Dr Schmidt scheduled an operation time and informed the family.

The nurse bought in a form and was shivering standing in front of Elisio.

Elisio looked at the nurse and asked "what is it?"

"Don't worry dad. I'll take care of it" said Ermanno and looked at the nurse and said "I am her son, I'll sign"

"Sign what?" Asked Elisio.

"It's a formality dad. It's just a consent form." said Ermanno.

"What does it say?" Asked Elisio to the nurse.

"It simply says the doctor will do his best and we agree that the doctor has informed about the risks of the surgery. It's basic dad. I'll sign it." Said Ermanno.

Dr Schmidt was standing at a distance. So Elisio walked to him and said "you better not screw up. You know me well"

Dr Schmidt gulped down and nodded.

Elisio was holding Sabrina's hand while the nurses prepared to shift Sabrina to the operation theatre.