
Home, Sweet Home - Part 2

Caterina leaves along with Kyora and her harem, so I decide to get a bit lewd with my women to satisfy my craving for their bodies. I suckle on Osaria's inverted nipples for a bit, then also get some of Poosh's pink pair. I'm going to fuck Poosh so hard tonight that she might as well take a day off.

"You two, clear your agenda for tomorrow, you won't be able to do anything," I huskily order, and the maids start humming suggestively at them.

"As you wish, Your Highness," Poosh immediately replies with an obedient nod, her excitement leaking through her tone.

Osaria simply breathes in heavily as her nipples harden, which is very amusing since I'll be torturing her all night long.

Next, I turn to Kaatohe and get a handful of her nakedness as I give her a quick kiss. "Missed you, my dear cat," I whisper warmly, and she narrows her eyes at my words but still gives my balls a kind rub.

Then I turn to Klein, who looks like she hasn't slept well, and give her a peck. "You and the rest of the men who came on the Floater should take a day off and get some sleep," I kindly order.

My submissive and breedable monkey girl simply nods absentmindedly as she smiles, then turns around and takes one of the many [Eternal Gate]s towards our bedroom instead of going out towards Hermann's.

Lastly, I turn around to Iliada, my favorite maid. The young golden elven girl is sweet and obedient, but because of her youth, she can get wet on command for me.

She stares at me with eyes so full of wonder that it hurts. I'll definitely have to impregnate her when she's older because her love for me is as pure as it comes.

"You'll also have to take a day off tomorrow because you'll be joining us tonight," I seductively command, and her legs waver.

"I can't wait…!" she whispers excitedly. Then I make her melt in my arms with a deep kiss.

The other thirsty maids and Companions also get kisses, mostly from me, Hana, and Yunia, who are the favorites of most of them, but even Lina has a pair of fujoshi-looking maids who shyly ask her for a kiss. Roxanne has the widest diversity of maid types attracted to her, Ciel has the favor of the younger maids, and Alissa has the girlish ones. Aoi is also surprisingly popular, but I think it's partly because the women who serve us all have a dragon fetish and partly because her freakishly tall and slender human form tickles lesbians in a special way.

Osaria and Poosh kiss everyone, of course, and when we're finally done, the pair of Princesses are starting to look impatient. There are still more formalities that neither I nor any of the girls feel eager to go through.

Thankfully, Osaria takes over and begins the polite introductions, "It's an honor to have both Imperial Princesses grace us with your presence."

But she sounds a bit apologetic at making them wait, and I don't want my milf to look submissive in front of the Princesses, so I suddenly blurt out, "Don't kneel. You, Poosh, and Kaatohe shouldn't kneel."

Osaria is excusable since she's the Lady of a King, but Poosh and Kaatohe aren't (yet), so Sa'Haa visibly gets annoyed (which I love to see) while Urmeie couldn't care less.

My droopy-eyed milf freezes as she processes my words, then grins widely and straightens her back. Poosh becomes tense as she knows what it means to not kneel in front of imperial royalty, and Kaatohe becomes smug as she has a sense of superiority that rivals even the elves'.

The rest of the maids and Companions do kneel, but it makes me feel like I'm being NTR'd. They're my servants, mine! I don't want them to look obedient to others, even guests. But the NTR ends after a short moment, so I don't have time to get properly irritated.

"Your possessiveness towards our people is mildly amusing," Yunia remarks through [Bind].

"It's very noble. I know Wolfy feels something similar even towards our male citizens and the women who have no interest in him," Alissa lovingly adds.

"Yes, it's… 'noble,'" Ciel hesitantly agrees, making me chuckle.

The Princesses are introduced by their stone-faced bodyguards, and then the usual hand-kissing and handshaking start.

"I'm Lady Osaria, and I belong to King Wolf and his wives," Osaria politely begins.

"I'm Armanpoosh, High Chamberlain," Poosh sweetly follows.

And then my naked cat pompously finishes, "I'm Kaatohe Karaka Ngerua, a noble, an ace pilot, and leader of the Interceptors, though I don't believe we'll be using those planes anymore after the Raki has been built."

