chapter 2

early morning everyone wake up to start preparation of wedding, Mr. Ravi Kumar her father already called decorator to ask about decoration.

it was winter season, but Mr. Kumar was tensed wether all this work will be handled carefully or not. Prachi was his only daughter and was apple of others eye he wanted to held her grand marriage.

"papa don't worry everything will be fine!" Prachi assured as she hugged her father,

" oh ho, who let her in, Prachi get inside your room you can't get outside of your room before your marriage. it's a sin dear . please understand" Mr. Kumar said as he immediately hide her face with dupatta, and lead her to her bedroom.

"but papa why??" she tried to move that thing away from her face when her father stopped her and said, "it's tradition beta. just listen to me and go inside, soon beautician will come and dress you. now go and don't let Ronit see your face before marriage it's sin."

everyone was busy preparing for wedding, wedding was held in 4 pm. and they are going to leave for wedding hall at 2 pm to check everything.

Prachi sighed and removed dupatta from her face, and looking at her face in mirror she smiled.

'i am going to marry you Ronit, I am so happy today. you were the first guy who made me feel loved. I want to spend my entire life with you'

she was thinking when knocks on her window shocked her, when she looked to her side she saw her window was opened and some white paper on floor.

she picked it up and glanced outside, that time Ronit was seating there with his friends and his eyes met with Prachi.

thinking it was from him she smiled, Ronit smiled at her back. Prachi that time failed to notice black cap which was now moving away from there.

she immediately turned around and opened folded paper,

" you are beautiful as always..

can't wait to make you mine...

- your lover. "

'how cheap but loving. ah, you should've directly texted me if you want Ronit why need to be so cliche??'

she opened her finger lock in phone and clicked on his chat room and sent him text.

" I want to be with you too❤️❤️❤️"


"Prachi you are so beautiful...

I really want to crush you in my arms...

you bad girl how can you be with someone else when your lover is here.m.."

he said looking at her recent pic which he skillfully clicked from his camera just now. he was hiding behind their house, everyone was so busy that they failed to notice someone unknown in their house.