Chapter 9

{Soft NSFW}

~~~* Jimin POV *~~~

It was already past midnight and everyone was asleep. *"Hmm,"* I thought to myself, *"Yoonie hyung said he'd get me later... I wonder what he's going to do..."* I thought to myself for a few more minutes, until I got snapped out of them by Taehyung. "Oh hey Tae.. what are you doing in here?" It took him a couple seconds to answer, "Yoongi hyung wants you.. he's with Namjoon at his studio."

"Wait.. so you mean to tell me that I have to go to Namjoonie hyung's studio... AFTER MIDNIGHT?!" He nodded, "Yes." I sighed. "Tell him I'm on my way..." With that Taehyung left the room and I plopped down on my bed. *"What am I going to wear? I know what Yoonie hyung will want we to show up in, but I can't if Namjoonie hyung's there..."* I sighed and got up, and walked to my closet, *"Guess I'll wear it underneath."*

After I got dressed I headed out to Namjoon's studio.

~~* Time Skip *~~

~* At Namjoon's Studio *~

I knocked on the studio door, "Yoonie hyung.. Namjoonie hyung...? Anyone here?" Before I could knock again, Yoongi opened the door, pulled me in, and pinned me against the wall, then whispered, "Hey Baby, I missed you after you left." I felt my cheeks heat up. "Also Namjoon fell asleep, so we have the studio to ourselves pretty much. Sadly we have to go to the studio bathroom though." He said as he picked me up, wrapping my legs around his torso.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he carried me to the bathroom, "Hold on Daddy." I shut the bathroom door behind us, "Okway, go ahead~" I giggled softly.

~~~* Yoongi POV *~~~

I went over to the sink and sat Jimin down on it. "Cute." I said as he swayed his feet back and forth. He smiled as I pulled his pants down, revealing the thong he was wearing. "Mm, kinky Baby." He giggled, "Only fwor chu Daddy." I smirked. "Good."

~~~* No one POV *~~~

Only a couple minutes have passed and Jimin was already stripped down to his thong.

~~~* Yoongi POV *~~~

"Damn Baby, you look good like this." He blushed a velvet red. I chuckled and took hold of his dick, causing him to whimper softly. "D-Daddy, p-please don't t-tease me." I smirked at his whining, "Beg for it." He whined, "Daddy, please! Please treat me like the slut I am for you~!" I tightened my grip a little bit, making him whimper more.

"D-Daddy, p-please~!" I chuckled, "Okay, fine baby boy." He smiled as I loosened my grip a little.