Now What?

Saint was about to head out of the house when he suddenly felt nauseous. He ran to the toilet and vomitted the contents of his stomach. After, he felt so weak and dizzy so he decided to cancel his plans and just stay in and rest.

It has been happening for a few days now - the dizziness and the vomitting and the general tiredness. At first, he thought it was just the common flu so he didn't worry. But its been over a week and he still feels terrible so he decided he'll go for a check up later today, just to be sure.

He called the clinic and booked an appointment for this afternoon. Thankfully, his stomach has settled down enough for him to go meet the doctor.

But he wasn't expecting the result of the check-up.

"Congratulations! You're five weeks pregnant."

He was pregnant.

And the father of the child? He can never know.


Five weeks ago...


"What are you looking at your phone?"

Saint tried to hide his phone screen from Mean but his best friend was too fast and already saw what he was looking at - a picture of Perth that one of his schoolmates sent him.

Mean rolled his eyes. "It's Perth again, I should have known. You know what, why don't you just confess and tell him you think he's the greatest Alpha that walked this planet and that you want to have a million babies with him?"

"Mean!" He blushed and looked around to make sure no one heard his friend's nonsense.

"What? You're pining Saint and I don't understand why. You have a line of suitors that are just waiting for you to notice them but your eyes have always been on that kid. And yet you won't make your move."

"It's not like that."

"Really? Because I distinctly remember you whining to me about the omega who hugged him the last time."

"He looked uncomfortable! She should have respected his boundaries!"

Mean gave him an unimpressed look.

Saint sighed. "Okay, fine. I like him. But he's surrounded by cute, tiny omegas - you know, like omegas should be. Not THIS." He gestured to his tall frame. "Plus, I'm older than him. Alphas like younger omegas right?"

"Way to stereotype. My omega is older than me and I love him just as he is. Speaking of my bonded, he's close to your dream alpha and he happened to tell me he and his friends are having a party this Saturday. Why don't you go?"

"Uh because I'm not invited?"

Mean texted someone on his phone and then after a short pause he said, "You are now." He showed Saint his conversation with his omega, Plan.

'Yeah, I already told Perth I'm bringing a friend aside from my bonded. Tell Saint.'

"What?! But that's two days away! What am I supposed to wear?! What am I supposed to say?!"

"Hey hey, calm down. Don't overthink this. Just go there and have fun."

Apprehensive but excited, Saint took Mean's advice to heart and just decided not to overthink what will happen.

And just like that, Saturday night arrived.

Saint was in Plan and Mean's apartment to meet the bondmates since they were all going to the party together.

"You look stunning, Saint," Plan praised.

"Thanks P'Plan. You look gorgeous as well," Saint said.

"Just one more thing." Plan showed him a plain black leather choker. "I'm not saying Perth will bite you but bonding is a serious matter that sometimes get committed due to too much alcohol. You don't have to go through that if you're not 100% sure."

"Plan..." Mean said, feeling guilty because he and Plan bonded when they were drunk out of their minds.

"Shut up Mean. You know I consented to the bonding beforehand. I wanted that as much as you did. And this isn't about us." Plan shook the choker a little in front of Saint whose face was as red as a tomato. "So...should I put this on you?"

Saint nodded shyly and allowed Plan to clasp the choker on his neck, covering the tender spot on his neck where his bonding gland was nestled under his skin. He had never worn a protection choker like this before but he heard it's a common thing among unbonded omegas, especially during parties.

"Perfect. Now let's go. I'm ready to party!" Plan exclaimed, dragging both Mean and Saint out of the house.

Once at the party, Saint immediately spotted Perth. He was, as expected, surrounded by admirers - omegas and betas alike.

"Perth!" Plan called out to his friend.

Perth turned to their direction, excused himself from the people surrounding him and walked towards them. "Hey P'Plan, glad you can make it."

"Wouldn't miss it. Hey so you already know Mean." Plan paused as Perth and Mean greeted each other. "Now I want you to meet Saint."

"Hi P'Saint. Nice to finally meet you. I've seen you on campus but I haven't had the chance to talk to you."

"It's nice to meet you too." Saint was glad that the light was somewhat dim because he was sure he's blushing right now.

"Why don't you two get to know each other while we go get some drinks? Let's go Mean."

Before Saint can protest, Plan and Mean already left.

