
Winding Down - Part 2

"Lord Wolf!" The gray werecat excitedly shouts and comes running along the shoreline. She's slender and tall, with a remarkably strong body, though not quite on the same level as Hana's, and her bust also loses to my dragonkin, whose body was built for sex. What I like the most about this cat is that she has that sharp air of a composed and free-spirited woman, which I believe is inherent to her race considering she is, literally, part cat.

And this little kitten seems to have a fetish for dragons as her tail starts undulating the moment her eyes fall upon my thick and glorious tail with shiny mirror-like scales.

"Yes, Edjo?" I huskily reply, making her stop in confusion, as she hasn't given me her name yet, with even her tail going completely still.

She blinks, her furry ears twitching at the same time, then she grins and shifts into a more sensual demeanor. "Are you leaving already, Lord Wolf? Wouldn't you care to frolic in the water with us for at least a little bit?" Then she pouts coyly.

This woman gives me the impression that I shouldn't be too straightforward, so I prepare to play a little game of seduction. "I'd love to, but my men deserve rest, and I sorely miss the comfort of an elven bath."

She hums softly, and her tail sways with the sensuous cadence of her speech, "An elven bath? Ah, yes, you're from the High Forest. Is it true what the rumors say about elven baths and how they can rejuvenate you?"

I chuckle softly and lower my voice to a more seductive tone. "Rejuvenation? You'll feel rejuvenated, and perhaps even look younger as the magical bath helps regenerate your skin and make it softer, but true rejuvenation is impossible for even the elves, I'm afraid."

She crosses her arms and thoughtfully taps her cheek with a slender finger. "But what you're saying doesn't sound any worse, to be honest."

I feel like this is the perfect setup, so I divert towards the heart of the matter, "Indeed. It's why I crave it so much, but it's a big bath, and it can certainly fit a few more people in it."

She gives me a measuring look, pretending that she hasn't already made her decision. "You mean, everyone together in the bath with you?"

I just play along and kindly reply, "Me and my wives, yes. Are you and your companions interested in spending this evening with us?"

"YES!" I hear a shout, and I look past Edjo, my eyes immediately meeting with a green pair belonging to a bubbly brunette. A round face, juicy lips, faintly bucked teeth, and a spunky air that makes me want to pick her up and fuck her while standing.

"She's after your women," Edjo wryly points out.

And I snort smugly. "She'll soon find out that the predators outnumber her."

The catgirl tilts her head as she raises her eyebrows in bemusement, but then she lets herself become serious again as she adds, "We also have a tender flower with us that we must protect."

I remove the seduction from my tone and replace it with gentle reassurance. "If you hand her to me, I'll treat her well, but we'll never do anything that she doesn't want to do herself."

She thinks for a moment, her upright tail undulating mischievously behind her. Then she looks at her two other companions, and I notice something interesting. The third groupie is clearly the youngest. She's a thin girl with delicate curves, a subtly yellow, pale skin… and short, tomboyish, light brown hair that floats and faintly shines with a pearlescent sheen. A Siren, and from the hair color, she's part Faiumi.

She tries to hide behind her bubbly companion, who simply steps aside so that all eyes quickly fall upon the girl.

She is clearly the "flower" that must be protected, so I assume a soothing tone and ask, "Laguly, do you wish to spend an evening with us?"

Her yellow, pale skin starts to deeply redden, and she holds both hands in front of her waist in a cute, shy pose. "I don't think I can say no to a Lord," she quietly replies without looking me in the eye. Her voice is very soft and has a faint, sexy hoarseness to it that makes it feel like velvet brushing against my ears.

I gently nod and give her a warm smile. "Yes, you can. This is a casual invite for a pleasant evening, but you can still decline without offending us, and I'll ensure that someone escorts you to the place of rest of your choice. You could even ask for a room in our embassy that you could have all to yourself."

She giggles girlishly as she anxiously runs her hand through her floating hair. "You make it really hard to say no."

