Chapter 11

Part 11

Day Ten

Shawn's POV

"Did you all organized the product properly?"

" Yes sir"

"For the shipment they already make an appointment on it"

"Okay then let's finish this all and we can all go home and rest"

I also need to attend my subjects for tomorrow because I was already absent for 1 week going to be two weeks glad that I'm excuse...

"Diana?" While reading a files for the shipment tomorrow

"Yes sir?"

"Did you already assist Mr. Lany for the shareholders meeting?" Without giving her my attention

"Yes sir his secretary already confirmed it"

"How about Mr. Harrison for the proposal?" And stared at her

"A-ahm.." damn it


"I-i called 10 times to his secretary on when will he be free b-but-"

"But what Diana?"

"They can't say when because the CEO are not around"

"That's what the secretary said?" With an angry emotion

"Yes sir"


They are making this hard for me tss let's see ...

"Here" then gave her all the files that I finish

"Am I going to send this-"

"No give this to daddy you knew that I have school tomorrow so I won't be around but Dad will be"

"Okay sir" then she leave and I get all my things then went outside our company

"Here's your car key sir" guard

"Thanks" then went inside my car and Dial

*Kring kring kring*

(Hello Brad?)

"Ally did you already said to chasie?"

(Yes and she said that they will come don't worry she's with Sam brad)

"I know I just miss her"

(Woohh our lover boy are making his way HAHAHA)


*Toot toot toot*

Elsa's POV

"Waaa I'm so excited for tomorrow I finally would see our brother Shawn hihihi" chasie

"True me too" Maris

"Why so serious Elsa?"

"I'm just worried about Sam!"

"Girl you knew that she can handle that tss as if we don't know her"

"True besides she already in a half month and for sure she won't give up this game of us"

"I know I'm just worried that Shawn are making his way now and we all know that Sam has been waiting for him but she still has a game to finish so how could she handle this if this is the first time that what she wants and doesn't want has going to collide"

"Well for sure she already has a plan on that"

"Wishing too"

The guy that she's dreaming for are going back so how would she handle her situation now?

I wanted to talk to her but she's avoiding us or planning something that's why she's doing this all kind of things hayyy Sam...

Chasie's POV

"Hello ally?"

(Chasie what time you would all go?)

"What time are the party again?"

(7 so you all could go in 6:30? And we could all bond before the party)

"Okay... Okay ill tell it to Elsa"

(Sam would come right?)

"Of course she wouldn't let it slip when its about shawn"

(What did you say?)

"Nothing so I'll hang up "

*Toot toot*

*Knock knock*

"Sam are you already awake?"

"Yes I'll just do my routine ..wait for me downstairs"

"Okay be fast"


Then went down to our dining hall

"Is she already awake?" Maris

"Yeah she's just doing her morning routine"

"Yiee party party later"

"Your all forbidden to drink a lot of alcohol it's hard to take you all home" Elsa

"Uyy Elsa so killjoy"

"Tss as if im not taking care of you"

"Yiee were just being sweet if we did that"

"Hahahaha true"

"I don't understand you guys"

Sam's POV

"What should I do now?"

I've been walking and walking at my room but there's still nothing coming in my mind huhuhu

"Sam its just easy ...Shawn or Kevin?" Damn hopefully its easy hhuhuhu

*Knock knock*

"Sam are you already awake?" Chasie

"Hayyyssst this should be fine... Yes I'll just do my routine...wait for me downstairs"

"Okay be fast"


"Haysst this is fine" then open my door then go downstairs and go to our dining hall

"Sam have breakfast" Elsa

"Okay" I just get bread, mayonnaise and ham

"Later we should be ready at 6 so that we can go at 6:30" chasie

"I thought the party starts at 7?" why sudden change... I already plan on attending late at the party to talk to Kevin that we should rescheduled the date.

"Well ally told me to be there early for us to bond with Shawn ...don't you want it?"

"Huh? ...ah no its fine" think again of other plan tss

"Who's car are we going to use?" Maris

"Maybe Elsa Im tired to drive"

"Okay let's go" chasie

Then we all finish our food and go outside and get in Elsa's car...

We decided to attend our four subjects for this day so that right after our dismissal were just going to change our clothes for the party Hayyyssst

"Why so quiet girl?" maris ask that made me shock... I thought no one would be bothered about me being silent

"Nothing ...maybe just tired"

"Okay "

They all feel awkward that made me feel guilty...

"Guys im fine don't worry okay ...I'm just planning something for our game okay?" and gave them all a satisfying smile

"Okay though you are beyond your limit girl"

"Exactly and I'm making this game to be a memorable moment for us hihihi"

Im just going to finish things and after that we will all can go back on what we are before ...

Minutes fast we already came into our school and we all straight to our room even if every students attention are on us and we doesn't have a clue why..

"Is there something on our faces?" Chasie said and check our faces

"Maybe there's something happened again and we might be involve again or one of us" then maris turn her head at me and it makes me think... but she's like giving me a hint on what are happening here

"Tss... I also don't know the answer on that" then stare at the window

"Woahh what a relief " joe

"We are on time" tony

"Noisy people" Vladimir

They all sat on their designated area and someone's missing on their group ..

I turn my eyes at peter and he just smiled at me so I return the smile...

After that I focused again at my phone to ask him


To: bastard

"Where are you?"

Minutes passed our professor are still not here and we all still stay here at our room

And also his still not answering me what the heck

I've been waiting for minutes but there's still no response

"Haist" then put my phone at my table until someone sat beside me

"Searching for someone?"

"yeah and his not answering my text"

"His busy you knew that" I turn my eyes at him

"On what?"

"On your date?" that made me shock don't tell me his giving an effort for a date that he asked for..

"Can I borrow your phone?" then place my hand in front of his face

"Why?" then he search in his pocket

I didn't answer him when I got the phone


To: kev

"Let's talk at the school garden I have to say something important ASAP"


Then gave it back to peter..

"Sorry for being late students" ma'am

"Text me when he replied " I told to peter when he was about to go back at his seat

"Okay" then I turn my attention to our professor that are now starting our lesson and nothings coming in my mind this is heck..

I'll stick to the plan before we came in to this game for Elsa so that I wouldn't be comfused again just because of this god damn game...