Luna's POV
Lorenzo was very quick to give me an exceptional contract the very next day. All key points were in my favor though it may seem that this contract is too good. Just imagine being a new model and be promised a high class project right away! People would not let such a juicy story be untold and it would damage my plan right from the very start. So even if I appreciate the effort of Lorenzo for making the contract pretty much cradling me like a baby for my whole time as a model in his agency I couldn't take it as it is.
So I requested him to come home for lunch and there I would make minor changes in the contract. Meanwhile I am busy preparing Lorenzo's favorite dishes more as a peace offering because I would be disregarding his hard work on my contract later. Hehehe, I hope he would take it lightly.
Half an hour later I have just set the dining table for the two of us to enjoy our lunch together when I hear the front door opening and Lorenzo calling my name.
"Luna! Where are you?" I hear him ask from the sala.
"I'm in the dining room dear!" I readily fixed my clothes and hair to look more presentable.
As Lorenzo entered the room I smiled and yelled, "Surprise!"
"Oh wow! The food looks good! Lets eat!" Lorenzo expressed, inviting me whiles he sat down and immediately scooping rice from the bowl on to his plate. Seeing him eating my food with so much joy made my heart flutter. I wouldn't say I'm a good cook but I at least do know how to prepare dishes. When I was still Rafael's girlfriend I would usually experiment with different dishes as I wanted to appease him more but whenever I would cook he would usually scold me because the food tasted bad or it was not to his liking and we would end up ordering online or going out to eat in a fancy restaurant, but seeing Lorenzo joyfully devour the food in front of him without hesitation made me feel this certain feelings I've personally never felt before. As I was think about it I felt a tap on my shoulder which caught my attention.
"Why are you not eating? Is something wrong? Do you not like the food in front of you? I can call Daisy (one of the maids) to make something new from the kit—," he started rambling on and I just stopped him right at his tracks.
"Everything's fine! I was just thinking of something. Do you like the food?" I swayed the topic elsewhere so that no further questions would come up.
"The foods great! I think I need to ask who cooked this later. I'll give him or her a raise. You should try it!"
"Then I guess you will be giving me a raise,"
"You're the one that cooked this? Wow I didn't know my wife was a good cook,"
"Oh please! Don't flatter me too much! There's more from where that came from,"
"Then I'd want to taste more from where this came from, and let me tell you I wouldn't let you off my bed when that happens," he joked making me tense. My mind rushing back to that dreadful night when my v-card was taken because of certain people. My head suddenly ached and I was getting dizzy making me stand up and rush to the bathroom to puke out all the food I've already eaten. I felt disgusting but I was surprised when Lorenzo brushed and held my hair to the side as I was still vomiting into the toilet bowl.
"I think I should get you to the doctor,"
"I'm fine! Maybe I just ate something bad that's all. You don't have to worry about me,"
"Okay, but at least rest for the day. I could stay here until 2 P.M. before my next meeting starts so I could take care of you,"
"I'm perfectly fine! You don't have to take care of me —,"
"I insist," he cut me off and ending our conversation with just two words. He's the boss I guess.
~A few moments later~
Lorenzo carried me bridal style to our bedroom and went to get some medicine for me. While he was gone I thought of the perfect time to tell him about the contract so we could discuss it properly. When he came back, I handed him the revised contract so he could read and finalize it.
"Was there something wrong with your contract?" He raised his eyebrow while asking.
"The contract was perfectly fine it was just that it was too perfect and I would end up garnering unwanted attention from on lookers if I took it. I really appreciate your efforts for giving me a very good contract it's just that it's not the right time for that." I tried to reason out but his face looked grimmer and grimmer by the passing minute. Then suddenly he stood up and left the room leaving me all alone.
I stayed quite until he walked back in and told me everything was set so that tomorrow I could already start working as a model of K.M.A. making me jump in joy. Whiles I was jumping in joy I jumped on Lorenzo kissing him on the lips before pulling away realizing what I just did.
When I looked up to him I saw him holding his lips smirking at me making me blush harder. What have I done! 😱