
Maintaining Relations - Part 3

The music becomes upbeat, the alcohol is let loose, and the big dishes are brought out, so the party quickly gets into full swing. Even though the Chimeras don't eat a lot since they're spirits, they still know how to party better than the elves.

Lina sits on my lap, her deserved throne, and I spread my legs and harden my Cock, burying my shaft between her little ass cheeks. The table hides our waists quite well, so I also sneak a hand into Alissa's panties and gently part her pussy lips, allowing me to reach her little clit.

Ereia, the bespectacled, sexual-harassing imp, is preying upon Yunia on my other side, and she grins as she sees what I'm doing, then also sneaks a hand between Yunia's toned legs, who simply sighs and allows her pussy to be toyed with.

As I gently rub Alissa's clit, I turn to the two elves and propose, "I'll give you Yunia if you let me fuck you."

"As long as you leave me conscious. You have a reputation for fucking women until they pass out," Ereia immediately replies, while Yunia gives me an annoyed glance.

"Sure," I immediately accept and assert my dominance over my Queen through [Bind], preventing her from complaining.

"Then you have a deal," the little elven imp sultrily agrees, and Lina softly gasps as she feels my Cock throb between her ass cheeks.

Yunia sighs, but then her breathing gets heavier as Ereia penetrates her with her long, dexterous fingers. Then I decide to pinch Alissa's clit just to balance out Yunia's pleasure.

I'm actually quite happy right now, and everyone's happiness also bleeds through [Bind], putting us all in a blissful mood. Parties ain't so bad when I'm allowed to sit back and watch.

But Alissa is hungry for love… just not love for her. She wants me to just stand up, my Cock hard and free, then turn into a huge dragon and impregnate every woman within sight while the men bow to me, but she'll settle for me fucking Lina in secret, so she discreetly pulls down my pants and unchains the Dragon.

Lina is far from wet enough, so I use my magical body to discreetly rub my shaft against her panties, slowly arousing her while I torture Alissa's pussy lips with my free hand. Then my little lap-girl takes my other hand and hugs it tight, gently covering its mirror-like scales with sweet little kisses.

And so I enjoy the party from afar for a while.

Hana and Roxanne are dancing; Ciel is having a conversation with the Mayor while holding Ted on her lap; Aoi is being pampered by a group of women with a dragon fetish who are too scared to approach me; Gify is eating, like always; Osaria is hunting for female prey; Nono is being molested by Silvane behind a bush; Poosh is observing the party, but she looks quite content and repeatedly touches the pendant at her neck; Kaatohe is being worshiped by another group of dragon fetishists who are too scared to approach even Aoi; a curious and adventurous lizard Chimera is flirting with Jarn; and Klein and Hukarere are proudly standing guard.

It makes me happy that everyone knows that no man is allowed to flirt with my women. The exception is Hana, but even then, nobody is stupid enough to approach her unprompted.

On the non-wife/concubine side, the Gilbiks are talking with the enchanter Chimeras while doing their best to not look down; the Grosshils and Alcander are building relations with the non-depraved or naked nobles; the twins are having a good time with the children of the elven nobles; Mizushina is with Ciel and the Mayor while holding Suzy on her lap; Lyle, Hatara, and Garanae are talking to a naked female deer scholar Chimera who seems to be flirting with an embarrassed Garanae; Silvina and Almaria are mingling with the less-friendly nobles and putting in a good word for us with them; Silvano has his own fan group; Sai is with a few Chimeras and their gems; Sandoro is with the Townsguard's high command; Aisco has already left the party; and Urmeie is flirting with a horse-cocked Chimera, possibly trying to make me jealous…

Curiously, I overhear that Heart Lord Ira, the one with a daddy mustache who challenged me during the Lordship Ceremony, has gained the Title of "Bloody Lord." I did forbid him from cleaning himself of his own blood during the ceremony, and that clearly caught the attention of the commoners. It's not a bad Title, and it'll serve to remind him not to defy us again, so I like it.

Anyway, I specifically said that we'd "soon" begin recruiting for the Institute so that I wouldn't be bothered by a swarm of ass-kissers, but they instead turn to Whakan to make connections with him and possibly get ahead of the selection process. It's still fine by me since I'm allowed to freely enjoy my dinner and evening with my women.

