
Last-Minute Business - Part 2

Intermission – Lyle


What the fuck was that…? Father warned me about the Chimeras, but I didn't expect him to do just… do it. The golems watched, the maids watched, and even I just sat there and watched!

I saw him… I saw his…!

My hands shake from excitement, but I don't know what exactly did this to me. The meeting, the tea, the proposal, the smell, the talk, or the act.

I guess it was the everything.

I look around my new office. I don't even care about the size of the garden, or the number of bedrooms, or how wide the dining hall is. This is the most important room for me. Big, furnished, and easy to secure against prying eyes. Though it'll eventually be replaced by a secured lab in the Institute, this will do just fine until then.

But he knew… he knew all about electrolfic inventions. It wasn't just a hunch, he knew they were possible… and he might know so much more.

But how…? No, I shouldn't think like that, there's no point in being suspicious or even trying to find out why he's hiding it.

What I need to do is to just trust his word even more because we'll start an electrolfic revolution together!


Intermission end.


The day finally comes to an end, and we're all left rather emotionally exhausted. The coffee helped hide the tiredness, but we had less sleep than usual today, so our energy levels begin to crash.

We're too lazy to wash each other, so we call for the maids to tend to us, and some light pussy fingering and dick stroking goes on as they do, to help us relax and get us into the mood.

I pull Poosh into a kiss, then I shoot inside Iliada's mouth. The young tongue licking the head of my cock and the experienced one playing with my mouth makes for quite the experience.

But I won't let their caressing make me forget what I promised to Poosh and Osaria.

I use my tentacles to snatch my dark-skinned milf from the maid taking care of her, then I grin and release the dragon. Poor Iliada will be a casualty in this fight, but I know that she'd accept this sort of sacrifice.


Poosh and Osaria hug Iliada from either side, squishing the lithe elven girl with their breasts, making me a bit envious, though not that much since they're all covered in my cum.

There's not much left to wash aside from the three Ravaged women, so we're all soon soaking in the warm water for the second time today. Aoi is the last to join us since she helps the three victims by cleaning them of the precious magical fluids covering their bodies and filling their insides.

Suddenly, I feel a drop of mischief leak through [Bind], immediately putting me on the defensive, but then I notice that it isn't aimed at me, so I just let it happen.

Ciel sits down on Yunia's left while Alissa sits on her right, then the two smirk at the stern elven queen, who raises an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Wolfy showed you a lot of love today, so now, it's our turn to give you some 'comfort,'" Alissa cheekily announces, and the two put their hands on her thighs.

Elves are quick to recognize lewdness, so her breath quickens in anticipation, but then she freezes in fear once she hears their next words.

"Oh, fuck. I'm in, literally!" Hana exclaims then immediately begins waddling towards them. Yunia considers whether she should try to escape, but the grips the wives have on her thighs immediately get stronger, preventing her from leaving.

Roxanne and Lina share a shrug, then they join in, too. Aoi would like to milk me as usual, but since a family event is happening, she decides to join them. Klein doesn't know what to do, so I just grab her with a tentacle and push her towards the orgy, and she obeys like the good little slut she is.

This is a treat for me, and since I've already spent enough time inside a woman today, I just watch the show as the girls abuse every erogenous zone Yunia has.

Hukarere looks at my lonely cock with hunger in her eyes, so I switch my points around and cast [Water Breathing] on her so that she can take Aoi's usual spot.

Gify paddles towards me, and I pick her up with my human hands, then I gently caress the sensitive spot on her back, right where her wings join her rib cage. She's a "chibified" being, so her anatomy doesn't make much sense, but her wings still have a special function, which is similar to the crystal of a mage's staff.

Yunia's pain and pleasure stricken face is quite a sight to behold. The way her perfectly built body quivers with each orgasm is worthy of being immortalized in a painting.

And I might just do that. I pull out the gnomic [Instant Painting] magic tool and a canvas, then I position them with my tentacles and activate it.

The painting "The Queen, Debased" is complete.

Then I decide to just connect all of the girls' senses through [Bind], and the whole bath echoes with the loud female moans of my beautiful wives. The golems don't seem to be affected by the pleasure, but they still pay close attention to everything that's going on.


Dinner is a simple elven meal. After the weird food of Gnomeria, we don't have the stomach for anything creative. The not-ratatouille is amazing, though.

"So, tomorrow, you're all going to the Capital?" Osaria questions, and I detect a well-hidden hint of concern in her tone.

"Yes, we are," I casually reply.

"We're going to kick the bug's nest, then run away," Hana cheerfully adds.

"No bug analogies, please," Yunia tiredly requests.

Hana snorts and tries again, "We're going to kick off a bloody party, but we won't stick around to enjoy it."

