Chapter 7

~~~* Jungkook POV *~~~

*"They're here to watch the movie, but why is Jimin laying up against Yoongi and why does Yoongi have his arm wrapped around Jimin..."* I thought. "Well, do you guys mind if we sit with you?" I bunny smiled at them. "I- I guess not..." Jimin hesitated. I bunny smiled again, "Thank you Jiminie~" He smiled back at me slightly before sitting up and removing Yoongi's arm from him.

~~~* Jimin POV *~~~

"Sorry Jiminie.." Taehyung whispered to me. I nodded slightly and re-positioned myself.

~~* Time Skip *~~

~* End Of Movie *~

Tae and Jungkook had left Yoongi and I alone after the movie ended. "You know Minnie, the day's not over. How about we go do something else." I eye smiled, "Of course!~" He smiled back at me, "What do you want to do?" He asked. "Shopping?" I asked. He nodded and we headed to the mall, only of course to be met by Jin and Namjoon. "Whyyy??" I asked annoyed, "This is supposed to be our day." I pouted.

"It still is Baby. We'll try to avoid them, okay?" I nodded, still pouting. "Good boy." He chuckled softly and we headed to the food court. "What do you want to eat first?" He asked me. "Mm, pizza.." He gummy smiled, "It's good to see that you're eating more, and not sticking to that horrible diet." I giggled softly. "It is?"

"Of course it is Baby. That diet was eating you alive, and you didn't looked your best either. It was obvious what that diet was doing to you." I looked down a little, "It- it was?.." I could see him nod slightly from the corner of my eye. I sighed and looked back up at him, nodding as well. He smiled softly at me, so I smiled back and slightly eye smiled. When the pizza came we ate then got up to leave the food court area, but of course we ended up getting caught by Jin. "Hey guys, what brings-" He looked around us, "Just you two to the mall?" We looked at each other before answering. "Shopping."

"Oh.. I thought you guys were like on a date or something." Yoongi and I looked at each other. "Hmm, guess mine and Namjoon's OTP won't be canon." He shrugged. "C-canon..?" I stuttered. "Yeah. Namjoon and I have been hoping you and Yoongi here would get together at some point. You guys are just so cute together." I smiled at Jin's words, "Really?"

He nodded and smiled back. "Yes, of course. Why would I lie about that?" I shrugged and smiled again, then looked at Yoongi. "Can we tell him?" He looked down at me, "I.. I guess we can."