
Steady Progress - Part 3

The first thing Dokkan does is pick up her cane as she blushes in embarrassment, then she continues with her work like nothing happened.

She uses her newfound energy to scurry about, making small alterations to the crystals as she perfects the illusion little by little.

Honestly, I think I'll ask her to enchant our bedroom, the dining room, and maybe even a portable tent with this. It's just too convenient to be able to get my hands back without forcing it with [Mana Body]. I could even go to sleep while holding hands or cuddling with the girls without the fear of waking up in a puddle of their blood.

After a short while, Osaria brings a painter and a sculptor, so our training gets interrupted. They use [Instant Painting] to take multiple "photographs" of us, but they still need the real models to be present for their portraits and busts to be perfect. Emphasis on "bust" since that's an important part that needs to be perfectly recreated so that all observers will drool over their glorious chests.

As the sun begins to set, another day comes to a close, then Dokkanchee and the artists leave the castle.

We enjoy our hidden, cool patio for a while longer, winding down as we enjoy the quiet. While there's seemingly nobody else in sight, giving us some privacy, we know that there are patrols nearby, listening intently for anything suspicious.

Thinking about it makes some of the girls nervous, but they don't complain since it's something that we just need to get used to.

There's a sub-unit of the Lordsguard called the Companions, whose job is to shoulder the more "intimate" duties of the Lordsguard, like protecting our bedrooms or bath locations while we madly fuck. Because of their duties, they're trained to be extremely discreet and considerate, so the awkwardness will probably diminish once they're properly established.

Their gender composition usually follows the composition of the harem, so I'll be getting an overwhelmingly female Companions unit without ruining my reputation as a lustful Lord. Though I think it ultimately won't matter since my thirst for the maids will get out eventually, and everyone will know how much of a "horny" dragon I am.

It's almost guaranteed that I'll get a Title thanks to my libido. It was certainly going that way with the Innocent Nymph, and now, there'll be a whole town talking about my cock, if not the entirety of the empire.

Just as we're about to leave for a bath, Sandoro appears with the golem trio following close behind him.

He stares solely into my eyes, trying to respectfully keep his gaze away from Ciel's curvy body, which is almost fully exposed as she naps in an embarrassing position. The other girls aren't that much better, but you can't see their pointy nipples and the shape of their pussies through their thin fabric as easily as you can see Ciel's.

Yunia notices him and immediately frees herself from my sleep-inducing grasp, then re-ties the thin strips of cloth that push her back from "slutty" to "appropriately dressed"*.

*Note: only by the elven standard.

I disarm my dragonator and stand up, then I nod at him and greet, "Sir Sandoro. How did the golems do?"

He stops before me and allows himself to look at Yunia, though he still doesn't look to the sides, then he salutes and reports, "Incredibly well. I wouldn't give them leadership positions, but they're perfectly capable of acting as guards or messengers."

"Do you think they require more training to act as part of the Lordsguard?" Yunia asks as she hurriedly adjusts her bouncy drills.

"Only in protocol, but they're learning it fast; their skill at protecting is good enough," he answers tersely.

I grin and nod, very pleased. "Good. We'll make their positions official, then. I trust that everyone's had a good look at them?"

"Yes. Everyone knows who, and what, they are. We even made ID crystals for them to carry, so the Townsguard will also respect their authority."

I motion to the golems and receive them with a hug. Once I get used to my new race and the constant presence of intrusive thoughts, I think I'll have enough room to [Bind] them, but before that, maybe we could start thinking about how to give them fuckable bodies.

I'm itching for some clang, so maybe Jarn's will be more robotic. Ted and Suzy need to find their own niche to make themselves unique though, but I'm sure it lies in the "cute" side of the "beauty spectrum."

I release them and Ted goes over to Ciel to help her sleep while Suzy goes to Yunia, and I keep my hand on Jarn's cold, hard, round ass. I quickly realize that she's wearing panties under her skirt, which is a good idea since her pussy is fully-formed, and I don't want just anybody to have the privilege of seeing it.

"Thank you for your work, Sir Sandoro. It's only because of you that we've been able to focus solely on the Ceremony," Yunia gives him genuine praise and a subtle smile.

"It's my pleasure to serve you, my Lords," he graciously responds and bows, then he excuses himself and leaves the room.

