
A Place of Enlightenment - Part 2

"Wolfy…! I'm feeling sick!" Roxanne suddenly complains, and I promptly order the light-Ciel to heal my lovely succubus. It's a quick thing, and once Roxanne is feeling better again, she promptly undresses and lays down beside Kaatohe for a bit more lezzing out to heal her tired mind and body.

"Wolfy, what the fuck did we do…?" Nono suddenly swears, sounding quite shaken.

I pat her head as I soothe her, "Something that doesn't seem much worse than using [Trap Soul] on the spirits of ancient Chimeras."

"You've got that right. Caio was actually a lot younger than we are," Hukarere remarks as she un[Equip]s her armor. The other Companions also stand down and return to their guarding positions.

"When you put it that way…" Nono sighs and hums wryly, but my hand moves on its own and continues patting her for a while longer.

"How about we have a priest present the next time we… do this?" Petra hesitantly suggests.

"We're doing it again…?" Nono eagerly asks. Then her ears suddenly straighten, and her fluffy little pom-pom of a tail wags in excitement as she's flooded with ideas, "Oh, right! Summoning! We could possibly use this to summon old heroes or powerful mages! And then… maybe using [Trap Soul] on them would be too much, so how about Blood Slavery? Tying their cut Threads to the Thread of a living person would be more attractive to the temple, would it not?"

I smile awkwardly as I sense Ciel's glare through our connection. "I'd rather word it as 'less uncomfortable' rather than 'attractive,' but yes, I think that might work," I gently reply.

"How will you find a useful soul in the middle of a veritable sea of them?" Petra prudently questions.

Yes, that's a good question, but I noticed how peculiar the Cycle of Souls seemed to behave. "Roxanne somehow only paid attention to souls with some relation to her. Like, I'm almost sure that Caio was only chosen because he looked a bit like me and she was horny."

"I agree; I'm really horny for you, Wolfy!" the lewd succubus in question happily shouts as Kaatohe's fingers repeatedly penetrate her pussy with moist sounds.

Petra's eyes remained trained on mine, refusing to look at the steamy gayness going on behind her. But then she suddenly realizes that she's staring intensely and awkwardly averts them, her dark skin (most likely) hiding her faint blush.

This teasing makes my hand itch for wereanimal ears, but I hold it in and turn to Nono as I continue, "But I must say that while getting to the Cycle of Souls was easy, finding, binding, and then feeding a spirit might be the true challenges to make this new method of summoning a viable thing. Not to mention that building a room covered in emellanat and enchantments wouldn't be feasible for most people, so accessibility should also be a concern for your research."

Nono nods obediently and smiles, showing her adorable, slightly bucked teeth to me.

Petra quickly recovers and politely replies, "I understand, Your Highness. It's a similar situation to your Raki, is it not? The prototype is too expensive to be attractive to potential buyers."

I nod at her. "Exactly."

And Nono happily adds, "We have to rebuild [Summoning Magic] from the ground up in such a way that it becomes comparable to the elemental system magic schools."

"And also find a way to make that liquid less disgusting and painful!" Roxanne loudly chimes in from her seat.

"Yes, that…" Petra hums and glances at them.

"I'll leave you two to it, then," I hum and land a hand on both their shoulders, and the young noblewoman flinches in surprise, but then they both nod eagerly.

I open a [Gate] for them to return to their lab, and they immediately cross through. And now that they're gone, it's time to satisfy the horny women before me.

So I turn to the Companions and order, "I give you all a half-hour rest. Now strip."


"Nrrow…" Kaatohe purrs in delight as I stop moving and shoot another load inside her, my cock twitching with the tip pressing against her cervix. Then I lay down on top of her and hug her from behind, plugging her womb with my cock as her magical body absorbs my bliss-inducing cum.

Her delicious bronze chest is untouched, so I rectify that by playing with her dark nipples as I rest. Though she does have a whole cathead for me to play with, I don't actually want to put her to sleep; I just want to satisfy her endless lust for me. So while everyone else "rests," I bring her to orgasm through her nipples alone.

And now it's almost time for lunch, so though our return to the Institute will be delayed, at least we can invite our friends to eat with us and catch up at the same time.

The Gilbiks (Lina's parents), the Grosshils (Petra's family plus Hermann), the twins (Yunia's brothers), the Itos (Kyora's Harem), Nono, Mizushina, the High Officers, Sandoro, Lyle, Hatara, Garanae, noblewoman Silvina, the little elf called Ereia who's ever-thirsty for Yunia, the Clown Troupe, Anton, Krysta, and even Caterina and Teresina come. The two Princesses are in the Nobles' Quarter, where Sa'Haa is likely greeting the ass-kissers while Urmeie tries to not die of boredom.

