
The Room - Part 2

Intermission – Alcander


We watch as Sir Alkibiades embarrassedly walks out of the hall, his head low and his eyes wide open in disbelief with himself.

"Why is he so sad? I wish I was him, centimetri away from those massive tits and that gorgeous face," one of the weredog Dezens quietly hums.

"Dogs in heat," a human Dezen grumbles as he rolls his eyes, then he grumpily explains, seemingly disgusted with the situation, "His pride was wounded. Imagine the woman you thirst for being fucked to completion by another, more virile man, right in front of you while you can't even touch yourself to enjoy the view."

"He still came," the weredog replies with a shrug.

The human glares at him. "At what cost?"

And the weredog barks dismissively, "Bah! It's because you humans have too much pride that you keep missing out on all the fun stuff!"

"I'm sure Alcander is having a lot of fun, though," a Titleless human noble teasingly remarks.

I just frown at him and confess, "You all saw how my Lord went from fucking two beauties while seducing a third to doing his wife in front of everyone while humiliating a man almost twice his size?"

The Titleless noble nods casually. "Yeah, he sounds like a 'fun' person."

I scoff and shake my head. "Just don't introduce your wives to him."

He seems to understand the implication, but then he smirks cheekily. "Oh~… how are your wives, by the way?"

I narrow my eyes at him and firmly state, "Safe and sound back in Escanso, and always as far away as possible from any of my Lords."

Another Titleless noble joins in, "Don't you have Lordsguard protecting your home?"

"Yes…?" I hum back, already dreading his answer.

He gives me a fake pitying look as he slowly explains, "Everyone knows that those pretty and lanky elves are favorites of women. Even single-edged men and women have sharpened the other side once they found an elf they wanted to 'bend the knee' to."

My irritation grows so much that I decide to brag, "There's a young elven maid working in my house. What elves call 'normal clothes' would barely pass as underwear here, and the three of us sit down and watch as the youthful girl cleans the house while shaking her barely covered ass cheeks at us."

The noble chuckles and grunts, "Lucky bastard."

Except my wives are dying from jealousy of the maid's youth. Maybe I should hire an old maid or butler, but after seeing how the Head Priestess of Escanso is, I'm not sure if that would fix anything…

Being surrounded by beauties you can't touch is torture, I tell you, torture…! But I can't confess this!

Nibbling Skritters!

I can still hear the many female voices screaming my Lord's name in the throes of passion. I'm surrounded by sex that I can't have, and it's starting to get quite grating.

Will I ever one day gather the courage to ask him to teach me how to dominate women like he does? Having two women who love you is amazing, but I'm always outnumbered by their sisterly alliance that's been forged from steel. How does he keep seven wives plus all the extra women under his control?!

My Lord is a frightening man in more ways than one.


Intermission end.


Okay, fucking the sister of an Empress, seducing a young ginger girl, NTRing the goddamn Emperor, and humiliating a man much bigger than me by fucking my naked wife while she bounces in his face is all fine and dandy, but Roxanne's ovaries have activated so hard that she's lost all reason.

While I discuss with Alissa and Yunia about how we'll invade Cleinias' mansion, I skull fuck Roxanne while using her black spiral horns as handles. Klein is forced to watch while the golems keep guard outside the room.

I cum down Roxanne's greedy throat, but she's barely able to swallow it all, making it drip onto the carpeted floor of the Emperor's tea room. We'll [Clean] it all later, but I hope he doesn't mind.

Yunia immediately cautions, "It's quite easy to enchant a whole mansion to detect monsters, so I don't think we can use your monster summons. Confiel already had a strong suspicion that you knew [Monster Summoning], and after revealing the Grim Giant when you invaded Escanso, most nobles should be able to make the connection."

Something insane takes hold of Roxanne's mind, and she forces me to twist her horns apart, the humiliating and depraved pleasure making her instantly orgasm, but now her fingers aren't enough anymore, so she forces me to fuck her doggy style while she bites her dagger-tail and I twist her horns.