"Or perhaps you merely fear me too much?"

Khepri, the bubbly woman, interjects, her tone showing that teasing smugness Roxanne loves to use, "You fought with a Symbol of Might by yourself and defeated it in less than a minute. It's kind of hard to not fear you."

"You are a Symbol of Might," Edjo adds.

And I smirk. "But I don't bite. Unless asked."

The two older women chuckle suggestively along with me while Laguly looks mildly confused.

Alissa appears at my side and grabs my left hand, then interlaces her fingers with mine and reassures them, "If it makes you comfortable, rest assured that the only man you'll share your evening with is my husband. Everyone else will be women."

"That does make me comfortable," Khepri replies with a bright grin.

But Edjo still has questions that need answers before she'll be completely convinced, "But what is required of the women that surround him?"

Alissa categorically answers, "Nothing. There are already enough who willingly give their everything to him."

And I confidently add, "Though I am kind of insatiable, so I'll always have room for more women around me."

Then one of the adventurers nearby shouts annoyedly, "Gods deliver me from this torture! Just go suck his dick already, you indecisive worry-Ploms!"

Edjo immediately jerks her head towards him and bites back, "Come suck it yourself first!"

And the man gesticulates wildly as he banters, "My sword doesn't cut on both sides, but I'm not the one pretending not to be interested just to not look desperate for Lordling cock!"

Edjo takes a threatening step towards him. "Maybe it's because you don't have the patience to treat a woman right that nobody wants to suck yours!"

The man hesitates for a second, but he fails to come up with a proper comeback. "Bitch!"

"Cock!" Khepri barks.

And Edjo simply ignores him as she smiles victoriously.

"Did someone say 'women'?" Hana asks suggestively as she joins us.

"Just reassuring them that I'll be the only male predator around," I casually reply.

And she hums in confusion. "Hm? Won't we be having dinner with Jacques? Are you sure he's a vegetarian?"

"I really don't think my father is allowed to go outside his marriage," Alissa assuredly answers.

Then Ciel joins us, trying to help soothe these innocent souls, "If you're ever uncomfortable with their extreme hedonism, you can always come to me for help. I'm a priestess of Love, and I can keep them in check if they start to scare you."

Laguly seems to perk up at that, and I promise to myself to fuck Ciel very hard as thanks for her help.

"I'll accept your invitation," Edjo finally gives in.

"Same," Khepri folds immediately.

Then we turn to the shy Laguly. "Me too…" She quietly adds while averting her eyes.


We get a few goodbyes from some of the adventurers who grew fond of us. Not every one of them had a grudge against us, and the fact that we conquered the hearts of those who didn't tells me that we did our job well, earning their respect.

Then we all return to the embassy, where we can finally breathe easily, and we immediately un[Equip] our armor, which surprises the three new additions to our group.

"What is that spell?" Khepri curiously asks.

"[Equipment System]. Really useful for anyone to have," Hana adds.

"The temple should soon be offering to teach it to anyone who asks," Ciel explains.

And because they seem quite interested in it, I take this chance to magnanimously offer, "Tomorrow morning, we'll be busy with our own training, but we can have one of our men give you an introduction to it."

And the trio looks quite pleased with my offer.

Then Lolo comes through the [Gate] and also un[Equip]s her armor. "Oh, hello, Edjo."

"Penelope?!" The catgirl exclaims in surprise, with the other two mirroring her expression.

And the bunnygirl smiles wryly. "Yes, that's my name. I see we'll have company for tonight?" Then she glances at me, and I grin cheekily.

Khepri walks forward and gives the submissive bunny a slap on the waist as she teases, "And where's that damn thirsty black wolf who's always chasing after your tail like a puppy?"

Lolo tenses up awkwardly. "Gone drinking with the rest of the Lordsguard, but don't talk about him like that, he's a good friend."

"Friend," Edjo flatly repeats, but the bunny doesn't continue bantering with the cat.

