
Augmented Reality - Part 3

AN: Alright! Three weeks have passed, so now it's Heretical Magus week! Let's see if I can get 2 chapters out again, but it'll depend on whether or not I can force myself to sleep on time.

After this week, it'll be Patreon week, and I'll try to finish part 3 of Alissa's first story. Reminder that the revamped origin stories are being made public to all, so you can check the first two parts here: https://manasongwriting.wordpress.com/side-stories/

If I finish this revamping in less than a week, I'll try to do some extra stuff. I want to try my hand at training an AI so that I can generate my own art, so I might start it on the extra time.



"Something wrong?" Urmeie quietly grunts.

"Hm…?" I hum absentmindedly and blink, then shake my head and hide everything before the wives can find it. "No, it's nothing."

Urmeie and I are still waiting for the Earthlings so that we can talk about Tycho, but they're taking their sweet time, so we might as well chat for a bit.

I shift uncomfortably on my seat and hide my boner. Then I clear my throat and begin with a curious tone, "So, you didn't even warn us that you left." I'm not exactly hurt, but I did miss her.

And Urmeie shrugs as she grumbles, making her furry melons jiggle, "Meh. It was just a quick talk, so I didn't bother. Mom even paid the [Eternal Gate] fees just so that I had nothing to complain about." Then her gaze becomes sharp and curious. "Besides, you didn't even get past that hyper-dimensional room yet, did you? So it isn't like I missed anything."

"No, we haven't. It's going to take a while until we're ready to explore further," I wryly admit.

Which instantly dampens her curiosity, and she narrows her eyes in boredom. "Do you know how long it'll take? I'm thinking of exploring a dungeon to pass the time."

I open my eyes wide, and even my tail straightens up in disbelief. "Are dungeons all you can think of?"

And she responds with an annoyed frown. "I also think of sex, but you seem intent on denying me."

This makes me chuckle softly, so I rephrase it and smirk, "Okay, anything else, aside from dungeons and sex?"

She gives me another shrug and looks away as she starts to think out loud, "Duels? Nobody wants to duel me because of that goblin-jizz of an excuse about Imperial dignity or whatever."

I recompose myself and more sternly insist, "Anything else, aside from dungeons, sex, and fighting?"

And she gives me an annoyed glare as she crosses her arms, perhaps intentionally trying to distract me as her furry tits desperately attempt to escape their thin, linen prison. "What else is there to do? Drinking?"

I blink blankly and relax my Cock and tail, then start to list off everything that comes to mind, "Reading books, researching, inventing, practicing an erudite skill like painting or playing an instrument, training pets, enjoying the scenery, meditating. The world is your oyster."

"I'm not a fucking art-loving elf," she grumbles back with an amused snort.

But I insist once again, "And what about the other suggestions?"

She lets out a long sigh as she organizes her thoughts, then begrudgingly admits, "I'm addicted to excitement, and nothing you said feels exciting."

"Only because you've never tried them," I cheekily retort with a smirk.

And she grits her teeth. "You're starting to become very annoying. I'm not a good person, and I'll never be!" she suddenly roars, even though she tries to hold back her voice.

It isn't really an angry roar, just annoyed, so I calmly try to soothe her, "I heard another person say something like that before, and my advice is: you are a good person, and you should never stop trying to become better."

"I'd rather not," she dryly grumbles back.

It seems so hard to break through her thick hide that I get frustrated and blurt out a snappy joke, "You're a difficult woman."

And it seems to amuse her that I'm getting annoyed now. "Not really. Treat me like you do your dragonkin wife."

"By leashing her and forcing her into becoming my plaything," I promptly reply, Cock already hardening.

Which is exactly what she wanted as her tone drops an octave and becomes deliciously sensuous, "Yes, that sounds fine to me. I mean, you can attempt to leash me, but the 'forcing me into becoming your plaything' part sounds fun."

And she stares at me challengingly, but my asshole suddenly cries out in warning as it receives a horrible premonition. This woman is dangerous, in more ways than one, and it's really a good idea to not fucking touch her until I've dealt with that little quirk of her personality.

"I won't until you at least try to become a better person," I state with dignity as I control my boner.

So she just snorts and smirks. "Then we've reached an impasse."