"Just the spirit elemental, then," Yunia affirms.

"Don't let the spirit fly through walls or windows. They're all most likely enchanted to detect spirits," Lina warns us through [Bind].

And Alissa shares her concern, "That butler seemed dangerous. Do you think he can detect spirit elementals?"

Yunia soberly deliberates, "It's a possibility, but it'd be redundant since the mansion should already be protected against spirits."

I quiet down Roxanne a bit so that I can speak out loud, "But not against someone summoning a spirit while inside it, so I think they're probably suspicious that I might have left a summon lurking about since I was free to wander the whole mansion the other day."

"WOLFY~…! I LOVE YOUUU~…!" Roxanne screams as I mercilessly pound her reddened pussy, and her frail, unnaturally pale body quivers with every powerful thrust. Her womb twists and milks me of my cum, and I make sure to smack against her cervix with every ejaculation to ensure that my seed floods her eggs, even though it's impossible for her to be impregnated thanks to the Fertility Ring.

Alissa calmly concludes, "So, we can't use anything but our skills. Even [Invisibility] might be risky since Katasko specializes in it."

Yunia nods in agreement, making her pointy ears bounce, and finalizes the plan, "You search his office while I look for a hidden passage in the bookshelves."

I hum curiously, "Oh, you think there's a secret passage there?"

She smirks proudly as she affirms, "Yes. It seems to be the perfect location for one, and it would also explain why you could find a place that's not covered by the Scrubber."

And I realize something. "The way I was acting while putting down the coordinate was also quite suspicious…"

I might've accidentally exposed that we know about Cleinias' secret, so his whole mansion might be on high alert. We should be really careful to not alert anyone.

After we spend a moment to reflect on things, Lina interjects, "The office is likely protected, but if you can drain the mana from the door's enchantments, you might be able to sneak in without activating an alarm."

Good idea.

Then we hear something snap, and I almost lose my balance since I just accidentally broke Roxanne's right horn.

"YEEEEES…!" She bellows as the biggest orgasm she's ever felt overwhelms her mind and bleeds through [Bind].

Reinhold approaches Hana again, his eyes trained on her face to avoid both her massive cleavage and the mirror floor that exposes her still moist pussy lips, but none of the other imperial officers have the same consideration as he does.

A drop of pussy juice runs down along her toned leg, and she scoops it up, then closes her eyes in delight as she holds herself back from collapsing in a quivering pile of limbs.

Ciel, Lina, and Aoi aren't faring much better, but it's certainly not the first time that they've felt random orgasms bleeding through our connection, and they're used to it enough to not cause a scene, though Ciel and Lina are still forced to excuse themselves and seek out each other for support because only Aoi can calmly cum while staring a stranger in the eye, and Ciel definitely doesn't want to stare at Cleinias' ugly mug as her body is flooded with pleasure.

Nobody pays much attention to their odd behavior because the Ladies, emboldened by my displays of virility, have spread out and started their own little games of seduction, considerably shifting the atmosphere of this gathering towards lewdness.

"Didn't you conquer an ancient dungeon to gain your Titles?" Reinhold interrogates Hana. His wife stares at him intensely, watching for even the smallest slip of his gaze.

Hana coos back, basking in post-orgasm afterglow, "Yeah, we did. Why?"

Since the areas he's allowed to look at are limited, he blinks and looks up for a second to not stare too intensely at her beauty. "What interesting stuff did you find there? Old dungeons are usually full of Artifacts."

We all become immediately suspicious, but Hana knows how to handle him. "We found a lot of stuff. Ships, armor, weapons, the spirit Chimera, a dragon's hoard of valuables, a few impressive suits of armor that Arreira himself forged…" -She frowns and snorts- "Also a lot of 'art' he made."