Random thoughts about how to make Jarn into a robot girl start dripping into my mind, but the real problem is something that's never actually talked about in much detail in novels: her pussy needs to be soft and moist. It just really won't work otherwise, but I have no idea about how to make this kind of synthetic material. To make something biological, you need to have a whole living system just to support it, and I have even less of an idea of how to make something like that.

The only way I know of that might work is by using [Soul Manipulation], but that'd be like fusing a severed vagina to her crotch, which is… not desirable. I could teach them how to create something similar to my tentacles, but they have a lot of difficulty with manipulating their own souls like I do, which is why Arreira decided on going with the "combat bodies" approach.

Maybe I could research how to solidify mana into magical materials with special properties, but I know practically nothing about that area, so there's a lot of work to be done if I choose that path.

I really only have hard choices to choose from for how to approach this problem.

I sit down on the edge of the bed and make Jarn sit beside me so that I can "inspect" her sexy, but completely hard, metal body.

Yunia suddenly clears her throat loudly and pushes her chest towards me.

I take my attention off bimbo-Yunia and immediately fondle real-Yunia's perfectly balanced chest. It's not too small, and not too big. It's perfectly sized for my (padded) claws to squeeze.

"Did you suddenly get jealous?" Alissa's teasing voice fills the almost silent patio.

"I merely wished to get my breasts fondled, that's all," Yunia answers flatly, making an effort to hide her real emotions.

"Slut…" Roxanne reflexively mumbles in her sleep.

I undo the knot that was tying up Yunia's bikini, revealing her beautiful breasts and pink nipples to me, then I immediately start sucking on them.

At the same time, I sneak a tentacle up underneath Jarn's shirt and bra, then I make suckers for her pointy, super hard nipples. She moans softly in her robotic voice, but I know that she's just faking it since they don't actually feel pleasure.

Yunia moans louder than Jarn, and then Roxanne and Osaria immediately wake up, as if a signal was sent into their brains that lewdness was happening nearby.

They both turn to us, then they show mirrored mischievous smirks.

"Have you finally started to lust after your golems?" Osaria teases.

"Yes. I'm thinking about how to give them sexy bodies," I answer honestly.

The other girls start to stir and wake up from their stupor or naps. Their mixed scents and messy appearances make for an enticing scene, but the time for the Ravaging is nigh, so I shall contain myself until it's appropriate.


Poosh is in the bath again, so I decide to create as many tentacles as I can and let them loose on every single exposed hole I can reach.

I tie them all up and lift them into the air, making sure that they're all illuminated by the spotlights so that all those present can perfectly see the goddesses as they're defiled. I ignore their (fake) pleas and Ravage them until the pain and pleasure overwhelm them and their bodies give out from exhaustion; then I cum copious amounts of almost literal mana all over their bodies to mark them as mine.

I want to give the maids a show, something that will scar their minds, but also leave a seed within them. A seed of worship.

I want them all to crave me, to understand that my cock and tentacles are superior sex tools, and that they will never experience anything else as great as getting fucked by me. I'm very confident in my skills, but I know that at least the way I fuck is entirely unique. Poosh's interest in my tentacles gives me evidence of that because how could you ever impress an experienced ex-brothel owner with weak-sauce vanilla sex?

Hana doesn't give in and sways her hips to grind her pussy lips against the texture of the tentacle. Her mind floods with visions of dragons fucking, courtesy of Gify, making her growl and grit her teeth as smoke leaks from her mouth.

"Fuck me!" She demands angrily. "Fuck me now!"

I shut her up with a dick-shaped tentacle, but she bites it, which gives me a very frightening wave of pleasure. I keep Roxanne from feeling this because she might freak out a bit if she knew what it was from.

I remake the tentacle and choke Hana, forcing her to gasp for air before I plug her mouth again.

I tease Hana the most, playing with her clit as I see fit, but holding back from giving her what she wants: a thick cock hitting her cervix.

I rub her clit with spikes, causing her to shiver; I pinch it with crab claws, making her squeal; I use my vibrator on it, wringing out loud moans from her lips; and I give it mild [Shocking Touch]es, pushing her over the edge and making her cum.

I gradually envelop the entirety of her skin with a soul-touching slime as I pump her nipples, making them become red, puffy, and ultra-sensitive, then I put some points in [Light Magic] so that I can cast [Refresh], prolonging her endurance to my sexual attack.

