
Summit - Part 1

Everyone has leveled up. Alissa, Roxanne, Ciel, Lina, and I leveled up to 59, Hana leveled up to 60, Aoi leveled up to 43 (she got two levels), and Yunia leveled up to 61.

My [Polearm Use] and [Mana Body] increased by 1 (now 12+5 and 6). I do some slight re-balancing of my skills, making my build a bit more focused, but it's still not that well organized due to my wide variety of priorities and the uneven leveling of my skills. A few points more or less in the mana and melee skills don't make much of a difference anyway; only the spells that I get access to from reaching certain levels in the system magic skills have a clear impact on my fighting style.

Alissa increased her [Enhanced Stamina] by 1 (now 1+4). She's focusing on the Enhancement skills, so her skill-ups will be quite slow for a while.

Roxanne increased her [Fire Magic] by 1 (now 31). With this level up, I tweak her build and increase her [Fire Magic] to 40, unlocking instant-casting of [Heart of Fire], which makes her much more mobile.

Hana increased her [Summon Wings] by 1 (now 10). She's becoming quite mobile, so she might be able to fight side-by-side with Ciel in the sky for considerable lengths of time soon enough.

Ciel has increased her [Parry] and [Dodge] by 1 (now 3+12 and 2+13). We've discovered that the Horns use the [Tiretiera Maire Style] skill, so I switch her points into that skill since her [Imperial Hasterrum Style] isn't as useful anymore, now that she's fighting while flying nearly all the time.

Lina increased her [Stonebody] by 1 (now 9). Nothing significant unlocked for her, so I just balance her skills a bit better and give her [Reduced Mana Cost] with three points in it.

Yunia increased her [Spirit Magic] by 1 (now 19+21). She already has quite a balanced build, so I just give her more points in [Reduced Mana Cost].


We start our breakfast a bit late, and coupling that with the orgy results in everyone being quite hungry.

"I already ate, but I'll take you up on your offer and keep you company," Poosh softly states. Her gentle smile seems quite a lot warmer than usual, and her gaze appears to be a bit out of focus as she basks in the post-continuous-orgasm afterglow.

"Same for me…" Iliada shyly adds, seemingly a lot more distracted than Poosh as she affectionately stares at me, completely smitten. She's a good girl, so the wives have welcomed and shared her quite happily.

"I'll take this opportunity to skip on the morning jog since I already did enough 'intense' work to warm up," Hukarere cheekily declares, sharing a grin with Hana.

"Are you sure you did any 'work'? You became like a floppy fish once his dick was inside you," Kaatohe smugly teases.

Hukarere raises her lips angrily, showing her sharp, white fangs, then she barks back, "Hey! My whole body was tensed up! It took me a monumental amount of effort to just move my hips to match his movements."

"Well, the wolf did take a lot more dick than you did," Hana casually points out.

And Kaatohe pouts slightly, a bit embarrassed. "But that's all she does, so of course she'd have more time with him than any of us."

Hukarere grins smugly and teases back, "Jealous? I'm sure you lick pussy just to stall because your snooty noble composure immediately crumbles the moment his cock spreads you apart."

Kaatohe purrs softly, a bit annoyed that the tables turned on her so quickly. "His [Mana Body] has increased, so only a cum-addict like you can endure his magic dick," she makes excuses.

But Hukarere's smugness increases further. "I don't see any downsides in what you just said."

And Kaatohe hisses back, "Then you better start wearing a collar saying that you're his property."

"That's actually a good idea," Hana affirms and crosses her arms, bunching up her bare balloons.

"Quite fitting for some of us," Osaria agrees, then smirks at Klein and Poosh. Iliada also seems like she agrees, but she's too intimidated by the people present to join in, so she just shyly eats her cookies in silence.

"Then I'll get one with Wolfy's and Hermann's names written on it," Klein casually remarks as she pours more tea for herself.

And Osaria scoffs in disbelief. "The audacity of the little monkey. I believe we need to reinforce her cock-slave training," she states sternly and looks at me for approval.