Reinhold's eyebrows perk up, and he grins as his gaze sharpens. "Weapons? I'm sure you know I'm a sword fanatic."

"Well, he gave us elven enchanted swords like these," -she [Equip]s her elven bastard sword made of wood- "but the prettiest thing we got was a Chimera glaive that the Celestial Horns use."

"Glaive…?" He leans back and subtly wrinkles his nose in disgust.

They continue chatting, attracting a few officers with Hana's stories of Legado, and though she's drinking, she's very far from even getting a buzz, let alone being impaired enough to accidentally spill the secret on Patrono.

Roxanne finally collapses on the floor, leaking, sweating, and drooling, but I hold onto her horn for a while longer to tease her about it. It's quite simple to glue it back on with a [Heal], but I haven't satisfied my humiliation kink enough, so I'll abuse her for a bit while keeping an eye on the girls in case shit hits the fan in Cleinias' mansion.


Yunia and Alissa step through the [Gate], and both women hide behind the sofa while using [Redirect Mana] to erase any evidence of the spell.

After a moment of waiting in silence, they deem that their invasion hasn't been detected, so Alissa starts making her way to the door, and Yunia swallows an Eia pill, then they both adjust the camouflage of their Camalo armor set.

In the room, the only light comes from the psychedelic moon as it shines through the window, dark enough that the chameleon power of the armor is maximized while still allowing Yunia to see the bookshelf.

The corridor Alissa walks into is faintly illuminated, so I give her [Enhanced Speed] to help her dodge anyone she might meet along the way, and she casts [Ignorance] on herself, then uses [Redirect Mana] to erase the trail the spell leaves.

One by one, Yunia quickly inspects each book on the wall-wide bookshelf. This will take a while, but there's no way around it.

Roxanne wakes up and turns to me, then I dangle the broken horn in front of her, and her pale face becomes even paler.

I grin like a devil as I slowly degrade her, "You shameless demon. You wanted this to happen. You just couldn't resist the safety of my arms, so you finally surrendered the last piece of yourself to me: your pride as a demon."

She's so surprised that she can only mumble fearfully, "No… no, I-…" And seeing her gorgeous face so thoroughly broken is like sweet nectar to me.

I grab her by the throat and pull her close to me as I hiss, "Quiet!" Then I kiss her deeply, and her thirsty tongue instantly responds to the invasion.

After a few seconds, I deem that she's heard the message loud and clear, so I throw her back to the floor and step on her chest, pinning her in place. The eyes she gives me show unbridled fear, yet her heart beats madly within her chest from excitement.

I lean on my right knee, making it hard for her to breathe as I continue to degrade her, "I control you. I control everything about you… and you enjoy it. My kindness and love for you are boundless, and that gives you the confidence that I always know what's best for you.

"I can hurt you, but I'll never hurt you. No matter the physical or mental pain, you always know that there's love behind it all. No matter how much I abuse your delicious body and fragile mind, you'll never rebel because you know that your place is under me, sucking on my cock.

"So, you will accept anything that I do to your body. Do you understand, Roxanne Ryder, my beloved wife?"

Her pussy lips heat up again as she almost drools in delight from seeing my extreme display of manly domination, her elegant face warped in insane adoration.

Then her lips gently spell the sweet words, "Yes, I understand… Master."

I break her other horn, and she orgasms while I shove my cock down her throat.


Alissa hides in a storage room while a pair of cooks run past her, eager to find a nice room to fuck, then she moves on again, easily dodging the mansion's servants since they don't have [Hide Presence], but Alissa still remains tense and alert for any sign of the creepy butler.

She reaches the third floor without a problem, but it's Yunia who's handed a pickle first.

Her [Precognition] activates, and she resists the instinct to attack in retaliation, throwing herself to the floor the moment the door to the small library opens, then she quickly crawls behind the sofa to not be seen.

Tense seconds pass, but she doesn't hear or sense whoever it is that entered the room. All she knows is that the door opened, letting in the light from the corridor, and then closed a couple of seconds later, returning the room back to its dim illumination.