"You're quite eager to jump into the claws of the imperials," Osaria concernedly points out, but Hana's reply gets stuck in her throat as she suddenly stops to reflect.

And Roxanne doesn't waste the opportunity to tease her mentally, "How uncharacteristic of her."

"Fuck you," Hana grumbles back.

Roxanne grins in delight. "Hard, please."

Hana simply ignores her and spends a moment longer on reflecting before confidently asserting, "I'm not just blindly believing in Wolfy. I've paid attention to the meetings, understand all the dangers, and have come to the conclusion that we aren't being reckless, this time." And she finishes with a wry smile.

Osaria holds her palm against her cheek, then lets out a very motherly sigh and admits, "I can't help myself but worry."

But I only feel warmth in my heart. "We're sorry for worrying you, but we're also thankful that you do," I softly reply, and she gives me a brief pout.

"Is it okay to not be worried about this?" Klein hesitantly asks, her eyes flitting between all of us.

And Yunia categorically answers, "It is, but keep in mind that while we value your loyalty, we don't want your blind faith."

But Klein knits her eyebrows in concern. "I've pledged my life to you, so how can I not believe in you with everything I have?"

And Yunia's tone turns serious. "Because you shouldn't lie to yourself. If you pledged your life, then you need to know when it's time to be true to your vows."

Klein hums and nods diligently. "I understand."

And Alissa kindly interjects, "Knighthood is a very serious position, but you can be sure that we'd never ask for such a sacrifice from you."

But Klein doesn't seem very pleased with that affirmation as she makes a complicated expression.

And seeing that she has nothing to add, Osaria continues, "I was never a good noble because of how much I dislike fighting, so I never tried to contest my Title when Mavel declared us as Fallen."

"Aren't you a Fire mage? They're valuable against monsters," Hana questions curiously.

And Osaria just shrugs. "I never showed any talent for it, so I was just an average one, even for someone with the resources of a noble."

"You do seem to better fit the position of a Lady," Alissa happily affirms.

"That I do," she proudly responds and grins.

"We'll do our best to assuage your worries," I reassure her.

And she rather shyly nods. "Thank you."


After the meal, I quickly create a few dozen more golems for the golem army project, then I rejoin my harem in our game room, and our evening is a lot quieter than usual as we begin to run low on energy.

I want to play with Alissa's ears, but she takes the initiative and begins to slowly wax my scales with a lot of care. She doesn't play fair and uses [Bind] to press all the right buttons, making me quickly fall asleep under the caress of her loving touch.


Today is the 30th. Tann, day of Darkness. The infamous Weepers are stronger today, so it's not a good day to be caught in the wild. Travelers will be fine if they have enough Light-attuned gems to counter the negative feelings from the monsters, but it's still a costly day for travel on foot. Planes, on the other hand, fly above the trees, so they're completely unaffected by Weepers.

Yunia wakes me up with those stern, blue gems of hers staring intensely into mine while she deepthroats my member, then she raises her head, and I cum on her mouth while her tongue plays with my sensitive frenulum.

After my balls and cock stop throbbing, she gently releases them and kisses the tip, then she shows me her reward covering her tongue.

I hum in delight and pat her head, giving her permission to swallow, then she licks the last drop that comes out late and kisses Alissa, sharing some of my seed with her.

Their tongues entwine and grind against one another with desire, yesterday's orgy causing the flame of love in their hearts to burn a little stronger for each other.

Seeing them like this makes me start to feel frisky again, so I have Yunia deepthroat me one more time, then I fill her mouth with cum and order her to kiss her aunt.

Osaria receives her niece with delight, and they kiss passionately like lovers, making my incest fetish flare so strongly that I grab Aoi and use her mouth as a cock-sleeve.

Hukarere tries to hide it, but we all know that she's the biggest cum-addict out of all the girls, so Aoi offers her some, and my thirsty wolf accepts the cum swap, now triggering my lesbianism fetish since Hukarere has always acted completely straight so far. They don't kiss, but just seeing Aoi let the cum drip into the other's mouth is enough for me.

"Okay, that's enough playing around. We have work to do," Roxanne surprisingly chastises us, but I know she's just envious that I can't fill her womb with cum since we'd likely waste hours of daylight on fucking if we started now.

My [Sword Use] increased by 2 (now 15+15).

Alissa increased her [Mana Control] and [Illusion Magic] by 1 (now 8 and 17). The latter wasn't planned, so it took a point from [Mana Efficiency] (now 9+0).

Roxanne increased her [Mana Control] and [Fire Magic] by 1 (now 17+33 and 8+32).

Hana increased her [Polearm Use] by 1 (now 7).

Ciel increased her [Glaive Use] and [Tiretiera Maire Style] by 1 (now 30 and 1+1).

