Chapter 9

Part 9

Day Eight

We are now at school in unison.

When I open the door of our room they all stared and because im curious I ask ell

"W-why are they staring at us?"

"Just wait hihi" then they all went to their place

So I just also walk towards my chair but before I got near to it I saw a bouquet of flowers that made me shiver for a moment then someone stand in front of everyone so I turn my gaze at him and my heart start to beat faster and faster

*dug dug dug*

For being awkward in a situation I just make a small smile at him and ask

"W-hat are y-you doing?"

He start walking towards me while talking

"Im just worried about you yesterday so I bought you flowers" then he carry it and walk towards me to gave the bouquet

I don't have a choice but to accept it and I know this is not right

I whisper something on his ear

"Crazy what is this?"

"They are so sweet huhuhu"

"Rihht girl yiee"


I hate this kind of situation specially if all the people you don't want to hurt are now staring at us

"Baby... Its alright they all know that we are already in a relationship ah"

"You crazy" then sit on my chair and put the flowers on my table to stare at the window

People heaved a sigh and I saw him sat beside me while his left arm are on my rest chair I didn't bother to look at him

"Is there something wrong ..baby?" I close my eyes when I heard him said that word cause its make me shiver the way that I don't want to

"Nothing.. Im just tired" then I heard him laugh a seconds.

"Baby tired from what? You just got here almost late" that made me turn my head and eyes on him

"C-can you please l-leave me alone for this time?" that made him to fade the smirk on his face and he let me see sad eyes on him

Why kevin? what is this all about?...I still have a lot of days yet I already make you fall inlove at me? Why are behaving like this towards me? Because its been difficult for me to decide if I'll continue this game or not?

"Okay" then he stand up without a noise that made everyone to look at me and I saw chasie and ell asking on me but I didn't bother... I did just look at the person who made this happen and she just did stare to kevin until he sat in front ....that makes her to stare at me so I saw how she was worried about him and made me feel guilty... so I smiled at her even if I know that its fake I just want to assure her that its part of the plan that's it.

I turn my gaze again on the window and saw in my peripherial vision that peter are staring at me with a worried and sad face that made me close my eyes...

I don't exactly know what would I think...is this still part of the plan? And I know that this isn't cause I'm on everyone at sake.

"Okay good morning class lets star-" ma'am

"What's wrong students why so quiet?" no one's answering her that made me sigh hayyy ma'am

"Fine ...lets start" I'm staring at our professor but there's no values that my brain wants to accept we all look like a zombie that didn't know what's happening in this kind of atmosphere.

Third subject just finished earlier than what we expect so we all start to pack our things... me I did stand and get my bag then start walking but someone stop me

"S-Sam f-flowers mo!" shit I forgot about it so I turn around to get it while peter is smiling at me with a worried look

I scan the room to look at him but his not in there so for sure his mad...

"*Sigh*" then start to walk again

"A-are you free?" I saw him smile again damn it can't he just don't pretend to be happy because his making me feel confuse triple times


"I just want to invite you for snacks .. So can we?" he said with a smile and confuse look

"Can we?" then I smiled at him that made him to chuckle Hahahahha

"Lets go?" then we walk to the parking lot for his car

He bring me at my favorite place and once were already there that made me cry so hard I know he understand me but he did just let me cry beside him ...

"Waaaaaa😭😭😭😭" I can't take this anymore

This is the first time that I cried in our game this is the first time that I doubt to do this ...this is all the first time that I didn't expect to happen...

"I-don't know *sob* what to do *sob* huhuhu"

"S-Sam I told you...you can tell me everything ..j-just be honest ..what's been bothering you all this time tell me?"

"You'll hate me*sob*"

"Starting from the first time I met you I understand you ..I don't know why but I feel like I'm obliged to stay by your side and take care of you" why ? Why he feel obliged I didn't even know him well and I didn't know if i could trust him or i would be able to trust someone that is important into my life

"I-I planed this peter" then stare at the floor I can't look at his face

"W-what do you mean?"

"I-im a playgirl"

"Sam everyone knows that title of yours so what the-"

"Its not what you think... Me and kevin it all planed that we will met each other that he will agree on me telling him to be my boyfriend... A-and after that I would break his heart I will break up with him like the usual...but I'm confused b-because there's people that I would hurt even if I won't see it but I feel it on my own I don't know what path I will do for me to be able to feel relax and stop thinking about doing it or not I don't know *sob* this wasn't me this is the first time that I got confused on what I'm playing"

"Is your choice really the last way for you to make a decision?"

"I-i don't know"

"Choose to continue and don't mind the people who you would hurt and you are now choosing that because if not didn't you were still in an unstable situation ...you wouldn't think others choice, you wouldn't let your emotion and you wouldn't do it ...so I'm saying that there's no turning back... you started it so maybe you could end it on how you planned it"

"*sob* c-continuing it m-means hurting someone too?" then stare at him while there's a tears that are still flowing down at my face

"Its the only choice Sam that you made and you are obliged to end it sooner or earlier than you planned"

It all make sense ...that I need to end this soon and make the destiny right

From my realization i should apologize to kevin no matter what happens in the end because that is what I choose.... to continue