Unfortunately, Sa'Haa is immune to my plan, and she decides to join me just as I decide to pull Lina's panties to the side, allowing her little lips to coat my shaft with her growing arousal. To be honest, this feels like quite the exciting opportunity to indulge in depravity, so I force Alissa, Lina, and Yunia to mask their expressions to not scare away the prudish wereowl, and Ereia realizes what's going on, then daringly decides to search for Yunia's G-spot in front of an Imperial Princess.

"Not one for dancing?" I calmly ask Sa'Haa as she takes a seat before us.

"Not this kind of dancing," she replies and glances at Roxanne and Hana, who are performing the sensual succubi mating ritual.

"Would you dance with me?" I earnestly offer.

"No," she immediately answers flatly, her sharp eyes stabbing at me with a glare.

"Ouch," I hum in mocking hurt.

"You're far too perverted for me to give you permission to touch my body," she continues and turns her attention to the finger-food snacks on the table. She appears to be fond of the not-sashimi, one of my favorites too, but she seems to be holding back to not appear disgracefully hungry.

And I calmly confess, "True, I'd enjoy it a bit too much if I could touch someone as stunningly beautiful as you."

She has the worst Resting Bitch Face Syndrome I've ever seen, and not only that, but she's also a hot, young, not-Cruella, so she has double the appeal to me. If not for their personalities, I'd have added both Sa'Haa and Urmeie to my harem in a heartbeat.

While Sa'Haa silently glares at me, I grab Lina's waist and lift her up, then I lower her down onto my Cock and penetrate her, spreading her tight flower wide with my thick, spiky Dragon. Sa'Haa narrows her already narrow and sharp eyes further in suspicion, and I almost cum just from her staring at me while I fuck my little girl.

I also share her pleasure with Roxanne and Hana as a challenge for them. They're already pretty horny for each other due to the succubi Rahgeeb dance being so sexual, so now they feel like they're actually fucking each other while dancing.

And Sa'Haa snobbishly readjusts her puffy gray hair as she states, "I'll take the compliment, for I don't believe you're one to lie about such matters, but don't think for a moment that this is enough to even begin to court me."

I simply smile at her as my cock slowly moves in and out of Lina's pussy without either of us having to make any hip movements. The ability to shrink and extend my cock at will is so versatile that I believe every man deserves to learn how to do it.

"But… are you open to being courted?" Alissa suddenly asks suggestively, and I ease up on the torture of her clit as her question pleases me.

"No," the wereowl Princess once again immediately answers flatly, but I detect a degree of insecurity in her tone.

She did say that I'm being evaluated as a potential Consort, even though she obviously has a thing for Prince Tommen, so I guess she isn't truly allowed to outright decline.

Oh, Gods… there's a high chance that I'll have to put a baby in her.

"Think about it… like this: there's a high chance… that your child will be… the next Emperor," Yunia tries to comfort me through [Bind], even her internal voice suffering from Ereia's assault.

Lina fidgets a bit as the desire to moan and impale herself on my Cock grows to a nearly unbearable level, but then I use [Bind] to force her to take a look at the audience, at the hundreds of people gathered here who repeatedly glance our way and observe us. Is she really going to let all of these people hear her moans of ecstasy? Is she going to show them her lustful expression? Is she going to cum in front of everyone?

And that's enough to make her pale in fear as she grips her mask twice as hard.

Then Sa'Haa sternly continues, "But I didn't come here to discuss such matters. I visited your Institute today, Lord Wolf, and it piqued my interest. Why do you seek funding when the High Forest is so wealthy?"

I answer matter-of-factly as I pound Lina's cervix, making her squeak internally, "That wealth will be used on other things, like improving the lives of my subjects. Besides, I want the Institute to be mostly self-sufficient."

Not-Cruella gives me a measuring look, then soberly states, "Well, I'm willing to invest in it."

"What would it cost?" I immediately reply in kind.


And I frown. "It isn't ready."

Sa'Haa immediately turns to Jarn, who's still talking to the now drunk flirty woman, and I vibrate Lina's clit, making her face scrunch up in an effort to hold back her moan, but I stop the moment the Princess turns back, who then gives me a pointed look. "That one seems ready."

"Yes, I could've made an army of them by now, but I haven't because they aren't ready," I sternly repeat and pound Lina's cervix again in annoyance.

But Sa'Haa insists, "What about those screaming dolls, the 'Meeseeks'?"

