revealing my magnificent blue dragon, Aoi. "That's me!" She exclaims happily, then she barrels forward and joins in on the hug.

We cry together as we whimper and whisper about how much we all missed each other.

I immediately start casting [Bind]s to reconnect everyone again, and the feelings that come flooding through break our hearts. Our knees weaken, and we all fall on the floor, then we cry our hearts out.



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Samuel Lim.

Lord Bill.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord DJ.

Lord Ashadun.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord D4rk Sheep.

Lord Nathan Vanbrunt.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Krawn.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Joshua Tal.

Lord Colorblind.

Lord RottenTangerine.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Fullmoon.

Lord Joxsan Herrera.

Lord The_Cultural_Weeb_Otaku.

Lord Sean Drake.


Lord Brody Haugan.

Lord GoodKat.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Jordon Gotthold.

Noble Tyler Mills.

Noble Shawn Plumley.

Noble Kale Daley.

Noble Stellerbattle.

Noble FrostyCube.

Noble CarlBaxter.

If you'd like to support Rupegia, you can become a patron at: www.patreon.com/manasong