Lina increased her [Hammer Use] and [Mana Control] by 1 (now 4+26 and 2+8).

Aoi leveled up to 44. It really does take a shit-ton of monsters to level up once you reach the fifties. It's either that, or conquering a dungeon, but considering that it takes most of one's life to reach level 100, we're still rising lightning fast.

Yunia increased her [Dodge] and [Weaverism] by 1 (now 4+11 and 1+29).

Our next monster massacre should be enough to give us all a level up.


Today's breakfast is special. There's baguette, butter, cold cuts of meat and cheeses, baked chocolate sweets, coffee with milk, and Brazilian "pão de queijo."

It's almost the perfect Brazilian breakfast, just lacking Mortadella, which I have no idea how to make. The Rupegian cold ham is just like Earthling prosciutto, which is close enough to Brazilian "presunto," but Mortadella needs specific seasonings and a specific mix of meats, so it's very unlikely that I'll ever find it here.

It's good enough that Krysta got pão de queijo right on the first try. If she wasn't married, I'd have made her into a concubine without a second thought.

"Coffee smells so nice, but it tastes so bad," Aoi remarks as she stares curiously at her mug, pondering upon the mysteries of the wonder-drink.

"Indeed. The smell of freshly ground coffee beans is orgasmic," I agree with a nod and take a long sip.

Osaria and Hukarere seem to enjoy black coffee. As avid cum connoisseurs, they know how to appreciate bitterness.

"Would you like some?" I kindly offer it to Poosh, who's always present and ready to serve (and "serve") us during our meals.

She smiles warmly and adjusts her round glasses. "I already drank a small cup of it pure. It was quite tasty and invigorating," she happily admits.

"If it's strong enough to 'fuel' the hyperactive gnomes, I wonder what it'll do to us," Lina suddenly comments as she eyes the black ambrosia with suspicion, though she has already succumbed to its call.


Right after breakfast, I call for Nononya and Ahren's sister, whose name I'm told is Petra.

I wait in one of the higher "leaves" of the castle that has a good view of the town. I want to impress Nono with the sight.

Petra, predictably, arrives first, wearing an orange Jasmine dress. The more conservative and bland one from the questionable live-action, not the more beautiful and iconic one from the original, timeless classic. I know that Klein has the latter, so I guess this is the Grosshils' way of saying "don't touch her," which just makes me want to have Petra even more, but I keep the dragon in check because I'm not that kind of scumbag.

Her curly hair is certainly refreshing, and though it's not as glorious as Yunia's drills, I'm a Brazilian man who can appreciate the beauty of dark-skinned women with curly, mane-like hair. She'd definitely do just fine in an elven not-bikini.

"Your Highness Wolf, I'm Petra Grosshil, and I've come as requested," she politely greets and does a conservative curtsy, a hint of an icy bite in her tone.

I casually return the greeting, though warmer than hers, "A pleasure to meet you. We didn't have the opportunity to talk before, when we first saw each other."

"Likewise, but I admit that the circumstances were tense back then at that time," she replies, completely inexpressive. Her cute face isn't anywhere as well suited as Yunia's for the "Ice Queen" behavior she's displaying to me.

I hum and motion to the sofa, "Indeed. Now let's sit, we'll wait for the second guest before we begin."

She nods diligently and obeys, sitting with a straight posture like a prim and proper Lady, then she immediately inquires, "May I inquire about the motive for this meeting?"

"I need your expertise in [Alchemicism] to aid my…" -I feel a need to assert my dominance and claim Nono as my woman, but she isn't, not yet- "research partner in exploring a new type of magic."

Petra raises one black eyebrow. "I see…" Then she goes silent for a moment before awkwardly continuing, "I heard you were a researcher, but I didn't expect that [Alchemicism] would ever be useful to you."

"Tch…" Roxanne clicks her tongue sassily, and Hana starts teasing her for her contempt for the "unreliable" magic school.

"You never know until you try," I reply with a sly grin.

And she just raises her thin eyebrow again.

We spend a few more minutes in silence, then Nono finally arrives, and I instantly get a boner.

The white, juicy rabbit is all dolled up and even wearing a gift wrapping that begs to be ripped from her body. One of her long ears has a cute red ribbon on it; her short, white hair looks silky and shines with a silvery sheen; her eyes have thick eyeliner, giving her a sensual look; her full cheeks are rosy with makeup; her juicy lips have vibrant, red lipstick, making me eager to bite them; her breasts are enticingly covered with a small, red velvet curtain; her camel toe is painfully visible through the criminally small red shorts she somehow squeezed herself into; and her subtly thick legs are enhanced by the classy high heels she's wearing.

She hesitantly walks forward, but I immediately get up and advance towards her, the intensity of my hungry gaze making her stop and then walk backward in fear.

