
Wager - Part 1

Alissa is too tired to take over, so the corrupted priestess whispers sweet words into the Siren's ear to guide her in how to suck dick. It's best to clear things up so that she doesn't make any rookie mistakes and end up ruining the mood for herself. I wouldn't care if she accidentally used her teeth, but the focus here is on her enjoying herself, so we want her to feel like she earned a cumshot.

Both of her little hands grab the base of my cock, and she hesitates as she's awed by its thickness. She even takes a hand off, then touches herself to compare sizes, and she raises her eyebrows at the realization.

"It'll fit, I promise," I gently soothe her.

She chuckles nervously, and Ciel encourages her to begin sucking.

The little siren gives the one-eyed monster one last look, then she opens her mouth wide and takes it all in. My cock is still tainted with my cum and the pussy juices from Edjo, but she doesn't seem to care one bit.

Her warm and wet mouth wraps around my shaft, and her eyes lock with mine as she attempts to swallow me whole. Even though her mouth is small, it isn't as small as Lina's, but Laguly still has a gag reflex, which Lina doesn't, by the way, so the little Siren can't deepthroat me like she clearly wants to.

And Ciel has her pull back before she can choke on it, then the corrupted angel instructs her in how to properly please my engorged, pink mushroom head. She licks the frenulum a bit, then runs her tongue around the head, followed by swallowing my cock deeper so that the tongue can reach down the shaft, all while she cups my balls very softly.

Easy and slow. A constant repetition of gentle motions to slowly build up the pleasure. The pleading eyes, the smile that's held back, and the innocent excitement at seeing me approve of her sucking. She's so precious that I feel my anger from losing Thea's first time dissipate, though I won't forget Osaria's punishment.

Talking about my milf, she's spending some "quality time" with my maids, and the sight goes really well with seeing Léonne writhe under Jacques' monster cock while Laguly pleads for daddy's milk.

It'd be rude to make a girl's first blowjob last too long and hurt her jaw, so I give my balls a little push, and she opens her eyes wide when she senses them twitching in her hands.

I simply smile at her as I warn, "I'm cumming. Close your throat with your tongue so that you won't choke." Then I cum.

She's a good little cock sucker and doesn't let any of my manly seed escape. She happily takes rope after rope while my cock throbs inside her mouth, and once it's finally over, she even licks the head for the last drops, then she takes it out to show it all to me.

"Good, now swallow," I order, and she obeys, then [Clean]s her own mouth, just how I like it, and smiles adorably at me.

"Normally, a man takes longer to cum, but Wolfy is special," Ciel kindly explains.

Laguly gives her a surprised glance, then licks the tip again to my delight. "But it would hurt my jaw if I did that for much longer."

And the corrupted angel nods sagely. "That's why he cums so easily, to make it easier on us."

"How considerate," Laguly replies with a chuckle.

"And now, it's time for me to enter you," I huskily state, and she tenses up, but I promptly order again, "Lay down on the bed." And she unhesitatingly obeys.

Ciel lays down beside her and gets naked, to Laguly's surprise. Then the priestess open her own legs and advises the virgin, "Rub a finger against your lips and scoop up some of the liquid. We need to make sure you're wet enough."

Then Ciel guides by example, scooping up a bit of her own wetness, and touches her finger against her thumb, showing the stickiness of her modest arousal, but when Laguly mimics her, the lewd fluids drip from the little virgin's fingers.

"You're certainly ready," Ciel states with a smile and grabs her hand to soothe her as she still seems a bit tense. "It won't exactly hurt like a battle wound, but it'll be uncomfortable for a short moment before you get used to being stretched."

"Okay…" Laguly replies meekly, her eyes briefly drawn to the massive chocolate milkers beside her, but she promptly turns her attention back to me as I begin to climb on top of her.

She's smol, but not dwarf-smol. Fun-sized, but not "little girl"-sized, not that either one is more fuckable than the other. And even though I am "smol" to my wives, Laguly is like a twig with how fragile she looks, but her strength is in her "Dexterity," making her a sharpshooter like Alissa.

"We're here for you," Khepri reassures the soon-to-not-be virgin. She's happily watching her friend with such an innocent smile that it almost makes this situation seem like Laguly is simply confessing to her crush instead of giving her first time to a luscious and domineering Dragon.

