Part 5

Day Four

"So rose you already know kevin because your parents and his are friends right?"-peter....question and answer portion are happening here hahahaha😂😂

"Actually i don't know him ..."


"Peter it's personal you know tss..!"-kev

Peter was just asking and his giving an angry expression Tss

"Ok fine sorry hehehe☺" waaa why so cute peter hihihi

"Waaa sam let's go now"-elsa ....oh I forgot it's awkward for elsa... i know ..so i stared the girls to do something so that we could escape in this kind of awkwardness in here hehehe

"Oww i forgot we have a plan today ..guys sorry we all need to go hehe"-chelsie

"It's ok... next time again take care girls"-troy

"Yea you all too boys"-elsa

"Elsa next time ah the usual?"

"I-ill try 😄"

We didn't wait for others to talk again because it would be a long counter argument

"Wooo we finally escape"-chelsie

"Ahmm sorry guys its just so awkward for me and him hehe"-elsa

"No worries it's ok you know"-maris

"Yea its good that you make us remember hehe... we actually forget it hehe"-me

"Yeah sarry"-chelsie

"Guys its alright im the problem here "


We all just got home ...because for sure there's nothing special in our last two subject so we all panned to go home

*at our house*

"I think peter like you sam?"- ellie ....look at them teasing me again tss

"Stop that ell "

"What?! im just saying what I observed" tss its not a big deal when his just talking to me there's no problem with that right ...

"I see that too"-chelsie

"Change topic ok" I always got to be their suspect what a friends tss

"How about you and kev what's going on now?"-elsa....i knew it

"Well for this day i don't have a plan to see him" then eat my pop corn

"Your not doing a plan ..how can you win?"-ellie

"Just wait when it's already my last day hahahha" i didn't bother them and we all just continue watching the purge

Minutes and minutes fast it's already 6:30 and they all leave me alone...they just said that there'ssomething came up...and they didn't let me join tss thats why im alone here

I'll just buy ice cream its hot

"Ya I'll just buy something?"

"Okay take care"

"Okay po" then get outside my house im just going to walk because there's just a near 7/11 in here

While walking I got bored that's why I kick some trash that are in the floor hehe😁 just a trip

Until I got to the store and buy a lot of ice cream..then when I got them I open one of it and eat, then sat on a vacant chair outside of the store while staring outside I almost slip the ice cream in my hand because of what im seeing right now ...wooohoo they are so flirt there's a lot of motel but they choose to make out here outside in a prestigious village my god

I didn't stare at them again I ignored them then start to walk back at home they are so disgusting ew

"Hmm yummy"-me

"BABY..." what? tss i didn't bother to look i just continue walking while eating my ice cream this is so yummy while walking hehe😊

"BABY" I got irritated on who's been shouting baby in this kind of place so I turn around and I saw him staring in my place even the girl whose with him clinging at his arm hahaha...

I didn't notice that they are already in front of me

"Baby I told you to stay at home especially when its already dark outside" what did he said is that for me?...because im not convinced I stare from my right, left and back but no one 's with me so its me who he was talking with right?.

"Baby don't be jealous I don't know her eh" then he removed the girl's hand from his arm and he cling on me... What an hokage moves he did tss

"Yeaaa babe im your girlfriend what the?"-girl who looks like a catfish

"Sorry I don't want to lie to you but I love my girlfriend " then he stared at me waaaa why am I feeling something in my stomach waaa I think im blushing and it's a good thing that it was already midnight huhuhu😭 stop this now you asshole

"NO..I can't accept this... that you'll change me with some kind *stare at my whole body*-" wow did she really check on me head to toe .. This catfish person is getting into my nerves "-book body gosh i can't believe you kev babe" ewww what a disgusting endearment

I lost my control so I slipped this guy's arm in my arm and walk infront of this catfish girl she already boiled my patience

"Excuse me ...you know that im not like you.. the one who always in my BOYFRIEND's back you as a catfish twin and you also made yourself as a dog...stop flirting to my boyfriend cause his mine no other than me you know CATFISH" wahahhaha her face was so funny she's so angry and she was like ready to fight hahhaha this is epic im so genius ah

"M-me c-catfish... this face oh god KEV" hahahha then ask for help HAHAHA she's so funny

"Clarise just go i don't want you to be hurt by my girlfriend she's like a lion when she's mad please" he said that with full of emotion huh me look like a LION what a literally gorilla is he..

"Ahhhh just wait for me i'll sue you aahhh" then she leaves with an angry and sadness are with her face

Then i turn my eyes to the guy beside me who started this scene

"Tss ..thanks" so that's it... he was just going to leave as if there's nothing happened hmmp why don't I use this as an opportunity what a bright idea Sam hihihi

"Are you serious?" With full of question in my face he stared at me waaaaa our eye's met

*dug dug dug*

"You distracted me on walking while eating my ice cream and that girl get into my nerves then that's it as if nothing happens!!"

"What do you want...money?" as if I don't have a lot of it tss...

"Are you serious i don't need your money asshole" his getting into my nerves too

"Then! what? faster i need to go" hmmp this is my chance now to do my mission ...on what he said it makes me calm hahaha

"Let's say that i want that for real!" With full of smile in my eyes hahhaha😂😂😂

"What do you mean by real??"

"You my boyfriend and im your girlfriend "

"You kidding!?"

"Im serious here" then crossed my arms

"Well my answer is a no"

"What??... after what you did!"

"It's simple back to your house and start again to go here and buy your ICE CREAM then lastly start walking back to your house while eating it" what a smart-ass man you wouldn't want to talk with😤😤😤

"Tss don't bother to be against it no matter what happens your already my boyfriend ...bye see you tomorrow BABY" hahahha😂😂 even if he doesn't want to I will still cling on him hahahaha

"Tss...crazy" hahahaha i heard that im still near him and i heard his car going away in this village hayyyy see you tomorrow we'll see if he will have a choice BWAHAHAHA I won ...