A friendly date

The club was filled with bright neon lights and loud music. The DJ was jumping on his podium while people danced like zombies on the dance floor.

Marco led Luna to the bar and ordered two sets of vodka shots lined up on narrow wooden plates. As Luna sat down next to Marco, the drinks were already being poured by the bartender in front of them. When the drinks were finally served, Luna immediately took hers and drank it continuously. Feeling the burn in her throat, Luna squinted her eyes and pulled her tongue out. Laughing at her expression Marco drank his keeping never taking his eyes off her.

"Seems like Mrs. Khan likes to drink? What did Mr. Khan do to make you this sad to drink like a dehydrated drunkard?"

"Didn't I already tell you? He was getting it on with his FRIEND," Luna emphasized.

"Well then, let's drink some more! Two more shot sets! You like vodka?" Marco asked Luna.

Shaking her head, Luna faced the bartender, "I want the strongest liquor you've got! And make make it 4 sets."

"You sure? We might get in trouble with Mr. Khan..." Marco whisper in Luna's ear.

"If he can f*ck then I can drink. Besides I can pay for the drinks don't worry. I'm used to drinking, social parties usually have wine my dear Marco," Luna smirked and teased Marco by licking the rim of his ear. Looking at Marco's stupefied expression made Luna clap as she bent her head backwards laughing at his face.

Picking up his shot glass, Marco's eyes darkened. "So Mrs. Khan is very naughty, why don't we get out of here and I'd put your naughtiness to the test?"

"I just caught my husband cheating, I'll pass on that. But if we annul, I'll surely remember your offer," Luna winked chugging two shots one after the other. As her throat felt the burn, she began to cough, "Woah! That is strong..." *cough* *cough*

"I told you!" Marco winked making Luna's face sour.

The rest of the night was of Marco and Luna dancing on the dance floor and goofing around with the occasional teasing to one another. Their drinking adventure ended at around 3 AM but it didn't stop them from exploring the local late night shops. As the two got to know each other, the sun began to rise. As the dark sky began to brighten, the two found themselves beginning to feel sleeping.

As Marco's resort was much closer than where Luna was staying they half-asleep walked there leaning on each other for support. Checking in to a new room, Marco brought the sleeping Luna to the bed and gently laid her there. After making sure she was fast asleep he left the room to go to the next corridor to enter his own room.


As Lorenzo was franticly walking in circles thinking of Luna's whereabouts, he heard a knock on the door. Right in front of him was Luna with wet hair and a brand new outfit bought from the local shops.

Pushing the door open, Luna walked in and began to get her bags. "Where have you been and what the f*ck are you doing," Lorenzo asked rushing to her.

As Lorenzo tried to stop her from putting her clothes in her suitcase Luna pulled her arm back, "Don't you dare touch me. I'm going back home, if you want to stay here with your b*tch then you are free to do so. You didn't have to bring me here so that you can meet your wh*re."

"Just let me explain! I didn't mean for Alex to do that!"

"Oh so ALEX just threw herself at you and magically unbuttoned your shirt while YOU were kissing her?" Luna bitterly smiled walking passed Lorenzo to get more of her stuff.

"YES!" Lorenzo exclaimed following her to the bathroom as Luna was getting her toiletries.

"Really now? A woman would be able to pin you down and do those things to you without you trying to push her away? You're a grown man Lorenzo at least make a better excuse," Luna bumped his shoulder while exiting the bathroom and getting her bags.

Hugging Luna by the shoulders, Lorenzo began to apologize, "I'm sorry for what happened but you have to believe me! Please don't leave me...please..."

Pushing him off of her, Luna faced him and slapped his left cheek. Taken aback by the impact Lorenzo was shocked. "I genuinely thought you were better than him, but turns out I was wrong, AGAIN! You're not better, you're even worse than him! To think that I was about to give you a chance to really make this arrangement real, good thing I discovered your schemes right before I had the chance to fall. So F*CK YOU Lorenzo! F*ck you!" Luna angrily said as she had tears streaming down her face. As she walking out of the room, Luna looked up and stared at the clear blue sky.

"Why me?" Knowing that no answer would be replied to her stupid question, Luna kept on walking to Marco's waiting van.

On the way, she bumped into an old woman selling pendants. Helping the woman up, Luna kept on apologizing. As the woman began to stare at her, Luna felt creeped out. "This brings luck my dear," the old woman handed her a necklace with a moon and sun pendant.

"No thank you, I don't have cash with me," Luna refused handing the necklace back.

"It's made with pure gold dear, it brings good luck," the woman insisted.

Looking at the vintage necklace and hearing the crazy proclamation of the woman, Luna had no choice but to accept it. At least it looked nice.

Taking it and putting it in her pocket, Luna began to leave again when the old woman stopped her. "I'd be very wary if I was you Luna dear, the world is a scheming world but you are destined to reach higher heights," the old woman smiled and began to walk away.

Hearing her name being said by the old woman she had just met made Luna's mouth to hang open with shock. As she was about to chase after the woman, the woman was suddenly gone! "That was strange," Luna thought. Feeling her pocket, she pulled out the necklace and said, "but it definitely wasn't a dream."

Wearing the necklace around her neck Luna walked towards the entrance of the resort to meet with Marco as just as planned.