She passes out from asphyxiation, her neck now bruised from the tentacle that was choking her, then I wake her up with a [Heal] and let her breathe for just a few seconds.

She gathers up her energy and uses [Draconic Body] on her mouth to chew away the tentacle that's been preventing her from speaking.

"YOU EITHER FUCK ME OR I'M SERIOUSLY GOING TO FIST YOUR ASS, WOLFY!" She bellows with the last of her breath, then coughs and begins to pass out again.

I lower her closer to the floor and spread her legs apart, then I penetrate her drenched and searing hot pussy with my forearm-sized dragonator as I cast another [Heal].

"AAAAAHN~…AH!" She moans delightfully, then squeals as the long stroke ends with my head smacking against her cervix.

I give her another 5-second long stroke, and she orgasms for a second time, creaming the head of my cock.

I let her breathe so that she doesn't pass out again, which would make her miss the pleasure of her orgasm, and she suddenly lacks the strength to complain anymore. As a "sex-beast-type" dragonkin, abstinence makes her go mad with rage, while giving her what she wants snuffs out the fire in her heart.

Her legs shake, and her muscles go increasingly limp the more I fuck her. The proud and strong dragon has no reason to resist when the cock she worships is buried inside her, gracing her with its noble shape and bestowing upon her the highest honor: to be bred.

"More… more… more…" She mumbles weakly as her mind becomes cloudy, surrendering to my charm and virility.

Her voice fades out, her eyes roll up, and her muscles find the strength to flex one last time as she convulses in a mind-shattering orgasm.

I taste the sweat running down her brow, large breasts, defined abs, and strong thighs; I run thin tentacles through her fiery mane-like hair to keep it brushed and majestic, as she deserves; I pump her nipples with tongue-like suckers until they tingle and begin to hurt; and I drink up the juices dripping constantly from her pussy as if it were ambrosia.

As she worships me, I also worship her right back. This barbaric goddess of mine deserves no less than that.

As she drools with her mouth hanging open, I clamp my lips onto hers and give her the coup de grâce. I turn up all the stimulation to eleven as I fill her womb with my seed until it overflows, then I raise her high up into the air, all splayed out and her pussy dripping with pure white seed.

I pull out a gnomic [Instant Picture] magic tool and make a portrait of this scene on a blank canvas.

"The Ravaging of Hana" is now complete.


The elven maids excuse themselves to masturbate in private while the Chimera attendants and Poosh simply stay, bringing themselves to orgasm right before their Lords.

For a moment, I bask in the fragrance of moist pussy mixing with the scent of my cum, then I leave Hana on the floor like a used rag and gently lower the rest of the girls into the hot bath.

I slice an actual fig with my claws and savor it as I wind down from the Fucking session. This is a funny-looking fruit, but it fits in well with the rest of the selection of elven produce since they have a taste for oddly-shaped fruits. This one isn't natural, though; it was specifically bred to have this exact shape and taste, for some reason.

With my cock still erect and coated in sex juices, I look Poosh in the eye and smile gently. Hopefully, she'll ask for a Ravaging soon.

Hana eventually joins us, all sore and tired, but she refuses a [Heal] since she wants to use [Pain Conversion] for as long as possible. It's like the muscle burn after intense exercise, where you're so high on endorphins that it actually feels good, with the pain of having her pussy stretched to the limit being her favorite.

As for the maids, we just ignore them as we relax. Though some of them seem to be very thirsty for me right now, I'll let the desire build up a bit more before I unleash it all upon them. It's never a good idea to rush a fine meal.

For dinner, we eat chicken parmigiana seasoned with some sort of white wine. It's a very nostalgic meal for me because I don't really feel like there's too much of a difference between the Earth and Rupegia versions of it since tomatoes are a thing in both worlds.

Then we quickly retire to our rooms so that we can review our plans in private. Things are progressing smoothly, but the tension is still rising.

Our plan is a bit dangerous, so of course, Alissa is the first to argue against it.

"We'll only know if it's actually possible once we test it," I retort and get up from the bed, then I open up my thin golden vest and expose my chest. "Come on, Yunia. I'll need your help with this."

Ciel sighs tiredly and prepares to cast [Heal]. Her inner doctor is telling her that it's possible, but it's also that same inner voice that's telling her that this plan is stupid.

I mean, it is stupid, but if it works, it works.

Yunia cringes as she draws her sword and thrusts.


