Part 1

" *pak* " i slap the man that I'm playing with... my reason is his playing with me or two timing me so that we could break up.

Then i turn my back and walk near to my friends and have a fist bump

"Woo that's Sam hahaha" -maris....then start walking with them

Oh that's krisie maris joans 18yrs old she love's shopping haha that's the noisy person on our group and right and love working in her father's company.

"Hayy got an excuse to break his heart"-elsa

That's Elsa jane scott 17yrs old the bookwarm on our group who always has a counterarguments on our wrong doings especially on my wrong doings hahaha and she always like to have a beauty rest as if she has a beauty.

"We need again to pay her tss"-chasie

And that's chasiely kim love haha what a cute name right she's 18yrs old like me hihihi that's the playgirl on our group but she has a demure behaviour.

That is all my bestfriend we all live in one house because we are all rich and that house is my momma's gift in my 18th birthday.

And by the way i'm Samantha rose willson 18yrs old perfect girlfriend for short and we all are studying at will-son university the will name are from my family's name and the son are from Harrison family that's my parents company partner in one of our business.

We all know any kind of sports ...even hard or easy sports we also learned taekwando and jujitsu for our self defense I guess

When we arrived infront of our room I open the door and everyone turn their attention on us and we saw our professor who's now staring at us and as if Im concern about it tss

"Ms.love, scott, joans and Ms. willson your all late?"-prof

"Cut the crap horse"-me

Then walk near to my chair and sit then saw my prof's eye's suddenly widened and even my classmates who heard what I said looked shock... are they still not used to it tss.


She stands up angrily and stared at me.

"Ma'am easy you'll be ugly if you got mad"-elsa....they all sat on my side

"Oh my no I'm not mad hooo"-prof

"What she said ma'am is were late on waking up early"-chasie

"Ok ok i will just continue to our topic ...and next time don't be late or else i will report that to all your parents especially you miss willson" then she stared at me i just gave her a smirked and turn my eye's on the window

Hours passed...

Two subject passed and it's our vacant ... maris did leave earlier because her dad just called her and ask her to visit their company for a minutes for some papers I guess...

"Hey let's go"-elsa

"Excited much tss"-chasie

When we went in to our school garden we all sat at the grassland...

Here in our spot we can see students who's rounding in the quadrangle and doing things.

"What if we try volleyball again?"-elsa

"Arrggh i don't want to"-me


"I just want this year a normal life no sports ..can we??"

"Hmmm your right so that we could rest for a year being in a varsity "-chasie

"Hello guys hihihi"-maris then sat beside me

"So how's work ? hahhaha"-elsa

"It's fine hehe"

"So there's no new toy?"-chasie... she changed the topic that fast.

"Yea who's the lucky guy now?"-me

"I-i have!..."-elsa

Now all eye's are on her

"...his kevin james harrison"


Kevin the son of my parents partner how come?

"Wait how?"-me

"Remember when i always say that i have an appointment hehe"-elsa

"What?... so your lying? All this time"-maris

"Its not that lying ... Im just worried that if I tell to all of you that im going to my boyfriend you would ask me and ask me until time passes and i would missed our date hehe"

"Ok fine who will do the game?"- me

"Don't like that"-chasie

"Me too"-maris


Then Elsa held my arm

"Huhu Sam do it for me i know that your best when it comes to this game?"-elsa.... something came up on my mind.

"I'll do... *smirk* but a million each of you?" Our common bet was 500k it didn't came into a million prize but I felt like this would be hard.


"You want me to play... then a million isn't that big for each of you hahaha"

"Ok fine deal"-them.. they all sigh before answering me

"Really a million haha...how many days??"

"I just want to inform you that his not the typical guy that you've experienced, his different he has this cold attitude that you won't tolerate i promise"

Hmm i find it interesting tss

"Interesting *smirk* "

"Oh... so now for you a cold attitude of a guy are interesting? hahahaha" maris

"Yeah let's have a try new flavor"

"Let's go now"-them

We all go to our next subject and oh its friday and we still didn't have a plan for the weekend ...because every weekend we plan on going somewhere like EK, Star City or somewhere that we could enjoy.

"Good afternoon class ...i want you all to meet your new classmates"-prof

"Waaa wish there are guys"

"Yeah and i will love them"

"Another guy huhu"

"No girls?"

"Hahaha true brad"

Tss as if the guys will like them tss ...and even if they are hot no one can replace my baby Shawn lee hehehehe

Shawn is my boy best friend and ofcourse his friend are also my friends too ...Shawn is the first guy that I have a crush on with😊😊😊... since I first saw him.

"Introduce yourself guys"

Then a cute guy came in Waaa Sam focus on Shawn instead of others don't be a flirt

"Hi my name is joe valdez be good to my handsome face hehe" ok his arrogant but he looks like a bookwarm

"Waaa his cute"

"Waa he wink at me huhu"

"Hey that's for me"

"No that's me guys tss"

Yeah right he wink to all of you tss what a flirt girls..... don't be too judgemental Sam that's bad especially on hitting a guy they are just part of a game but baby Shawn are not hahaha

Then another guy entered the room waaa so cute again but he looks like a play boy and i don't like it tss

"Hi girls tony hance emerson at your service *winked*"

Arrgghhh goosebump tss

"Vladimire garett just vlad be nice to me and my friends" then he smiled i feel that this is a good guy hmmp his cute though and feel like his a party guy too

"Kevin james harrison"

When i heard that i stared at him this is the guy right and the way he speak his really cold.

Woo he'll be my classmate well It wouldn't be hard for me to do my game tss....his cute too hmmp ...h-his staring at me what the ...I turn my eyes at the other angle and it landed to Elsa's place I saw her emotionally affected to what she's seeing right now.... but tried to hide it.

Don't worry i will do my part and after that he'll be the one who will cry every night....i will surely do that for you bes

They all sat at our back and Kevin the great sat at my back tss this is nice anyway so that I could do my first step tsk tsk tsk...