Her back hits the closed door, and she freezes like a deer in headlights, though her legs begin quivering. Then I stop just a centimetri away and grab her by her throat because her knees have started to buckle.

She suddenly holds up a piece of paper with a few words written on it in the most beautiful calligraphy that I've ever seen, but the contents make my blood boil.


"Rape her."



I roar back to the confused beauty behind us, "Dame Grosshil, the start of our meeting will have to be delayed because I need to give this slutty rabbit a good pounding!"

Petra blinks blankly, too stunned to reply, then I open the door behind Nono and sling her over my shoulder.

I'm so horny that I don't even wait until we're in another room. I press Nono against the wall in the middle of the corridor and rip off her bottoms, then I penetrate her dry. We both grunt in pleasure and pain, but her quickly wetting cunt makes the latter fade away.

Since her moans sound too delightful, I engorge my cock until I hear her whimper and feel her insides squeeze around my shaft, then I add some studs and really start pounding her, hard.

I fuck her like a wild beast, each thrust making lewd, moist sounds as loud as the slaps of our thighs, then I notice her nails digging grooves into the wall and grin in satisfaction.

I bite her shoulder and squeeze her little breasts with my (padded) claws, then I growl and maniacally laugh at the same time. She's one of the few people I can actually let the dragon loose on without fear of hurting her because she wants to be hurt.

Soon, her juices begin to drip on the grass carpet below us before I've even cum, and my shaft collects the white cream of her repeated orgasms. Her moans devolve into mere squeaks of a small animal as her voice starts to fail her, but her cute little fluffy tail just wags harder and harder, going out of control.

My own tail goes upright and stiffens like a rock as a massive cumshot erupts from my cock, but I continue pounding her. This is just the beginning of the Ravaging.

Once the throbbing stops, I spin her around and hold her by her round ass. Her makeup may be ruined by the tears, but she still holds onto my shoulder and uses what little strength she has left in her hips to move along with my rhythm.

Her cute meekness and barely-hidden sluttiness just activates my testicles, and I pump cumshot after cumshot into her depths, but that isn't enough. I seal her lips with mine and penetrate her mouth with my tongue, then I seek hers out and use [Oral Technique] to fuck her other cock-sleeve.

A Chimera maid kneels beside us and uses a wide mug to collect the dripping cum, which she then eagerly drinks once it's full. The fact that my seed won't go to waste just emboldens me to release even more inside Nono.

In the throes of our passionate sex, she decides to grab onto my horns and stroke them like dicks. The audacity of this woman to actually use my glorious, draconic horns as both penises and handles is staggering.

I grip her ass harder, spreading those round ass cheeks apart, and use a tentacle to explore her little asshole as I slam her against me. The sudden rush of desire is so strong that I actually do have to hold back the dragon just a little bit to not draw blood.

Only the Gods and my wives know how much I want to impregnate Nono. I'd even do it repeatedly, giving her as many little draconic bunny hybrids as she wants. There's just something about this juicy woman that makes her just so breedable.

I want to tie her up in my sex dungeon and rape her every day!

I lose my sense of time as I pound into her endlessly, but then her eyes suddenly roll up into her skull, and she begins to pass out, again ending things far sooner than when I do my wives.

I sigh and return my cock to normal, then I raise her waist up and pull myself out of her with a loud noise, and the Chimera maid immediately clamps onto Nono's pussy to drink it all up.

"Tch…" Now it's Aoi's turn to click her tongue in annoyance. "They're drinking my cum!"

I look behind me and see Poosh waiting with a gentle smile on her pretty face while a second maid holds a new, clean dress and a box of makeup. They both stiffen for a second as my draconic lust bears down upon them, but I reign it in since Poosh must still be feeling a bit sore from yesterday.

"You did quite some work on her, Your Highness," my loyal sheep wryly remarks and approaches us.

I chuckle softly as I gently lower Nono down onto the floor, then I grab the kneeling maid's head and skull fuck her to drain the last of my draconic lust. She has a cute, curly-haired dog head, so I'm not too rough on her because I don't want to ruin her perm.

Poosh begins to clean Nono, and I help out with [Heal] and [Regeneration], but it's going to take some time before she wakes up from her orgasm-induced coma.



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Creamy Spinach.

Prince Owldente.

Prince Charlie Foxtrot.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Sean Drake.

Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Mike Bartter.

Lord Warwulfv.

Lord Jorge Franco.

Lord Khristopher Welsh.

Lord DJ.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Bradly.

Lord AndreyUC.

Lord Tmac.

Lord School Work.

Lord Gwendolyn Simmons-LaRose.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord Warwulfv.

Lord James.

Lord BlindTactic.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble CarlBaxter.

Noble d3235.

Noble Cidant.

Noble Frank de Jong.

Noble Shai.

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