I inadvertently thicken my Cock inside Lina, making her gasp in bliss, but her lewd sound is masked by my sudden twitch and exclamation, "What?! They're called 'Chuckys,' not 'Meeseeks'!"

"Well, they did repeatedly say that their names were 'Meeseeks,'" she wryly points out.

I sigh and ease up on the stretching of Lina's pussy. "It's a joke… but never mind that. They were disposable weapons used as a last-ditch effort."

"Then why isn't [Golemancy] ready?" she presses further.

I give Ereia a sober glance, and she slows down her fingering of Yunia as she starts paying attention to us. Then I quietly reveal, "Keep this a secret, but there's a horrible flaw with [Golemancy], one that makes it too risky to use golems."

No fucking way in Hell am I revealing to her that the golems have all my memories. They could force me to hand them a golem, then extract everything I know from it.

Sa'Haa's expression becomes pensive, and she turns her cold eyes to Alissa, who shows no reaction, as she's still suffering from my torture, then to Yunia, who also shows no reaction due to being in bliss from Ereia's fingers, and the Queen even puts a hand on the imp's shoulder, who happily renews the intensity of her fingering.

Seeing no other angles of attack, Sa'Haa decides to lower her demands, "At least teach us how to learn [Golemancy] ourselves. So far, not even the scholars of Rabanara have managed to make any progress in it."

I hum softly in thought as Lina turns her body sideways and buries her head on my chest to mask her quickened breath as an orgasm begins to arrive.

Then I decide to give the Princess a proper explanation, "I'm a busy person, and [Golemancy] is a very complex skill, as its creator didn't have the time to properly organize it. Each level is so packed with knowledge that it's like having to learn [Fire Spirit] for level one."

And that's a level 40 [Fire Magic] spell, but [Golemancy]'s [Infuse] is learned at the first level, which means that you need the knowledge to create a full-featured golem before you can even gain a level in the skill. It isn't practical.

Sa'Haa's eyes sharpen, and she leans forward as she smugly declares, "I have more money to offer than even the Imperial Army. You just need to give me one level in the skill, and the investment will be all yours."

"She's awfully desperate for [Golemancy]. It may even be her main goal in coming here," Yunia deliberates through [Bind].

It's generally considered an amateur mistake to reveal during negotiations that you're very interested in something in particular, but she may have been given the minimum goal of getting anything about [Golemancy] from me, so I guess she couldn't avoid showing her interest.

"I'll see what I can do, but I can give no prediction about when they'll be ready," I answer noncommittally as Lina grips my shirt tight, so close to an orgasm that she's almost begging me to pound her.

"Fine…" Sa'Haa bitterly relents.

Then I vibrate Lina's clit and her G-spot, finally tipping her over the edge and setting off an orgasm so powerful that she moans loudly. Sa'Haa stares at her in confusion, then notices how both Yunia and Alissa are sweating while maintaining stiff postures, and her suspicion deepens.

Lina's tight pussy is quivering and gripping my cock twice as hard, so I decide to cum with her. I take my now moist claws out of Alissa's pussy, then grab Lina's small waist and lift her up, only to slam her down onto me as I cum hard directly onto her cervix.

"Are you having sex…?" the bitchy wereowl dryly asks.

"Hngh… yeah. We are," I answer with a delighted moan.


I grin. "Wanna see?"

She shakes her head and averts her eyes. "Forget I asked… You really don't have any respect for royalty, do you?"

And I earnestly retort, "It's not disrespectful. You just have a very narrow view of what respect means."

She simply stares at me with a tired look for a long moment, then dryly asks, "Is this behavior normal in your Re-… homeland?"

"No, but it's normal here. I'm a Chimera at heart," I cheekily reply.

"More like a beastfolk," she grumbles, then sighs and stands up. "I'll be going, for I would rather be in the presence of those who have better standards of decency."

And I politely state, "Apologies for disgusting you with my behavior, but don't take it personally."

"I wouldn't be allied with Urmeie if I did," she points out with a snort.

Good point.

And now that she's gone, I can finally blatantly move Lina's waist up and down along my shaft, but I do it with only one hand as I have to finger Alissa with the other.

I'm not the first to start noticeably having sex, as that award goes to a young Chimera couple that was in the same group as the twins. They were all just having a dirty teenage talk, but then the couple got visibly horny and prudently decided to go behind a hedgerow to not make the group of hot-blooded youngsters go mad with lust.

