Strawberry wanted to give diarrhoea pills mixed in fruit juice to Lola but unfortunately Tara drank it. While picking their glasses to drink Tara took the glass intended for Lola. Yes.. strawberry wanted Tara to come with her and not Lola. But what was done was done.

Now because Tara couldn't come obviously strawberry was going to England with them.

"Hope you don't mind?" Asked Rose to strawberry.

"Oh, I would love to come. So, is Elisio Devonte coming?" Asked Strawberry.

"If Elisio Devonte is coming somewhere then he will definitely have Sabrina Devonte with him." Said Lola and Strawberry narrowed her eyes at Lola.

Rose laughed and said "no strawberry. Its us four and you two and few guards"

All reached London and after leaving the kids with the nannies in their hotel room, Ermanno and Rose hed to the hospital to see Joseph.

Joseph had a minor heart attack and would recover soon.