Chapter 213

Violet opens her eyes and sees Selena, Liam, Rick, Ivanov and Remy walk in. 

Selena hugs Violet and starts crying.

"Mama, it hurts" says Violet and Selena let's go of her and apologises.

"I am sorry" says Selena.

"It's okay, mama. And why are you crying. I am fine" says violet.

"No you are not. Look at your beautiful face. Oh god my baby" cries Selena.

Violet tries to get up a little and hugs Selena.

"Nothing you can't fix. Hold me in your arms and I'll be fine" says violet.

"My baby" says Selena and kisses her forehead.

"Baby? Oh god. Otis" says violet and looks at Ivanov.

"Don't worry. He is fine" says Ivanov.

"I want to see him. He must be scared" says violet and tries to get up but Selena stops her.

"You are hurt. You need rest" says Selena.

"But Otis.. "starts violet.

"He is with my family. He is sleeping in the next room" says Ivanov.

"Please I want to see him" says violet.