Chapter 9

I couldn't take out the lump in my heart since then.

It's really making me sad, it's making me frustrated because everytime i assume that our relationship is getting better he will later do an act that contradicts it.

But what's more frustrating is the fact that even if i want to savour this dark sullen feeling, i couldn't with the mountain of cases that is piled up! I need to read everything!

Quiz with Atty. passed by. To my surprise it went well. Sadly, because of my panic with that quiz i nearly forgot we have another class for this day.

"Did you finished?" penetraning to the cases.

"Barely, did you?" i asked.

He nodded. Ugh, what do i expect? Claude is one of those outstanding law student in our class.

I really regret saying i graduated as magna cum, the struggle of being part of the 'laude' class is real. The pressure is killing me because if only you can see how brilliant these people are, you might choke up.

I always see them reading, like they never get tired. I never felt this so average in college but law school happened.

He was about to speak when the door swung open serving us our Prof with index card in his left hand and a brief case on the other.

He finished checking the attendance and my stomach turn upside down when he started shuffling the index card.

I was fidgeting. What the hell!? I'll be like this for four years? fuck.

When he stopped, i nearly throw up. Oh God, please, please not me. I'm not ready!!!

With those cases he gave,sure i finished reading them but i really  can't remember everything!

"Moreau" I sigh. "Recite  people v ovanis"

Oh, the other most annoying man in class. That guy is the most chillest person ever. He recited with ease and very detailed. I could see my girls classmates heart shaped eyes glowing while watching him.

To my knowledge he's really outstanding but i never got the chance to talk to him. First because i don't like people who outshine me. Second he's at the other side of the class room. Third he's a snob. He attends class minute before our prof arrive and immediately leave when dismissed.

I also heard he don't talk to anyone. With attitude but smart.

"Gonza" it's Claude turn.

"What is proximate cause?"

"Proximate cause is a natural and continuous sequence which produce injury without  which the injury would have not occured" and so on.

I always give a sigh whenever i'm not the one who get called out. I look at my clock. Ten minutes, c'mon just ten minutes..Please, please spare me for this day.

"Mroz" shit.

"Requisites of conspiracy"

My knees buckle as i stood up and i kept closing, opening my hands trying not to lose breath.

Fuck, i read this. I didn't memorize its clearly but i fuckn read this. C'mon, Nayaline! remember it, what the fck.

I look at my side, i saw Claude mouthing something but i couldn't concentrate. Thankfully, Atty wasn't looking at me.

'Conspiracy of crime' he mouthed. When i look ahead Atty. was eyeing me with knitted brows. Did he see?!

"Conspiracy as a crime by itself.... with express...acted agreement. For instance conspiracy of crime to commit...rebellion, treason, insurrection, sedition"

I was about to sat again but he gave a follow up question. Seriously?! he was never like this!

"Y died and her sister X saw the crime committed by their brother Z. Z told X to help him keep the crime secret. X didn't refuse, what crime will X face"

Gulp. "X didn't perpetuate Y so X didn't kill Y" i only said. Shit. He's not satisfied, what did is just do?!

"Mr. Moreau, do you agree?" Atty. called

"No sir" the later then explained.

I just sat at my seat. I fucked up once again.

"Hey, you did well" said Claude the moment we got out of the classrom.

"Not enough" i answered.

"That's fine"

"Not for me!" i spat "I never had a bad recits before law school!"

We were walking when i saw Creed walking out of the classroom. I kept staring at his figure, not paying attention to what Claude is saying. I don't know how long i've been standing and looking at him when he caught my eyes.

I tried to smile and i wave my hand at him when he turn his back on me, not paying attention.

The mood turn more sullen.

"That one is a jerk" Claude muttered.

"A bad recit like me?" i shrugged. I forced a smile. Maybe we can be friends, afterall i badly needed some.

"Anyway, thanks for saving my ass back there"

"You owe me that" he grinned.

"Next time i'll treat you dinner"

His smile became wider. "Sure"

I'm in the parking lot, waiting for my service when someone cleared his throat.

"I'm not in the mood to be ignore right now" I said.

"Everyone gets a bad recit, Nayaline"

Like Claude he said the same.

I snickered. I can feel him studying my face. While im totally ignoring his presence.

"There's always a first time, learn from it"

"Have you had a bad recit then?"

He cough. "No"


"Are you on your monthly period right now?"

My eyes turn slit. "Really?! Creed, Really?!" He got the guts to say that to me?!

I snobbingly rolled my eyes on him.

" A Month barely passed, This is not your ordinary play game Nayaline. This is law school, you can't take everything by heart. Everyone gets a bad day but there's always tomorrow for you"

I don't know but suddenly my tears fell. I look at him, he look shock with what he saw. He panicked as he didn't expect to see me cry.

I really don't know why im crying, maybe for his continuous rejection? for ignoring me? for my bad recit? for having a hard time digesting? For being lonely?

All my frustration piled up that with only a bit of his words he made me cry.

He sighed, brush away my tears.

"Such a baby" he mutter, i only pouted.

"Rest when you get home"

I shake my head. "I can't, i need to study"

He disagreed. "You won't learn anything when you're frustrated. Rest and wake up early so you can read" 

It was then when my service arrived.

"Go, remember to sleep Nayaline"

I pursed my lips then smiled a little.

"Goodnight Creed" i said after taking a last glance at his beautiful face.

He just patted my head.

Damn you Creed Alexander Morgan, you're making me fall deeper.