Suddenly, she sees the old man silently walk right past her, just ten centimetri away from where she's hiding. Then he stops by the window and wistfully stares at the moon.

If he turns around, it's possible that he'll be able to see her even with her Camalo's camouflage considering that he's walking around without a light, so she slowly crawls away. Since [Precognition] doesn't activate, she knows that she isn't about to be detected.

"For glory," she overhears him whisper with a firm tone, as if he's trying to convince himself. Then his shadow passes near her as he makes his way to the bookshelves.

She raises her head and sees him remove a book near the right end of the shelf, then he reaches into the hole with his hand and does something that she can't see.

The shelf recedes into the wall about fifty centimetri, revealing a narrow set of stone steps underneath its previous spot. Sebastian doesn't waste a moment before going down through the opening, and once his head has disappeared into the floor, the bookshelf returns to its original position without leaving any evidence that it hides a secret passage.

Yunia uses [Redirect Mana] on the shelf and detects a trace amount of [Warp Space] mana in the air, which explains perfectly how it opens and closes. She inspects the spot where the butler messed with something and discovers an easy-to-miss spot covered with a piece of cloth the same color as the wall, and under it, there's a thumb-sized black gem, which likely controls the enchantment that reveals the stairs going down.

With the butler's position known, Alissa runs to the third floor and stops before Cleinias' office, then she lowers her head to the carpet and confirms that there's a channel of silver in the bottom rail of the door, a proximity enchantment to prevent people from sneaking things through the crack under the door, such as a piece of paper with a [Gate] Coordinate.

But Alissa simply uses [Redirect Mana] on the channel, draining it of all the mana it has, then she opens her [Item Box] and pulls Ted out. Now without her doll exterior, she's merely a small skeleton of pure steel.

The golem uses [Manipulate Mana] on herself to become perfectly flat, damaging her HP a bit, then she slips under the door, and Alissa assumes direct control of her to explore the office. She doesn't have a lot of time since others might be able to detect Ted with [Sense Presence], and though the golem knows [Hide Presence], she's actually pretty terrible with that skill.

Suddenly, a thick pulse of Spirit mana sweeps through the entire mansion, and I'm thankful that I didn't summon a monster or spirit elemental here as they'd have just been revealed, so nobody is affected by it, then Yunia realizes that this might be the perfect opportunity to make her move. The air is thick with mana, so she activates the secret enchantment, hoping that the pulse will prevent the butler from sensing the [Warp Space] mana that leaks out.

The steps appear before her, and she silently walks down. Then she activates another enchantment on the wall near the bottom of the steps, and the bookshelf returns to its original position.

I finish playing around with Roxanne and heal her horns, then I go on standby, ready to summon the infiltrators at a moment's notice.

Yunia enters a simple stone room with a wardrobe that stores spare clothes and a table with a variety of potions on it at the wall. The only other exit is a thick door of emellanat, covered in occult-like symbols that remind me of the ones we saw in the Oracle's room.

Paying extreme attention to her [Precognition] to give her every last millisecond more to react, she grabs the handle of the door and twists it, her heart pounding in her throat, then she slowly pushes it open.

The moment a crack opens up, her [Sense Presence] is flooded with the information of a dozen monsters, but also an old human who's beating up a small goblin.

Everyone freezes, confused about what we're sensing. We expected something extremely Wicked, but not this…

Yunia pushes it open a little more, allowing her to steal a glimpse of a few bloody, female orcs chained to the wall. Their heads are lowered, but they're also quite close to the door, and she'll risk blowing her cover if she tries to open it any further. This sickening dungeon is just another small room, so there probably aren't any spots for her to hide if she goes in.

Suddenly, the butler's presence disappears from her senses, and she immediately closes the heavy door, [Quiet Action] ensuring that it's completely silent.