Second place goes to Silvane, who waited until after Nono had finished eating before having her rabbit dessert. And third place goes to Kaatohe, who's started a lesbian orgy with the dragon fetishists that have gathered around her.

Lina's orgasm starts to subside, so I plug her with a knot, making her moan in pain and pleasure as I force the ballooned base to enter her. But now she's been satisfied, so, leaving her to savor the sensation, I focus entirely on fingerbanging Alissa.

My eyes meet with Thea's, and the jade beauty is blushing, having realized what's actually going on at our table. But then she seems to tremble in fear of me, so I soften my gaze, going from predatory to smoothly seductive. I haven't had a chance to talk to her yet, but we'll invite the Fountuns to join us for dinner tomorrow, so I'll wait until I can flirt with my offering as much as I want.

Alissa leans on me and hugs my arm, nestling it between her breasts and baring a nipple as her loose, slutty, not-kimono starts to come undone, but neither of us decide to cover it up again as Thea's embarrassed expression is delightful. And so my foxy cum slut and I stare seductively at the jade beauty as I slowly bring Alissa to orgasm.

Our expressions are of love, passion, and lust, and Thea seems mesmerized by them as she stares at us for several long minutes. Even Lina's is charming as she basks in post-orgasm bliss and the delightful feeling of being knotted with my hot cum locked inside her.

Alissa lets her jaw hang loose, her tongue almost peeking out in an ahegao as she moans softly, while I simply stare at Thea with a soothing smile. Then Alissa's ears start to twitch repeatedly, and she lets out a heavenly sound as her pussy squeezes my (padded) claws.

Meanwhile, Roxanne and Hana finally leave the dancing floor, their skin glistening with sweat, but the puddle they leave behind is that of lewd pussy juice as they've felt both Lina's and Alissa's orgasms. And they're still raring to go, for they disappear behind a hedgerow, then start having wild sex.

Yunia takes a little longer, but Ereia brings her to orgasm too, and the stern Queen finally allows her mask to come loose as her eyes roll up into her skull in ecstasy. But that's just the beginning, for Ereia disappears under the table to now use her tongue.

And now that my women are satisfied, I take Lina off my knot with a loud *pop*, then decide to join Kaatohe and her lesbian simps. They're sorely lacking a cock between them, and my naked cat has also been bragging about my magical Cock and Cum, so I'll give them a taste of a true dragon.


The party starts to die down as the guests start to leave, most so drunk that they need guards to escort them to their homes. The last thirsty pussy is slain not too long after the dwindling begins, and I spend the next half-hour cuddling with my cat, and then with my Queen, too, once Ereia's assault has come to an end.

Amusingly, Garanae gets a kiss from the naked deer scholar Chimera, and Hatara teases him by simply staring at him without saying anything while he freaks out.

While my cat concubine recovers from her Ravaging, we spend our time watching the guests leave and the women wake up. But then something starts nagging at me, and I decide to have a semi-serious talk with her.

"You know, you shouldn't gauge your worth as a concubine based on whether you can give me children," I soberly state.

But the cat snorts and retorts, "I'm a noblewoman, Wolf. I couldn't just accept concubinage without weighing the value of being one. It didn't matter what I wanted, as there wasn't any political benefit to it."

I narrow my eyes in displeasure, and my tail waves rapidly, asking to spank this naughty naked cat.

But then Yunia defends her, "Don't blame her for being calculating, Wolfy; we're trained from birth to be like that."

And I pout childishly as I grumble, "Well, I don't care about the weighing of pros and cons or any calculations." Then I assume a normal tone. "But I'm happy that Osaria convinced you to go for it."

"I just needed one last little push," my bronze cat quietly confesses. Then she sweetly pulls my head towards her chest, showing a bit of "dere" instead of "tsun."


A short while later, we decide to retire to our bedroom, but Ereia, Nono, the lizard Chimera that was flirting with Jarn, and a little snack that tags along with Osaria come with us to our private quarters.

We get a few maids to give us [Massage]s as we begin the after-party, and I distribute Eia to everyone to help them loosen up some more. The young elven girl accompanying Osaria is in dire need of soothing as she quivers in fear of me.