"Ah…! Krysta's cooking! I missed this," I happily exclaim as I take my seat. Today, she made meatball pasta, and not even the elves know how to make it as good as Krysta can.

"You're making me blush, Your Highness," the monkey milf gently replies.

"Just Wolf, please. I consider this a private affair," I loudly announce.

"I've always found it weird that nobody can cook as good as you, Krysta," Hermann remarks as he fills his plate with almost as much food as Aoi.

"Even though the Ryders are odd royals, you truly do have the skill to serve a king," Mizushina calmly adds, a very subtle smirk on her gorgeous face.

"Stop it! Now I'm seriously going to blush!" Krysta requests with a pout.

Silvina smoothly chimes in, so smoothly that only Yunia notices that her intent is also to tease, "The other nobles talk a lot about the 'novel' and 'sophisticated' cuisine being served inside the castle." The gentle noblewoman is always rather quiet, but I feel she enjoys listening more than participating.

And Krysta nods as she replies matter-of-factly, "'Novel' would definitely fall upon Wolf's lap. He keeps asking for unknown dishes while only giving me vague details."

"So you agree that the 'sophisticated' part is talking about you?" Hana immediately sets off the trap.

And Krysta pouts even harder. "As if! The other elven chefs definitely deserve the praise more than I do, considering how most of the more beautiful dishes were hand-made by them."

"Humble, too," I happily coo.

Klein and Anton simply watch with warm eyes as we tease the monkey milf, though Klein's also have a bit of sadistic glee in them. She's been teased a lot by her mother.

Then I turn to the Officers.

"Don't you agree that throwing heavy objects at the enemy seems awfully barbaric, like something a Grim Giant would do?" Silvano slyly remarks to Sainalai and glances at Alcander.

But an ethereal and mildly distorted voice answers in her stead, "Blunt force trauma is the standard attack type of many magic schools. For example, [Earth Bullet] and [Meteor]." Jarvis, the suit of Lordsguard armor I turned into a golem for Sainalai to research, seems to have become quite talkative.

And Almaria sagely follows up, "Indeed, it's also the main attack type of my [Nature's Guardian], not to mention that blunt force is the most efficient way to deal with heavily armored foes."

Silvano narrows his eyes in displeasure as his banter is deftly riposted while Alcander smirks triumphantly, but then the Imperial man gives a thankful nod to the Officer and the golem for backing him up.

Then my eyes cross with Sainalai's, and the little ginger girl brightens up so adorably that I get a boner. "Ah! Wolf! Did you visit the Little Red Sandal?" she eagerly asks and readjusts her round glasses, and the fact that she didn't use an honorific pulls on my heartstrings.

But then I'm taken back there by the fond memories I have of that place. Ah, yes, the brothel with the wereowl gilf, her milf daughters, and her cute granddaughters. The incestuous halfling pair of a gray-haired mother and her daughter was definitely a highlight of that visit.

My head and tail nod in sync as I wistfully remark, "You have excellent taste in women, Sainalai, but I wonder if I could say the same about your taste in men." Then I give her a sharp stare filled with [Sexual Charm].

The adorable ginger loli smiles adorably. But then her little red tongue mischievously peeks out of her mouth, and her eyes narrow subtly, making her exude the aura of a little rascal that is in need of a thick, manly cock to set her straight again. "I'm here, am I not? What does that say about my taste in men?"

I want to fuck her so fucking bad!

Jarvis turns its helmet towards me and impassively declares, "Master Sainalai is very cautious when dealing with men, so she has been very subtle with her flirting, but she's fond of you, Master Wolf."

"J-Jarvis!" the little halfling exclaims, her face warped in adorable horror. Then she hides her face with her hands, but with her pale skin, her quickly reddening ears become very noticeable.

"My contribution is helpful to your goals, Master Sainalai. I've merely performed my duty," Jarvis replies matter-of-factly, and she moans loudly in response.

Sai usually handles herself with coolness and maturity, so seeing such a strong reaction coming from her definitely warms my heart and hardens my cock.

And since she's been dealt a critical hit to her composure, I decide to switch the focus to her golem to give her time to recover. "Jarvis, how has the research on the [Possession] spell progressed?"

The golem immediately replies, as if it was waiting for this exact question, "Master Sainalai has already developed a spell that uses elements of [Weaverism]'s [Empathic Bond] to improve my coordination with Pilot Harikoa, and it also works to hasten bonding with new pilots. Master Sainalai's current goal is to amplify the spell's power to the point that an untrained person could pilot me without a spiritual bond."

