Chapter 44

Part 44

Day thirty-one 2

Sam's POV

I'm now in our room waiting for our professor and the class are still incomplete.

"Hey later on what would you going to do?" Chasie change his chair for the meantime and she was now infront of me asking questions.

"Tss... I don't know okay!" Its really irritating that she was asking me any kind of questions even if I already answered it but thinking that she was just worried it made me think twice before being irritated to her.

"Two days it is....then on wednesday was the right time... stop asking for more days because I won't allow you again to her yourself" it made me looked at her with a hurt expression because I just think that asking for more days was meant to hurt myself than making memories with him to treasure.

This will be the last I swear because i can't bear on lying to him with more days it's making me feel nervous everytime I'm with him that wanting me to tell him the truth. Nervousness was eating me so damn much than I thought.

I smiled at her "this would be the last don't bother to make me remember it, besides you knew that I already hurt myself" then gave her an assurance.

"I told you, you can tell him whenever you want"

"But I just can't without completing it seriously, that's our rules."

"We all can destroy that rules because we all are also the one who did that rules."

"I'm fine don't worry"


"Yeaaah our bro are now a big boy" we heard tony said while coming in with his friends especially with kevin infront of them.

Kevin was looking at me happily. Did something happened that made him in the mood that much.

They all sat on their respective seats. Kevin sat in my back and I can feel his presence then I can sense him staring at me genuinely because its giving me chills in my whole body at the same time goosebumps.

Chasie wanted to tell something on me but our professor was just came in and we are all still not complete maybe the others doesn't want to attend classes in him.

"Okay... donny close the door" and our president in class did it.

"So let's continue to our topic last week"

And blah blah blah.

I don't know but I just can't focus on his topic.

Can't understand every word that our prof are talking. If I'm still under samantha's spell I would go out without giving them my attention because I was so bored to do that and my friends would go follow me on where I would go, but damn I can't feel anything to do that now.

Now just by thinking that to do, my nervousness was eating me. Then my body was so stiffened on my seat.

"Are you okay?" That was a whisper in my ear but my body respond to it in a way that I can't feel anything but my heart beating so fast as hell.

I nod without looking at him. I'm still stiff to look at him that's why I just nod so I guess he saw it without looking at him.

Time passed and it's already our second subject but I'm still wasn't paying attention in every people that are talking to me until I can't resist on talking to him.

"I'm fine I swear"

"Maybe your not feeling well?" He ask while letting me see his worried face.

After our first subject he ask my seatmate to change seat for a while and he did carry the chair close to my chair but damn my heart.

*dug dug dug*

Every feeling that I shouldn't feel is now making me nervous for feeling that all just by because his presence.

"Later after class... let's d-date?" I stare at him while he was looking at me with a shock expression. I've think everything since yesterday so I came up to an idea that I should treasure our last moment the way a couple should do.

"Y-you kidding?" I smiled at him genuinely that make him smile. Lasts days should be our lasts memories together maybe.

"I-I just think. Ever since we didn't date the way we wanted" we were staring at each other. I know he wanted to search something on my eye's but he can't find the right answer that he wanted.

"I'm not against it baby"

*dug dug dug*

"I-im glad then"

"Good morning sorry I'm late... so let's proceed now."

Kevin did arrange his seat to his usual arrangement and as what I'm thinking he didn't go back to his seat on my back and my seatmate didn't demand so I guess he was okay with it tss.

Our professor is sir servantes and I'm not anymore in a mood to start a quarrel with him. Well after month he changed I guess because he wasn't spitting on me especially in my friends.

I'm glad that everything around me has changed and I'm the only one who didn't change. Hitting on guys and hurting them and I'm still doing it again and again.

Hours passed and it's already our 3hours break, we are now in our school canteen.

Kevin and his friend didn't ate with us because they still have something to do as what they said.

"Maris already told us what you wanted!" I smiled at elsa and nod as if saying yes without speaking.

"Are you really sure about it?"-chasie

"I planned on finishing everything this day but he did asked me for a date, so I did think on doing it after that so maybe I could have more time on how to plan it smoothly without feelings attach." Even if I'm the one who ask him.

"Well if that was your plan, we doesn't have a choice then!"-Elsa

"Just trust me I'll finish it the way it was" I said while staring at elsa who was also worried about me doing this all kind of things without me planning it with them.

"Just... don't hurt yourself" that made me smile... after everything that we did to each other she still care and the way were okay now, I shouldn't waste it because elsa are complicated to read.

And I can't accept the fact that I already betray her for loving the man she once loved.