Sa'Haa is definitely displeased to know that a simple Chamberlain and a random noble won't kneel in front of her, but she's being more agreeable than usual to get on our good side, so she lets it slide.

"Can I get naked like the Chimeras?" Urmeie asks her sister after taking a good look at Kaatohe's delicious bronze naked body.

"You aren't a Chimera," Sa'Haa dryly replies.

"But I want to follow their customs."

And the stern owl flashes a glare. "No, you don't. You just want to get naked. I'll use my authority and prohibit you from doing that."

"Balls…" the bear grunts, and even her bodyguards look amused.

Then Osaria tentatively continues, "Forgive me if it's impudent on my part, but I'm curious to know why such esteemed Princesses have come to visit our town."

"You haven't told her?" Sa'Haa asks us with a thin, black eyebrow raised high.

"We don't know either," I answer with a shrug.

The irritated (more than usual) owl turns to her half-sister. "You haven't told them?"

And Urmeie has the decency to look embarrassed as she grunts, "Right, they asked, but I forgot to answer."

We also forgot to press her for an answer because we got distracted by bear tits.

Sa'Haa facepalms internally, then turns to me and kindly explains, "Our mothers have deemed you, Wolf Ryder, worthy of being a Consort, so we'll be staying close to you for a while to ascertain your compatibility with us. I also desire to meet with the spirit Chimeras and discuss gem production as they have the potential to end the shortage the Empire is experiencing with the loss of Aremut."

Oh… shit…

Osaria and Kaatohe subtly raise their eyebrows in surprise and turn to me, waiting for my reaction, but I'm less than thrilled.

Yunia promptly reassures her, "You don't have to worry about the gems for much longer. We're holding on to them for now as we give priority to our airship research, but we'll soon start selling large quantities of refined gems."

"It's the 'Consort' part that's more to our interest," I apprehensively follow, anticipating a headache.

Sa'Haa's feather hairs rise up proudly, and she hugs her thin body as she pompously brags, her tone awfully similar to Kaatohe's self-introduction, "I have a chance of becoming Empress one day, so my partners and future fathers of my children need to be carefully vetted so that they don't cause trouble for the Empire."

I narrow my eyes, and even my thick tail deflates in disappointment. "And I'm the definition of 'trouble,' to the Emperor, at least," I dryly reply.

And she nods. "Exactly."

Kaatohe snorts softly at her bluntness, which sounds quite loud as an awkward silence settles in.

I sigh softly and utter something unthinkable, "But what if I have no interest in becoming a Consort?"

The maids inhale sharply, and it makes me feel quite accomplished to be showing my people how casually I deal with imperial royalty. It's like I'm asserting dominance by being borderline insolent, and dragons are all about asserting dominance.

Sa'Haa unhesitatingly scoffs and calls my bluff, "I find it hard to believe that you have no interest in having a child with a Princess."

If it's with you, then yeah, no thanks.

"Don't reject her outright, Wolfy," Yunia firmly requests through [Bind].

I'd like to complain, but Yunia's scheming senses and power-hunger have been turned up to eleven, so I'm forced to at least look non-committing.

Then Alissa comes in with a depraved "encouragement," "You having a child with an Empress would be so… exciting."

It's an "interesting" prospect, I agree, yes. But it also sounds like a headache for the future worse than sticking my dick in crazy.

I decide to simply deflect, "What about Princess Urmeie? She has no interest in becoming Empress, right?"

"She's still a Princess with a very high level and a number of military accomplishments behind her."

Urmeie flinches, actually surprised, but then she sarcastically remarks, "Wow, thanks, sister."

"Don't make it awkward," Sa'Haa quietly replies without looking at her.

I still have very mixed feelings about these two, but now's not the time to sort them out.

"Fair enough," I accept. Then I turn to Poosh. "Give them the best rooms in the higher branches of the castle."

"I'll sleep with you," Urmeie immediately interjects.

"No. Not every day at least," I immediately shoot her down. I'm eager for the opportunity to sleep while hugging big mama teddy bear here, but I feel like I might end up fucking her the moment those huge tits and thick thighs touch me.