"You'll be fine…" Edjo weakly adds, just starting to recover from her mind-blowing orgasm, yet conscious enough to watch over her "friend."

The Siren's short, floating hair begins to calm down, though it tenses up when she sees my cock approaching her small, moist, pink pussy lips. She eagerly spreads her legs, but she certainly doesn't have the courage to push it in herself.

"I'm going to put it in, alright?" I huskily ask and smile.

She glances at Ciel, who encourages her by giving her hand a squeeze, then the little Siren nods slowly. But my cock isn't ready yet, so Ciel releases her hand and then spreads some lube onto my shaft, making sure to give it a nice tug and also flash me a seductive smile as the corrupted angel begins to crave for a Ravaging of her own.

But that's for later, so I grab Laguly's thin waist and pull her closer to the edge, pressing her pussy against my head, and she grabs my strong arms to steady herself, then she stares at my cock expectantly.

Teasing her would be fun, but her anticipation seems to be rising quite quickly, so I mercifully press my lubed head against her lips, slowly spreading them apart, then start sinking into her. Her body tenses up, expecting the worst, and her tight pussy tightens up some more, so I thin my cock enough to keep it from painfully forcing her open.

"Relax, it'll be fine," I soothe her, using [Sexual Charm] along with a hint of [Godly Language] in my voice, and it has an immediate effect on her. Her eyes almost roll up into her skull as she instantly loosens up.

Then I easily slip into her.

"Ah~…!" She squeaks softly, mildly uncomfortable from my cock spreading her. She's an adventurer, so working out should've broken her hymen, if she was one of the "lucky" girls to have been born with one, but nothing could've prepared her insides for my considerably thicc cock.

Then Ciel casts [Heal] while I cast [Regeneration] on her, quickly easing her discomfort. And Ciel's touch lingers a little longer than necessary as she hesitates about whether or not she should "help out" a bit, but she decides that it's better to leave Laguly's clit alone for her first time.

After a couple of seconds with my cock deep inside her, feeling every heartbeat through her tightly squeezing insides, the tomboyish Siren seems to relax, loosening up enough to let me move.

"Angh~…!" She squeaks again like a small animal and grips my arms tighter as she closes her eyes, but makes no move to stop me.

So I slowly thrust forward again.


Her moans sound like music to my ears, and they gradually gain a rhythm as I pick up the pace. I let out a few, low grunts of my own because I know the girls like to hear my voice, but even they admit that female moans have more of a special ring to them, and that's without counting the fact that these are coming from a Siren.

Laguly slowly opens her eyes, then they lock with mine, and we focus solely on each other as she begins to gently move her body to match my rhythm. I start to sense something similar to Roxanne's "intoxication" affecting me very subtly, but it's based on sounds instead of her gaze. We're truly "making music" with the sounds of our fucking.

The tension slowly washes away from my back as I fuck, and I moan as my thick tail relaxes, not having noticed how tense it was. My horns even start begging for a massage, and Hana warms up her hands to give it to me, making me grin in delight at how we're always eager to please one another.

I fuck my tiredness away like a true Lustful Dragon, all the while gazing in wonder at the way Laguly writhes under me and also at how Ofilia writhes under Jacques.

But, my trance is suddenly interrupted by Laguly's insides squeezing me tight as she orgasms.

"Eh…?" I hum softly in confusion, and Ciel reminds me that she was a virgin just ten minutes ago.

Ten minutes have passed, already?

I guess no woman will ever be better at fucking than the wives. Virgins are nice as a snack, but not even the Companions can handle my Thicc Draconic Cock for long enough to satisfy me.

And to not leave little Laguly unful-filled, I cum inside her in sync with her own orgasm, allowing her to experience a glimpse of what it's like to be bred by me.

When I slide out of her, Alissa begins cleaning up, surprising Edjo, who quickly warms up to my felching fetish and takes over, allowing my foxy wife to stay by my side as I consider who should be the next prey.

It's kind of late, and there are far too many tight wet cunts to be fucked in one night, so what I need to do next is obvious. It's just that I have to decide who gets the real Cock.

