Chapter 35

Part 35

Day twenty-eight 2

I'm now in my room laying at my bed while staring at the ceiling of my room with a lot of sticky glow in the dark stars and moon.

"Why so beautiful in the night?" I ask in the stars.

*kring kring kring*

I heard my phone rung so I sit and get my phone in my side table and answer without seeing who might be it.

*phone call*


(Baby where are you?)

I got shock to the voice that I'm talking to.

"Kevin?" I peek at my phone screen and i was right.

(baby I'm here in front of your house can you go out for a minute?)

"I'm sorry i wasn't there i come home to my parents"


"Sorry i forget to inform you"

I got so guilty for not telling him but maybe, just maybe I should sustain on doing it so that I could break up him and could used to be alone again without hesitations and variations.

(Its okay baby I understand )

"I'm really sorry"

(Are you going to stay there for good?)

Yes and I wouldn't let you know where would I be cause I don't want you to go here when I officially declared everything.

"N-not yet, my mom just miss me"

(I miss you too baby)

*dug dug dug*

Damn this guy, how can he make me feel this way just by talking sweet tss.

"Corny sir"

(Really?, but I bet you blush)

*dug dug dug*

"If your not going to say something important I'll hung up now"


"What is it?"

(can we have a date on Wednesday?)

Damn our deal's last day was on monday so how could I do this?

(Hey baby are you still there?)

"Ahm yeah yeah"

(so!, I don't take no as an answer baby)

"Tss do I have a choice"

(You doesn't have baby)

"Tss... you asshole"

(Hahahha I'm going I already disturbed you for sure)

"Its okay bye"

(Bye baby, I love you")

I didn't answer so I hung up my phone already because I don't know how could I answer it or if it was a question.

*toot toot toot*

I maybe selfish but I know that this is right for the both of us to move on, in an easy way.

Maybe he can forgive me when the day comes, just maybe I guess.

Hours passed and I heard mom calling me.


I stand up and get out of my room then stare my mom down.

"Let's eat now?"

"I'm coming" and smiled at her.

I slept for almost 10 hours. Am I really that tired to sleep a lot this day instead of make bond with mom and dad.

I brush my hair and get my phone then go downstairs. I walk straight into our dining area then and there I saw aling maisy and other maids that I have closed with before when I'm still young and before i leave this house.

"Hi guys"

"Good afternoon po milady" they all smiled at me and I saw some unfamiliar faces.

"I need to hired new maids baby because our other maids before are now retiring for work"

"I understand mom and besides they all was like a family to us since then"

"Princess how's school?"

"More than fine dad" I said while eating my food.

"Did you already decided on what would you like?"

"I'm still in a state of thinking about it dad"

"You knew that you can work at our company right?"

"I might do ojt in other company dad"

"I understand, but your the only child that I have"

"Yes dad don't worry soon I'll handle our company"

"I'm counting on that princess"

I just nod and continue eating my food. While were eating the silence ate the atmosphere.

We all missed each other but maybe Im just tired on talking too much especially that everytime I wanted to talk all I wanted to say Is to tell my parents what I've been facing right now but for sure they will just tell me that I made this to myself and ofcourse dad would also again tell me that I should stop being friends with them.

I might handle this on myself alone because I'm the one who started this so maybe I should also be the one who will end this. After my mission with kevin I'll forget everything maybe.

I maybe a monster for hurting people but they are more monster for starting the war.

I maybe selfish for loving him in a wrong way but they are more selfish when they hurt someone without them knowing it.

I maybe a liar for loving him but they are a monster for getting my friend beyond their expectations.

So I should be stop being affected because of him. It might lead me to love him without saying my real intentions for the rest of my life.

We finish eating dinner and I decided to watch movies here in our living room with mom who was still eating because of her hormones hahaha.

"Do you want baby?"

"No thanks mom" it's really weird when your eating fries while dipping it in a vinegar what the heck.

We are watching Avengers End Game it was so beautiful to watch it again and again but ofcourse my mom didn't know about it so I let her watch it. This was her first time watching movie for this year because she has been working but right now she needs to stop working for the mean time because of her condition we doesn't want to risk it.

"Huhuhu😭 h-he died" mom was crying hard when the end of the movie came it was when iron man died while his family and co-hero's crying.

And it was because of hormones that's why she's crying a lot.

"Huhuhu😭 honey it was huhuhu so sad"

"I know mom, so you should rest now okay?"

"But I want to watch it again honey!"

"Mom you need to rest now it's already 11 pm"

"But honey last one okay?"


"Yehey" she celebrate as if I agree

"Fine were going to watch it TOMORROW okay?"

"Ayy honey!!"

Hahahah mom's so cute while pouting.

"Mom, I promise we will watch it tomorrow but for now let's rest hmm"

"Fine! As if I have a choice"

"Yes you doesn't have" I hold my mom's hand and help her stand then go to their room upstairs but when my mom's already in her 4 month she will be sleeping here downstairs specially with dad.

My mom was now carrying my new sister or brother and she's now in her 3 weeks but her womb was still tiny maybe because the baby was still a fetus this time.

I will teach my brother or sister a lot but I wouldn't teach him or her about cheating and lying to others because I don't want her or him to feel what am I feeling now just because of our game or deal just to make one of us happy even if it was our sorrow or sadness to make our friends smile and happy.

I'm Samantha Rose Willson 18 yrs. Old not your typical girl. I'm a liar. A heartbreaker