Now, this is interesting. It's clear that we're interested in each other, but neither of us is willing to give up our position of dominance so that our relationship can grow closer, so I don't know how to deal with her anymore. I guess we'll just continue teasing each other until one of us succumbs to lust?

And I'm actually fine with that; it's more fun this way.

So I shrug and move on, "Very well. Do you want to hear a report about our progress with the 'four-dee' room?"

"Keep it simple; I'm no mage," she casually replies, still with her arms crossed to tempt me to stare at her tits, so I do just that.

"Even mages have trouble understanding the room," I wryly remark as the boner comes back.

Her tone becomes amused, which I assume is because I'm staring at her tits and not even glancing at her face anymore. "All the more reason to keep it simple."


"What about movement? I couldn't even move in the extra-dimensional room," she curiously questions after I finish.

And I finally look at her face again. "We've let the other mages take care of that since only one of my wives is an enchanter, but I hear they're making progress. Maybe they'll have a prototype ready in a day or two."

And her tone softens as she nods. "Great. I'm actually eager to explore that area of the dungeon. It seems interesting, especially since it's trying to compete with the Throne of Ascension on the grandeur of their architecture."

"I didn't take you for one to enjoy architecture," I remark as my eyes open wide in excitement.

She briefly frowns. "I'm not, but it's a new experience for me, so I want to see it with my own eyes."

"Oh…" I hum in disappointment, but then I realize something. "Wait, so there is something that interests you and isn't related to violence or sex."

And she glares as she slightly raises her lips in annoyance, revealing long white fangs. "Obviously. Who wouldn't be interested in that? But don't misunderstand me; I only have a passing interest in it that will go away the moment my eyes have had their fill."

"Hmph, fine," I begrudgingly give up because I'm tired of trying to argue with her, at least for today. "So, how was the capital?"

And I make small talk with her for a couple of minutes. Then The Four finally arrive.


"Oh, hello there. Been a while, huh?" Samkelo cheekily remarks as he waddles to his seat.

"Are you being sassy with me?" I question in disbelief. There are no Companions in the room to glare at him because this is a super-secret talk, so I think he's feeling a bit bolder than usual.

"I most certainly am not," he evasively replies and uses [Telekinesis] to lift himself up.

"You got lonely because I didn't visit you?" I tease with a cute tone and a little pout.

"Just found it odd that you left us so suddenly," he stiffly replies, trying to hide his annoyance at my mockery.

"He got lonely," Lily states and gives the gnome a subtly smug glance.

"Je ma se poes," he swears back, though without much heat to not anger her.

"More like he's thirsting after your elf wife," Thant remarks suggestively.

"Je ma se poes!" the gnome exclaims, sounding surprised at the sudden backstab from the snow cat.

"Even I think it's weird how much he seems to care about Wolf," Chesa quietly adds, trying not to giggle mischievously.

"Je ma se-…" He doesn't finish it because Lily's glare orders him to shut up. "What's up with y'all ganging up on me today?"

"It's because we love you," I sarcastically answer.

"Yeah? Well, I don't love you," he grumbles and waggles a chubby little finger at me.

"He loves the blondie," Lily states.

"'Goldie,'" I correct her. "Her hair is golden, not blond."

And Lily tries really hard to not roll her eyes, but I still notice her subtle movements.

Seeing a lull in the banter, Urmeie grunts impatiently, "Are you done?"

"Yes," I kindly answer and flash a smile.

The big bear sister sighs and then finally begins her short speech, "'You have nothing to worry about Tycho.' Those are the exact words Mom said to me, and everything she said about this matter."

I knew she said it was "disappointing" news, but I'm actually a bit outraged. "That's it? What about his behavior? He infiltrated the Sky Lander inner royal circle to the point that he was recommended as a personal healer for the four secret Gifted super-weapons," I hastily point out.

And Urmeie facepalms, which makes a muffled sound due to her furred head and padded hands. "Oh, fuck. I forgot I have to tell the Sky Landers about Tycho, too." Then she turns to me, and I immediately look away.

I ain't helping her with that.

"Princess Urmeie, the question, please?" Lily dryly insists.

And the bear visibly rolls her eyes. "I meant it when I said that was everything she told me about Tycho. She straight up refused to answer any of my questions."

"Wow, that's… I don't even know what to say," I blurt out in disbelief.