Klein freezes and glances at me with the side of her eye, her pussy undoubtedly tingling in protest as it fears another round of abuse.

I rest my head on my claws and raise an eyebrow as I slowly point out, "My name beside his? Are you sure you want both of your masters to compete for your pussy?"

Klein blinks once. "Mercy…" She squeaks, but I have none to give. She herself started this domination play, so I'll take the opportunity to remind her who owns her body.


After a brief spanking of the monkey, we begin our usual mana circulation training. The background this time is a snowy mountain. We're north of Fort Katakti, which is in the northern part of the Rakontagne Mountain Range and directly west of Goldcross.

The area our hidden mansion is built in doesn't actually have snow anywhere nearby due to the season, but we can see snowy peaks far above us, so it makes for an interesting scenery for our meditation.

The elven mansion is built partially into the mountainside, dwarven style, but it's camouflaged by enchantments and protected by a reinforced glass dome, so there's no cold air hitting us or any risk of a monster stumbling upon our location. We can still hear the howling of the wind, though, and it makes for a cozy atmosphere to look out from our warm room onto the cold, bare mountainside.

Hana is also practicing her [Godly Language] a bit since there's some overlap in the two training regimens, and she's beginning to be able to subtly infuse the skill into her voice.

Her progress is a lot slower than when Kyros taught me the skill because she isn't focusing solely on it like I did, and she doesn't have as much "Intelligence" as I do, which is a factor in helping the skill grow faster.

I wonder if it's a good idea to make it public that I can use [Godly Language]. It's an excellent interrogation tool, and it's a pretty great hidden weapon that I can use in a pinch, but maybe the edge that I can give our men before each battle would be more useful. I definitely want to minimize the number of burial ceremonies I have to participate in.

I'm basically going to be giving inspirational speeches to buff my men before every battle, and it kind of sounds silly in my mind. I'm very practical, so I won't shy away from using it once I make a decision, but damn, I guess I'm multi-classing into bard, now?

I do have to test how bad the feedback is if I use it on an enemy, but then again, if everyone knows that I can use it, then most of the nobles that face us will prepare themselves and train in how to resist it, so it's not that great of an offensive skill. Anything lower in power than a noble can be easily dispatched with just my melee skills, so there's no point in using it against goblins, for example.

I wonder how well the skill will mesh with her [Taunt] and [Intimidate], too. Imagine if she could make both humanoids and monsters scatter with her roar or swears? Hana, of the Roar of Death. Hana, the Terrific.

"Why do Titles always sound so embarrassing when others mention them?" She suddenly questions worriedly through [Bind].

"You don't really feel like they represent you?" Ciel inquires curiously.

Hana frowns thoughtfully. "No, not at all."

"Impostor syndrome," I state confidently and give them a quick explanation.

Then Ciel loses her concentration as she suddenly smiles wryly. "Because you're a cheater, so you don't feel like you deserve it," she repeats her old joke, which now has too much truth to it for the girls to laugh about it anymore.

Alissa loses her concentration and mutters, "That explains everything…"

"It's also a joke, so don't take it seriously," Ciel guiltily tries to soothe them. "You have all done extraordinary feats, so don't feel ashamed of the recognition you receive."

Alissa and Hana smile and nod sheepishly, starting to feel a bit better about their Titles. Mine are kind of deserved, so they don't make me feel Impostor Syndrome, just a small amount of dread and dismay.


Then lunchtime comes around, and my date with Lina begins.

"Can we stay here? It's quite a nice place," Lina asks and looks out through the glass dome. The view down the mountain is quite nice as we can see a long stretch of rolling green hills below us, the western side of Glorampina that circles around the High Forest until it meets with Antano.

We're a bit too far to see the thin High Road as it enters the High Forest and bisects it. The very same road we took when we took the escort job.

We can see Goldcross far away to the south-east, a large yellow patch with small red and green spots all over it from the roofs of the elven tree houses and imperial brick houses.

