Chapter 39

Part 39

Day thirty

After I cried yesterday night I told mom everything while crying and mom got carried away then cry too especially she's pregnant her hormones came when we were talking.

I just did a 6 hours sleep and I'm now yawning while going down to eat our breakfast.

"Good morning mom" and sat on my seat while mom was staring at me.

"Morning honey. What do you want to eat?" She ask, looking at me while holding a spoon.

"I'm fine with the dish here mom don't worry"

"Okay" and we ate quietly until dad came in the scene.

"Good morning my queen" he did go near mom and kiss her on the cheeks then go near me and kiss me too on the cheeks.

"Good morning my princess"

"Good mood dad?"

"Super princess"

"Why in the mood honey?" Mom ask dad.

"Well I just closed a deal... no scratch it a big deal" and dad smiled happily.

Well I'm happy for him. He was always like that when he got closed a big deal because I know how hard to closed a deal especially that my dad was already in a top 10 richest businessman in the world.

"Oh my congrats honey" mom said then get up and kiss dad again and again.

"Muah...muah...muah" seriously.

"Mom!" I said while giving her an irritated look tss.

"Oh sorry baby do you want to be kiss too?" I got shock and blush. Awkwardness ate me because the memory last night came back on me damn.

Why it's so hot in here. All I know is there are an aircon in every edge of this mansion.

"Princess why are you blushing?" Dad ask that made me come back to my senses.

"Oh my...my baby like it" and mom get near me then kiss me again and again like what she did to dad.


"Mom stop it" and mom stop and they both laugh.

"Hahahhahaa my princess"

"My baby girl hahahahaha"


"I'm going now"

"Why don't we watch movie honey?"

"Mom we already watch a lot yesterday?"

"But this time with your dad honey?"

"Fine I'll just clean up my room" then go out of the dining area and go upstairs to clean my room .

I'm a mess when it comes to my room but being a mess to other place wasn't my attitude. I can still feel embarrassment you know, that's why I'm doing everything to be not a mess.

My life was already a mess when I first saw him and I don't want to be like that until I died.

Kevin's POV

"Woy brad" I've been hearing voices but I didn't mind all of it.

"He might be tired joe"

"Tss. Tired but he already agree on going with us, so he should wake up now before I throw a water in his face tss"

"Your harsh brad hahahaha"



"KEVINNNN" because of irritation I cover my both ear using my pillow.

"Arghh" and continue on my sleep

Minutes passed...

"FUCKING HELL" I got woke up when I felt water in my body. Damn it.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM" Then look at the person who did it.

"We've been waking you up come on brad"

"Who did it?" I said while staring at them intently and angrily"

"I-im not brad" Tony said

Then look at vlad...

"I'm out of this I swear" and raise his hand as if he was surrendering on me.

I look the last person to be the one who did it.


"If you just get up and change so that we could go out now"

"Fuck you to hell" then throw my pillow on him and get up until I heard them laugh tss.

As if they will win over me. I start cleaning myself and decided to wear a simple shirt and pants then rubber shoes then get out of my bathroom.

"Where are we going again?" I ask while looking at my mirror and checking if I already am super handsome now.

"Diane" when I heard it I stare at them.

"What for?"

"Did you forget it's her birthday and she wanted us to come earlier than early you know"

"What the heck.....is she that important for all of you to disturbed me on my sleep?"

"Seriously brad? It's already 1 in the afternoon and you still want to sleep?...oh come on"

"Tss. Fuck you all" then leave my room and heard then follow me.

I go downstairs and walk to our dining area to grab some food because I still didn't eat breakfast and lunch.

"What the hell brad?"

"Were still early don't be paranoid" and look at joe

"What the fuck?"

"Do you really like that diane girl for you to go there early even If the food are still not cook?" I stare at him angrily because he act as if he was her boyfriend.

He become quiet because of my burn words hahahaha.

Oh by the way diane Reed was our childhood friend or more like Joe's childhood crush. His been admiring her even in apart. She live in the Philippines for about 10 years then her parents decided to migrate in states for almost 11 years and now was her come back and also her birthday that's why she would throw a big party for this day.

I don't want to come but this three idiots wanted too and they forced the hell out of me. I should be with my baby instead of coming to this damn fucking party also I have nothing to do there tss.

"Let's go" then get up after minutes. Until I stop in our way out.

"What again?"