Today is the 9th.

Ciel wakes me up, her luscious lips squeezing around the base of my cock as she deepthroats me. Her dark eyes are staring at me intently with an apologetic look to them. It's her way of making up for allowing me to pass out a few times.

Not that anyone blames her, of course. Alissa and Lina are exclusively blaming me and Yunia, respectively, but we proved that it works, so the plan isn't as stupid as we originally thought.

I grab Ciel's head and guide it up so that I cum on her tongue, then she releases my cock and pulls a grumpy Lina in close to her.

It takes just a few words of pleading for Lina to mellow out and open her mouth so that the two of them can share my cum in a messy kiss.


My [Dragon Transformation] increased by 1 (now 6). Just one more level, and it'll finally be at the appropriate size for the Ceremony.

Alissa's [Illusion Magic] increased by 1 (now 4+11). It seems that her observations of Dokkanchee working helped her a lot.

Hana increased her [Draconic Body] by 1 (now 4). Ironically, her desperate use of it during the Ravaging helped her to gain a point.

Aoi's "Intelligence" and "Wisdom" each increased by 1 (now 8 and 9). It seems that some of the knowledge from the surgery yesterday stuck with her.

Yunia increased her [Two-Handed Sword Use] by 1 (now 4+16). Mere baby steps.


During our morning kisses, Klein seems to be the most distracted, but I think she's just basking in her post-Ravaging bliss, so I leave her be until she needs to head out to the dungeon again.

I pinch her ass, and she squeals, then starts playfully slapping my chest and only stops when Hana gives her a sneaky kiss at the nape of her neck.

"Be safe out there!" I give her my blessing as I run away, darting out of reach of her retaliation.

"I will!" She shouts back and pouts.


Yunia and Ciel meet with the Tribunal and the temple to discuss the housing situation for the Chimeras. Our new spirit-subjects need some concessions since they don't have the necessary wealth to buy houses in Escanso, and we need to discuss how much would be fair for them.

They could go into debt until they've made enough money to repay it, but the concept of mortgage doesn't exist here. In Rupegia, going into significant debt allows the debtor to be made into a slave if they can't repay what they owe in a timely manner, so it really isn't a popular financial choice.

The temple doesn't want the Chimeras to have the constant threat of being made into slaves hovering over their heads, so they're looking to secure a compromise with us since we have the power to help them.

Meanwhile, Dokkan and I continue working on the illusion setup, this time in the main hall of the castle where the most important part of the Ceremony will be held.

Suddenly, an "itching" inside of my head starts to flare up. It's a "desire" to do something, and it's incredibly annoying, making me instantly become grumpy.

It doesn't come from either my human or my dragon side, making everyone very concerned about what's going on with me since it's clearly not something normal.

The "itching" pushes me to shift my points around, so I put ten more into [Summoning Magic], reaching level 50, and revealing a new spell: [Otherworldly Summoning].

What the fuck?!


Intermission 18 – Klein


I sit down on a rock and sigh as the soldiers cut up the tentacles of the Maltómago.

The smell of burnt flesh makes me feel a bit sick, but that's nothing when compared to what the Corpse Stealers can do or even what the Maltómago could've unleashed if I hadn't killed it instantly.

The soldiers chatter happily about how they were spared from the Maltómago's foul breath, and I recognize a few words in Ingua of praise, which I assume are for me.

Though everyone is happy and in high spirits, I can't find it within me to smile, so I keep my helmet on at all times. This way, nobody can see me frown.

"What's the matter?" Dad asks as he sits down beside me.

But Dad knows me well enough to recognize when something is bothering me.

I shrug. "I'm just… not very excited right now," I try to keep Dad from suspecting anything, but I fail completely.

He reads me effortlessly, "You aren't just 'not excited,' you're completely disheartened. Did something happen?"

I can't say yes, and I can't say no, so I just keep quiet while I try to think of a way out.

He grunts and pokes me painfully with his thick finger. "Klein, please. Don't be childish, just tell me already."

"I 'fixed' my relationship with Wolfy…" I suddenly blurt out and frown deeply, then I rest my head on my hands. It's all I can do to stop myself from laying down on the floor, curling up into a ball, and going to sleep until I can find where all my courage fled to.

"Wha…" Dad makes a funny noise, and it actually makes me smile.