There's also Ultirei's Tomb to the far east, a thin and jagged mountain range that looks remarkably like a serrated blade. The remnant of the first emperor's [Meteor] spell that "killed" Arreira.

"Indeed, it's quite nice," I wistfully reply and flash a smile at her. "Is there anything you want us to do?"

Her gloomy eyes stare at me blankly as she thinks thoroughly, but only one thing comes to her mind. "Cuddling," she answers reflexively.

"Alright, let's cuddle," I coo softly, then I pull a blanket and a bed out of my "Items" with a *poof*. I place them right next to the window so that we can look out while cuddling.

I sit down, and she eagerly takes her reserved seat, her little ass drilling itself against my shaft, then I cover us both with the blanket.

I pull her dark, silky hair to the side and kiss her neck, and I see goosebumps form on her skin from arousal, then she tilts her head, offering herself for more kisses.

And how could I refuse such an offer?

I wrap my claws and tail around her body, then I lower my head and cover every bit of her exposed skin with kisses. She grabs the tip of my tail with her soft hand and starts stroking it like a cock in return, making me get just a bit aroused.

"I love you, Wolfy…" She whispers softly as she closes her eyes.

"I love you, Lina," I whisper back huskily, and her body shivers with a pleasant chill.

After a long minute of kisses, my lips start to get tired, so I stop, then she turns around and returns my caress all over my chest. The gentle touch of her lips now makes me feel repeated, pleasant chills.

She suddenly looks up at me, her heart tightening from the amount of love she's feeling, but her face shows a guilty frown.

"What is it?" I gently ask her, urging her to freely speak her mind.

She opens her mouth, trying to find the words, but then she decides to just be frank, though her wording is quite awkward, "You've… you've done so much for me. How do I ever repay you for it?"

"That's the neat part, you don't," I absolutely kill it with a meme. Seeing her eyebrows slowly knit together, I quickly add, "Seriously, you don't. That's what love is all about."

She sighs and rests her forehead against my chest. "I feel like I've only received…"

I smirk as the opportunity is too good to pass up. "A lot of cock, yes."

"Wolfy…" She grumbles with a cute pout.

I sneak a couple of claws under her shirt and gently tickle her bare skin as I explain, "We're just starting our lives together, so you'll have plenty of time to 'pay me back,' but I'll also be happy if you don't and just live a happy life."

She lifts her head up and stares at me with conviction as she states, "I'll be happy for my whole life if I can be useful to you."

I smile warmly at her and kiss the tip of her nose. "You already are."

And she doesn't even flinch, immediately replying, "But I don't feel like I'm useful enough."

I chuckle softly. "That's not really something I can fix."

She pouts exaggeratedly and groans in annoyance. "You buy slaves and don't even have the decency to give us hard work to justify our existence."

I tilt my head in confusion "Why do you feel like you need to justify it?"

Her face becomes stern as she explains, "We couldn't provide for ourselves, so we need to be useful to the person who's sheltering us."

It sounds like it's some sort of social expectation that slaves need to work hard.

"Isn't emotional support enough?" I question her confusedly.

And she mirrors my head tilt. "How does that work?"

"You being happy makes me happy, which helps with my mental health since I love you," I happily explain.

She rolls her eyes and groans out loud, "Aah~! Stop it!" She suddenly shouts and pouts angrily. "I'm not here to have a scholarly discussion!"

I chuckle and give up, "Alright, alright…"

She turns around in a huff and crosses her arms, then slowly leans back against me as she starts to relax again. "It's so annoying trying to discuss things with you because of your Earthling sensibilities," she grumbles softly.

I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "Oh? I'm sorry about that."

She shakes her head gently, making her cute bangs sway. "Don't be. It's one of the things Alissa loves about you."

I hum softly as I run my claws through her silky hair, and the atmosphere slowly becomes pink again.

"And what do you love about me?" I huskily ask with a smirk.

