Chapter 27

Part 27

Day twenty-one

"You have been spacing out since yesterday, what's really bothering you?" Chasie have been asking me since I got home yesterday night.

"Im fine I just feel tired" and smile a fake one because since yesterday until now I can't smile genuinely. I don't know why but I know who.

"As you said so" Chasie gave up on asking.

Then maris came beside me and without a word she did hug me that made me shiver on crying.

"Oh my god" I heard Chasie


"Its okay" maris said


"Girl" Chasie said and hug me too

"Aaahhh😭😭 Aahh😭"

Im crying until I feel that someone was hugging her too and I knew who was that.

I cry in a minutes after it they all let me go. I wipe my tears.

"We were your friends you still remember that right?" Chasie ask I just.

"If you know that we can help, let us know" maris said

"You knew that we still have each other " elsa said that made me look at her while still sobbing.

"Im sorry guys"

"We won't force you but please tell us every problem you have even if its about your family, money, property or l-love life hehe" I laugh on it

"You've finally smiled" maris

"Please always be happy, we don't like seeing you down or sad Sam" elsa said

"Sorry ... I'll tell it b-but not r-right now"

"You've been saying it to us" chasie said

"I swear I'll tell it" and they hug me again.

"Lets start that movie marathon now" elsa said

We just got home earlier, I already explain to Kevin why I can't answer his calls and texts and im glad that he understand it.

At first we fought but he can't get mad at me even just for a minutes that's why we forgive each other before we finish talking.

After school we decided to have a movie marathon until midnight since I don't have something to do right now.

Earlier before we got home Kevin texted me that he'll be busy this coming days because his dad are not doing something for their company problem I guess until he comes and bundle it for his dad.

He said that he pity every employee just because of his dad's childishness.

I remember he said that he doesn't want to manage his dad's business but he doesn't have a choice that's why he did cover up his dad's game tss.

"Oh my it was so sad"

"True, if I was her I'll love him more than I love my self"

"But your wasn't her"

"Especially he'll not love you the way he loved her HAHAHAHA"


"HAHAHAHAHA" we laugh at maris for wishing the impossible Hahahaha

"Stop this nonsense about love guys Hahahaha"

This is my friends when we were all together. I might not that good when it comes to love but I know and I can love my friends more than what I expect from myself.

"Eyyy let's eat im hungry." maris said

"Lets go maybe yaya maris cooked something " Chasie

They walk at our kitchen then i stay still while staring at our window.

I miss mom and dad.

Can I take a break and finish everything on how I planned it?

Its really a bad decisions and as if it wasn't you who started it.

"Sam" I heard elsa and stare at her with a smile

"Are you not hungry? "

"Maybe later"

"Do I know What's the reason?"

I look down my head because of her question.

"Sam you knew that I wanted to stop this too" I just nod while playing with my fingers.

"Please finish it and let him go"

It hurts... A lot

I stared at her when she said it.

"Do I need to do that?"

"I want him back"

I was so shock on what she said.

She did want him back, damn it

"Are you out of your mind elsa?"

"I know you would say that, but I already made my decisions and that is to get him back, wanting him back as if we just did a cool off."

"You made me suffer and then your choosing to ignore all my sacrifices is that it?" I stared at her with an angry and mad stare

"You didn't love him right?"

I got shut when I heard her question again

Do I?

"Your not getting in the way right?"

"Do I ?... D-do I getting on the way?"

"No but your not right? "

"What if I'am?"

"Sam you won't!!"

"Why is that?"

"Because his mine!!!"

"Your obsess, his not yours anymore"

"And his already yours?, is that it"

I stuck my tongue

"I still love him and I know his still did"

No he didn't because he already said that he love me more than his self that I wanted to stop.

"Elsa, can I ask?"

"What is it?"

"Did he really become yours?" she look shock and nervous. I can see it through her eyes

Did they really loved each other before because she's still not saying why did they broke up

Even Chasie and maris didn't know... all she said was Kevin cheated on her but on how he treated me I don't think he can do that kind of thing and especially his cold even in girls, so how would he do that? Or did he really did?

"W-what are y-you talking about?"

"Im just curious, you said he cheated on you but the way he treat me as his girlfriend are the opposite of it."

"Tss. He can change sam, didn't you know about guys at first they'll cheat to their girlfriend then after it they changed as if they already find their soulmate or love of their life "

"But I still can't understand "

"Then do investigate about guys like Kevin"

"Do I have too, when you can give me the truths? "

"Im going to eat if you want you can join us" then she stand up and I stared at her while She's walking away with me.

Its really strange when I turn the topic about this.

She always did change the topic to other, should I ask him to know what really happened on their relationship.

I really can't imagine their break up or did they really break up.