
chapter 13

You could hear the music long before entering the hall. The melodious sound greeted me and my anticipation grew immensely. My heart beat fasted and my breath lodged in my throat. what if the vampires could still smell me what if they recognized me and tried to kill me here. was I really going to walk into a room where if this half-assed plan didnt work I would be walking into my grave? was I completely crazy.

"Breathe Lena." Killian placed his hand on mine where it lay on his arm bringing me back to the present and halting my growing panic and doubt. "It will work. besides I wont leave your side you are my life bonded, my wife, love, no one messes with a demons wife unless the wish the fury of hell on their soul."

He said the last with such mirth filled malice that if it had been directed at me I would have begged for mercy. knowing he would protect me to those lengths my worries eased. I took a deep breath. " Thank you Killian. let's go in before I chicken out and run our room and lock us in."

"Tepmteing as that is we must enter or the vanpired will take our absence as a slight against them and demand payment from me and we dont want to bring too much attention to you." Killian's lips curved up and his eyes lit with heated promise. his fingers brushed me cheek as he leaned in and gave me a lingering kiss before pulling me through the door and into the ball room.

The sight is breathtaking. Tall 20 or more foot ceilings supported around the edges with carved white marble columns. The center of the room is clear for dancing, but in between each column is either a table with expensive food or sitting areas decked out in blues and lavenders. Waiters dressed in white suits with royal blue cumberbuns and pocket squares meander through the guests offering trays or wine or sparkling ciders. This party was extremely expensive and I began to feel out of place.

Killian placed a comforting hand on the small of my back and guided me further into the room as he began to mingle with others. I smiled politely but I was deaf to all but pounding of my heart in my ears.

"Relax Love. your looking like a deer in headlights and not like a newly marriage bonded woman. We dont want them get suspicious of you and look closer do we?" Killian whispered in my ear as though he whispered bedroom talk instead of comfort and reminders. I leaned into him to play along and admittedly I thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of his arms snaking their way around my hips.

" Come lets go have our first dance, Love. We'll this is like a party for our bond. let loose. Have fun." his smile lit up his grey eyes as the barest hint of gold rimmed the edges. Taking my hand he twirled me around as I laughed deciding to make the best of this night and try my best to ignore the vampires till I had to acknowledge them.

The music stopped as doors at the end of the room atop a set of stairs opened. Elias along with two other weres came out first, shortly followed by a group of vampires. Most so tall and and thin, to the point of looking emaciated. They didnt carry the grace or poise that the Fey typically do.

My breath catches at one stands out.Tall and thin, but with the body of a professional runner, as opposed to the wraith-like features of the others. His hair so blonde it looked almost white. A few peices fromt the front are pulled back into a lose braid while the rest cascads down his back to his waist. His features slightly feminine but beautifully handsome. Silvery grey eyes with a halo of red around the iris. His clothes the same white with silver embroidery from my dream. even the rapier is tied to his waist.

An idea blossoms in my head as i think about the dream and how to get out from under the vampires death bragaide. And possibly avoid the apocalyptic dream I had. But if it went wrong it could mean my inevitable death. would it be worth the risk?