Lina's Trivia: [Emphatic Bond] is a spell that Almaria uses to link the feelings of all the soldiers in a formation by mixing together a small amount of blood from each person and then drizzling it over all of them.

"Oh? What's this 'spiritual bond'?" I curiously ask.

"The ability to control my body with mere thoughts."

And I casually hum in understanding, "Ah, yes, I didn't know that was actually a thing."

Sai recovers from her embarrassment and chimes in, though her freckled skin is still a bit pink, "Yes, we quickly confirmed that a Chimera's spirit and a golem's spirit become able to communicate after extended contact. It's a property of spirits that they can 'integrate' new flesh with extended contact, but it was previously unknown if that also extended to spirit-spirit contact."

"So we should give all bound spirits in the Lordsguard golem-controlled 'battle bodies,'" I state and turn to Sandoro, who nods in understanding.

"That would be ideal, yes," Sai happily agrees.

Now everyone can become Iron Man.

Then we fall silent, and Almaria takes the opportunity to change the topic, "Now that you've stopped flirting" -Sai tenses up and averts her eyes- "and mentioned 'battle-bodies,' I'd like to report that the base functionality of the 'pleasure-bodies' for the golems is mostly done, so now I'd like to have them test the bodies."

I grin and eagerly suggest, "Then we should promptly begin testing after this meal, if you're free."

"I am," she hums back, her tone also mildly excited.


And then Silvano continues the conversation, "The idea of having an armor-golem to help you fight sounds interesting. What if we add more arms to it for more weapons?"

Almaria promptly opines, "They would have to be small weapons, as I know from experience that [Nature's Guardian] becomes clumsy if more arms are added since blunt-force attacks need a lot of momentum to be effective."

"Would be perfect for me, though. I only need 'Dexterity' and 'Speed,' not 'Strength,'" the annoyingly androgynous man states excitedly.

While the theorycrafting is interesting, Nono and Ciel are starting a serious conversation that I'd like to listen to.

"So, what exactly is the Cycle of Souls, Ciel?" my cute white rabbit asks the juicy chocolate angel.

Since this will be a long one, Ciel puts down her cutlery, then assumes a teaching tone and begins, "The first thing that was ever created was the Original Cycle of Life, a single 'being' who was born, lived, died, and then was reborn again endlessly.

"The God of Creation created infinite Cycles of Life, and the God of Change altered those Cycles endlessly until we got to the birth of mana. That's when our Cycle, and then our Realm, were created. Our Realm was born from mana turned into matter.

"This means that everything follows the same path of the Original Life of life, death, and rebirth, even things that aren't technically 'alive,' like fire, dust, and our souls.

"Paradise is just one stop. After we spend our deserved time there, we move on through the Cycle of Souls and reincarnate, most likely in another Realm of our Cycle."

Nono makes a cute pensive expression for a short moment, then asks, "So, we're all ageless souls who have existed since forever?"

Ciel smiles at her imagination and nods. "Technically, yes, it's just that you lose all your memories when you reincarnate."

And the bunny girl's eyes shine with a scholarly curiosity Alissa feels is reminiscent of mine. "Can you reincarnate without losing your memories?"

"It wouldn't be a true death, then. It's a violation of the Cycle of Souls," the chocolate angel gently answers negatively.

"But someone who's special and loved by the Gods could?" And Nono gives me totally-subtle glances.

Ciel has to hold back her desire to agree emphatically before she can give a scholarly answer. "The Humanoid Gods only have authority over our Realm. The Cycle of Souls is beyond it."

And Nono's inquisitiveness reaches a peak. "But maybe Creation or Change could…?"

Ciel smiles wryly and gives in, "Yes, maybe They could…"

But Petra is more focused on what's actually important. "But the question is: did we do something… heretical?" she quietly whispers, and her father chokes on his food.

"You did what?!" he whisper-shouts, glancing over at the two Punishers and the four Wandering Knights who we're sharing a table with. Thankfully, Hana has them and the Gilbiks distracted with a boisterous retelling of the battle. Specifically, the moment she punched a [Meteor].

"Look at these scales!" Hana exclaims and flexes her now emerald arm, earning coos of wonder from the Gilbiks.

Petra then stiffly explains, "We managed to pull a soul from the Cycle of Souls, so we're asking the priest if that's allowed."

And even Hermann stops talking to listen.

Ciel sighs anxiously and decides to go for the pragmatic route, "If it were truly such a horrible thing, the Gods would've stopped you. Did you feel a crippling heartache or a sluggishness trying to stop you from doing it?"