"How about 'sus'?" Lily utters the forbidden word.

"Jesus, my Dad used to say 'sus,'" Chesa quietly cries out in despair.

"It fits cuz she's your mom," Samkelo teasingly whispers to her with a shit-eating grin.

"I just find it suspicious that they're being so mum about it," Lily explains herself, mistaking our cringing for tense silence.

"What are you implying, dwarf?" Urmeie brusquely questions.

The loli senses the danger, but it doesn't phase her as she calmly explains, "We are the extraordinary people here. We come from another fucking reality, for fuck's sake. So why are they trying so hard to hide Tycho's existence?"

I just turn to Urmeie and stare at her with amused curiosity.

"That's conceited of you," the Princess replies with a frown.

"You're deflecting," I point out with a smirk.

And she grunts loudly at me, "Grah, you! I'm just a Princess, while my father and mothers keep the entire Realm from falling apart. I've already made peace with the fact that there are many things I'll never know because I'm unworthy."

The little loli and the big bear stare intensely at each other, trying to find the right words to argue further, but they know it won't accomplish anything.

And the silence gives Chesa the opportunity to kindly remark, "Whaka was a good person, and never once did I feel unsafe near him. I think it's safe to believe the… Empress?"

"Yes, my Mom is one of the Empresses," Urmeie answers with a proud nod.

"Hmm… Well, I'll never trust him again after this," Lily stubbornly states and frowns in distaste.

"I'd rather never see him again. He seems kind of scary," Thant concernedly shares.

"It sounds like he has 'godmode' on," Samkelo adds, and I agree wholeheartedly.

"'Godmode'…?" Urmeie tiredly questions.

"Earthling thing," I kindly answer, and she snorts loudly.

But then she slaps her thick thighs and suddenly stands up. "But that's all I had to say, so now, I'll be taking my leave because I still have to tell the Sky Landers about Tycho, and I want to get it over with as soon as possible."

"Have fun," I hum and wave, but she just shoots me a glare.

As soon as she's gone, the lonely gnome turns to me and immediately asks, "So, now what?"

"What what?" I repeat, a bit confused.

"What are we doing about the puke room?" he crassly questions.

I sigh softly and give him a quick explanation, "My wife is creating helmets that let you see in four-dee, and it'll take a few days for her to finish improving them. As for moving in four-dee, we gave that job to the mages and enchanters, so you can check with them for their progress."

And he becomes excited. "Any training today? If not, I'll go get high."

Lily immediately frees the little baby-faced imp, "Go get high, already. You start to get annoying when the withdrawal kicks in."

But he smugly brags as he jumps down onto the floor again, "I actually don't get withdrawal. I can clear my body of the chemicals that give me a headache with my Gift."

"Yeah, right," Lily whispers, unconvinced.

I just ignore that and state, "I also want to do some personal training today, so let's meet tomorrow afternoon for some basic training."

"Fine by me," the loli agrees, and the other three also nod.

And so, I rejoin the wives in our bedroom.


Now, where was I with my humanoidization?

Ah, yes, the little human inside me. He's growing quite splendidly, and now that I have another point in [Soul Manipulation], it's become even easier to humanize myself.

My thick, scaly tail is still the most annoying part to deal with since it's so big, so I focus on it today. It takes a bit of effort, but I manage to completely suppress it, and then, with a bit more effort, I fully humanize myself, as simple as that. The wonders of leveling up skills.

I need to get used to this form, so I come out of my meditation and take a look at the girls.

Alissa is testing her [Veil of Mist], one of Nocturna's most famous spells, as it lets her disguise her face and body with mist. It's still a spell, so for her to be undetectable to other mages, she's going to need a lot of proficiency with it. Even if it isn't exactly the best use of her time since she hasn't been trained to be an assassin, it's still her childhood dream to be just like Nocturna, so it really doesn't hurt to let her do as she pleases.

Roxanne is with Aoi, and the two are discussing [Water Magic]. As Aoi's mind matures, she becomes capable of learning more complex things, so the older succubus sister has a lot to teach her younger draconic sister. Apparently, incest is a fetish from my human side because my mind immediately goes to the glorious image of the two fucking each other.

"Yeah, dragons don't care for incest either way," Aoi casually replies in my soul space.