She thinks about going up the stairs, but that might leave evidence of the enchantment being used. Then her [Precognition] activates, and she realizes that she has no time to waste, so she dives under the table with the potions and adjusts her Camalo to camouflage herself.

A second later, the door slowly opens again as Sebastian comes out. Yunia holds her mental cursor over the trigger to [Equip] her longsword, but her [Precognition] doesn't activate again. Then Sebastian immediately turns to the table and leisurely walks towards it, giving no hint that he has spotted her.

He does something with the potions, then turns around and climbs up the stairs again. Yunia clearly senses the [Warp Space] enchantment leaking its mana twice as he opens and closes the secret entrance.

After a tense moment of waiting, she feels that it's safe to come out of her hiding spot, and she takes another look at the potions.

There are a few dozen labeled with either HP or MP, with one HP potion that looks freshly used, and about ten with cryptic symbols, one of which also looks freshly used.

Yunia drinks a couple of her emergency potions and [Clean]s the metal flasks, then pours a very small amount of each of the cryptic potions into them. Roxanne has some suspicions about what they are, but she won't dare make a guess about them for now.

The butler is now back out in the mansion, and if he gets too close to Ted, he'll likely detect her, so Alissa walks down the corridor and stands guard.

Once Yunia has finished collecting evidence, she enters the dungeon, and the moment the heavy emellanat door closes behind her, she stops sensing the staff spread out all over the mansion, confirming that this room was designed to block [Sense Presence].

And it's pretty fucking obvious why.

Four orcs, three hobgoblins, two goblins, a satyr, a slime in a glass tank, and a big Amethyst dragon. All female, half of them pregnant, and all of them showing signs of physical abuse.

I feel sick…

The tired monsters raise their heads, and after a couple of confused seconds, they manage to see through Yunia's camouflage. Then they immediately growl angrily, but they seem to lack the energy to keep up their strong front, so they all quickly lower their heads again, except for the dragon.

A pair of stern eyes watch Yunia intensely. Their black sclera and light blue irises make them seem strikingly similar to Aoi's, showing that they're of a similar species.

The beautiful beast is completely tied down against the floor by tight, bloody chains. Almost half of her scales are broken and faded, her wings have been cut off, and a few wounds are still oozing steamy hot blood. Her tail has been pierced through by a large hook that keeps it raised, forcing her body to stay in a breeding position. Yunia also notices that her hips are oddly wide, which Aoi believes comes from an egg inside her.

"Are you alright, dearie?" Queen Vlwind kindly asks Lina with a worried frown. The gentle, hydrangea-looking granny pixie instantly noticed her mood shift. The little girl reminds the old queen of her curious son, and she wants to hear more about Lina's hopes for the future.

"L-Lord Aoi?" The young, weremonkey nobleman hesitantly asks, both confused and scared by her sudden silence. The young mage greatly fears Aoi's draconic visage, but his scholarly curiosity about her knowledge of storms has given him the courage to talk to her like an (almost) equal.

"Hanafuria…?" Reinhold questions her as the fiery woman turns her back to the group. Though he has been relentlessly interrogating her about Legado, he hasn't failed to make her laugh, so it's not like he's been bothering her.

"Excuse me, Decien Cleinias, for I must retire," Ciel curtly states and leaves the blabbermouth by himself. She can't bear to look at him for even a second more.

The bastard sickens all of us so completely that it takes a lot of effort for her not to execute him right where he stands. What the fuck is this room even for? Rape? Research? Breeding?

But Ciel's emotions confuse me.

Wait, why are you leaving?!

"Monsters aren't protected by the Sins, Wolfy," she weakly replies through [Bind], holding back tears from the frustration and anger at her own impotence.

"What kind of fucking bullshit is that?!" I shout back, and I feel my draconic rage flare within me.

"Wolfy…" She pleads softly, anger and anguish flooding her heart.

"Get back over there, and take his head!" I roar out loud, and Klein jumps in surprise.

