Chapter 2

Chapter II

Zarra's trembling hands shed a teardrop that escaped through her now wrinkled face. Memories of the past had once again played on her mind. For the past fifty years, these memories seem to be running and chasing her all the time. She can't help herself but to weep and to be strong enough to face it, face the reality of what had transpired after that night's incident.

She is now a widow and a grandmother. The only elder left in the Dimacanga-- their noble clan, the clan she once turned her back on, and the clan behind the execution of Zacary.

"Popo..." She felt a hand gently tapped her now frail shoulder. She looks up to meet a pair of hazel brown eyes of her seventeen year-old granddaughter. The trace of innocence drawn on those bright windows crept through her veins. She was once that delicate lady who was so alive, so full of hope, so full of dreams.

"I have been looking for you." Her arms hurriedly cross path together as she speaks, brows gently crease.

"It is too dangerous to be alone on this lake. You'll never know someone might harm you." Jamella sat down beside Popo, her grandmother. It wasn't her first time to find the old woman to be in such place. Especially on times like this, times where the sun is about to set.

"I know you knew where to find me, this is the only place I go to," replied her grandmother with a knowing smile, staring blankly at the horizon.

Jamella did not answer and for a moment stared at her grandmother who is seem to be caught in a deep thought. She then let out a deep sigh and turned to face the view. The cold breeze has made its way to where the two were placed. Her pale face was stung by the coolness it brought and had caused her covered hair to be revealed. She gently wrapped her loose veil to hide the lustrous waves that had escaped.

"Say Jamella..."

The girl turns to face her grandmother again, now meeting those gentle black marbles. Just looking at her Popo brings serenity to her soul. How Ironic, for she knows that the woman she loves dearly is the one who had brought tragedy to her life.


"Did you not forget to water your mother's garden again?"

The brightness on the girl's face fades as soon as her grandmother said those words. Goodness! She forgot the Lilies, the Roses, the Sampaguitas and Gumamelas! May the soul of her loving mother be merciful enough of her forgetfulness! She hates it when her flowers are being neglected.

"The day hasn't ended yet Popo," replied the girl sheepishly "I'll water them as soon as we get back home."


"Promise Popo!" she added, countering the chance of being reprimanded. "I won't forget this time."

The old widow just lost it in a deep sigh, shakes her head then taps her grandchild's head.

"My poor thing..." She put her granddaughter's head on her shoulder then gently hugs her body. "You must have missed your mother so much, I'm sorry for being thoughtless. I'll forever be."

"You did nothing wrong Popo." Jamella slowly moves away from her Popo's embrace and looked at her eyes intensely. "I always miss Mother but it doesn't mean that I am sad. I still got Father and Sarrah and Khalil and you," she added as she smiles reassuringly.

"I know her death still grieves you, I know it my child. If only I did not commit such act your mother could have been alive---"

"Stop blaming yourself Popo! You are neither the one who killed her nor the reason of her death. It's her Kad'r."

The girl holds her grandmothers hand and held it tightly.

"You did not wish for this to happen Popo. It was love, and love makes a person forget what is right and what is wrong."

Her words hit Zarra's heart deeply. Oh how lucky she is for having such a child! How merciful her Lord could be for granting her child like Jamella despite of the horrifying sin she had committed!

Fresh tears had once again run through her cheeks. "Oh my dearest, will you not cry? It wounds my heart deeply," cried her grandchild, hugging her closely on her arms.

Just then, loud continuous thuds were heard from the forest not far from where they were seated. It sounds like they were horses' steps. Soon enough horrible noises were heard, and they both know it is from the Linaw—their village.

"I'll go home Popo!" said Jamella, rising up hurriedly.

"I'll come too!"

"No Popo! Stay here for a while. It will be dangerous for you to go home right now. The Kansuays are surely in our village!"

"But it will be dangerous for you too my love! Stay with me here until it is finally safe for us to go home." Zarra begs, holding her grandchild's hands.

"What about Sarrah? I left her sleeping in her room. I need to get back! I'll come back for you as soon as it is already safe."

Zarra was helpless; she knows she can't stop Jamella. She puts her grandchild's hands down and held her head again, kissing the girl's forehead genuinely. "Be careful my child! My the Lord of all the universe shield you with His protection."

"Bismillahi Tawakaltu Al'Allah ya Popo. La ta Kaf, wa la Tahzan. Inna Laha Ma'ana." The girl kissed her grandmother's hand before bidding goodbye.