And she gives me a dangerous look. "You're enjoying this."

Yes, I am, but I can't confirm it in front of Sa'Haa, so I deflect again, "I reserve the right to not confirm or deny that."

That actually makes her a bit angry, but thankfully, she's learning and doesn't immediately confront me. Instead, she just grunts frustratedly as she shakes her head.

Then the Princesses leave, and we're finally allowed to enjoy our homecoming.


The girls disperse, with the golems going with some of them as bodyguards. Alissa goes to check on Hatara; Roxanne, Kaatohe, and Hukarere all go to the garden together to drink; Hana chases after Caterina, totally because she wants to tell her what Kyros told us; Ciel goes to the temple, and it's because she actually wants to tell them what Kyros told us; Yunia gives the Clown Troupe a short visit; Lina and Aoi immediately retreat to their research lab; and even Gify teleports to her personal garden room, so I decide to check up on Klein, and Osaria follows me.

My submissive monkey girl is already fast asleep, looking like a brown angelic bundle of cuteness. It'd be cruel to wake her up, so I make sure that Osaria and I are as quiet as possible.

"Don't you two have a 'close relationship'?" I whisper to my milf as I stare at Klein's long monkey tail, cutely coiled around itself.

"As close as two pussies can be," the lewd woman answers in the best way possible.

I ignore the boner her words give me and continue, "You've noticed that she's been slowly changing?"

She nods softly and lands a hand on the base of my thick tail. "I have. She's slowly growing into her role as a knight."

I don't know where I'm going with this topic. It just makes me happy that others can also see Klein's growth.

I just have such a big heart…

But then the balcony calls to me, and I take in the lovely view of Escanso in the morning from atop my castle. My castle, my town, my people, my "kingdom." King in name only, but little by little, more people treat us as royals, and the girls and I gradually become more comfortable with this Title.

"It hasn't been that long since you left, but you look like you were very homesick," Osaria remarks as she caresses the base of my tail.

I feel a gentle chill run up my spine, then I quietly hum, "Of course. Back on Earth, my home was my cave, and I was a dragon that never left my nest. Now that I've found a new home, I simply don't want to ever leave this place."

She chuckles softly, a gentle and warm sound that's so different from her usual sultry tone. "You've changed in some ways but not in others, I see. But it makes me happy to see how fond you are of this town."

I look up at her red jewels and smoothly reply, "Who wouldn't be? With this many wonderful people around me, this castle is my piece of Heaven."

She suddenly pulls my head into her massive chest, but I notice a bit of pain behind her expression before my view is blocked by dark tits. Then I remember her history with this place. She used to live here with her late husband and Rande before they were kicked out and disowned.

She hasn't really talked much about her past, so most of what I know comes from Yunia. She already knows so much about me, even most of my secrets, but the contrary can't be said.

She's my concubine, and I love her, so I motorboat her a bit until I get the courage to ask, "You used to live here, didn't you?"

"Yes, with Rande and my late husband," she quietly answers, her mood starting to dip.

I raise my head and hug her tight as I look her in the eye. "You've never spoken about your husband."

Her droopy eyes become reminiscent of Lina's gloomy pair, and she gently caresses my head as she replies, "It's best he's forgotten forever. He was a horrible person who met his deserved end at the sword of a Templar."

I frown and bury my head in her tits again as I enter deep thought, but first, I let out a moan as she begins to massage my horns.

My heart is conflicted about something. The Alkimeonids family was a decaying noble house, so they repeatedly met with "misfortune" as they continued their evil acts, but what about Osaria's? What about Yunia's? Both Este family brothers, Yunia's father and her uncle, died in less than honorable ways. Is her family's "bad luck" something the Gods are responsible for? Was their fall intentional?

But that's not all. Were all of those people born only to face such misfortune and then serve as stepping stones for me?

Before the girls can interject into my thoughts, I accept that this is an overly pessimistic view of the world. I just don't know how far the Gods can influence our Fate. It's that same argument of "nature" versus "nurture." How much of our lives is an outcome of our free will? How much is mere luck? How much is because of the Gods pulling the strings?

