chapter 13

Ermanno had brought Rose to one of his mother's restaurant.

Sabrina ran few non-profitable workplaces like a restaurant, grocery stores where people from certain areas can buy daily items for cheap rates and many homeless shelters.

She even gave jobless people work in these places.

Presently they both were seated in one of those restaurants.

Ermanno knew someone from this place would call Sabrina and inform her that he and Rose were here.

Rose was nervous and was afraid to look at Ermanno.

Ermanno was looking at Rose and said "look at me"

Rose looked up and he continued "how have you been?"

Rose was shocked at what Ermanno asked and just nodded.

"Rose I am very well aware that you have a big mouth and can speak very well. So I expect you to answer when I ask you a question and not just nod" said Ermanno.

Rose nodded and then said "ok".

"Good girl. Now, I heard you completed your degree early. That's impressive. What are your plans next?" Asked Ermanno.

"Maybe get a job. I haven't thought that far. I finished my studies so that I could come home" said Rose.

"Were you welcomed with open arms?" Asked Ermanno.

"I am glad to be back. I know it will take time but they are my parents. They will warm up" said Rose.

"Its been 5 years. Do you think they will ever warm up?" Asked Ermanno.

Rose bit her lower lip and looked down at her lap.

"Look Rose we both are going through the same situation. I love my parents and I suppose you love yours too. And being rejected or ignored by them I know it hurts. Maybe we can redeem ourselves in their eyes." Said Ermanno.

"How?" Asked Rose.

"Marry me and we both together can show them we have moved on from our past and are ready to move forward and build a stable future together," said Ermanno.

"Y-you w-want to m-marry m-me?" Asked Rose.

"Yes. Look, Rose. I know your parents blame you for being responsible for your sister's death just because I said so. They chose me over you. Fuck my family tried convincing me that you had nothing to do with it and you were a child who only supported your sister. But your parents couldn't wait to agree with me. So you can see the influence I have on them. Even now your mom didn't think twice to send you with me. I can put a good word for you to your parents and they will love you again." said Ermanno.

Rose looked at Ermanno in disbelief.

"What are you thinking," asked Ermanno.

"I .. I just.. I. " Stumbled Rose.

"Say what you have to say, Rose." Said Ermanno with all seriousness.

"I don't know what to say to you Ermanno. You seem to believe you live in the highest pedestal where what you say is law and what you want is presented to you in a silver platter. Just cause you have a high IQ doesn't make u a perfect human. FYI I am not so desperate for your charity to get some pretentious love from my parents. And for you. You are the most impractical person I have ever met in my life. First, you blame me for my sister's death. When it was clear she died in a car accident. I spent 5years of my life alone and now you want me to marry you cause you want to make your image better in your parent's eyes. I am not a toy you can play around Ermanno. Please stop using girls as toys who will do anything you want if you turn their key."

Sabrina was seated in her side of the mansion looking at pictures of girls for marriage.

Ella, Sabina, Ambryl and Alena were seated with her looking at the pictures too.

"This is not working. This looks desperate" said Sabina.

"You were the one who suggested it," said Ella.

"Yes. I did but I didn't think it would be this bad. Look at these girls, I don't think they have the energy to carry a purse let alone a child. Look at this portfolio. Look what's written. This girl will not get pregnant ever and if the boy wants to have a child they will get it through surrogacy. These are too many demands" said Sabina.

"I am going to drop this plan of getting them married through arrange marriage." Said Ambryl.

Sabrina had a long face looking at all the girls. She still couldn't get Rose out of her mind.

Sabrina was still in deep thought when her phone rang.

It was an employee from her restaurants and she had called to tell her that Ermanno was there with a girl and said she will send a picture.

"He took a girl to that restaurant?" Asked Ambryl with a foul face.

Sabrina looked at her and she corrected "I mean.. you know..."

"I serve hearty food there. Not pretentious, microscopic food" said Sabrina.

"Yes. I know. I am sorry" said Ambriel.

"It's ok. Let's see who the girl is" said Sabrina and opened the image and screamed in excitement.

It was Rose with Ermanno.

"What do we do?" Asked Sabrina.

"Duh.. let's go and act all casual and find out what they are doing there," said Ella.

"Do you think it's a good idea?" asked Sabrina.

"Hell ya," said Alena.

"OMG I am so excited," said Ambryl.

Sabrina and the gang walked in the restaurant and spotted Ermanno.

Ermanno was listening to what Rose was saying and was about say something but spotted Sabrina approaching them.

He looked back at Rose and said "behave"

Rose didn't understand what he meant but looked back at what he opened was looking and saw Sabrina with Ermanno's aunts.

Ermanno got up and hugged his mom. Sabrina hugged him back and broke the hug and looked at Rose and said "Rose, it's so nice to see you again"

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs Devonte and all of you too," said Rose addressing the others.

"What's happening here?" asked Ambryl.

"Just showing off one of my mom's restaurants," said Ermanno.

"Mind if we join you," asked Alena.

"Of course. Anything for the most beautiful women in the world." Said Ermanno.

All the women laughed and sat with them.

Few chairs were brought in and everyone sat down.

Sabrina sat between Rose and Ermanno.

They ordered coffee and some snacks and talked some small talks.

Rose smiled and laughed and answered everything the women threw at her from can you cook to your thoughts on surrogacy.

Rose felt a bit awkward answering them but she answered them anyways

"If a woman for some reason can't conceive then yes surrogacy is a good idea. But if there are no issues like that, natural birth is I think good. I mean every woman should experience motherhood once in her life" said Rose.

All the women were happy with her answer.