"I'm surprised you all know each other," I remark.

And Edjo explains, "We're all from Rafeslia, a female adventurers' guild."

Hana happily hums in understanding, "Oh~, I've heard about you girls. The caravan guards liked to brag whenever they managed to bed one of you." Then she raises her eyebrows suggestively.

"And we have four~…" Roxanne points out with a sing-songy tone.

Then Klein also appears in the room and joins our group. "Hello, hello. Adventurers, right?"

"Yes, my Dame," Edjo politely replies, and Klein tenses up awkwardly.

"Dame Klein, how kind of you to join us," Alissa teases.

And I can hear the monkeygirl groan internally. "Please, no. I have no idea how you can deal with everyone calling you 'Your Highnesses.' It's so… stiff!"

Then Hukarere chimes in as she approaches our group. "Dame Klein! What are your orders, Dame Klein?! Guide us poor, humble soldiers towards victory!"

Klein's long tail starts to coil around itself as she starts to get a bit annoyed, and she decides to fight back with a few truths herself, "You talk as if the other Companions don't also suck up to you because you suck Wolfy's dick. If you were gay, you'd be smothered in pussy."

But my white wolf is perfectly confident in her riposte, "Except I'll never accept a leadership position, so them sucking my toes will never get them anywhere." Klein looks even sourer as her mind struggles to come up with a reply, but Hukarere ends it there like a Chad and gives the trio a friendly greeting, "Anyway, hello new comrades, we're all united here through Wolfy's dick."

Lolo sighs and wryly follows up, "Let's all get along."

And Klein drops her friendly ribbing with Hukarere, then also joins in with a wry remark, "We're a supportive family in all of the depraved ways you can imagine."

Khepri laughs loudly, her pitch considerably higher as the expectation starts to arouse her, while the other two are more contained.

Then Hana turns to Lolo and puts the bunnygirl on the spot, "But you surprised me by joining in. Are you thinking about staying? The Companions of the Lordsguard are always recruiting." She repeatedly raises her eyebrows suggestively again.

"Well, I'm… 'stuck' here for a few more days, I think. But I have no plans for after that…" She tries to swerve around Hana's question.

Romy and the rest of the Companions also appear, and the room starts to get crowded.

"Hey, there, new faces," the Asian woman casually greets.

Then Melanie, the imperial shortstack, seems to recognize them. "Rafeslia?"

"Yes, we are. You're from around here?" Edjo politely replies.

Then Edolie, the brown-haired werecat companion, also chimes in, and they start talking about the places where they grew up.

The three from Rafflesia… Rafeslia… annoying Rupegianization… Anyway, the three from the all-female guild are from Faium. Edjo and Capri Sun are childhood "friends" who met Laguly a year ago when the young woman discovered an affinity for the bow, which can't be used underwater, so she went ashore to try her life as an adventurer. Since they all use the same weapon, they use the female guild to find people to temporarily fill their ranks whenever they go out.

The conversation ceases when we reach the bath, and everyone turns their suggestive smirks to the newcomers.

"We may be entering a den of predators, but there's nothing to fear, girls," Edjo reassures them and smirks.


Unfortunately, Allura won't be joining us as her parents, and possibly also the Gods, don't believe she's ready yet. If she could contain her thirst, then maybe Roxanne or another could've had another piece of her, but she's way too impulsive to keep my dick out of her pussy.

But it's just a matter of time before the foxy tomboy is mine, and while I wait, I'll focus on another tomboy to satisfy my thirst.

The trio tries their best to not look awed, but it shows in their movements. They hesitantly take their still wet clothes off while we watch them like hawks, but they eventually reveal the beauty of their young, feminine bodies.

Capri Sun has the most luscious body with bigger breasts and large, pink areolas, but no landing strip. Edjo is completely gray, from ghost nipples to a neatly trimmed bush, making her almost look like an elven/Greek statue, and her muscular body just serves to enhance that air. But Laguly is the picture of youthfulness with a fresh, innocent air and diminutive, cute features, making the dragon within me awaken with a desire to dominate her.