She gives me a brief, worried look. She never feels comfortable talking about her feelings because they sometimes conflict with her sense of duty. "You answer first," she deftly evades.

I blink blankly as I think for a moment, then I realize, "Oh… yeah, that's not an easy question."

"Hmph…" She huffs annoyedly.

But I put my smirk back on and lovingly whisper, "I love… your timidness, it's really cute."

"I don't like being timid," she immediately interjects.

And I smile wryly. "Well, I'll still love many other things about you, even if you stop being timid. But continuing, I love your hard-working personality, and though I don't think it's necessary for you to work so hard, I still appreciate that you do."

That hits her weak spot, and she lowers her head as her cheeks burn.

So I continue the attack, "I also love how you're always concerned about us, and even though you don't often vocalize it, I know that you're always paying attention to our well-being. You're so loyal and focused on us that I rarely have to worry about what you're doing. Roxanne, on the other hand…"

Lina smiles wryly and finishes, "She was probably going to kill herself if I hadn't put so many protective enchantments into her workbench."

I nod. "Exactly."

She smiles adorably, quite happy with how I answered the question, but then she turns to me and raises an eyebrow. "You didn't say anything about me looking cute."

I look away for a second as a sudden spike of fear threatens to break my composure. "I thought that was a given," I cautiously reply. "You're beautiful and also so cute that my heart hurts when I think about you."

"It's still nice to hear it…" She mumbles with a shy smile, but then she starts to worry about how she will answer the question.

I know she tends to overthink things, so I give her a small push through [Bind] so that she just opens up her heart to me.

And she immediately confesses, "I love how safe you make us feel. Even in combat, I never feel like I'm in too much danger. You have a talent for leading us."

I gush a bit, but then I realize that I do have a bit of an Impostor Syndrome about that. "I think the Gods had a small hand in helping me with that. How loyal and supportive you all are can't be understated," I softly reply.

She gives me an intense look and speaks with conviction to wipe away all doubt in my mind, "Still, you're the center of our family, and I'm happy that I can be a part of it."

I hum in delight and hug her tight as I rub my cheek against hers, then I kiss the top of her head, and we both look ahead again.

We remain silent for a moment, but she still has one more thing to confess, "I love your Earthling sensibilities. Even though they can be annoying sometimes, they are what made you like this, and I love you just the way you are."

"Awn…" I moan from the critical hit.

"And I love how big and manly you are," she breathes and grins, then squeaks when I suddenly pump blood into my shaft, making it rub against her pussy.

"There's no way I can ignore what you just said," I huskily whisper into her ear, and she licks her lips in anticipation.

I use tentacles to pull down both of our pants, allowing my cock to part her small pussy lips with its engorged head, then I add spirit vibrations to it to make her wet as fast as possible.

She lets out faint, cute moans that make my cock throb with excitement, then I soon feel a wetness sticking to my shaft as I dry hump her.

We went from sickeningly sweet loveliness to steamy lewdness in less than a minute because she's a little, thirsty dwarf who just loves being fucked senseless by her man.

I lean forward and push her to lay prone, which tightens up her pussy even further, then I apply a drizzle of some lube and penetrate her with a grunt of pleasure.

I move neither too fast nor too hard so that we can eat while fucking. I pull out some finger food because it's more practical, and I start to wonder why we don't do this more often. Food and sex are each so good on their own, but they can be even better together.



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Creamy Spinach.

Prince Owldente.

Prince Charlie Foxtrot.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Fullmoon.

Lord Sean Drake.

Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Mike Bartter.

Lord Warwulfv.

Lord Jorge Franco.

Lord Khristopher Welsh.

Lord DJ.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Bradly.

Lord AndreyUC.

Lord Tmac.

Lord Krawn.

Lord School Work.

Lord Gwendolyn Simmons-LaRose.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble CarlBaxter.

Noble d3235.

Noble Cidant.

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Take a look over my blog where all information about the world of Rupegia will be posted: manasongwriting.wordpress.com

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