I suddenly feel a bit angry about it and let it all out, "I'm not Wolfy's 'temporary wife' anymore. I'm just his knight, and a close friend… that occasionally has sex with him."

"Isn't that… 'good'?" He asks, very confused.

Now I'm the one who's confused. "Didn't you want me to marry him?"

He scratches his bald head awkwardly and guiltily grins as he explains, "Not really. I wanted him to give something in return for taking your virginity, and the 'temporary wife' business gave me some assurance that he wouldn't just throw you away after he'd had enough of you."

I frown angrily and glare at him. "He'd never do that. Hana would stop him if he ever even thought about it," I defend Wolfy.

"Well… she's still a dragonkin…" He shrugs as he cringes.

I punch his ribs, and though I'm sure that he felt nothing because of his armor, it still sends him a message that tells him exactly what I feel.

He frowns deeply, and his tone turns serious, "She did abandon those two boys she used to love. Not her fault, but the lives of Wolf and his harem are just too chaotic. Do you really believe that something like that won't ever happen again? You yourself went from just a 'temporary wife' to a Godsdamned knight of a Crown Lord. What's going to happen next? Where will you end up if you keep getting closer to him?"

I pout at him and grumble, "I don't care about those things. I just want a husband that I can call mine."

He snorts and pokes my shoulder again. "Well, now you can have your pick; even lower nobility would go for you, so why are you so grumpy?"

I look down in shame, and my tail flops down on the floor. "I've been given so much that I don't think that I could repay it all, even if I married him." I look at the underside of my left forearm and stare at the controls for the [Chameleon] enchantment. They're so delicate and complex that I'm a bit afraid to use them and potentially break something. "Do you have any idea how much this armor and bow are worth? I don't, but I know that he could've married any noblewoman he wanted, just by giving them this armor as a gift, yet he gave it to me without asking for anything in return."

"He asked for your loyalty," he retorts softly.

"Wha…?" Now I'm the one who makes the dumb noise.

He chuckles and looks off into the distance as his permanent frown softens. "He might be a terrible choice of a husband for you, but I think he'll make a good Lord, and I know that he's a very good friend. Also, there's Hana. She'll make sure that he treats you right."

My mouth moves wordlessly since I'm too simply baffled to speak until I suddenly blurt out, "Didn't I say exactly that mere moments ago?"

He snorts and shakes his head. "You said that Hana wouldn't let him abandon you after taking your virginity, while I said that he'd be a terrible husband for you, though I know that he'll be a good friend."

I frown and stay quiet as I think.

But am I a good friend to him?

"You're the only person he can trust," Dad adds with a whisper.

I frown in disagreement and glance at him. "He has an entire army of elves who follow him."

"Who follow Lord Yulania, but she's a Blood Slave of the man who helped kill their previous Lord. They may be loyal to her, but how much can he trust them?"

He glances meaningfully at the elven soldiers, who maintain a respectful distance from the rookie, non-elven ones. It's like there's an invisible wall separating the two sides from each other.

But that's not the issue I have with my knighthood. "And we are supposedly more trustworthy?" I ask with a wry smile.

He nods and agrees, completely serious, "Yes, because you love him, and he knows that you're too air-headed to ever betray him. Power can be bought, as your weapon and armor can easily tell you; skills can be learned, which you'll be doing in the Knight's Academy," -he suddenly grabs my shoulder and forces me to face him and look into his beady eyes- "but trust is hard to come by."

He releases me, and I almost flop onto the rock, then I sigh tiredly as the chilling emotions leave my body with each breath. His words have suddenly lit a new fire within me, and it warms up my body, allowing me to move freely again.

"Then I want to become someone worthy of his trust," I whisper earnestly.

He grunts sternly, "We will."



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Creamy Spinach.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Samuel Lim.

Lord Bill.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord Ashadun.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Nathan Vanbrunt.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Joshua Tal.

Lord Colorblind.

Lord RottenTangerine.

Lord Fullmoon.

Lord Joxsan Herrera.

Lord Sean Drake.


Lord Brody Haugan.

Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Mike Bartter.

Lord Cardinal Steiner.

Lord Krawn.

Lord Warwulfv.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Jorge Franco.

Lord Bradly.

Lord Freddie.

Lord Kristopher Welsh.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Shawn Plumley.

Noble CarlBaxter.

Noble WeirdWhirl.

Noble War God.

Noble Yeuromain.

Noble Jorge Franco.

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