"Wolfy, no," Yunia grimly interjects.

"Why?!" I flippantly reply.

"We don't have any evidence that he's Wicked."

"Alissa!" I bark.

But she somberly answers in a whisper, "Nothing here… just messages from spies, information about their targets' daily lives."

I freeze as I feel a shiver of fear run down my spine.

"I can't believe this…" I mumble.

There must be something we can use!

"Who impregnated you?" Yunia asks out loud, but she only gets growls in response, even from the dragon. If the monsters don't know how to speak Andraste, then they're probably not breeder-types.

Hana and Aoi fume in indignation, and even our knights start to worry about them, then our draconic anger starts to fuse into a firestorm of righteous fury, and I shout, mad with rage, "I don't care if it isn't a Sin! He's a rapist and a sociopathic sadist! Go back there, and kill him!"

Aoi turns to Cleinias and glares at him as she growls internally, "Let me eat his head. I'll squish it like a berry, then savor his brains."

Yunia forces Aoi to look away before he can notice her glare. "This will cause a war," the cold elven queen points out, her tone forcing us to pull back our claws.

Hana walks away from the group of officers and grumbles, "We're already at war."

"Wolfy, Hana, Aoi, please. You know that killing him would ruin all of our plans," Alissa anxiously tries to soothe us.

"Why are you defending him?!" I bark, but I immediately take back my words. I know why she's doing this; I just don't want to accept it.

"If what he did isn't a Sin, then he isn't Wicked," Lina gloomily spells it out for us, trying to convince us with logic, but I don't want to accept it!

"Wolfy… she's right," Ciel whispers while choking on her tears.


Our mood continues to sour, so Alissa and Yunia force those of us still in the hall to leave the gathering.

I collect my thoughts and try a new angle, "He's experimenting on monsters…"

"So did I!" Roxanne immediately cries out.

I shake my head and look away from her. "But you weren't a sadist about it!" I shout as I pace about the room.

"Arguing won't change the truth!" Yunia shouts angrily.

"I don't give a fuck; we have to kill him," Hana coldly states, scaring the knights who overhear her.

"No, we don't," Alissa calmly responds, and I feel her cold grip on my mind, forcing me to calm down.

But the sides continue to take shape, and we're split right down the middle. Alissa, Lina, and Yunia don't want us to kill him while Hana, Aoi, and I do, but Roxanne abstains since she also experiments on monsters, and Ciel doesn't know enough about the will of the Gods to make a decision.

Logic is on their side, but I'm feeling stubborn. I won't accept that the Gods are so lazy that they'd leave such an open loophole in the Sins. It's one thing to experiment on your enemies, but it's another thing entirely to find delight in it!

I stop pacing and turn to the girls as they enter the room, then I straighten my back and steel my resolve as I stare at everyone, except for Alissa, Yunia, and Ted, who are all still in the mansion.

Look at me and observe the man that I've become, for each and every one of you helped shape me into what I am now.

I pull back on my anger, allowing my tone to become crystal clear and perfectly composed for this monumental declaration. "I don't care if the Torture, Rape, or Murder of monsters isn't a Sin. I'll make it a Sin! For Aoi! For all the other unfortunate monsters that have been dragged into this stupid war between Gods, I'll rid this world of all the sadists and rapists that abuse the limitations of the Sins to fulfill their evil desires!"



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Sean Drake.

Lord Mike Bartter.

Lord Warwulfv.

Lord Khristopher Welsh.

Lord DJ.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord AndreyUC.

Lord Tmac.

Lord School Work.

Lord Gwendolyn Simmons-LaRose.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord James.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord The Tallest Joshua.

Lord Andrew Hebreard.

Lord litalmexy.

Lord Tyler Mills.

Lord Philip.

Lord Sam.

Lord Warwulfv.

Lord d3235.

Lord Ddraig Wynn.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble CarlBaxter.

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