Chapter 25

Part 25

Day nineteen

Sam's POV

I woke up when I got dazzled in the sun coming from the window.

Then someone lay beside me and kiss me on the cheeks that lead me to blush so I hid my face using the comforter.

"Hahahaha get up now, were going to be late" then I feel him stand up so I decided to get up and about to use the bathroom when he speak.

"I laundry your uniform and its already in the cabinet" he then smiled at me.

So I smile back to him. "Thank you" then get in the bathroom.


Im now getting ready for school and I still not opening my phone for sure they minced me a lot of texts and calls.

I'll just explain when we get to school.

I went out in his room and saw him preparing our breakfast.

"Sit here, and here's your breakfast"

"What do you call this food?" I ask when I find the food so delicious and I know that I still didn't taste it.

"Its Italian poached egg, honey"

*dug dug dug*

Oh my god him calling me honey who got my attention more than the food name.

"H-honey tss" I lost words to say damn this guy.

"Haha finish your food now, so that we could go to school early"

I just nod and eat my food faster.

Damn my heart is racing Huhuhu😭.

Chasie's POV

"She's still not answering" maris said

"Where the hell did she go?" I ask

"Let's go to school now we might be late" elsa said and walk out so me and maris doesn't have a choice but to follow her.

When we get in maris car...

"Elsa I know that you and Sam are still not in a good condition but give atleast a little concern, she's still our friend" I already burst because when we didn't contact Sam yesterday and until now she didn't do anything about it. So I got carried away because of how worried I'am.

"We doesn't need to be worried to the people who doesn't think the people who might be worried about her/he." And she put her earpods.

"Let it slid, we still have classes " maris said and I just stay quiet.

Wish we could see her at school and thingking that she just go to their house maybe.

When we arrived at school, we straight go to our room and saw this damn girl while his so called boyfriend are beside her chair.

I walk near them.

"Seriously Sam?" I ask her and get her attention.

"Chasie" when I saw her smile my angry has lost.

She smile with full of sadness. I knew it, I should talk to her from the first time that I ask her if she's okay.

"Let's juts talk later" and sat beside her on the other side.

Maybe she has a lot of problems and I assume this was all because of our game. I observed that she has been sad after a week of her game and from that I got so worried that she might hurt herself because of this game that we started.

Sam was the bravest of us but right now im sure that she can't handle this anymore without the help of us.

Minutes passed and our professor start his lessons but there's nothing coming in my mind. I don't know but I feel empty right now that I just want to talk to Sam and ask her a lot of questions.


Sam's POV

Im listening to our prof but can't understand everything.

When me and Kevin was in his car I've been thingking on saying to them about this problem that I've been hiding to them because I can't sleep well .

This might be an easiest problem for all of you but this was the first and hard problem that I've encounter because before without thingking in a day I already have a solution but in my situation right now, I can't understand everything now.

Maybe I should act the way I do when I make boys fall in love with me, I should stop thingking what would be the results of my every actions right now.

Second subject just finish its time to eat now.

"Are you okay?" Kevin ask while staring at me worriedly

"Ofcoures" I bubbly said while smiling to him.

"Let's go now"

"I'll walk with them okay?"

"Okay, I'll order your food "

I just nod and walk beside Chasie.

"Guys sorry for not texting and calling to you guys" and smiled to them, I saw elsa raising her eyebrows at me and I understand her.

"Where have you been huh?" maris said

"We've been so worried did you know that?" Chasie said

"Sorry I decided to go h-home there's just an urgent in our house"

"You should haved texted on one of us"

"Yeah instead of leaving without a word"

"Sorry, promise it won't happened again" and smiled to them.

"Let's go now guys im hungry" elsa said and walk away without glancing at me.

"Let her, she's just so immature right now" maris said

"Let's go now" and we walk to our canteen .

We saw the boys eating and saved a sits for us. I saw peter glance at us and saw me, I just smiled at him and he did too.

I feel sorry for him, I just can't see him as my boyfriend and I don't want to lose him when the day comes that we need to break up. I can't imagine without seeing and talking to him. I already got attach to him as my brother that's it and nothing more special just like what he wanted. I wish him to see his ideal girl and I don't want to be that girl because im not the type of girl to be their ideal.

After my so called relationship with Kevin, I should leave them all alone, I should forget them because im not good for them not once not never.