Chapter 31

Part 31

Day twenty- five

I just got home after dinner with kevin. I didn't answer him when he ask me about on what I said without me knowing it on my own.

We continue on ordering and then ate our food without talking. I was so bless that he didn't make a big deal about it.

"Hey!" I heard chasie and turn my head at her


"Maris and elsa are already asleep"

"Really!" I turn my head down and play my finger.

"Are you now willing to tell what's really bothering you this days?" I stare at her and smile.

"Its kevin" then down my head and play my finger again and again.

"Your falling?" I didn't stare at her I just stay quiet and continue on what I'm doing.

"his making you confused now?"

"Sort of"

"You knew that it was wrong right?"

"I know, I'm trying to stop this kind of feeling but I just don't know how!. This was a mistake for the first place"

"I'm not against it, you loving him but elsa!. You knew from the start that she still have a feelings for kevin and now she's planning on getting him back again" I lift up my head and stare at her because of what I just heard.

"W-what d-do you n-mean?"

"S-she's planning on getting him again right after you finish your relationship with him"

"She didn't tell me about it?" I stand up

"Because she's scared that you might don't like the idea of it"

"But I'm doing this kind of game because of her, and being in this kind of situation was the most difficult then she'll just going to plan on getting him back again without me knowing it and she'll just ignore what I sacrificed to succeed on this game!!!"

"I know, I also said that to her and she just didn't answer it if she has a plan on what you've sacrifice for her. She said that she'll appreciate everything that you did to her"

"Damn her, she always thinks what's good for her. She's not thinking about others tss"

"You know elsa, she's crazy when it comes to a guy that she dreamed even before"

"No she's more than crazy than we taught, didn't she think that this situation is not like before, not like onto our other deal, this is not just about me or her it was also about the guy that we are playing"

This is a damn stupid plan especially she make fun of me suffering in this situation that in the first place I didn't want to do but she insist.

"Sam! If possible, stop this already. You are now so affected in every decisions she's making and I'm worried that it might affect you more than what we expect"

"I'm more than affected about this but there she is planning without consulting me how could I succeed on getting revenge for her because in the first place it was all her idea and she just push me to do this"

"She wasn't in her mind when she ask you that, maybe she just got carried away because of how hurt she was when they broke up"

"And she put me in this situation then make me suffer is that it?" I ask with annoyance


"No! She make me do this because in the first place she doesn't like me, you and Maris knew that!!"

"Sam it's already in the past so let's just forget about it"

"No! She never forgive me and she will never forgive on what I've done to her as if it was my fault. She's just not picking the right guy and after it she'll accused anyone just to be free on her own sin. That's what elsa is and you knew that from the start !!!"

"Calm down okay"

"I can't, I just can't "

"Let's talk about it on saturday, so that you both could talk everything even on what happend before so that you could both understand each other"

"She was always the one who are making everything a big deal, you knew and you can see everything when she was giving her side about me."

"Okay stop it sam, you just need a rest. Let's all talk to each other on Sunday so that you both can clear every little things in the both of you.

"I'm sorry, I'll go upstairs now" and without turning back I go to my room and lay down in my bed while my arm is covering my eye's then cry.

I never expect to get back on what she did before, that she did accused me without any evidences that as if I was the only monster in this world.

What I did was all because of her but she make fun and accused me.

What happened before?

We are in high school, as what I've said we all got to know each other since we were kids or a baby I guess so we always got to be classmate in every grade.

We are all still okay, we bond, we travel with each other, we do sports etc. but when we grow up and we became high school we sometimes separate to each other because of love life or something that we don't want to expose to each other even if we all feel like we are sisters.

In high school me and chasie are the very close one while maris and elsa, until we all change partners in crime, me and elsa then maris and chasie.

I wasn't expecting anything from elsa because even before I already knew how is her attitude but when I've got a courage to say to her what I keep to myself about how she act. I told her stop being an attitude girl and she's not mad about it she just laugh at me as if I was saying jokes to her.

Until she got to know our new classmates they are shanny, melanie, brandy and the last is the person she got attach with that is Bryan allison Bernardino.

Bryan got to be close to me and elsa until he also got to be close with chasie and maris.

We all eat with each other, sports with each other, do things with each other and etc. until we all go to a mini party for their friend and they invited us because they already treat us as their new best friends.

Me and elsa was always with each other on that party. Bryan got to see us in a garden drinking but I drink two glass of alcohol but elsa drink a lot.


"Hey! Why are you both here?"

Bryan ask when he saw me and elsa drinking alone then he did sat beside me in my left.

Bryan got Elsa's attention and from that moment I already knew that she has a crush on him.

"Just drinking with elsa" I answered when I saw elsa being mesmerized by Bryan's face, who wouldn't he has a thick eyebrows, dark eyes, pointed nose, kissable lips and a blushing cheeks maybe because of the alcohol.

I'm talking to him without giving him my attention because I know elsa, she loves to misunderstood everything.

"Why don't you both drink with the others?"

"were fine here don't worry" I said then stare at him then saw him staring at me so i avoid his gaze and look back to all the flowers in front of us.

"As you said so" he said then lean on my shoulder maybe because the alcohol got him drunk. I saw in my peripherial vision that elsa was staring at me as if I cause a crime in front of me.

"Tss" I heard her and saw her stand up even if she can't stand straight and walk straight. I just stay on my position while observing Bryan's action.

"I like you" I got shock but I assumed that I didn't heard anything from his mouth because this is a big deal for elsa.

I hold his head and get off his head on my shoulder then stand up to turn my back at him.

But before I go someone hold my arm and make me look at him.

"I mean it sam" he said as if he still know what he was saying right now

"We only knew each other not that long and now your saying that you like me, are you insane?"

I said and get my arm then turn my back at him.

But he hug me in my back as if we were in a movie, making a scene.

"I like you, even the first time that I laid my eyes on you. I know you can feel it sam" yes I can feel it but my friend like you too and I don't want to break our friendship just because of you.

I tear apart his arm around me and turn my eye's at him.

" your just drunk bryan"

"No I'm not I still know what I'm doing, I'm doing what I should have did before"

" are you insane stop this nonsense please" he didn't got to answer me when I run from him and to my surprise Elsa was there crying as if she understand everything we've talked.

*end of flashback*

Its the start of her resentment on me as if I did a crime.

It was also her fault because in the first place why did she leave me alone with him when she already knew what would happen to me and bryan but she let it, she let us talk.

After bryan I decided to stop being friend, we and Elsa,chasie, maris also decided to stop having a guy friend because it can lead me and my friends to tear apart like what we are now facing. We are now starting to stop communicating with each other about our problems and personal problems it was a lot of difference from before and I hate thinking that we ended up on fighting because of a guy.

And history repeat it self again, me and elsa quarrelling because of a guy with the same situation, difference commitment.

I hate thinking that I might hate elsa right now.

And I might leave my personal intention away and get my personal problem to be solve in my own plan without asking help to other especially to elsa.

She brought me In this situation without certainty if I will escape in this plan, situation and game deal.