Roxanne suddenly chimes in, "Oh, wait, I'm the one who did it, and no, I felt nothing."

So Ciel shrugs. "Then… it isn't an explicitly heretical act, but keep in mind that bothering the spirits of the dead is a heretical act."

Nono frowns and tilts her head from side to side confusedly, making her fluffy ears bounce. "So… this is fine, I guess? Why are you so tense, then?"

"Because it has the chance of being abused. The Gods don't want to be forced to watch our every action, and making this sort of summoning become something popular might be bothersome for them."

And Nono finally understands. "Ooh~… another constraint to add to the spell, I guess."

"A contract like that of a Blood Slave should be enough to deal with that problem," I calmly suggest.

"Perhaps," Ciel hums positively.

And then we start talking about less serious topics.

The Clown Troupe is telling jokes, so I decide to listen in just in time to hear Masochist tell his tale, "She was so disgusted with me that she sneered," -he flashes a dirty smirk- "a beautiful expression on a face such as hers, by the way, and then she stepped on my crotch. She wanted to make me feel humiliated that I was in such a position, so she drove it in with her heel, but I was in such bliss that it showed on my face, which just made her even more disgusted, giving me even more bliss, and things spiraled out from there."

"Oh Gods, don't tell me you're going to marry her," Little Pomp blurts out in horror.

"I'm the sheathe for her sword," Masochist replies with a shrug.

"Why did the Gods make you like this?" Gambling Imp tiredly whispers with a sigh.

But that just makes Masochist even happier. "I'm just built differently," he proudly states and flexes his muscles.

And Yunia and Ereia chuckle heartily together, with the twins also laughing but more restrainedly, and I'm not sure if the Clowns are a good influence on the two teens. Well, if Yunia's happy, then I'm happy, but I'd rather listen to Hana.

She and the Gilbiks have barely touched their food due to being so enthralled by the tale, but now she's near the end, and her tone becomes somber as she reaches a tense moment, "It was like being attacked by a swarm of bees. Those flying swords are easy to deal with, but there were just so many, and he kept pulling more and more out of his ass!"

And the crass language lightens the mood, making the Gilbiks and the Itos chuckle, but even Caterina laughs, earning herself a surprised glance from her mother. The milf Punisher becomes momentarily confused about whether she should act composedly or if she should be true to her feelings, but she chooses the latter, to our delightful surprise.

"Where do you think Wolf pulled out his Leviathan from?" she cleverly asks, one thin silver eyebrow raised high.

And I almost choke on my Eia. That was an unexpected joke.

"His pants?" Hana skillfully ripostes.

And the Punisher gracefully takes the hit, then follows up with a counter, "Oh, yes, my mistake. He certainly likes to display his famous big snake at every opportunity he comes across."

We can't really deny that one, so Hana just smirks at the woman she's thirsting for, who then mirrors her expression.

Teresina simply ignores them and curiously questions, "How did you not die to that summoning, Lord Wolf? Not even an Imperial Prince of your age should have the mana to summon something of that size."

It does make me a bit sad that she used "Lord," but I don't let it show as I answer matter-of-factly, "I just had Ciel [Heal] me repeatedly when my HP started to drop."

But my words take her by surprise, which is enough to lift my mood again. "W-what…?" she blurts out, her long ears twitching almost like a wereanimal's.

And I just shrug with a smirk.

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, and it's even more silly that it actually worked," Caterina candidly remarks.

"I don't recommend doing it unless you can cast [Heal] every second," I kindly advise, making her snort.

Teresina recovers and states with a sigh, "We don't train healers to do that, so no, only a Light Mage at the level of a Crown Lord could possibly cast that rapidly."

But after the amusement passes, everyone starts to look a bit concerned.

"Isn't ushing HP in plache of MP shomething that reduches you'r lifespan?" Toulin worriedly questions me.

I smile warmly at the kind dwarf mother. "Yes, but it's something I only use in emergencies, and I'm a Lord, so I'll live a long life, anyway."

"There has been an awfully large number of 'emergencies,' though," Alissa bitterly remarks as she stares at me, and my tail reflexively lowers from guilt.

We still have to do better so that we aren't put in so many extreme situations as we have been so far.


After fattening up on pasta and then eating chocolate pudding for dessert, Almaria and I calmly make our way to her office.



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Prince Definitely not Dio.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Mike Bartter.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord litalmexy.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord William Clark.

Lord Ddraig Wynn.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord Placid.

Lord Caden Dinkel.

Lord McMax.

Lord LiuAnshan.

Lord Asaadullah Lassiter.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Brandon.

Noble Tony Starrk.

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