"Ciel has been a good little slut today," Alissa suggests, and I heartily agree.

"It has been decided, then," I announce out loud and allow the tentacle monster to come out, then I give a hungry look to the female pieces of meat spread all over the room. "Khepri will be roasted, Roxanne will be punished, and Ciel will be rewarded, while everyone else still standing will be fucked senseless."

"Fuck ye-…!" Capri Sun's shout is interrupted by a thick, purple cock that shuts her up, and then two more penetrate her other holes and lift her up into the air.

Roxanne simply bends over and spreads both her asshole and pussy lips, waiting for the spiky cocks that are coming to "punish" her holes.

I give Khepri a bit more attention to make sure that she's tied up like a hog and comfortable enough to not suffocate from cocks, then I turn my eyes to the lewd angel who's literally dripping with excitement.

"Good girls are always rewarded," Alissa whispers cheekily and gently pushes Ciel so that she lies down on her back. Then my foxy slut begins eating her out while I grow another cock and lube it up.

When you're faced with the decision between either Ciel's pussy or her ass, the answer should always be "why not both?"


Today is the 11th, Genn, day of Light. Day of praying, healing, rest, and hangovers. It's no surprise that on a day of Tann, the day of Darkness, the very same one as of yesterday, people would be quite aggressive and eagerly violent, and then party hard like there was no tomorrow.

Fortunately for the drunks, [Purify Body] and other potions help a lot with the morning after, so the girls don't wake up feeling like death itself as they would on Earth. Fortunately for me, three of them aren't fond of drinking, well, at least two aren't as affected by alcohol as they normally would be, and they give my cock the wake-up that It deserves.

Alissa, Hukarere, and Atawha share my cock, licking the shaft, sucking on the head, and playing with my balls, all the while wetting its entire length with their saliva, and their tongues even touch each others', making them giggle girlishly. The idea of Hukarere going full-on lesbo makes me hard as a rock, but she's just being a little playful and having fun with her comrades while imparting pleasure upon my cock, so it's not like she's "converting."

But I still reward her and the other two with plenty of cum all over their faces, which they happily clean off of each other with their tongues.

"Oh…?" Lina hums as she notices that I've already woken up while she's still barely awake. Her gloomy face looks absolutely adorable while sleepy, and I feel like it would look even better plastered with cum.

"Gimme…" Hana mumbles as she crawls towards me, not much more awake than Lina, but also unwilling to give up her morning wake-up mouthful of cum.

And I'm forced to spend a little longer in bed as the mildly hungover girls gradually wake up and demand their share.


In the end, we all only got one level each from the Trox Mael, but we know our Lordsguard gained a considerable number of levels, with some of the younger knights getting even as many as six, and the High Officers and senior knights also getting a handful, too. With those two days of power-leveling, our men will definitely have a boost in power for the battle with Katasko.

Aoi is level 49, Alissa, Roxanne, Ciel, Lina, and I are level 62, Hana is Level 63, and Yunia is level 64.

My [Spear Use] and [Polearm Use] increased by 1 (now 17+4 and 15+8), and my [Summoning Magic] and [Nature Magic] increased by 2 (now 6+36 and 2+20).

Alissa increased her [Hawk Eyes] and [Muscle Explosion] by 1 (now 7 and 6).

Roxanne increased her [Fire Magic] by 1 (now 5+36) and [Reduced Mana Cost] by 2 (now 20+7).

Hana increased her [Bow Use], [Polearm Use], and [Fire Breath] by 1 (now 11, 8, and 7).

Ciel increased her [Battlefield Perception], [Reduced Mana Cost], and [Mana Efficiency] by 1 (now 2, 8+3, 6+5).

Lina increased her [Axe Use], [Throw], and [Equipment System] by 1 (now 2+19, 2+9, and 5+5).

Yunia increased her [Two Handed Sword Use] and [Spirit Magic] by 1 (now and 19 and 2+24).

Our points need some rearranging to maximize our effectiveness. Even Yunia's build is starting to get messy with the intermittent training and random spurts of leveling.

"It annoys me how fast Wolfy's skills level up," Yunia complains through [Bind].

"Broken soul potential," Hana remarks.

"Cheating soul potential," Ciel corrects and flashes me a smirk. The good dicking I gave her has made her more chipper than usual today.