"When P'Plan said he's bringing a friend, I didn't expect he'd bring the most beautiful omega on campus. Must be my lucky day."

Saint nearly melted with Perth's smile but he tried to keep his cool. "Oh you're just flattering me."

"Not at all. In fact, right now, nothing would make me happier than if you'd dance with me."

Charmed, Saint took Perth's offered hand and let the Alpha lead him to the dance floor. He could feel stares boring through his back. "Everyone's watching."

Perth gently pulled him closer and looked into his eyes. "Don't worry about them. Tonight it's just you and me."

One dance turned into another, which turned to hours of talking as drinks got involved. Mean, who gave them refills, sent a meaningful look at his bestfriend before whisking his omega away.

Saint knew that look. It's Mean's way of saying 'go for it'. Usually, he'd just ignore Mean's teasing but tonight, he's made bolder by who knows how many glasses of alcohol so he threw his inhibitions out the window.

Saint and Perth ended up in one of the rooms in the house, messily kissing and undressing each other.

Once their shirts were off, Perth gently pushed Saint on the bed and admired the way Saint's pale skin looked against the red sheets. "God, you're so beautiful. Can't believe I get to have you."

Saint subconsciously tilted his neck, an age-old instinct for Omegas that are near impossible for Alphas to ignore.

It was no surprise that Perth pounced on him right then, straddling him and kissing him - his tongue battling for dominance that Saint easily conceeded.

Perth then lavished kisses at Saint's jaw, continuing lower and nipping at the exposed skin on top of his choker before going even lower.

Saint gasped when Perth bit his nipple, soothing the sting with a lick. He did the same to Saint's other nipple and then he licked his way down the omega's abdomen, dipping his tongue on his navel.

"P-perth..." Saint stuttered when Perth did not go any further than above his pants' waistband. "Stop teasing me."

Perth grinned against Saint's skin. "So impatient." He then unzipped Saint's jeans and helped him take that and his underwear off, leaving Saint naked except for the choker at his neck.

"You have no idea how sexy you look right now," Perth said, his eyes full of reverence as he took in the picture Saint made - his hair in disarray, mouth kiss-bitten, pale skin marked red.

He looked debaunched and tonight at least, he was all Perth's.

Perth quickly got rid of his pants and underwear, Saint's eyes following him as he stalked back on top of Saint like a predator about to devour its meal. His arms on either side of Saint bracketing him in was really just a show of dominance, more than anything else.

"Mine," Perth growled, the Alpha in him urging him to stake his claim on this beautiful omega.

And the omega in Saint was responding to the dominance display. "Yours."

He grinded down on him and swallowed Saint's gasps by covering his mouth with his own. He took Saint's member in hand and began jerking him off, pleased by the sounds his omega was making.

He broke the kiss so he can watch Saint get undone by his hand. And what a lovely sight it was for the Alpha, especially when Saint whimpered as Perth started to play with the omega's hole, his natural lubricant making it easier for the Alpha to prepare him. He inserted first one finger and then two fingers, scissoring them in order to loosen him up. He added one more finger and then deliberately slid them in and out, teasingly slow.

"Perth, Alpha, more," Saint whined. He could no longer take the teasing. He wants Perth and he wants him now.

"Tell me what you want, my omega."

"You know what I want."

"I wanna hear you say it."

"F-fuck me, Alpha." Saint didn't think those words would ever come out of his mouth.

Perth grinned. "As you wish, my omega." He removed his fingers and replaced it with his cock.

Saint grunted as Perth entered him. Even with preparation, he could still feel a slight pain as Perth's generous member pierced through him. But he knew the pleasure would be all worth it.

Once he was burried to the hilt, Perth pulled out until only the tip of his cock was in Saint and then he slammed back in, ensuing a brutal pace that left Saint moaning and gasping in pleasure.

He wasn't even aware he was screaming "yes!" and "more!" as Perth continued to fuck him. All thoughts left his mind and only sensations were left, especially when Perth's knot began to form and kept catching on to his rim with every slide out.

"Let go, my omega," Perth whispered to his ear and just like that, Saint came.

With one smooth move, Perth was all the way in, knotting Saint and coming inside him.


Present day...

And therein lies the problem. He thought it was okay for Perth to knot him since he was not in heat but apparently he underestimated how fertile he is.

'Shit. Now what?'