But I have other plans for tonight.

I quickly wash myself with Alissa's help to remove all of the sweat, then I approach Laguly, cock hard and erect. The girl tenses up in fear and stares at my Holy Sword like it's a threat to her life, but then I notice something peculiar about her. It's… the scent of virginity. The way she's both thirsty and scared, eager, yet hesitant, her indecision about whether to jump me or not, it all smells of virginity, which means that my cock is, indeed, a "threat" to her.

And I know with certainty that she won't be able to resist me.

"Our family has a tradition of washing each other. Would you allow me to wash you?" I soothingly ask.

She blinks and finally takes her eyes off my cock, though her jaw remains slack, and she'll soon start to drool if she doesn't close it. "Huh?"

I smile warmly. "Would you allow me to wash you? It's a family tradition."

Then I glance at the other two newcomers, and I see that Alissa and Hana are doing the same with Edjo and Khepri, respectively. Laguly follows my gaze and realizes that everyone else has a partner, but then she gives my claws a worried look.

I start to humanize my hands, and the amazement in her reaction makes me grin. After just a couple of seconds, they've become perfectly human hands, so I huskily ask, "Good enough?"

She breathes in deeply and shyly nods, so I grab her sponge, then kneel behind her as I begin soaping her back.

"Is this tradition common among the land-bound?" She hesitantly asks.

"Is it not among the mer?" I coolly reply.

She giggles girlishly, and her Siren voice is so sweet that it makes my cock throb. "We don't take baths…"

"Oh, duh… Anyway, I wouldn't say it's common since… there's a lot of sexuality to it."

Then I sneak my hand onto her front, just under her small, cute breasts, and I sense her breathing become heavier.

"Why does sexuality make it not common?" She continues, doing her best to not let the tension show in her beautiful voice.

"Well, sex and family aren't really a normal match, at least not for everybody."

She chuckles softly. "I guess having to wear clothes makes the dry-walkers prudish."

I guess mer are like the Chimeras.

"You have sex with your family?" I hesitantly ask.

"I haven't, but a lot of people in my village have."

I lean forward and whisper seductively, "So you really are a virgin?"

"How-…!" She looks over her shoulder to give me a brief glare. "How did you know? You also knew my name, even though I know that none of us gave it to you."

"The latter is a secret while the former…" I press my strong back against hers and grab her little breasts, then I sniff her hair deeply for effect, though I smell nothing but the faint scent of sweat. "I can smell it on you. Your innocent ways, your hesitance, your barely-contained eagerness, your insecurity, your… desire. It's all clear to me after seeing it a number of times."

We both remain still for a couple of seconds, my cock pressing against her ass. Then she wets her lips in anticipation and inquires, "You're… experienced with 'introducing' girls to womanhood?"

"I am…" I answer huskily.

Then I release her breasts and continue washing her, but she remains tense, and Alissa sees her arousal appear in her pink pussy lips. Of course, I take my time washing her breasts without deliberately stimulating her nipples, but her arousal still continues to rise as it's made evident through her floating short hair that moves increasingly chaotically.

When I'm done, the only part left to wash is her delicate flower, and I gently lower my hand, giving her ample time to react, but she remains still, so I gently run my fingers along her entrance. She softly gasps, then grabs one of my knees to steady herself, and I'm thankful that she didn't aim for anything more delicate because her grip is strong.

I soap her pussy, and she lets out a soft moan that makes me leak precum, but now I have to actually wash her lips, so I rub my hand against them, and she moans louder. She's not even trying, and she's already got me this worked up. This girl is a succubus in disguise.

She even closes her eyes and lets her voice gradually come out, so I rinse off some of the soap to not irritate her lips and use my index finger to spread them. I don't fully penetrate her, simply playing around until I find the subtle nub of her clit. Her grip on my knee tightens, and she gasps, but I pull back to give her more time for her arousal to build up.