"Thinking about it I could possibly doing it hmm" i got a smile on my face i think going to their house and ask her to come would be alright. What a genius mind I have.

"What?" They all said while I continue going to my car and wait for them to come In then start the engine.

"You look stupid brad" vlad said when they look at me smiling like crazy hahahaha..

Minutes by minutes...

"Brad this is not the way?" Joe ask.

"I know" then wink at him

"What the heck!!"-joe

"What the fuck.. are you gay brad? Hahahahaha" Tony ask while laughing

"I'm not into boys asshole" joe said and we all laugh hard hahahahaha

Minutes by minutes we arrived on our destination.

I lowered the window to talk to their guard that are on duty.

"Sir! To samantha willson" then smiled at him.

"What the" joe complained again.

"But I didn't get a notice that miss samantha would be waiting for a guess sir?"

"Sir you can ask her if-"

"Sir kevin?" I heard other guard called me. Do I know him?


"Brad that's miss samantha's boyfriend madam already informed us... did you forgot?" He said while looking at his co-guard.

"I'm sorry sir I forgot to ask your name" then he did open the huge gate they have.

"Its alright don't worry... thanks" then start the engine again.

"What the hell brad is this a subdivision?" Vlad said while his head are out of the window.

"I also thought that too when I first came in, in here"

"You already got here? What a man hahaha" tony while looking outside the window

Until we finally got to their door.



"DAMN THIS HOUSE BRAD" they all got shock when they saw the front door but I'm sure that they will more got shock in the inside.

"Let's go" then walk and climb up the few stairs.

Until someone open the huge door.

"Sir kevin... welcome back again" she was smiling ear to ear

"Ahm.. I was just looking for sam.


"The chandelier are so fucking huge"

"Are we on a palace" damn this three idiots.

"Ahm... come in sir" then she leads us in their living room and we saw sam and her parents watching.

"Mam, sir and miss samantha someone was here" and they all look at us.

"Oh my god.. my future son in-law" and mom run towards me and hug me tight.

"What the hell HONEY!??" I felt awkward when I saw sam's dad staring at me like I did a crime.

"Hon I just miss this little boy" and she did pinch my both cheek.

"Hehehe" I felt my throat lost a water damn.

"What are you doing here?" I heard my baby ask that's why I look at her. She was so beautiful even if she was just in a simple clothes. Damn I'm so fucking happy that she was Mine.

"Come here little boy si-" mom stop when she saw my friends from my back.

"Ahm..they are my friends mom"

"Good afternoon po to all of you"

"Good afternoon madam, sir and ofcourse sam"

"Good afternoon mam, sir and sam" they were bowing while greeting them

"Good afternoon too... come in and sit comfortably okay" we all walk and sat on their couches.

"Hon tell them to cook a food for the visitors"

"Don't mind mom we just came here to ask if we can invite sam... it's our friend's birthday"

"Oh really?... who has a birthday here?"

"Ahm the birthday girl wasn't here mom"

"Really?... baby?" Mom said and look at sam.

"Do I know the celebrant?" She said while raising her eyebrows at me that made me chuckle.

"You don't but I do and I want you to come incase you think that I might cheat on you because there's a lot of girls there." I said and saw her reaction change to a calm way.

"Tss as if I care" then she look away. She really is so damn cute.

"Baby, your boyfriend was asking you in a calm way"


"She'll come" I heard her dad talked.


"I know your bored so go with them... I already trust your boyfriend?" And his looking at me like 'don't you dare do things that I don't like'

Damn I respect their daughter more than anything but kissing him wasn't on my respect list.

"I will sir...always"

"Just call me dad... because my wife was fond of you and already wishing you to be her grandson"

"Because she will hon...right baby?" I stare at sam then saw sadness, scared and confusion on her eye's.

"Don't worry mom-" I look at her and saw sadness on her face. " I'll do everything for us to end up together" then smile at her but she just looked away.

"Aww... his so sweet"

"Princess... go change now" sam walk without looking at us again.

Did I do something that she doesn't like or talk something?

Why did she gave that look on me as if I would break what I said.

I know that I'm not a perfect boyfriend but whenever it's my future I'll do anything even if the impossible to be possible because I already fall for her and I would do every fucking way for us to still be together in the future until our lifetime here in the world.

I would love her more than myself and more than everything in this world.

I wouldn't break my promises.

I wouldn't...