I would understand someone if they simply said they didn't want the Gods watching over us anymore just so that there'd be no chance that they could ever face divine-guided misfortune. I'd still kill them for heresy, but I'd understand their reasons.

I raise my head again and soothingly state, "Whenever you feel like talking about him, I'll listen."

Her mournful expression gives way to a heartfelt smile. "Thank you, Wolfy."

And our lips touch in a gentle peck to seal our feelings for each other.

"But let's talk about something more cheerful, hm?" she eagerly suggests.


"A Lady sent you a painting of her breasts."

My mind gets a BSoD, and it takes a short moment for it to reboot. "What…?" I quack.

And she grins widely. "It's quite a fine pair, if I may say so."

"Show it to me."


Indeed. These are some nice elven tits. A nice, apple-sized pair with a bit of sag and considerable areolas with small pointy bits. Smaller than Alissa's with a nice pink skin tone and some very red nipples. Very nice and feminine with a bit of a sexy air. They'd look great in a dousnadeia, which would allow them to jiggle a bit.

My claws itch to grab them, but I reel the dragon in and soberly declare, "Inquire whether she wants to take advantage of my endless hunger or is just interested in draconic cock. I'd love to fuck her, but I have my mind and hands full dealing with Princesses."

"As you wish, Your Highness," she obediently replies with a smirk.


I have a lot of people to meet, and while I get (another) boner while thinking about Nono, Lyle is the closest, so I decide to meet with him first.

He's with Alissa, Hatara, and Garanae as they drink tea in the back garden of their mansion.

"Wolf!" the (possibly) gay boy with wild eyes and equally wild black hair happily exclaims the moment he sees me. If he were a weredog, his tail would be wagging uncontrollably.

Hatara looks as cute as always, but the raven-haired girl has learned well how to wear risque outfits that give her a mature and sexy air. "Welcome back, Your Highness. Alissa was just finishing telling us of your battle with the Army," she coolly greets.

"Welcome back, Your Highness," Garanae follows up. The blonde young noble looks more comfortable than the last time we met. He seems to be losing his fear of me and Alissa, which is nice since I can soon begin teasing him about the time he stole a kiss from Alissa.

"Hello, and thank you," I reply and take a seat. They're drinking not-earl-gray, so Alissa immediately serves me a cup, and I eagerly take a sip.

And Lyle immediately begins sharing his progress with computers, "Wolf, I've managed to create the 'data storage' that you've talked about. It's… a bit complicated to use it, so I wanted to know more about what it's going to be used for since there are many functions I could add depending on what's necessary."

Then he gets into the nitty-gritty details that even I struggle to keep up with.

Meanwhile, Ciel has a meeting with the managers of her budding Ministry of Health. They've been taking and compiling reports from the healers we've spread all over our territory, and they're trying to analyze this data to find any problems they could deal with to lower the workload on the healers or if any worrying issues are emerging.

An idea slowly forms within my mind, and after seeing how much work it is to read through all those medical reports, I come up with the next steps.

"Lyle, the next thing we need to focus on is a 'display,' a way to 'interpret' all those 'states' into something anyone could understand. For example, if you press the 'addiction' button, the display could light up the words 'addiction button pressed.' But that's just the first step.

"Next, we'll need to also use that display to convert numbers into words. Each letter of the alphabet can be mapped to a number, and then the display can read numbers and automatically convert them into words.

"And finally, once we have a way to store words into the 'data storage,' we'll build a 'database,' a way to easily go through all that stored data to find what you need. Just like how a librarian knows exactly where each book is."

And as I finish my last phrase, a light shines in Lyle's wild eyes. A calculator is something open-ended with not a lot of practical use in this world, but using the example of a librarian has given him a very concrete idea of what a computer can be used for, and now the inventor within him has been awoken.



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Prince Definitely not Dio.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Mike Bartter.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord litalmexy.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord William Clark.

Lord Ddraig Wynn.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord Placid.

Lord Caden Dinkel.

Lord McMax.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Asaadullah Lassiter.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Brandon.

Noble Tony Starrk.

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