Rose was talking to the maid and the nanny to know about what Xavier likes for breakfast and his school schedule and his likes. 

"Xavier is not that picky. Sabrina mam has taught him to be thankful for the food which he has." Said Tara, the nanny.

Rose smiled and said "mummy taught him well. But he must be having some favorites" 

"He loved Italian dishes and Indian sweets. And can you guess why?" Asked Tara smiling.

"Hmm.. What else can it be. Mr Devonte likes it and Xavi must have caught that" said Rose.

"You will find a lot of similarity between Mr Elisio Devonte and Xavier. That little boy wants to be like his grandfather" said Tara.

"May the lord save us" said the maid.

Both Rose and Tara turned to the maid and busted out laughing.

Ermanno was seated with Xavier and Emerald in the living room and both the kids were telling Ermanno about their likes.