And now she's blushing.


We have breakfast with the Verners, and the atmosphere is decidedly awkward on their side, though Léonne seems to not have a care at all. In fact, her skin is absolutely glowing, which isn't surprising considering that she received a very intense cum-based skincare treatment last night.

"Wolf…?" The milfy fox calmly calls for my attention. "Can you see through your golems?"

"I can," I gently reply, and the realization strikes both Jacques and Ofilia.

"I should've known…" The red beast grumbles and sighs tiredly while the jade-like beauty assumes a skin tone similar to Hana's hair color.

"I knew you wouldn't miss Ofilia and I getting naked, even if you had to stop fucking," Léonne flatly states, then subtly smirks at me.

But Jacques takes the conversation in another direction, "You're a bad influence on Allura, Wolf…"

"Well, that's not my intention," I politely reply, mildly offended, and the young girl in question gives both of us a concerned look.

He simply stares at me and slowly narrows his eyes. "But you're not even trying to hold it back."

"Hold back what?"

He grunts annoyedly and crosses his logs for arms as he elaborates, "You let your 'Charisma' affect Allura without concern, you encourage her to fantasize about you, you let your [Sexual Charm] make her go mad with arousal, and you've repeatedly made it clear that you will be the one to take her virginity."

And none of us have a clever response to that, for once. "Well… damn… when you put it like that."

Allura's pointy red ears even go flat as she realizes how thirsty she's been behaving, but she quickly gets over it and exclaims indignantly, "If only the Gods would just let me get fucked, then maybe I wouldn't be so desperate!"

"I don't know what they're thinking, but there's certainly a reason for why they don't allow it," Léonne prudently tries to calm her daughter.

"Maybe it's because of me…" Jacques suddenly admits, and even his wife gives him a look that's a mix of surprise and curiosity. "I think she inherited my… 'desire'…"

The milf smirks amusedly. "I didn't know you were such a lustful kit."

Jacques twiddles his thick thumbs as he continues, "I had to keep it contained. The other Chieftess candidates were trying to seduce me, but only you managed to steal my heart…"

"Awn…" Ciel moans softly, touched.

"And then you 'tamed' me pretty well," the beast quietly adds, trying not to blush.

Léonne allows her fluffy tail to happily wag as she hums, "I see… But now we need Wolf to 'tame' her?"

And the beast becomes serious again. "No, she needs to learn to control herself first. I never fully released my lust until Ofilia joined us."

"Yes, that makes sense…" Then she glances at the red, steaming statue that was once her personal maid.

"So, Alissa inherited the depravity and submissiveness while Allura inherited the lust and vigor?" Yunia cheekily asks out loud.

"You could put it like that," Léonne casually confirms what her husband refuses to.

But Allura still has something to say, "Hey, can I just tell the Gods to go fuck themselves? They want me to abstain before I can have sex?!"

And the mother once again tries to appease her, "Even Wolf has to keep his cock inside his pants every once in a while… or at least, that's what I believe."

"It'd be a lot easier if I could just have him once!" Allura grumbles stubbornly.

"Are you sure you only want him once? All of the women around him make me believe that you would have a hard time keeping it to just 'once.'" And every non-wife woman in the room refuses to look her in the eye.

"But I'd still be forced to leave him eventually, or something! I don't know! This is bullshit!" The tomboy fox lets out one last outburst before her stubbornness starts to falter.

"Sex is better once you've learned abstinence," Jacques hesitantly tries to encourage/appease her. "Believe me… it's much better to unleash your desire after you've controlled it than to let it control you."

And Hana piles on to help, "Hey, we dragonkin do it far worse. If you were a sex beast like me, you'd remain a virgin until your thirties or forties depending on your level just to exploit that endless well of energy created by your desire."

"But you're not thirty, and I know you aren't a virgin," Allura points out with a skeptical frown, her pointy red ears flat once again.

"Yeah, but I'd be a lot stronger if I'd remained a virgin until then."

The girl pouts. "I don't want to be stronger…"

"You will if you want to fulfill your plans, remember?" Alissa comes in with a critical hit.

"Being a ruler requires unbreakable 'Willpower' so that you can remain standing even when everything falls apart around you," Léonne exploits the weakness.

