Chapter 3


We started walking towards Yoonie hyung's studio. "Yoonie hyung? How far is your studio from here?" He looked down at me, "Not far, why?" I looked back at him as well. "I don't want to get too tired before this." I giggled. "You won't, trust me. It's not that far." I nodded, "Okay Yoonie."

Once we had reached the studio Yoongi pinned me against the door, not bothering to open it just yet. "Y-Yoonie, w-we're going to get spotted by someone..." I finally got words out. "Sorry, it was hard to resist." I felt my cheeks heat up as I struggled to twist the doorknob. "L-let me help then." He chuckled as he saw me struggle and turned it for me. "T-thank you." He smiled and gently pushed me in, closing the door behind him.

I sat down on his couch as I waited for him patiently. He soon came over and sat down in his chair, and motioned for me. "Yes Hyung?" I got up. "Come here." I nodded and started to walk over to him, but stopped when he spoke. "Strip first." I blinked a couple of times before obeying his request.

~~~* Yoongi POV *~~~

I bit down on my lip slightly hard. *"I didn't expect him to actually do it... but damn he looks good."* As he finished undressing I started to undress, leaving myself in only my boxers. "Now come and sit on my lap." He nodded and obeyed, slowly sitting down.

~~~* Jimin POV *~~~

"You're hard, aren't you Hyung?" I giggled, as I could feel his hard, clothed dick up against my skin. "I- actually yes, yes I am, and you caused it. What are you going to do to fix it?" I giggled lightly. "I think I know a way." I got off his lap and got on my knees on the floor. He just stared at me, biting down on his lip. I slowly started to slide his boxers down, stopping when they're completely down.

Once I got them down I gently took hold of his dick, licking the tip before taking it all in. I heard soft groans of pleasure escape his lips as I bobbed my head up and down faster.

I brought my head down more, making his length hit the back of my throat. (luckily I didn't have any gag reflexes.) I continued to do so as I swirled my tongue around his dick, hoping he'd soon reach his high.

~~~* Yoongi POV *~~~

I kept releasing little groaning noises due to the oral sex Jimin was giving. "Aah, Jimin-ah~" I groaned again as I felt myself reach my high and came deep into his throat without a warning.

~~~* Jimin POV *~~~

I swallowed all his cum and pulled back to show him. "Good boy." He praised. I eye smiled and got up, and went back to the couch only to be followed by him. "Now it's my turn baby boy."

~~~* Yoongi POV *~~~

I positioned Jimin how I needed him. "I don't have anything in here to prep you baby boy, is that okay?" He nodded, "Yes Daddy." I smirk slightly at his response before entering him slowly. "Tell me when you're ready for me to start moving." He nodded again, "Okay, I will." After a couple of minutes of Jimin adjusting to my length, he finally spoke. "Okay, go ahead Daddy." I nodded and started thrusting in and out of him slowly.

"A-aah, Y-Yoonie~" He moaned out.