Hana is training [Godly Language] to buff herself. She has the highest resistance to the feedback, so she could potentially do some crazy stuff with it. I'm limited to small and simple buffs because, otherwise, it'd cause nausea and extreme discomfort for our men when the buff runs out, and if that happened mid-battle, it'd be really bad.

Ciel is studying [Wind Magic] and [Wind Aspect] in preparation for her angel wings (which she's totally not excited about). Considering how the Aspect skill seems to affect your mood, I believe Ciel is more compatible with the skill than I am, so maybe she can gain some power from studying it.

Lina is in her corner, completely focused on the helmet. She's made a few iterations of the enchantment, so I collect three of them to later give to the Space mages working on the 4D movement enchantment.

Yunia is studying [Weaverism] because our totally not crazy experiment with my Thread of Fate has renewed her interest in the skill. I'm also curious about the Tread myself, and I'd like to be able to access it without having to rely on the stinky gnome, so I approve of her choice of research.

The golems never do any training or research during the day, but maybe they could let loose once in a while. I mean, we already have a whole security detail at the ready for us, so they can stand down while we're in our bedroom.

"Assassins are more likely to strike at night," Yunia wisely points out.

"That is true," Jarn promptly admits.

"Perhaps we should switch our training time," Ted suggests.

"Adapt it depending on the circumstances," Suzy expands.

"It's wise," Jarn states.

"It's wise," the other two repeat in unison a tad creepily.

And Gify is abusing the day's Cycle of Mana favoring Space to teleport everywhere along with her other nature spirit friends. The Companions have already gotten used to her shenanigans, but the Sky Lander maids haven't, who squeak in surprise at the sudden *pop*s that echo in the large rooms of our luxurious guest mansion.

They're adorable, so it's hard to get mad at them, and it makes the maids laugh, so they prank every single one of them.

Now back to me, I start to get really comfortable in my fully human form, so I think it's time to go for the final push. I need to turn this into a skill, so I have to organize my thoughts about it and imagine how my children will inherit and later activate it.

It'd be nice if they were born without their draconic characteristics, or at least with them reduced, and then have them grow only once they've reached puberty. It'd also be the perfect time for them to start to learn [Humanoidization] as that's when humanoids have the best boost in their learning rate.

As children, they learn basic skills and also try to find out which advanced skills they have an affinity for so that they can plan their path/build. It's only when they reach their teens that their real training starts. Poorer commoners don't have as many choices, but they can also make do with just a point or two in a labor/crafting skill, so puberty doesn't make much of a difference for them.

If my children are born with their draconic characteristics already present, they need to be able to humanize themselves starting from when they're babies to not stunt their development or get in the way of their lives, so the first level of the skill needs to focus on that.

Suddenly, I hear a cute little laugh, so I reflexively turn to Lina and see her quickly remove the helmet, then look down in embarrassment.

"Hm?" I hum curiously, a sentiment mirrored by my other wives.

"I… I made a HUD," she hesitatingly admits. "Apparently, the extra points in [General Enchanting] just make everything too easy."

I blink blankly in confusion, so she just feeds me her memories.

She made a HUD. The helmet now shows your HP and MP in text at the bottom left of the user's view.

"I'll get back to work right away…" she hurriedly states and puts the helmet aside.

And I chuckle heartily. "You don't have to be so embarrassed. This is another great invention," I kindly encourage her.

She glances at Ciel, who beams with a bright smile, but it still isn't enough to wipe away the gloom of our loli. "But it's useless. I just… found it curious when I looked at your memories of games."

"Right now, it doesn't have much use, but maybe we can improve on it in the future," Ciel kindly soothes.

And Lina anxiously twiddles her thumbs as she reasons with herself, "In the future. But for now, I'll just focus on improving the helmet's efficiency."

There she is, being adorably stubborn once again, and it's actually a good thing as this is her standing up for her own ideals. Our little girl continues to grow, just not in the "up" direction.



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Glaistig Uaine.

Lord School work.

Lord Beater.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Marwin33.

Lord time Campbell.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble warmoger55.

Leave a rating or a review to help me rise to the top or fix my shameful understanding of prose.

Take a look over my blog where all information about the world of Rupegia will be posted: manasongwriting.wordpress.com

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