Fuyuki, Japan,
In the city which that was burning from a freak accident, we can see a young boy with black hair and blue eyes walking through the fire, holding the hand of another boy with auburn hair and golden eyes who looked to be a year younger than the boy with black hair,
'Why, why did this have to happen on the day when.....what was supposed to happen today again?'
the boy thought, not noticing that he was slowly losing his memory,
'What was I even doing before the fire started? I think I was going for a party with....with who?'
'My parents? My brother? I don't think so after all they were...where were they?'
'Who are my parents again? what was their name?.....what is my name?'
the boy continued to think about his life but came up blank, but he did not panic, or rather he could not, he did not have the energy to panic, the flames had already sapped him of what little strength he had, he slowly fell to the ground in exhaustion, he watched as the boy he was dragging with him fall to the ground as well, as he watched the boy fall, a single name came to his memory before even that was consumed by the flames,
"Shirou" he muttered before he watched the boy fall unconscious, as he himself was on the verge of falling unconscious, he heard a faint distant scream, the shout of a man, a woman shouting and then he fell unconscious,
Unknown place,
The boy knew that he was unconscious, that he was dreaming, for if this were not a dream then he did not know what was,
He was watching as a man donning a suspicious-looking cloak and holding a large cane shot out blue bolts of power against an army of creatures that were distinctly humanoid but had large tusks and were extremely ripped, they also came in different colors, some had normal pale skin, some had forest green skin while some were deep red, a single name came to his mind as he thought of their race,
The Orcs,
he watched as the man rained fire on the orcs and decimated them, he watched as the man produced many feats that can only be called magic, he watched the entire life of the man as if it were a movie, a single name came to his mind as he watched the man,
Medivh, The Last Guardian,
Just as the boy was starting to digest the memories he suddenly felt a pull from a different direction, once more he was forced to experience the memories of another person, this one being someone from the modern earth,
He watched a boy with a strange power fought against humans who had given up on humanity and the world, he watched the boy struggle to understand the creature called a key, the personification of the earth,
he watched as the boy continued to increase his power to inhuman levels until he could understand the avatar of the earth, a single name came to his mind as he watched the memories of the boy,
Kotarou Tennouji, the wielder of Rewrite,
Once more, the boy felt a pull, but this time, he felt as of he was waking up from a dream, he did not know what was going to happen from now on for he did not even know who he was,
Fuyuki, Japan,
The boy woke up to an unfamiliar ceiling, a ceiling he recognized to be that of a hospital, he slowly looked around until his gaze landed on the boy with auburn hair lying on the bed next to him,
His brother, at least the boy thinks he is,
It was then he started to sense it, a clash, a conflict in his body,
He sensed the personalities of the two being whose lives he had watched clash for supremacy, to gain control of his body, this terrified him, but also annoyed him,
The boy did not like his body being controlled by something else than him, so he used his own will to simply destroy the personalities of the two people, but this had an adverse effect of losing a lot of the memories from both the personalities,
The boy had yet to know that what he had accomplished was something that not even a wielder of the third true magic could achieve easily, he was able to destroy the lingering personalities of two beings that had ascended long past what could be considered human,
"Good, you are awake" a voice came from across the room which made the boy tense, ready for combat, much to the surprise and confusion of the boy, why did his body react like that?
Kiritsugu Emiya was having a very bad day,
He had managed to stop the holy grail war from occurring with the help of his wife Irisveil Von Einsbern but somehow, the idiot Zouken Matou or as he was once known, Zolgen Makiri had restarted the war by summoning the seven servants himself and using the poor girl Sakura Tohsaka, now Matou, as an artificial grail vessel, he then used a loophole in the grail that only he knew to order the seven servants to their death and channel their power through the girl's body, nearly killing her, but thankfully, Kiritsugu and his wife had arrived just in time along with his associate/lover to end the worm and save the girl's life, but not before the foolish Matou made a wish on the grail which resulted in the corruption of the grail being released,
The resulting fire had ended many lives in the city for which Kiritsugu blamed himself much to the chagrin of his wife and lover,
It was during this fire that he had found two boys struggling to get out of the fire, siblings by the look of it, he and his wife had managed to save the younger child with auburn hair thanks to Avalon, but the older boy was beyond saving, he already had most of his soul eroded by the taint of Angra Manyu,
It was then that a miracle happened,
While Kiritsugu and Irirsveil had taken the boys to the hospital to be treated, they were surprised to find that the eldest of the two children had his magic circuits open, all 60 of them, Kiritsugu had almost dropped the child in surprise when he checked his circuits, but his wife had managed to take away his worries that someone from an ancient magus family would come to take away the child who clearly belonged to a great family, she had stated that if the boy had indeed been the heir to a magus family then they were most likely dead for they could sense no magic crest on the boy,
with relief Kiritsugu had managed to get both the kids to the hospital even though he knew that the eldest child was beyond saving until another miracle occurred, the doctors found that the boy was perfectly fine aside from a few burns here and there,
After the doctor had left, Kiritsugu had used his technique to search for the damage that was caused to the child's soul, it was here that he received the greatest shock of the day,
The soul was perfectly fine, in fact, it was much stronger than even that of a first-class magus from an ancient magus family, although he could see that the soul had somehow lost most of its memories just like the younger boy, it still thrummed with power,
He waited for the boys to wake up as his wife and lover went home to get Illya and to get some rest,
Soon, the eldest of the children had awoken, but immediately, Kiritsugu sensed a strange struggle in the child's magic circuits, as if they were in flux, then much to his surprise, he sensed the '70' magic circuits stabilize and emit a very potent prana signature, he still did not understand how the number of magic circuits he had jumped by 10, this was an incident which would undoubtedly earn a sealing designate if it was known to the clocktower,
composing himself, Kiritsugu said,
"Good, you are awake"
Immediately, the boy's body went tense as Kiritsugu could see his body preparing itself for any kind of attack, but the boy himself seems to be surprised with his body's reaction,
this reaction immediately confirmed whatever lingering suspicions Kiritsugu had about the boy being from a prominent family, only those ancient families would train children this young for combat,
Kiritsugu sighed, he had his work cut out for him if he wishes to bring the two children into his family, besides, Irisveil had pretty much ordered him to convince the two boys into becoming their children so that Illya would have two brothers to care for and she would have two sons to spoil,
"What is your name kid?"
".......don't know"
although Kiritsugu already knew this, he was still surprised with the boy's answer, guess the kid's name was one of the things that were lost with most of his memories,
"Then what do you want to be called?" Kiritsugu asked,
The child had a thinking face as he slowly replied,
"Very well Ren, I am Kiritsugu Emiya" Kiritsugu introduced himself,
this was going to be a long day.