I steal her lips, then make her writhe with my hands, but she quickly orgasms, so I focus on my other women while she rests. Ereia is still horny, as Yunia hasn't given her any pleasure, so I force the Queen to become the bespectacled imp's sex slave; Nono is still feeling a bit raw after what Silvane did to her at the party, so she relaxes with Alissa, who gently teases her to get her into a breeding mood again; Osaria molests Klein as the two have a great affinity with each other; Hana fists Aoi; Roxanne and Lina rest; Jarn puts on a strap-on and fucks the lizard Chimera; and Poosh and Ciel haven't been fucked enough, so I focus on them.

Double paizuri, because why the fuck not? Ciel's obscene dark tits on one side, and Poosh's paler and slightly smaller pair on the other. With lots of oil to make it pleasurable, I quickly cover Poosh's chest floof and face with my cum, her glasses protecting her eyes from my powerful cumshots.

While she [Clean]s herself, I clap Ciel's cheeks as I pound hard into her. She isn't very fond of rough sex, so I let her breathe after a vigorous burst and pound into Poosh while she recovers.

My sheep's blonde hair is straight, but it's still very soft, so I bury my face in it and smell its modest fragrance as I pound her doggy-style. I know she's super-submissive due to her worship of me, so I don't pound her as hard as I did with Ciel, which makes my chocolate angel pout, but Poosh doesn't have [Bind], so I have to be more careful with her.

I've missed her delightful moans so much that I soon fill her up. Then I focus on finishing off Ciel. I'm feeling a bit sadistic, so I pinch her clit as I pound her in missionary, and seeing her jiggling tits and gritted teeth is just delightful. At this point, she's too into getting fucked to stop me, so she just hugs my neck and slams herself onto me.

"Hnaaagh…!" Klein's loud moans draw my attention, and I see her bent over as Osaria fingers her pussy like a guitar solo, her long furry tail completely straightened up in tension.

I switch my pinching of Ciel's clit to vibration, and she instantly orgasms, so I link my pleasure with hers and instantly cum, too.

Osaria's snack has recovered, but before my elven milf can get to her, I finish off Ciel and walk up to Osaria.

"Come with me," I order her with a sadistic grin.

She instantly smiles in anticipation, and I have to hold back a laugh. Then I turn around and start walking to the balcony.

Osaria happily follows after me, and when we get to the railing, I cast [Entangling Vines] on it and make Osaria their target. The curvy milf doesn't have time to react, and once she realizes what's happening, her smile simply widens.

"Oh, no…! What are you going to do to me, Your Highness?" she eagerly asks with faked concern.

But I become stern as I reply, "You see, I wanted Thea's first time…"

"Oh…?" she hums, a bit of real concern creeping into her tone.

I have the vines string her up and spread her legs, leaving her pussy ready to be punished. "But you took it from me. It doesn't matter if you're a woman. I wanted Thea's first kiss, her first taste of lewdness, the first touch of her pussy, and also her first orgasm…"

"Hehe… that was a bit… naughty," she guiltily admits, but her giggling quickly dies down as even more concern infiltrates into her heart.

I touch her clit with a claw. "Thea is mine. She's a gift to me, but you took a bite of her without my permission. All so that you could revel in the feeling of having 'stolen' a woman from me." Then I gently flick her little bean, making her wince.

Her smile fades away and is replaced with legitimate fear, so I pull back on the intimidation as I call over the golems through [Bind]. Then I cup her cheek and give her a peck on the lips as I softly reassure her with a grin, "Don't worry, I still love you very much, but naughty girls need to be punished."

"Y-yes, my King, I'll accept whatever punishment you give me," she anxiously submits, and a tentative smile appears on her face.

And I chuckle softly as I smile in contentment, then calmly order, "Good. Now, golems, gag her and fuck her all night long, but don't let her cum. Also, make sure she watches as I steal her woman from her."

Osaria's droopy eyes widen in surprise, but I immediately turn around and make my way to her snack. She wanted to share this young girl with me, but tonight, I'll be a glutton and have her all to myself.



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Prince Definitely not Dio.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Mike Bartter.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord litalmexy.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord William Clark.

Lord Ddraig Wynn.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord Placid.

Lord Caden Dinkel.

Lord McMax.

Lord LiuAnshan.

Lord Asaadullah Lassiter.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Brandon.

Noble Tony Starrk.

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