"And controlling your desire is the first step to gaining that 'Willpower,'" Jacques delivers the killing blow.

"Hells… I get it…" Allura grumbles in defeat, then gives me a grin like she's staring at a piece of meat. "But once I've controlled it, I'll stay for a whole day-cycle in Escanso just to get it all out of me."

I, of course, simply smile back in approval. And Léonne slowly turns her head to her husband while smiling wryly, asking him to make the final decision on this.

"Sure…" Jacques gives in and throws me an anxious glance. It's great that he isn't trying to "protect" her from me, but it's also understandable how uneasy any normal parent would feel with someone like me around their daughters.

I'm a professional cherry popper, and there's nothing that'll change that.


After we eat, the groups separate. Everyone other than us, the Lords, leveled up quite a lot, and they're all eager to train to make use of their new soul potential, so the wives and I begin our orb-boosted mana circulation training on the balcony of our bedroom while listening to the men training in the courtyard.

I make a few golems, but none of us are very inspired right now, so I just meme a bit with the Chuckys.

"I'm quite happy about how many new things I've learned about my parents," Alissa suddenly remarks with a satisfied smile.

"Aren't you concerned for your father that Wolfy has tasted your mother?" Roxanne curiously asks.

But Alissa just shrugs. "That one is a bit complicated, but Wolfy paid for that with Ciel's and Yunia's bodies." Though I don't like her phrasing.

Nevertheless, I add, "With the help of Gify and the golems, those memories will be something I'll never forget."

And something depraved blooms within her filthy heart. "Use [Godly Language] on yourself to make you imagine yourself fucking my mother while using me as a substitute."

"If you inherited that from your mother, I wonder how she actually is in bed…" Yunia wonders.

"Jacques definitely fantasizes about fucking us," Hana remarks and chuckles.

And the elven queen promptly pounces on the fantasizing, "Maybe not Alissa or Allura since that doesn't seem to be his thing, but the rest of us…" -She grins mischievously- "I also wonder if the dragon fetish of his daughters comes from him."

"Fox-Jacques fucking dragon-Aoi," Hana remarks, her tone full of wonder.

"I'm going to stop all of you right there," I sternly state and pull on their reins through [Bind]. The only reason Roxanne didn't join in is because she's still feeling the "punishment" from yesterday.

"No dicks but Wolfy's," Aoi backs me up, and I reward her with my lap and lots of petting.

Though the girls are still a bit horny, even after a Ravaging, we manage to focus back on the training.


But then we're interrupted by a surprise visit from Director Gabe, and Yunia and I receive him.

The human is a mature imperial with a graying, short beard and long, braided hair that makes his face look small and rather fatherly. He's wearing the usual black velvet uniform of the guild, and coupled with his polite demeanor, he gives off a very good first impression considering the purpose of his visit.

"Royal Crown Lords, I'm Director Gabe, and I've come here to speak for the Monster Hunters' Guild of Mac Gantus," he greets with a soft voice.

"I admit we weren't expecting you to come to visit us," Yunia politely but firmly replies.

He nods softly. "I had to. The Guild swears off involvement with nobility as we report directly to Empress Hoo'Tree, but alas, we're mere commoners, and our kind lacks the honor of nobility to safeguard us from shamefully falling to greed."

I think that's Sa'Haa's mother.

"I assume Directors Luka and Elias have fled?" Yunia dryly asks, sounding mildly displeased.

And he soberly nods, taking this very seriously. "Yes. And I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't realize their intentions until after the report from the representatives explaining what happened."

"There's likely a lie there. I can sense the Life in him starting to get agitated," Yunia points out through [Bind].

Most likely, it's about how much he knew about what Gandalf and Fran were going to do.

We grill him a bit by staying silent and staring intensely, but he shows no sign of feeling the pressure aside from his agitated "Life," which likely means that his pulse has increased from the tension.

"What about G-… Kashikoe and Fran?" I calmly ask.

I almost forgot his name.

"We've fired them as a lesson to others to not get involved in these schemes," he promptly answers.

"That's unnecessary," Yunia states.

He takes a second to process, then replies, "I apologize, but I don't understand. Could you elaborate?"