I stall by running my finger up and down her slit, and soon, her back starts to arch, so I move back up and find her clit again, then lightly pinch it with my fingers.

"Aahn~…!" She moans loudly, and her whole body shivers as a light orgasm courses through her. I haven't even used my spirit touch yet; she's just that thirsty for my cock.

But I won't give it to her right now, so when she recovers, I hand her the sponge.

"Your turn," I whisper into her ear.

Khepri's moans are a lot more energetic as Hana fingers the sexy, bubbly woman. Alissa is much more gentle, but she's still imparting a lot of pleasure upon Edjo, and I savor the werecat's body through [Bind].

Then Laguly walks around me and begins with my back. She's still a bit weak from her orgasm, and her hands are inexperienced, but it's precisely that sweet innocence that I love.

After this long-ass day, having a tomboyish virgin Siren wash me feels therapeutic. But the best part comes when I turn around so that she can wash my front. Her eyes immediately go for my cock again, and this situation brings back nostalgic memories of my first time with Alissa.

"I was a lot more determined to fuck you than she is, though I can't say I was as smitten as her," one of the loves of my life lovingly replies in my soul space.

I have changed just a little bit since then.

And after Laguly finishes with my chest, she seems quite eager to start washing my cock. She pulls back the skin and gently wraps her thin, soapy fingers around the engorged head covered in precum.

"You seem to know how to handle a cock," I soothingly praise.

"I've seen it done, but I've never touched one before," she replies without taking her eyes off of it.

"Keep your jaw open like that, and you'll soon learn what cum tastes like," I tease.

She pouts and tightens her grip. Then she starts slowly stroking me with her soapy hands, and I notice that her fingers are slightly webbed. While they make me curious, I can't disrupt my seduction by indulging in scholarly pursuits, so I file that away for later and focus on something else.

I stare at her, savoring her beauty, and her eyes are drawn to mine. A cute little mouth, ears that look like fins, pale and faintly yellow skin, tomboyish hair with a pearlescent sheen. She's quite the exotic-looking girl.

And she's drooling…

"Don't abuse your 'Charisma,' Wolfy. She might start to feel intimidated," Ciel cautions me.

Okay, but I have to take this opportunity.

I gently grab Laguly's little chin, then pull her forward and briefly steal her lips.

They're as soft and as delicate as I had imagined, but what I hadn't expected was that she'd just melt into the kiss. Her stroking stops, her breathing picks up, and her eyes gloss over. Then she unconsciously leans forward again, begging for more.

I oblige and steal her lips once again, except this time, I seek out her tongue with mine. She tastes sweet, like a strawberry meringue, but the moment her tongue responds, I leave her hanging and wanting for more.

"Don't be hasty," I whisper and smirk, then I grab her hand and have her continue stroking me.

She pouts again, even more cutely this time, then looks down and becomes enamored with my cock.

"Open your mouth," I order, and she reflexively obeys, then I cum and give her a facial, with a few drops entering her mouth.

She flinches, but instead of getting mad, her first reaction is to lick her lips and savor the taste of my cum. She even scoops up the globs that hit her face, then holds her hand in front of her to see what it looks like.

"This… isn't what seed is supposed to taste like," she remarks in wonder and starts eating it all, actually surprising me.

I just stare at her as she cleans herself off, then she notices my expression and blushes heavily.

"I was taught that I should never waste a drop, but I didn't expect it to actually taste good," she shyly admits while averting her eyes.

And another cumslut is born…



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Sean Drake.

Lord Mike Bartter.

Lord Warwulfv.

Lord Khristopher Welsh.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord AndreyUC.

Lord Tmac.

Lord School Work.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord litalmexy.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord William Clark.

Lord Ddraig Wynn.

Lord CardinalSteiner.

Lord Cidant.

Lord SubJef.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble GalacticTNT.

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