"If you fire anyone who makes a mistake, then your only employees will be the inexperienced ones that have never made any mistakes to learn from. Give the two a punishment and Armaars'r a reward for their behavior."

He smiles politely and lowers his head. "That's very kind of you."

"Merely using their greed to reduce the chance of misbehavior."

"That's very wise of you," he adds, then finally raises his head.


Yunia also isn't so vain as to let his praise get to her, so she explains further, "It's nothing significant, but we know that other nobles would be more vengeful and demand harsher punishments like dismissal or imprisonment. We merely prefer that people favorable to us remain in power."

Gabe nods repeatedly. "I'll make sure that they both know how lucky they are that the Royal Ryder Crown Lords are so merciful." Then he flashes a polite smile again.

After some more empty words, he finally leaves, and we return to our training.

But Yunia feels displeased with the outcome, and she reflects for a moment before explaining it to us, "That was a sloppy scheme. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the result of Katasko's new leadership."

Alissa venomously adds, "Maybe this is why Cleinias didn't want to retire. Little Alki-Alki is simply incompetent."

And we find no argument against it.


Our training is interrupted once again as Alcander reports that the not-butler we kidnapped has "cooked" for long enough in the "interrogation" chambers and is ready for some [Godly Language]-fueled "gentle persuasion."

I sit before the mature man, and he doesn't even twitch at my presence, seemingly a bit out of it as he was forced to stay awake all night long while being tormented by the room's enchantments.

While I prepare my voice, I notice that he seems paler than the usual imperial, and it's not because he's currently weakened as even his hair color is more of a brown-orange instead of the usual pitch black. He's a mixed race, and judging by his skin tone and hair color, he could be from either Faium or Maplethorne, and it makes sense for both of them to want the golems.

"Who do you work for?" I ask with [Godly Language], and he grunts as he resists, showing that he's been trained against this sort of interrogation, but this is why we let him "cook" all night long. It's only a matter of time before he breaks.

And it doesn't take long.

"Graet Union of Enchanters," he finally confesses. "Graet" sounds strikingly similar to English, but like the elven Ingua, it has a bit of a "gibberish" air to it that makes the words sound weird and nonsensical.

"Ugh, Maplethorne," Yunia loudly whines from our balcony.

Indeed, "Maplethorne" is also spoken exactly like how it's spelled in English, so I have no doubt that it's based on English… or maybe the Rupegian version came first? Who knows?

"Who are they?" Roxanne asks confusedly. Most of what she knows about the Gillios continent or the Avgi Empire comes from Lina's occasional trivia.

"Greedy fucks," Hana answers, and just the mention of the name makes her feel like spitting at the floor.

"Infamously greedy fucks," Alissa agrees as even she has heard about them.

"Are we going to do something about them?" Ciel asks concernedly.

"We're going to favor Faium in any future deals just to spite them," Yunia replies, and she feels almost as much of an urge to spit as Hana.

"Good thing we're already making deals with Imperial Princesses?" Ciel hesitantly wonders out loud.

And I sense Yunia seethe a bit. "Yes, but we'll eventually begin exporting technology and crystals, and we'll make sure that the 'Graet' feel the pain."

It warms my heart to see how fond she is of the golems, even though it's partially due to narcissism because Jarn wears Yunia's gorgeous and perfect face.

And after I get as much information as I can out of the not-butler, we turn off the interrogation enchantments and let him rest. We'll confirm his identity, and then we'll send him to the Tribunal for attempted theft, but we'll release the rest of the captured mercenaries, who promptly confessed to simply being hired muscle. We have no reason to kill them, so we won't take the risk of angering the temple.

But just as I resume my training, it's interrupted yet again as a crowd of messengers starts to quickly form at our doorstep. It seems that word has gotten out that we're challenging Katasko, and the vultures all want a piece of the carrion.



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Sean Drake.

Lord Mike Bartter.

Lord Warwulfv.

Lord Khristopher Welsh.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord AndreyUC.

Lord Tmac.

Lord School Work.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord litalmexy.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord William Clark.

Lord Ddraig Wynn.

Lord CardinalSteiner.

Lord Cidant.

Lord SubJef.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble GalacticTNT.

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